Gay Erotic Stories

Salem High

by Rychard

This story is a work of fiction based on characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television. “SALEM HIGH” By Rychard (This story takes place later in this year, when both guys have turned 18...) “Over here, Shawn,” Phillip called from across the court. “Give it to me.” Shawn looked back and forth, bouncing the ball between his legs. He could easily pass it to Phil, if it weren’t for the other team’s guard on his back, just waiting for the steal. The Salem High Cougars were behind two points, 62-64, with ten seconds left on the clock. One three-point shot and they’d win the regional title. The pressure was on. Shawn looked over to the sidelines, where the twelve Salem High Cheerleaders were shouting out their encouragement. Among them, the Cheer Captain smiled at him, giving him her own personal support. Good ol’ Belle, Shawn thought to himself. With renewed confidence he quickly stepped to his right, then just as quickly turned to his left, faking his opponent out, and passing the ball to Phil, who was standing unguarded at the three point line. Two seconds left on the clock. Just as Phillip caught the ball it was right out of his hands and in the air, pushed with determined force towards the basket. The buzzer blasted just as the ball landed swiftly through the net. The Salem High Auditorium erupted into thunderous cheers. Before they knew what was happening, both Shawn and Phillip were being lifted into the air by their fellow teammates. They were like Salem’s very own Koby and Shaq. Shawn smiled over at Phillip, but Phillip was too busy making with the smiley-face-puppy-dog-look to his girlfriend Chloe in the crowd. Minutes after the game, Shawn and Phillip stood outside the Boy’s Locker Room. Phillip was holding his letterman jacket. Shawn was anxious to get in and shower himself clean, but Phillip insisted on waiting for their girls first. Shawn was quick to remind Phillip that Belle was not “officially” his girlfriend. Finally after about fifteen minutes Belle and Chloe emerged from the auditorium. “There’s my pretty lady,” Phillip said to Chloe, as he went to hug her. “Phillip, you’re too sweaty,” Chloe complained teasingly. “That’s the sweat of a winner,” Phillip proudly declared. “You should be proud to be the girlfriend of tonight’s star of the basketball team.” “The star? Don’t forget who passed you the ball in the first place, Uncle Phil,” Shawn reminded him. “Yeah, yeah,” Phillip laughed, “we all know who’s face is gonna be on the school paper tomorrow!” “Salem’s very own narcissistic blond champion,” Shawn joked. Belle took Shawn’s hands into hers. “You’ll always be the champion in my eyes, Shawn,” she said, smiling sweetly at him. Shawn shifted in place, then turned to Phil. “So Phil, are we gonna shower or not?” “Hold on, man,” Phil said. “First, I gotta give my special lady something special.” “What’s that,” Chloe asked her boyfriend, her eyes widening behind her thick black glasses. “This,” Phillip said, as he handed her his letterman’s jacket. “Oh my god,” Belle exclaimed, her giddiness for her best friend overflowing. “Your jacket? I’m not even that cold,” Chloe said. “Just take it,” Phillip insisted. “Don’t worry,” Belle interrupted, “she’ll take it proudly.” She flashed Chloe an urgent look, as Chloe grabbed the jacket. “Thank you, Phillip,” she said. “You’re welcome.” Belle leaned over to Chloe’s ear. “That’s a way big deal,” she said. “It’s practically the high school equivalent of an engagement ring!” Chloe smiled, as she leaned in close to Phillip. “Thank you so much,” she said. “I truly mean it.” Phillip blushed. “And now,” Chloe continued, “it’s my turn to give you something.” Chloe pulled Phillip close to her and kissed him passionately on the lips. Belle smiled, then looked hopefully over at Shawn. Shawn looked away from her. “Okay, okay, break it up kids,” Shawn said in his best cop-voice, “there are cheerleaders present.” Phillip and Chloe pulled apart. “I really should get going,” Phillip said to her, almost in a trance. “Well, I’ll be waiting for you,” Chloe said seductively. “Yeah,” Belle chirped in, “and then we can all go over and hang out at Dot.Com, like a double date or something.” Shawn looked at her with surprise. “Don’t you mean like a championship party?” “Sure,” she said, “whichever.” “Yeah...” Shawn turned away from Belle and her insistent flirting. “Come on Phil,” he said, grabbing his teammate by the arm and leading him into the locker room. Just as they reached the door, it unexpectedly swung open, as the rest of the basketball team players walked out, already showered and changed. One guy, Hawk, stopped and looked at Shawn and Phillip: “What took you two so long,” Hawk said, “everyone’s already done in there. You’re gonna have to shower alone now guys. Plus you’ll be late to the victory party.” “Don’t worry,” Phil said, “I got my own victory party happening tonight.” Phillip turned and smiled at Chloe once more, as Shawn dragged him into the locker room. Shawn pulled his sweat-stained jersey off of his chest and over his head, tossing it on the bench that rested behind him. Five lockers down from where he was, Phillip was standing with his back turned to him. It dawned on Shawn that without the usual crowd of basketball players to between them, this would be the first time he’d see Phillip undress. He had seen him shirtless plenty of times in the past, but never fully naked. They always had managed to avoid each other in the shower room, for unknown reasons. Perhaps because they were close friends, or because they were technically related to each other, or maybe because they were just embarrassed with their nudity. Why am I thinking about this, Shawn thought to himself. Shawn looked away from Phillip and dropped his shorts and underwear. He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and