Gay Erotic Stories

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

by Kris Stevens

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1 It was just another day at Sunnydale High. Well, perhaps not so ordinary. One of the school's favorite teachers, Jenny Calender, had recently been murdered in the school by a vampire who had just lost his soul. However, most of the students were not aware that a vampire had caused Ms. Calender's death. Only a small group of students collected in the school library knew the truth of what had happened that night. School had been out two hours ago, and most of the students had gone home long ago. but Xander, Cordelia, Giles, and Oz were all busy sorting through books. Angel had killed Jenny, and they needed to find a way to get his soul back before he killed another innocent person. While the gang piled through volume after volume, Buffy was talking to Willow on the phone. " Are you sure that you're OK?" Buffy asked. "I'm fine" sniffled Willow, and then proceeded to blow her nose in a worn tissue. " It's just a cold. A really, really bad cold with a fever, but just a cold. I'm getting better as we speak, I just wish I was well enough to go to school. Miss Henderson gave a pop quiz today, and she'll be so disappointed that I wasn't there to collect the papers." "I'm sure that Miss Henderson will understand. Besides, you haven't missed school since what? Kindergarten. I saw those perfect attendance awards on your wall!". said Buffy. "I know, I know....but I wish I could be there to help,.sniff. At least I can search on the computer for stuff. I don't know how many "How To Return A Vampire's Soul" web pages there are, but I'm going to look....sniff". "Well, make sure you get some rest! We need you alive and well as soon as possible. For that to happen, you need to get some sleep. So warm up some chicken noodle soup, and relax!" said Buffy. "OK. I guess I'd better let you go know. My mom is bringing me some more tea. Tell Oz that I miss him, and call me if you find anything!" "Will do Will", quipped Buffy as she hung up the phone. "How is she" asked Oz. " She feels really icky, but she's getting better." answered Buffy." And she misses you." A small smile spread across Oz's face. He then proceeded to scan that pages of his 14th book this afternoon. It was entitled "The Mysterious Vampire". So far, he had seen nothing about returning souls. Oz had been shocked when Willow revealed to him that Angel was responsible for Ms. Calender's death. Oz had only known Angel for a very short time, and now he was no longer the same person. His thoughts traced back to Willow. Willow was a cutie. And she appreciated his music. It couldn't get any better than that. At least, that's what he hoped he thought. Oz had been confused for quite a long time about his relationship with Willow. Willow meant a lot to her, but he wasn't sure if she felt the same way. He was well aware of her feelings for Xander. The weird thing was, that Oz seemed to understand. As Oz had grown to know Willow and her strange assortment of friends including a vampire slayer ), he had been doing some strong thinking about his sexuality. As much as he feared it, he knew that he was bisexual. His attraction to Xander proved that. He did care about Willow an awful lot, but at the same time he had found himself yearning for something different. It had started out as only a weird feeling, but after serious thought, Oz knew that this feeling was attraction. He often found himself gazing into Xander's handsome eyes, and wishing for things that his mind told him was wrong. "Earth to Oz", said Cordelia, " is everything OK? You look as if you're not with us at the moment". Oz snapped back to reality, and found himself embarrassed for letting his thoughts stray from his work. "Oh....yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." he replied. "Penny for your thoughts" said Xander. Oz was not about to reveal that he was in fact thinking about how he would like to jump in bed with Xander. "Oh....I was just thinking about Ms. Calender. It's so sad", said Oz. It was a horrible lie. Oz was upset over the death of Miss Calender, but that certainly was not what he was thinking about. " I think Jenny's death has all affected us greatly", said Giles. "However, as hard as it is to put it behind us, we need to concentrate on how to return Angel's soul, before he kills another." " I guess you're right." whispered Oz, as he tried to once again focus on the dull and confusing book. "Buffy," said Giles "....I need you to come with me to get some more books. I'm afraid that these books aren't getting us anywhere. I know of a few "special" shops where there may be more helpful material, but I'm going to need someone to come with me. These are places where one does not want to venture alone." " Sure" said Buffy. " I'm coming too." said Cordelia. Everyone turned their heads to her. "What?" said Giles, Buffy and Xander. "I am sick and tired of you leaving me out of everything. I can take care of myself. I can be just as helpful as any one of you. I can do stuff too you know. I've watched Karate Kid with my little brother quite a number of times, and I know I could bust a move or two. Besides....the more the merrier!" After a long argument, Giles decided to give in. "Alright Xander,....Oz. I would appreciate it if you could put all these books back. I can't open the library up tomorrow like this. After