Gay Erotic Stories

San Francisco Sex

by Galen

The trip to San Francisco with my dad was supposed to be a "last hurrah" before I went off to college. But before we even settled in our hotel room, his employer was ringing his cell phone. Dad forgot to do this, he forgot to do that, and everything had to be done "right now," he said. Then, back out the door he went to find a fax machine somewhere. There was a balcony serving our room and another, a chaise lounge, so I decided to kick back until dad returned. I wasn't out there ten minutes when the glass door to the neighbor's room slid open and out stepped a young man in his pajamas. The radio I was playing woke him up, he said. He waved aside my apology to get me to fix him a glass of whatever it was I was drinking. It was just punch I found in the fridge, but he still wanted some, so I went after a glassful for him. "I'm going to grab a shower," he said. He came back out there naked just to show off how breathtakingly gorgeous he was. He stood at the railing toweling himself dry ever so slowly, it seemed to me. The telephone rang. Nobody was on the line when I picked up the receiver, but I used the call as an excuse to remain inside so he wouldn't catch me staring. I was only Joe Average standing next to him and there wasn't anything I could do about it. I felt awful. He stepped into the room to return the glass I loaned him. The towel was around his middle now, but he seemed to strut across the room. Then, he just stood staring at me sitting on the bed. He seemed to be waiting for an invitation to sit down. "Oh, yeah, right," I thought." I'll just pretend he isn't naked and start talking about the weather. And every time I look at him I'll cross my fingers and hope he doesn't see me shake!" "Your room is much nicer than mine," he said. "My mom said she asked for the best room, but I think you have it." "You're here with your mom, are you?" "Yeah, I had to come along. I should've stayed home where I belong. She's in one business meeting after another and I'm stuck here waiting for her. I don't know anybody in this city, do you? I suppose I will when she returns, but I can't count on it. She brought her laptop computer with her and God knows she loves that thing more than she does me." His name was "Randy," he said, offering a hand. He had just finished his first year at Yale and had come home to "bore" his mother for a few weeks. When we shook hands, he sat down next to me on the bed with his right knee awfully close to mine, I thought. "Tell me, what is there to do around here that's fun?" "I don't know. I just got here with my dad. He's out doing some work for his boss." "So, we're both stuck here with nothing to do?" he asked, standing. "Yeah, I guess. He walked back toward the balcony. "Well, it's too bad you're not gay," he said. "We'd have a lot to do together then, wouldn't we?" I dropped the glass I was holding. Red punch went all over the white carpet. I grabbed a rag, cleaned the stain as best I could, then went out after this boy. He had gone back into his own room and closed hiss door. But my door stayed open and an hour later he found me upon the bed naked on my stomach waiting for him. Trembling, unable to take a deep breath or quiet my pounding heart, but there waiting for him nevertheless. He eased into the room, unwrapped himself from his towel, and approached the bed. Seeing me stir, he sat down next to me and began playing with my ass. "Uh . . . I-I know wh-what we could b-be doing to pass the time," I said, and handed him a jar of vaseline I found in the medicine cabinet.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Galen

San Francisco Sex

The trip to San Francisco with my dad was supposed to be a "last hurrah" before I went off to college. But before we even settled in our hotel room, his employer was ringing his cell phone. Dad forgot to do this, he forgot to do that, and everything had to be done "right now," he said. Then, back out the door he went to find a fax machine somewhere. There


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