turned back to his younger-than-him uncle. Phillip was still dressed in his uniform. “What’s the matter man?” Shawn asked, “What’s taking you so long?” “Oh, uh, nothing,” Phillip stammered, as if he had been caught committing a crime. “Why don’t you look at me when you talk,” Shawn asked, intrigued by Phillip’s reluctance to turn around. “Why don’t you just head to the showers?” Phillip responded. “I can’t know,” Shawn said, “you’re being too mysterious. Just turn around already.” “I can’t, okay?” Phillip said sharply. “Why not?” “Because I’m having a bit of a problem over here,” Phillip said. “A problem? What kind of problem?” “Well,” Phillip hesitated, “remember when Chloe kissed me just now?” “Who could forget? You two were making out like your lives depended on it.” “Yeah,” Phillip said, “well, it kinda got me--” “Got you what?” “I sort of have a--” “Have a what?” Shawn asked, impatiently. “I have a boner, okay dude?” Phillip exclaimed, as he turned around, revealing a huge tented bulge in the front of his shorts. Shawn looked down at him, lingering just a moment too long, then looked back up at Phillip’s face, holding back his laughter. “Dude,” he said, “it happens to all of us.” “Fine, whatever,” Phillip said, turning back around. “Now you know, so just go shower, and I’m gonna try to get rid of this.” “Get rid of it how?” “Think about it,” Phillip responded. “How do you usually get rid of one of these?” “Oh, you mean...” Shawn started to ask, slightly embarrassed. “Yes, I mean that.” “Right here in the middle of the locker room?” “I’m gonna have to,” Phillip stated, his voice rising into his high-pitched trademark falsetto. Shawn took a step towards Phillip. “Well man,” he said, “I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but the girls are out there waiting for us, and you aren’t gonna have time to do…that…and shower and have them not get suspicious.” “What are you suggesting then?” Phillip asked. “Why don’t you just take care of business in the shower,” Shawn suggested, not really understanding why he was suggesting that even as the words came out of his mouth. “What?!” “It’s really your only option,” Shawn went on. “Because by the time you’d be done in here, I’d already be done showering. So then I’d have to go out there with the girls, and they’d wanna know why you were still in the shower.” “Why don’t you just wait in here for me while I shower?” Phillip suggested. “That way the girl’s won’t get suspicious.” “No, they’ll just get suspicious of US,” Shawn stated, “and they’d wonder what WE were doing in here that was taking so long.” “I didn’t think of that,” Phil said. “Well, I guess...but won’t you feel weird watching me?” “Why would you think I’d be watching?” Shawn asked. “Oh yeah, right,” Phillip quickly responded. “Um, ok, let me get undressed and I’ll meet you in there.” “Okay,” Shawn said, as he walked pass Phillip and into the shower room. The shower room was basically four walls, sixteen showerheads, and one drain. No barricades, no walls. The school was probably too cheap to build individual showers. Shawn walked to the middle showerhead, and removed the towel from around his waist, resting it on a hand bar. He turned the valve and the water started pouring out of the showerhead. The water was already warm from the earlier showers of the rest of the team. Shawn stood directly under the stream of water, letting it rain onto his body. Playing on the school team had really defined his teenaged body. His thin build was gradually being thickened into fine muscle tone. His legs were coated with thin black hair, to match his dark brown hair and brown eyes. His chest was smooth and abs were smooth, save for the thin trail of black hair that started at his belly button and worked its way down to his manhood. After about a minute, he heard footsteps, as Phillip walked into the shower. Shawn kept his eyes focused on the bare wall ahead of him, not wanting to be caught sneaking a peek at Phil. But there was something inside him that was tempting him to look, though he couldn’t explain to himself why. Because Shawn had chosen the middle shower, Phillip couldn’t choose to be as far away from Shawn as he had hoped. He settled for a corner position, turned on the water, and stepped into it, his seven-inch erection still achingly hard. He looked over his shoulder towards Shawn, and only saw Shawn’s backside and his tight ass. Phil quickly looked away and picked up a bar of soap with one hand, and slowly wrapped his other hand around his dick. He took a gulp, and gently began to stroke himself…very slowly. Even though he knew that Shawn was aware of what he was doing, he still felt awkward doing this in front of another guy, let alone his best friend and older-than-himself-nephew. After about a minute of slow jerking, he began to feel more comfortable. Shawn’s back was still turned to him, and the sound of the water falling muted any sound he might be making. On the other side of the shower stall, Shawn found himself in a dilemma. For some reason, knowing that Phillip was less than a few feet away from himself jerking off had given Shawn a boner. He looked over his shoulder, and saw Phillip through the steam of the shower room. His back was to him, and Shawn had a perfect view of his soft-looking yet firm ass. He could also see Phillip’s right arm moving back and forth as Phil stroked himself. Before he knew what he was doing, Shawn found his fist wrapped tightly around his erection, jerking himself off as he watched Phillip. Phillip felt his balls tightening up and knew that he’d be cumming any moment now. Before his orgasm came, he looked over his shoulder one more time to check on Shawn. When he turned and saw Shawn jacking off while looking at him, he quickly let go of his dick and turned swiftly to face his nephew. