Gay Erotic Stories

Raymond And Dante Pump It (R&D, Part 2)

by Tony P

After my encounter with the two hunky football jocks in class, who had immediately tuned in to my lust for them and, incredibly, actually made me come in my pants, I found it pretty hard to concentrate on the next class. Rather, I mostly daydreamed about what had happened and waited for classes to change again, hoping I'd see big stud Raymond and his surly teammate Dante, the all-star linebacker with the massively big, broad shoulders bunched under the clingy tight white T-shirt, in the hall. Raymond had said that they were going to "lift" the next period, something they obviously did a lot of, but I wasn't sure what that meant. Was weightlifting a class? New to the school, I didn't know where the weight room was-though I sure wanted to learn. It seemed, based on the evidence I had so far, to be one of the centers of young male life at Lakewood.

Near the end of that next class, a super boring one about business math, a messenger came to the door and called out my name. I was summoned to the counseling office to see "Coach Perry." Finding my way through the milling crowds, I walked through the school lobto sneak a peek again at the team photo of the studly Lakewood Tigers. In the back row I found Raymond and Dante, both true to the form I'd come to know so fast-Raymond with a killer stud grin, cocky as hell, and Dante with the impassive, mean-looking "I'm a stud" face of natural jock superiority. I looked at the coaches in the front row and saw the best-looking one, a young, handsome guy with slicked-back blond hair and a strong chest testing the tight T. Sure enough, the list of names revealed him to be Doug Perry, who had summoned me to this counseling office.

I felt weak and breathless. Other fine looking specimens of virility, brimming with testosterone, looked at me through the photograph. I was in love and intensely desirous to meet these muscular athletes. Suddenly I snapped back to reality as a group of loud, rowdy boys entered the lobby; I scurried out, a little intimidated, and headed to the counseling office. Upon entering it, I handed the note to the secretary, who motioned me toward a back office. Approaching it, I heard several deep, male voices in animated conversation, and recognized at once the sounds of the two young football playing muscle gods I had just met. Deep-throated laughter could be heard, cocky laughter. Fearful yet inevitably drawn in, I timidly knocked on the door, on which was taped a smaller version of the same team photo, full of good looking, clean cut guys, in the school lobby.

The door opened, and there stood handsome Coach Doug Perry; seated in the back of the office were Raymond and Dante, looking good, now wearing tight white tank tops that showed off powerful muscle and arm development, and which were cut off below their pecs, showing muscled, tanned midriffs with a white strip of "Boss" sport lycra underwear showing on top of black shorts.

Coach Perry wore a form fit, muscle-flattering knit shirt; it said "Tiger Football" while accentuating his hard, manly build; he appeared to be quite young, mid-twenties, and full of muscle. Before he could say anything, Raymond called out, "How's it hangin', Del buddy?," and flashed a handsome, aggressive, shit-kicking grin. "Is it leakin'?" Dante, looking huge and a little angry, said nothing, but seemingly flexed his strong young arms, as it to check our his muscle himself, but also, obviously, to draw my attention to his manly young strength.

"You're Delbert, right?" asked Coach, and I nodded, feeling whimped out in the presence of all the macho males, two of whom knew for sure that I was attracted to and intimidated by them, and who for all I knew had told their football coach all about me. "Listen, buddy, somebody in the office figured out that you need another physical education course to graduate, so we're gonna take you out of your next period study hall and put you in gym class-we picked the advanced PE course for you, with the guys your age, like Raymond and Dante here. We figured that would be better for you than to be with the little kids-we're putting you with the big boys." Coach seemed to smile a little at this, while Raymond's smile was huge now, as huge as his tanned arm muscles which, in imitation of his muscle buddy Dante, he was now flexing a little, to show off, to get to me. "The guys said that met you in class and they'll take care of you."

"Damn right, buddy," said Dante, his smile suddenly vanishing as he cast a stern look right at me. We made eye contact, and I felt overwhelmed by his macho, stud top power. "We'll take him down to the locker room and get him goin'." At this, the two big boys stood up and prepared to escort me out of Coach's office. They were so big and huge and powerful and male and aware of being studs and getting off on being studs. I shook a little with fear of what they might do to me, yet also with unsurpassed lust and excitement at the contemplation of what lay ahead.

