Gay Erotic Stories

Rick's Dick

by BVD Jim

My parents had gone away for the week with the neighbors, and I (being the oldest) was put in charge of watching my little brother (Mike) and the neighbor's son (Rick), who was the same age as my little brother, and the two were friends. The two were both sophomores in high school, and I was a senior in high school One day, I picked up Rick and Mike from baseball practice. My brother had a dentist appointment, so I dropped him off on the way, and he assured me that he would take the bus home when he was finished. When Rick and I got home, I collapsed on the couch and turned on the TV. Rick started to sit beside me, but I warned him that if he didn’t take off his dirty baseball clothes before he sat down, I would take them off for him. Rich decided he would try me, and sat down with a giant grin on his face. I quickly stood up, and pulled him off the couch so he was standing again. Then, I pulled his T-shirt off over his head (revealing a wife-beater tank top) and then grabbed his sweat pants and pulled them down to his ankles. Underneath his pants, I found a rock hard dick being held back only by a tight jock strap. Rick turned beat red and turned around to hide his dick. Instead, I got a view of his cute smooth ass. I stood up and ran my hands over Rick's ass and upper thighs. I pulled off my T-shirt and shorts, so I had nothing on other than my ribbed BVD bikini briefs. I had gotten quite excited looking at Rick, and was sporting major woody. Rick had turned around, and asked if he could see my dick. I pulled my BVD's down to my knees, showing him my hairy, average-sized, uncut dick. I reached out and touched his dick through the jock. Then, I carefully slid my hand under the waistband and pulled down his jock. His cock was the complete opposite of mine. It was cut, shaven, and small. I grabbed his balls and started to rub them. I could tell he was about to cum, so I stepped in close, kept rubbing his balls with my hand, and kissed him. As we kissed, he shot his load all over our stomachs. I pulled his jock the rest of the way down, and stepped out of my own briefs. I pulled on his jock, which was very small, and one of his nuts hung out of it. I knelt behind Rick and started to lick his asshole. When he was hard again, I stood up, laid face-down on the couch, and asked him to fuck me. He knelt on the couch straddling me, and then he carefully started to push his cock into my ass. He had never done it before, but he quickly got the rhythm down, and I could feel his balls slapping my ass every time he pushed in. All of a sudden, we heard the door open at the front of the house as my brother came home. The two of us scrambled to pick up all our clothes, and we ran upstairs to my bedroom as quietly and quickly as possible, so that we could dress before my brother discovered us.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from BVD Jim

Rick's Dick

My parents had gone away for the week with the neighbors, and I (being the oldest) was put in charge of watching my little brother (Mike) and the neighbor's son (Rick), who was the same age as my little brother, and the two were friends. The two were both sophomores in high school, and I was a senior in high school One day, I picked up Rick and Mike from baseball practice. My


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