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded. “I thought I’d join you,” Shawn said. “You coulda joined me without having to look at me, dude!” “Whoa,” Shawn said, “you think I’m getting off on looking at you?” “Well, yeah! You’re staring at me, aren’t you?” Shawn thought about it for a moment, realizing that somewhere deep inside him, he probably was finding himself aroused by his friend/uncle. But he quickly dismissed the thought and released his grip on his dick. “Look, man,” Shawn said, “I just happened to be facing this way, okay? It has nothing to do with you.” For the first time, Shawn looked down at Phillip’s crotch, admiring his seven-inch piece of meat. Phillip noticed Shawn’s fascination with his dick, and took a quick moment to look at Shawn’s package. It looked to be about the same size as his, only a little bit thicker. They were both cut. Phillip looked back up at Shawn’s face, but Shawn was still staring at Phillip’s crotch. “Man,” Phillip said, “if you’re jerking off isn’t about me then why are you staring at my dick?” “It’s the first time I’ve seen it,” Shawn said. “Can’t a guy be curious?” “It depends how curious you are.” “What are you trying to suggest?” Shawn asked. “I think it’s pretty obvious, dude. You’re jerking off while looking at my ass, then you’re staring at my dick, and you’re dick’s still pretty hard.” Shawn put his dick into his hand again. “So you looked at mine,” Shawn teased. “Whatever man,” Phillip said, “this is getting kinda weird. I’m just gonna go dry off and let this deflate itself.” He grabbed his towel, turned off his shower, and began to walk to the exit. As he started to pass Shawn, he felt his nephew’s hand on his arm. “What are you doing?” Phillip demanded. “You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about jerking off with another guy,” Shawn said. Phillip went quiet. “Well?” “Thinking about it,” Phillip began, “and doing it are two completely different things. Besides, we’re related.” In that moment, some power came over Shawn, and he felt compelled to go into action. He couldn’t describe what it was, but something inside him told him to go, and he did. He reached out, and took Phillip’s still erect penis into his free hand, and began to stroke his friend/uncle while he stroked himself. “You can’t tell me that doesn’t feel good,” Shawn whispered. Phillip was caught unaware, and had no words to respond. He wanted to bolt, and run from the locker room, but what Shawn was doing felt too good to run away; he just remained quiet and let Shawn continue. Shawn took Phillip’s silence as an open invitation. He took a step closer to Phillip, so that their dicks were almost touching. Shawn looked into Phillip’s eyes, which were filled with a sort of raw desire. He pushed his dick forward, so that the tips of their dicks touched. For both guys, it was like electricity running through their bodies. Phillip felt his knees buckle and Shawn quickly let go of Phil’s dick, and widened the grip he had on his own dick, pushing forward again, until he had both his and Phillip’s dick in the same grip. As he stroked both of them off with the same hand, Shawn found that his entire body was merely centimeters away from Phillip’s. Phillip’s head was turned to the side as his eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy, so Shawn knew a kiss was out of the question. So instead, he wrapped his left arm around Phillip’s back, pulling him close to him, causing their chests to touch. Phillip moaned, making Shawn smile. “Hold me,” Shawn whispered. Phillip took a moment, but then did as instructed. He wrapped his arms around Shawn, pulling him even closer to him. Shawn tightened his grip on their dicks, as the closeness of their bodies added to the friction. “Oh man,” Phillip said, “I’m so close.” Shawn felt his orgasm coming on, too, so he let go of both of their dicks, wrapping that arm around Phillip’s body as well, smashing their dicks against each other. Shawn ground his dick up and down against Phillip’s, their balls slapping against each other. Both guys held onto each other tight, and finally Phillip felt that familiar feeling. He let out a high-pitched whimper as the cum streamed out of his dick and onto Shawn’s smooth chest. Feeling Phillip’s cum coat his chest sent Shawn over the edge, and he soon began pumping out his own stream of cum onto Phillip. After their release, Shawn continued to hold on tightly to Phillip, but Phillip took a step back. Shawn let go of him, as Phillip looked down at his cum-stained chest. “Great,” he said, “now we gotta take another shower.” Shawn laughed. “Listen,” Phillip continued, “we never tell anyone about this.” “Absolutely,” Shawn agreed. “Okay?” “Okay.” They both looked away from each other and there was silence for a moment. “Well,” Phillip finally said, “I should go wash this off.” “Yeah,” Shawn responded, “me too.” Phillip took a moment, and then turned to walk back to his shower. “Hey Phil,” Shawn called, “you wanna do this again sometime?” “Absolutely,” Phillip said, smiling. “But hey, this doesn’t make us gay or anything, does it?” Shawn smiled. “Of course not.” *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Belle and Chloe stood outside the Boy’s Locker Room, waiting impatiently for the guys, until finally both Phillip and Shawn stepped out of the doors. “What took you guys so long?” Belle asked. “Oh, uh, guy stuff,” Shawn said. “We’re gonna be so late to the party,” Chloe said, grabbing Phillip’s hand, leading him away. Belle looked at Shawn, who avoided eye contact with her. “Well?” Belle waited impatiently for Shawn to hold her hand. “Well what?” Shawn asked, walking away, following Phillip and Chloe. Belle stood alone, watching her crush walk away. “Boys,” she sighed to herself, before running to catch up with the rest of her friends. THE END Comments? I really enjoy reading your feedback, so feel free to e-mail me at