"You guys playin' ball at noon, right?" asked Coach, quickly interrupting my dreamy thoughts.

"Hell, yeah, man, see you then," said Raymond, and he slapped his big palm into his coach's strong hands in a male-bonding gesture of athleticism. Coach leaned over and gave a caress to Dante's massive shoulder blades. "Pump it good," said Coach as we walked out the door, and gave me a wink and a faint smile. And so I found myself again in the presence of the two super jocks, in their custody, and I was incredibly turned on by that fact. I was under the control of these hunks, who knew what I wanted and who, it seemed, were on the same wavelength, just the top to my subservient self. The guys flanked me as we walked out, saying nothing as we walked down the hall, leading the way, I in their strong, manly power. I actually felt somewhat safe under their powerful protection. I summoned up the courage to say, "uh, I don't really have any gym clothes with me."

"That's OK, buddy boy, we're gonna fuckin' take CARE of you," said Raymond, putting his strong arm around my waist and squeezing me just a little. "We're gonna give you what you need in the locker room, fuckin' A, you bet!"

"Fuckin' A right," said Dante in a deep voice.

"Well give you some clothes to work out in. You got nothin' to fear." Raymond looked at me, and as I looked back, I saw a look of what seemed like actual affection in his eyes, as he repeated, almost looking kind, "You're gonna fuckin' love being' with us...and our buds, too! Hey Dante, there are the twins!"

"Pokin' around a little with their girls, I see," replied Raymond's big teammate. "Damn! Anthony's practically plowin' her right in the fuckin' hall! And Michael's tongue's invadin' her mouth like his dick would invade her pussy!" At this, Dante gave my ass a little squeeze, really the first time he'd seemingly even taken notice of me. It felt exciting.

As I looked down the hall, I saw the backsides of two strong guys, obviously athletes, each of whom held a much smaller girl against the wall, leaning over them in an overpowering, sort of protective but clearly dominant way. Getting closer, I saw that the boy closer to me was deeply, aggressively kissing his attractive girlfriend, while his right hand was actively caressing her waist. The other twin-and they were dressed alike, in tight jeans, especially tight on their huge, football player asses and strong upper legs, and skintight navy blue T-shirts that strained to cover their overdeveloped back muscles while drawing attention to their narrow waists-was dry-fucking his girl, in a very public way, pumping her regularly, grinding his strong ass as he pumped into her, keeping real close contact with her face, talking to her in a dominant sort of way. Each of the boys was about six feet and had buzz cuts on their heads. Obviously they were teammates of Raymond and Dante. Their behavior toward the girls indicated that they were sexed-up young jock males who looked good, knew it, and took advantage of their good looks and hard, alluring bodies in an aggressive way to get off as much as their testosterone-brimming nuts felt the need, which was a hell of a lot. I felt a new surge of excitement in my own pants as we approached them, and I got an even better look at their clean cut, muscled bodies which they were deliberately showing off with their tight clothes.

"Hey guys, how's it hangin'-hard?" greeted Raymond to his football pals.

The hunks virtually dropped their girls on the floor as they turned to their pals. I now saw that their upper bodies were also pumped-up and strong-looking. "That's your new friend the faggot, right?" said one, flashing a dazzling smile at me as he made the humiliating statement.

His twin held out a strong young arm, took my hand, pressed the flesh hard, and said, with a grin, "Pleased to meet ya, faggot. Welcome to Lakewood Tiger Football-man-style! The biggest and the studliest!"

I was speechless, now that four stud jocks had me, knew about me, and were letting me know they knew. What could I say? Besides, I was really excited now, and becoming, in my own way, more comfortable with my lustful desires that I had, until today, kept to myself. Was it that obvious, how I felt about studs like these young football boys? Apparently so, at least to them, with their radar-like sensitivity to getting admired. And while I couldn't help but be a little scared, they, too, seemed to get off on the scene that was developing.

