Gay Erotic Stories

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

by Kris Stevens

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so sorry." Oz could not respond. He had no idea what to say. The object of his desire for months had just kissed him. What could he say? After a long silence, he was able to utter a few meek words that sounded cornier than he could ever remember. "'s OK". " Oz....I know that this is quite a shock, but I want you. I don't know why, and I don't know what's come over me in the past months, but I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone before. After watching you for so long, I thought that you might want me too". " I do" said Oz." I have wanted you from the moment I saw you. I can't explain it either. I had suspected for some time that I was bi-sexual, but I kept telling myself that it was just a phase or something. I mean, Willow's great, and I like her a lot, but I've been so....drawn to you that.....I don't all sounds so stupid trying to tell you this. I don't know how to explain. " Then let's stop talking" said Xander as he came in for another passionate kiss. This time, Xander wrapped his strong arms around Oz, and Oz was in heaven. Once again, the strong manly arms of Xander we pressing against his skin. He felt himself flush, and the world began to spin around him. How much he had wanted this moment, and now it was here! He could smell the sweat that filled the room, and it awoke within his animal urges that he had never felt before. Xander pulled back from another long kiss and proceeded to remove the thin t-shirt that Oz had often dreamed about tearing from his skin. Xander then tossed the shirt aside, and Oz began to gasp in excitement. Once again, Oz could see the washboard stomach that Xander had revealed to him earlier. His eyes then scanned to the well formed pecs outlined with chest hair matted from the sweat of the work. His muscular arms glistening and beckoning Oz to do the same. With some hesitation, Oz began to remove his shirt. He was much thinner than Xander, but he was strong. His stomach revealed a six pack as well, his pecs also matted with thin chest hairs, and muscular arms. " You have a beautiful body", Xander said to Oz, forcing him to blush. " So do you. I've wanted to see you for so long." Now Xander began to tug at his jeans, which drove Oz mad with anticipation. Slowly, he pulled down the faded jeans to show his underwear that could barely contain his manhood. "Take them off" said Xander. Oz was quite surprised by Xander's command, and hesitated a moment, but then drew his shaking hand to Xander's waist. As he reached for the waist band, his hand brush against his dick, and it seemed to swell larger. As Oz pulled the underwear down, Xander's manhood rose to show it's full length. It was perfectly cut, and at least 7 inches long. Oz once again gasped and was seemed to lose himself for a moment, but was aware of what he needed to do. Taking Xander's manhood into his mouth, Oz began to suck greedily. Xander began to release loud moans of pure pleasure, took his hand, and began to run it through Oz's curly hair. As Xander moaned and moaned, Oz could see that his body was flushing, indicating what was to come. "Oh my God Oz...that feels to good...Oh my God..". Oz pulled back as the cum shot load after load all over Oz's chest. Xander gasped to catch his breath from the massive orgasm. " Oh my God Oz, I have wanted you for so long. That felt so good, and now it's your turn. Get ready for some fun!' PART IV: Oz took a few steps away from Xander and said, " Xander, I've really been enjoying this,.....and I know that this may be the wrong time to mention this...but......what if we get caught?" The thought of being caught could now be seen in Xander's eyes. For a moment, a look of fear crept over his face. Getting caught completely naked with Oz sporting Xander's cum all over his chest would not leave the best impression. Over the past few months, Xander had perfected lying to Buffy's mom, as well as the entire school several times. However, Xander could not think of a single lie that he could fabricate to explain this situation. The drive of passion had lead him to jump the gun, and not even think about the fact that they *could* get caught. He felt like an idiot. Here he was, "au natural", and he didn't even know if Giles had locked the door. "Well, I guess that's a problem that we'll have to fix." said Xander as he walked completely nude towards the library doors. " It 's around seven now Oz, four hours after school had gotten out. There would be little chance that someone would still be in school." Xander reached the doors and gave them a little tug. They