Gay Erotic Stories

Rest Area Flasher

by J. D.

This is from my latest books, it may be read, examined and studied to help earn your diploma in lower education, BUT do not reproduce it in published form because it is copyrighted by the author --- ME. ONE-HANDED READER # 19 ADVENTURES AT THE ROADSIDE PARK Chapter 23: THEY SURE DON'T REST AT REST AREAS, DO THEY? THE FOLLOWING DAY I WAS ALONE when I went to spy at the roadside park, but no one was there except a Jeep that was parked near the water pump. When I entered the outhouse I waited to see if he would follow me in, but after a wait he didn't, so I came out and walked along the path near the jeep. Inside sat a tall, skinny guy that probably was around thirty or so, and he was wearing nothing but tennis shoes and gym shorts with no shirt, but a baseball hat and dark aviator's sun-glasses. He sat in a strange manner behind the wheel leaning back with both feet propped up on the dash straddling the wheel. He watched me a moment, then waved me over. I stood near the doorless Jeep to see what he wanted, and when I came close he spread back in his seat revealing that he had a hard-on that was sticking out of the leg-hole on his gym shorts along with his balls. He didn't say a word, but just looked at me as if to see what my reaction might be. I just stared at him in wonder greatly excited by the stranger who seemed to be turned-on my stares as another stranger he was exposing himself to. "What do you think of this one? See anything you like, pal?" he asked me in a soft manner of speech. I continued to look, but made no move to react. He dropped his feet, then turned sideways in the seat facing me across the passenger's door, and this time he spread his long legs with his knees wide apart and began to slowly masturbate, while he cupped his balls in the other hand. "Ever see one big and hard like I got, pal?" he asked softly. I continued just to stare in amazement still not speaking. I really had no idea how to react to the flasher. Upon seeing that I didn't move away, or seem about to cause a ruckus over what he was doing, the flasher climbed to the passenger's side, that faced away from the highway where traffic streamed by, and sat on the seat with his feet on the small step. "Wanna watch me jerk it off, pal?" he asked. I nodded, but still said nothing. He pulled the crotch of his gym shorts to the side and exposed himself to me, then worked on his balls with one hand, pulling them down in the bag, then he lifted one leg and exposed his asshole to me. He fingered it a minute or two, then he began to masturbate again. I stared at him for several minutes while he wordless masturbated. "You like watching naked men jerk-off?" he asked huskily, getting close to his climax. I nodded again. He looked around briefly, saw that there was no one around, then he pulled his gym shorts off and stepped from the Jeep, where he stood completely naked facing me and furiously began to masturbate. I was now about five feet from him. "Look at this, pal!" he called to me. "Man, how's this big penis look to you, mister? I bet you ain't got one as big as mine. It's a beauty, huh? Want to see me make it spit! Watch this, pal! Keep your eye on it and I'm let you see my sperm shoot all over the place." His fist worked harder and harder, then with a loud cry, I say jets of cum fly from him. He kept beating off and cum flew all over, some hitting me on one arm, a gob landed on my cheek and more splattered all over the front of my pants. "It's shooting it, mister watch me, look at that creamy sperm coming! Look out, man, it's flying all over you!" He looked at the cum on his hand, wiped it across his chest, then almost like he'd been spooked by something, the flasher quickly jumped into his gym shorts again and quickly moved to the driver's seat, started the engine and quickly pulled away and was out of sight in a flash. I could only see part of his license plate for it was partly obscured by something that he'd hung over the rear tailgate, possibly intentionally to block it, but I knew it was a West Virginia plate. I went to the men's room again, waited but no one came. I thought of the flasher and jerked off while reading the notes on the walls, then went to my pickup to go home, but just as I opened the door to get in I heard a loud voice. Turning, I saw a Highway Patrolman walking from the trees, and in his fist was a hard piece of meat. "Since you wasn't so shook up by that flasher in the Jeep I guess you wouldn't get to bent out of shape if I offered you a choice after catching you here, Mister. I checked out your plate number and figure your wife and kids would be pretty unhappy if they found out Daddy was down here playing around in the roadside park shithouse. What's it gonna be, Mister Marsoovian? You can go to jail, or you can get down on your knees and take care of me. What's it going to be, you fucking pervert? I really didn't have a choice --- did I?


1 Gay Erotic Stories from J. D.

Rest Area Flasher

This is from my latest books, it may be read, examined and studied to help earn your diploma in lower education, BUT do not reproduce it in published form because it is copyrighted by the author --- ME. ONE-HANDED READER # 19 ADVENTURES AT THE ROADSIDE PARK Chapter 23: THEY SURE DON'T REST AT REST AREAS, DO THEY? THE FOLLOWING DAY I WAS ALONE when I


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