"Now, come on, guys, " intoned Raymond, "show the faggot a little respect. Ya haven't even been properly introduced. Delbert baby, these are the Gray brothers, Michael and Anthony respectively, tight ends for the Tigers, and they have the builds and hard asses that show it!"

They indeed looked the same, and together looked really sexy. We had walked down the halls as their girls were left behind for the apparently more intriguing of meeting their buddies' new "friend," me. Like Raymond and Dante, they reeked of male "attitude."

"Have you fucked her yet?" asked Dante of the twin who'd been doing the bump and grind with the girl as he had talked to her close-up, face to face.

"Nah, we only met the other day, ya know, but I can tell she wants to have me pump her real good. I'm playin' a little hard to get. I was just tellin' her how hard she makes me get whenever we're together, and makin' sure she could feel my hardon. I'm gonna do her at the party after Saturday night's game I think; 'course I really need to get my rocks off before."

"That's where this faggot comes in, buddy boy," said Dante without a crack of a smile on his darkly tanned model face.

"So where are we goin', anyway?" asked the other twin.

"To Coach Perry's office in the locker room. We're gonna officially welcome Delbert here as the cocksuckin' slave mascot of the Lakewood Stud Tiger Posse. Ya like that, don'tcha Del? Dont'cha?"

At that Raymond stared at me with that overpowering eye contact. He really was great looking, whether he looked tough and mean or was smiling seductively. I couldn't break that contact, but was too scared/lustful to speak.

Raymond said, "Nod your little jock-servin' head, little boy. Say yes, now."

I nodded, and Raymond gave me his killer smile as a reward, which more than made it worth it.

"Alright-it's 'consensual.' Here we are,'s score time!" announced Raymond.

We entered the locker room door and walked into that all-male sanctum with its distinctive manly smell, one I had always found as intoxicating as the presence of a jeepful of tanned, built, shirtless young men at the beach. The locker room was quiet, as we were a little late for that period, and we walked down a corridor into an office with Coach Perry's name on the door, and that same team photo.

Once inside, I noticed some sexy photos on the shelves of young, Clean cut, hard bodied and shirtless males in various settings. Coach not only bred muscle strength in his role in the athletic department, he documented it for his own collection of memorabilia from the Tiger football strength program. Here I was, in the presence of four strong, pumped-up jocks, ready to "initiate" me. With complete surrender and hope for a long future with these horny guys, and perhaps their muscular teammates I had yet to meet but wanted to, I found my voice to express my deepest desires, all of which were, I suddenly had a feeling, about to fulfilled.

"You guys are so stud!" I said, a little haltingly, a little embarrassed to get it out, still not completely sure how they might react. I felt a flush of red in my cheeks, to have said such a dumb-sounding thing in the presence of such male beauty. Would they contemptuously beat the fuckin' shit out of me? To my relief, Raymond the stud ringleader took over.

"Damn straight little guy, you have good taste." He was smiling, as were the twins; Dante out of habit kept his mostly mean face." You have an eye for real men."

"That's what all the girls say when we nut 'em," chimed in a twin, all-smiles. "That girl I banged last weekend-what was her name, Tony?..."

"...Who the fuck knows," replied his brother, to a general laugh that even Dante joined in...

"...that's what she kept sayin' after I had drilled her hard and we were layin' there-'you are soo-oo stud,' and she kept feelin' up my big bis."

"How 'bout a feel of my biceps, faggot boy?" asked Michael. "You wanna cop a feel of real male muscle, right?" He flexed his mighty young arm, and without any further invitation I put my small hand around it. It was truly huge and excitingly manly. He radiated pride in his macho arms. "Yeah, buddy, give it a feel. That's a man's bicep, fuckin' A." Smiles lit up the room at this scene, as all the guys had big strong arms that frequently drew admiring attention from girls...and others.

"Hey Del man, before you get too enraptured with out tight end's big arms, don't you think we should all get a little more comfortable?" asked Raymond. "C'mon, be a pal, help us all get our shirts off."