swung open very easily, and Xander thrashed his arms to shut them once again. Clearly, Giles had not locked the doors." Uh... I guess Giles forgot to lock the door after himself", said Xander. " Oh really?" said Oz, in the least sarcastic tone he could speak with, handing the keys Giles had left them to Xander. Locking the door, Xander then began to look around the room. "All the windows are shut", said Xander, "and this is the only door to the library. I think that we are covered." Oz gave out a sigh of relief. "And now..." continued Xander, " We have the place to ourselves. Buffy and Giles will be gone all night. I've been with them to his "special" bookstores and they are scattered far from each other. Unless Giles drives like a madman.....they aren't going to be back very soon". "What about the janitors?" said Oz. "The janitors don't clean on Thursdays. Only Wednesdays and Fridays. Do you think that the school would pay any more money than they have to?" "I guess not. So, what exactly do you want to do?" "Only what you want to. As far as I know, we are both pretty new at this. I mean, Cordelia and I have perfected kissing and groping, but after that....well, we always had to go to class. Let's just take it slow, and if you don't like something, then tell me." Xander then led Oz back to the cage where Giles kept his books. Just to be safe, it was nice to be in a secluded area. Giles always kept a sleeping bag and pillows tucked away for long nights ( which were many ), and Xander spread these on the floor. "Lie down" he said to Oz, and he obeyed. Xander once again took in the lean and strong body of Oz. Oz was becoming hard again, his cock stiffening to six inches. They both breathed heavily, unaware of what would come. Crawling down onto Oz, the two engaged in another passionate kiss. Their warm bodies were now pressed together, their manhoods touching and rubbing, only turning them on more. Their tongues trashed and pulled, deep and wild, but gentle. Xander then bent down and began to lick his own dry cum from before off Oz's chest. His few chest hairs being combed by Xander's wet tongue. Oz began to run his fingers through Xander's dark hair, softly moaning in response to this new pleasure. The wild tongue travel led to Oz's neck and came back for another mad kiss, this time not limited to Oz's mouth, but a tracing of his entire face. Now the pleasure tool began to descend down to his nipples. Slowly , Xander circled the nipples a number of times, framed by thin nest of chest hair, before finally stopping at his left nipple, and sucking it like a newborn baby to his mother's breast. The tongue then traveled down to Oz's cock, Xander only touching it slightly, driving Oz crazy. "Please suck me" Oz cried. The words escaping his mouth surprised him, but could not be held back. Xander was not ready to obey. Instead, he took his tongue slightly lower and began to suck on Oz's balls, which only drove Oz more crazy. "Please suck me Xander!" cried Oz again. This time, Xander began to lick much harder upon Oz's cock, covering it with spit. At last, he took his lover's manhood in his mouth, and began to suck the throbbing end. Oz was now trembling wildly, and began to pump in a rhythm as Xander took in more and more of Oz's cock. His pumping became faster and faster, Oz moaning all the while, nearing the climax. Suddenly, Oz let go a great yell as he exploded in cum, spraying it all over Xander. The orgasm shot through his whole body, thrashing and moaning in hot pleasure. Load after load shot from Oz, who had never thought so much cum could be in a person. As the orgasm neared it's end, Oz collapsed to the floor, panting, a smile pasted to his face of pure ecstasy. "My God Xander" panted Oz, "That's the best orgasm I have ever had in my life! I'm so glad that this happened." "So am I" a voice echoed from behind the two boys. Someone else was there. PART V Xander and Oz turned their heads in the direction of the voice as adrenaline shot through every inch of their bodies. No one could be seen, but they could hear someone's footsteps slowly pacing, and a heavy breath, clearly made audible to make a presence known. Oz's fear of getting caught was now a reality. "Who's there?", Xander cried in a meek voice. Whoever it was, they were in a lot of trouble, and there would be no way covering up this time. "Surprise, surprise!" said the voice. Xander was now able to identify the voice's owner, and he quickly stood upright in alertness, completely forgetting his absence of clothes. It was Angel. Slowly stepping from behind the bookshelves to make a dramatic entrance, Angel spoke once again. His face was showing his true form, and the sinister