that, please lock up and go home. We will call you once we find anything.". With that, Buffy, Giles, and Cordelia were gone. Oz's mind raced. Alone with Xander. Even though he was aware that nothing would happen, the thought was still exciting. PART II "Well, I guess we best get started," said Xander "we have quite a long day ahead of us." Oz glanced around the library to find that Xander was quite right. The library was a mess. Books were scattered all over the place. Even though it seemed a juveniles job to shelve books in the face of a crisis, it was a job that had to be done. If school opened tomorrow with piles of books such as "Vampire's Across Time" spread across the floor, people might begin to ask questions. " I guess the best thing to do would be to stack all the books on the cart, then wheel them over to the shelf" said Xander. "Sounds good to me" said Oz, as he proceeded to pick up books tossed on the floor in one of many moments of frustration the gang had been experiencing. He had just picked up Volume 4 of "Vampire Lust" when he glanced back to see Xander staring at him. Xander quickly turned to pick up another book, but Oz had clearly seen Xander staring at him, with his eyes in the general direction of his butt. Turning around, Oz glanced at his worn jeans to make sure there wasn't any stain or trash stuck to his pants that may have diverted his attention. Xander was clearly blushing now, and Oz began to wonder what was going on. As Oz's mind raced, he also noticed an erection forming in his jeans, which only made the moment more awkward. It was nothing, he decided. His lust for Xander was affecting him, and making him imagine things. He would just forget the whole thing. Returning once again to their work, he and Xander were able to stack all the books on the cart. Jumping the gun, Oz decided that he would try to push the cart by himself into the cage where Gile's books were stored. Failing to notice how heavy the cart was, Oz found that he could only move the cart an inch or two. He began to laugh in embarrassment. " I guess I'm going to need some help, he said." " Looks like" said Xander, and before Oz could react, Xander came up behind Oz and wrapped his arms past him to help push the cart. Oz could not help but notice that Xander's pelvic area was now pressed up closely to his backside as the two struggled to push the cart to the cage. It was an awkward position indeed, one which Oz found to be very strange for Xander to take to help push a cart. But it was also a position that Oz could not help but like. Oz smelled Xader's sweat that had formed from the work they had done, and it only turned Oz on more. In this position, Oz could feel the strong muscles of Xander's arms pressing close to him. His sculpted arms. How he wanted to turn around and plant a kiss on the cute face. But....the only thing that would result from that was a punch, and the end of his friendships with Willow and Buffy. Nearing the cage, Oz began to notice something pressing against his back, which could be nothing more than an erection from Xander. Suddenly, Xander noticed the bulge that protruded from his pants, and quickly pulled back, and instead began to push side by side. He was blushing again, Oz noticed. This time, Oz was not able to shrug it off. Something strange was going on. Why had Xander decided to push the cart that way? What was he doing? It must be nothing...Oz told himself. His hard on was the result of friction. Xander just hadn't been thinking about how weird pushing the cart from behind Oz would be, and pressing so close to him had caused an erection. "Wow....that was quite a workout", Xander said. "Who knew that books were so heavy?" "Yeah.." replied Oz. He didn't know quite how to reply to such a silly comment. He attributed the lack of wit to the awkwardness of the moment. The room was silent for what seemed like forever. Needing to end the insane quiet, Oz spoke up." So...uh, do we need to put these in alphabetical order....or what?" " Ah, Giles can do that in his free time, which he has quite a lot of. Let's just get these on the shelf" said Xander as he puffed to catch his breath still racing from moving the heavy cart. Reaching to the end to his t-shirt, he pulled it up to wipe the sweat forming on his forehead. Oz watched as Xander revealed his lightly tanned rock-hard stomach, and then scanned his eyes to his equally hard erection bulging from his jeans. Something was going to happen, and Oz could not wait. He began to tremble. Both boys picked up several books and reached to place them high on the shelf. Giles kept all the vampire books near the top, which certainly did not help in making shelving easy. As Xander put the last book on the shelf, his hand slipped, and the book fell to the ground. Both reaching down for the book, they both brought it up with their hands, and began to look deeply into each other's eyes. Unable to stop his urges, Xander leaned forward and began to kiss Oz with more feeling than he ever had before.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kris Stevens

Dawson's Creek

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the

Dawson's Creek, Jay Walking, Boy's Night In, Part

WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these

Full Moon

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun.

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so


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