"Yeah, man," said Anthony with a smile. "It's great to go shirtless."

"When you're buffed and big and built," added Raymond.

"Now be careful, fag. We like our Ts nice and tight, so you'll have to work at strippin' us down with tender lovin' care. Don't rip my Calvin T."

I needed no further instructions. The twins put their massive backs to me, and I couldn't help giving their muscular shoulders a little caress, to which they responded with a little flex, before putting their skintight navy Ts out of their jeans. They put their arms up to help me get the Ts over their heads, and then turned to face me, their strong, manly chests naked and solidly built with a good tan. Peeking out of their jeans in front were grey Calvin Klein stretch underwear labels. In fact they now looked like the classic old tough-guy studs in the earlier CK ads, which I had ogled over, dreamed over.

"Now me and Dante, man," said Raymond. This time they faced me as I helped them out. Dante, predictably, did virtually nothing to help me, staring at me sneeringly, coldly. His chest turned out to be as magnificent as his back, with huge, huge pecs for someone still in high school. Obviously his lifting was very, very serious. In a group of muscle boys, he had the greatest pride in his build and the manliest body of all. Raymond smiled throughout and helpfully raised his arms to assist my revealing his great, darkly tanned chest. I had fleeting pictures of the two of them at South Beach, gettin' big this past summer.

Now I was in the presence of four shirtless football jocks, and felt overpowered with lust. Their cologne smelled great and made me want to get even closer, and of course it looked like I would-but how, exactly?

"Your turn bud...but it don't look like your physique is too well developed, is it?" said Raymond, in control. "So to make yourself more comfortable, strip down to your shorts. Let's see what you're packin' it in." Obediently, I took off my shoes and trousers to reveal my "brand X" department stores briefs, which were tented up noticeably. This provided an opening for the studs.

"Hey, look, buds, he's happy to see us."

"What the fuck, look at the time," said Michael. "Let's do him and get on with our workouts before noon b-ball." With that, he took off his shoes and jeans and stood there before me in his stretch grey Calvin jamshort-style underwear, which not only clung to his big-sized male organs but stretched tight against his strong young quads. His teammates did the same, and now I found myself with four gods in their designer briefs. Dante, of all the four, was surprisingly the most visibly sexually excited, his Boss shorts bulging, with even a drip of precum visible.

"So, fag, what would you like?" asked Raymond with mock-kindness. "The welcoming committee aims to please. Will it be in the throat.."-at this he grabbed my neck and held it with power, not so much as to make me fear, but to show his muscular strength-"...or in your fuckin' faggot face?" At that, to my completely surprise and astonishment, he spat, as hard as he could, into my face. It was amazing how much of his spit had come out on me. I was too stunned to say or do anything. His pals, though, loved it, and let me know as the comments and laughter began.

"All fuckin' right-spit on the little queer!" said Dante, showing uncharacteristic enthusiasm. He moved to my face and copied his buddy's action. A copious load, helped out by his contempt, sprayed over my now-drenched face. Saliva now covered my face. The twins took hold of my hands so as to prevent my cleaning it off, and the spit sat there, slowly beginning to dry. The boys all laughed, almost sounding good-natured about it. My dick was hard, which was noticed by King Stud Raymond, who squeezed it, but not too hard so as not to make me blast.

"Del here likes gettin' his face wet, I can tell-look how hard his tiny little dick is," said Raymond. "But I think he deserves a taste in his mouth, too, don't you think? Some slurps, then some big, big spurts!"

"Whatever you say, you pervert!" said Michael, with a friendly slap on Raymond's muscled back. "But I wanna blast now-then go lift."

"Ready to get fed for real, Del?" asked Raymond. This time I nodded, aware with shame/lust that I had been humiliated with the spitting of the studs on my worthless mascot face. What now? "Get ready to use those lips for the purpose they were made for. Ever sucked cock?" I shook my head a little, inwardly excited by the very words, words that I had dreamed of, even though I didn't really have much idea what that might be like. "I thought you were a rookie. We really are fulfilling your dreams, aren't we? Aren't we?" he repeated, as I was too overwhelmed to respond. Again I nodded, and he rewarded me for this with a handsome smile and a pat on the head, as if I were his pet...which I sort of was, and was happy to be, given how gorgeous he was.