grin on his face displayed his fangs clearly. " Well......what do we have here?, my my....I think that I may have walked in on a little secret! I can't say that I'm surprised though, I always knew that you swung this way Xander." Oz was still sitting on the floor, shaking in fear. He had not yet seen Angel the vampire without a soul, and he was wishing that things would have stayed that way. "What do you want Angel?" spurted Xander. It was clear that Xander was trying his very best to sound brave, despite how scared he was. "What do I want? Oh you really have to ask me that?" Angel said. "I think that you know. I want Buffy. I was thinking that she would be here. She wasn't at home......, so I came here. The door was locked, but you can see that I let myself in. " Xander's eyes scanned over to the locked door. The door was probably still locked, it was now just on the floor. Xander wondered how they wouldn't have heard the noise, but then realized that he and Oz had been making quite a lot of noise themselves. From what I see", Angel continued, "I am guessing that she probably is not here. Am I right?" "Yes" said Xander, " I she's not here right now. But....she could be here any minute! She could come busting through that door at any moment with a stake in hand, ready to kick some vampire butt. And I'm talking about your butt mister!". Oz could tell that no one would possibly buy that lie. If Buffy had been coming soon, he and Xander would not have been doing what they had been doing. Angel knew this, and only laughed at Xander's statement, which wasn't only pathetic, but very unbelievable. "Now the question is," Angel said, " what am I going to do with you? Surprisingly, I'm not exactly hungry at the moment. I'll have to admit that I just made a pig of myself a few moments ago. Thank goodness for hopeless romantics. Those romantic night walkers in the park never fail to provide a meal for me." Angel now began to pace around, taking his time playing with their minds. Oz now stood up and walked beside Xander. "What is to be done with you? Well, from the look of the situation, I think that I may have a solution that will help both of us." "And what is that?" asked Oz, trying to take his turn of sounding brave. "Well..." Angel smiled." I'll tell you what. If you let me have my way with both of you, then I won't kill you." "Your way with us?" asked Xander. "What does that mean?" "Oh come now boys" smiled Angel. "Let's not play the innocent ones. From what I just saw, you two are very far from innocent. In fact, your little show has gotten me quite hot. Now.... I am going to use you to remedy my situation" said Angel, as he patted his dark pants, pointing to a very large bulge." The deal is, if you two properly please me, then I will not kill you. I will leave this library with the two of you both alive and well. Just do whatever I say, and do it good. I have had hundreds of lovers. Great women and men from all walks of life. Even vampires have desires and needs. I in fact, have many needs. You will fulfill them, or die ". Xander and Oz both stared at each other for a long time. It was Clear that they didn't have a choice in the manner. If they didn't play along, Angel could kill them in a second. They had no idea if Angel would Stick to his promise, but it was better to try plan "B" and have a chance of survival. Angel was too fast to run away from, and too clever to trick. It would be very awkward, but it was the only choice. " Well, I guess we'll have to do what you want Angel, but you have to keep your promise!" said Xander, unaware of how to reply without sounding stupid. "Excellent," said Angel. " You can start with removing my shirt". Xander reluctantly neared Angel and proceeded to unbutton Angel's silk shirt. Xander knew that he was buff, but Angel was clearly stronger. Unable to ignore his broad shoulders and chest that he was feeling, Xander became hard. He was surprised how his body made him yearn, despite his fear. As Xander reached the last button, he pulled away the shirt, revealing A manly chest that now aroused both boys. Angel smiled in viewing their arousal. "Now,...Oz....remove my pants...with your teeth." Oz grimaced at this notion, but followed his command. Using his teeth, he managed to pull at the button of Angel's pants and pull them down around his knees. Angel was not wearing any undergarment, and his cock soon sprang to full mast at 8 inches, standing at attention from it's nest of dark hairs. " Now.....suck it!" Angel yelled, and Oz quickly took the cock in his mouth and began to take it in as he could. Angel began to moan and thrust to Oz's sucking, clearly pleased by his servant. Oz was afraid, and his fear