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Rychard

After School At Boston Public, Part 1

***The following is a work of fiction*** “After School At Boston Public, Part 1” By Rychard I felt my body go numb. My legs were on the verge of collapsing. My head was spinning. Any minute, I knew the tears would be flowing. I had to get out of there! I couldn’t -- no, I WOULDN’T -- let them see me cry! I snapped myself out of my daze, and ran out of the Principal’s office.

After School At Boston Public, Part 2

I was frozen. Mr. Harper, the principal, was glaring fiercely at Mr. Senate, the History teacher who had just kissed me on the cheek. As much as I’d like to believe the kiss meant more, I knew that he had only kissed me out of kindness. I had just told him that not only was I gay, but I also had a four-year crush on him. So the kiss was nothing more than a “thank you.” But from

Dude, You're Getting The Dell Guy

***The following is a work of fiction*** There’s something to be said about stage-moms. Or at least mine. A stage-mom, for those out of “the business,” is your typical forty-something mother of a child whom she is pushing into show business to live out her own failed dreams of being a star. My mom first got me into show business when I was twelve years old. The local mall was having

Salem High

This story is a work of fiction based on characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television. “SALEM HIGH” By Rychard (This story takes place later in this year, when both guys have turned 18...) “Over here, Shawn,” Phillip called from across the


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