"OK, Michael buddy, poke it in his mouth." And so I got my first taste of cock from this handsome young twin tight end. He was circumcised and very hard and thick. I got the help of a little coaching from his twin brother Anthony, who held my head with power.

"That's it, faggot, take it in...use your tongue to give him some extra pleasure."

"Oh, yeah, that's right," said Michael as I attempted to follow Anthony's coaching suggestions. My tongue felt the spongy material of his cut head, and it was enrapturing to say the least I felt totally under control and dominated, and loved it. Raymond, ever aware, had his hands gently mangling my own hard, now dripping nuts. Michael poked deep into my mouth, but not too deep. It turned out that he knew-he seemed, as did they all, quite sexually experienced--that he was a quick to come sort, and he didn't want me to miss out on the taste. With a final "yeah," he shot into my mouth, followed by moans of pleasure. This event, obvious to his buddies, set off their further "coaching."

"All right, he flooded his fag mouth," said Raymond. "Hold him tight, Anthony, help him keep it all in. Now enjoy the taste, Del, before you swallow it all down. Oh yeah, he's doin' it." Indeed, I was able, with their strong hands keeping my head straight, not to lose any, and to, after savoring the taste for a few seconds in my mouth, swallow the jock's load of stud semen. Quite naturally, I let out a deep sigh of contentment, which Dante picked up on.

"Ah, listen to the queer, he thinks he's fulfilled, he fuckin' loved it. I knew he sucked jock cock the first time I laid eyes on his fairy face."

"Ya liked that, Del?" said Raymond with a stud grin. I nodded, speechless, still enjoying the taste. "Ya did good...ya did cocksuckin', fuckin' good, for a newcomer. Now look at me"-I did-"and tell me, buddy...hungry for more?" Without hesitation I nodded, which lit up his tanned face with his great looking full smile. "Good, 'cause three of us haven't shot yet." With that, he spit again in my face, but with a big smile on his face as he did it, as if he did it, really, to make me as much as himself happy. It did.

"Damn right," chimed in Anthony.

"He gives pretty good head for a first-timer," said Michael, reaching over and affectionately rubbing my head with his strong, powerful, huge right hand. "This is gonna be fuckin' great! You're a born Hoover, man!"

"Now let's finish the job on his fag face," said Raymond. "We wet it up with out comes the real man stuff!" With that, the three unspent jocks pulled out their dicks, which hung out of their sexy designer briefs, which still contained the rest of their bulging nuts. They started poking at my soft, pale cheeks with their dicks, which got harder. My own dick stood out of my briefs now at full mast. They probed my face, their hardons pumping against my skin, all three of them, crowded on its surface, as they uttered deep sounds of animal pleasure. They patted my head and strongly felt up my neck, showing power.

Suddenly, Raymond their leader said, "Here I go, up, fag," and pulled his dick back just a bit. I eagerly opened wide, hoping for a second taste of something I already had a greater desire for than anything in the world. As Raymond shot, he "accidentally" missed for the most part my anticipating mouth, instead spurting powerful gobs of come all over my nose and cheeks. This set off his two buddies, who just as deliberately aimed for my cheek, forehead, and eyes. I was literally blinded by the blasts in my eyes, shot by the top jocks who were getting off on my humiliation. The cumfest set them off, loudly.

"All fuckin' right! Look at him!" said Raymond, laughing, joined at once by the twins, with even Dante, I could just see, cracking a smile over the mess on my wet face. At this, I shot myself, which Raymond immediately took note of. "Look, he fuckin', fuckin' loved it! He got off himself with no hands! We have found ourselves a guy who wants to serve us sexually in the worst faggot way!"

My face remained covered and dripping wet. As some of the come slithered down, the twins again kept hold of my hands, denying me the natural movement of cleanup. Now Raymond egged on his stud buddy Dante: "Wanna help him out, Dante man?"

Dante surprised me by taking over the scene. "You are a fuckin' mess, ya know that? Ya know that, fag? Fuckin' answer me!" I nodded, a little afraid as I looked at his angry, male face. But he was really good looking, even beneath the top jock anger, so I couldn't take my eyes off him. He seemed to understand this. "Well, we gotta go soon, and I fuckin' guess ya gotta at least not be fuckin' drippin' when you leave here? So I fuckin' guess I'll have to dirty my fingers to clean you the fuck up." With this, Dante began rubbing the come into my face. Where it had dripped, he managed to get pieces of it covering his fingers, almost ropes, which he then offered to me. "Here's your faggot dessert, you dumb queer," he said, feeding me. I eagerly lapped it up off his fingers. "Yeah, you fuckin' love it, you silly faggot." After a few "dishes" of this, I longingly kept his finger in my mouth, subserviently licking it as I stared at his handsome tanned face. He looked back with contempt, with Raymond offering the commentary, "Look, he fuckin' wants to suck Dante's middle finger! Don't waste your lips, Del babe...plenty more cock for you to get to know in our team posse!"

The anticipation of that flashed through my head, and my eyes moved toward a photo on Coach's shelf of a group of muscled, shirtless guys, leering for the camera, on the patio of what looked like a shore or summer house. I only recognized the twins in it, noting that they were considerably stronger now than in the photo. The other guys were strangers, strangers I hoped to meet. So far I had encountered four young football hunks, plus their best looking coach, with incredible, dreamy results. What else lay in store?

Raymond interrupted my usual dreamlike state as if he had read my mind. "We'll have to get him over to Coach's beach house on Saturday afternoon. That'll be Round Two, Del buddy. We'll introduce you to some more of our buddies and teach you a few new tricks! You've only just begun your career of servin' hunks!"

With that, deep male laughter resounded in the Coach's office, and I looked around at the grinning, shirtless muscle jocks...even Dante smiled.

I thought I was in heaven.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Tony P

Raymond And Dante Get Bronzed (R&D, Part 3)

Having tasted mightily of the delicious, thick, creamy white cum of the four pumped-up, lusty Lakewood Tiger varsity football studs, and shot my biggest load ever myself, I felt weak, spent, drained in the moments after superhunks: Raymond, Dante, and the tanned jock brothers Anthony and Michael had had their mighty manly way with me in Coach Perry's cramped locker room office. Yet it

Raymond And Dante Get Bronzed And Buff (R&D, Part 4)

At one o’clock at the side door I waited, but the guys were about ten minutes late. When they showed up they were wearing tight, muscle hugging tank tops that drew attention to their enormous upper bodies. They were in an animated conversation about their game of hoops, and virtually ignored me even as they approached me. I just tagged along behind like a good mascot, letting

Raymond And Dante Got Big

"Raymond and Dante Got BIG!" I was somewhat nervous in my new school, it being at least 10 times bigger than where I'd come from in the upper-midwest; with what seemed to me a huge enrollment, several thousand, I'd heard. Also, I was small for my age, 18, sort of a shrimp, really, not too confident, especially physically. We'd moved to the suburban LA coastal city in

Raymond And Dante Pump It (R&D, Part 2)

After my encounter with the two hunky football jocks in class, who had immediately tuned in to my lust for them and, incredibly, actually made me come in my pants, I found it pretty hard to concentrate on the next class. Rather, I mostly daydreamed about what had happened and waited for classes to change again, hoping I'd see big stud Raymond and his surly teammate Dante, the

Raymond and Dante, Part 5: Very Male Musclebuddies

The virile male specimens who stood before me had to be Tim and Gene, the boys Dante had spoken to on the phone while he and his buddy were cruising shirtless with me in the back in his jeep. He had told them about me and my desires, and had even complimented me to them: that I was a good little cocksucker. I knew that they were varsity football players at USC, that they had


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