had caused him to suck and please Angel with all his might. Oz too found himself strangely aroused. He had desired Angel as well ( when he had a soul ), and now, in a sick way, he also had Angel. Angel moaned and thrust, and finally reached his climax, spraying Forth a stream onto Oz, yelling a cry only a creature could carry. Angel, seeing that Oz also aroused by the moment, took his large hands and grabbed Oz's tool, massaging it with great fire. Oz was thrown aback by Angel's move, but found he could not take himself away from the pleasure. His head fell back, and he also began to moan. It was clear that Angel knew how to handle another man's cock. Oz soon came, and Angel bent down and licked the cum from his head. " Very good....he said.....very good indeed. I have had hundreds of lovers over time," he said, " and I must say If I am not going to have the pleasure of killing you, you are both going to please me in every other way that you can!". "Xander!" yelled Angel." I have wanted to be inside your ass for quite a long time. Now...I am going to have you. Bend over!". Xander trembled in fear, certainly not prepared for this measure of lovemaking. However, he had no choice, and bent down on his hands to reveal his perfectly formed ass. Angel smiled. "This is going to hurt you at first Xander", said Angel," but it is going to feel very good to me" .Xander was scared. Oz, trying to help as much as he could, removed his tube of lip-balm from his backpack and asked if he could lubricate Angel's strong tool."Very well," said Angel. " I promised that I would leave you in good health, and a = promise made must be followed." Both boys were amazed at this, and figured that even vampires must desire honor. SHELVING CONCLUSION Xander lay bent over on the floor, unprepared for what was going To happen. He had heard that pain was often involved with the start of what was to come, and his mind raced with thoughts of agony. Angel was a vampire, and Xander could have no idea how he would please himself. Angel's strange fondling of Oz had given him little calmness. Xander, taking the lip balm, coated one of his fingers with a thin layer, then spoke. " I have to prepare you for what is going to come". Xander shot a worried look at Oz, who had opted to sit on the floor, and wait until he was called for. There who be no sense in interrupting a vampire. Taking his finger, Angel pushed into Xander's asshole, and began to move his finger around. The sensation was very odd to Xander, but almost pleasurable. Angel pushed and moved his finger deeper and deeper, until the whole finger easily slid in and out. " I think that you are ready" said Angel, and bent to his knees to position himself. The entry was indeed painful to Xander at first, and he let out a small cry. However, the pain lasted only a short time, and was quickly replaced by pleasure. Angel took his time, and slowly was able to penetrate deeper and Deeper into Xander's asshole. Moans began to escape Angel again, who was clearly pleased. Xander also found himself pleased. Any pain was now gone, and the pleasure of this new experience had aroused him once again. He too found himself moaning, given into his own desires and pleasure. The two formed a rather, and thrust together. Oz, still watching could not help but also get aroused by the sight. He had never thought of anal sex before, but the experience was clearly amazing to both Xander and Angel. Angel, seeing Oz's arousal now called upon him, giving Oz his command between his moans of pleasure. "Oz, you are to join us. I want you to prepare yourself, and do the same to me." Oz, fumbled with the now near empty tube of balm, and spread his Tool with the remains. He was scared, but part of himself could not wait to join the pleasure. Positioning himself behind Angel, Oz thrust his manhood easily into Angel's ass. Angel let out a gasp of pleasure upon Oz's entry, but continued his thrusts. Oz soon found this rythym, and had now joined the two in the moaning. This was pure pleasure. Moans and gasps filled and echoed through the library. Sweat trickled from every pore, the smell of men filled the air. The thrusts became quicker and quicker, and the blood of Oz and Xander flushed them, as the pure energy raced and tingled them all over. Soon they all came, spraying cum all over each other, yelling and screaming as explosions of pleasure raced through their bodies. Oz and Xander found themselves falling to the floor, with smiles Of content upon their faces. All that they had feared was instead the most wonderful experience that they had ever had. Angel stood over them, clearly content as well. " You have pleased me very well. Who would have thought you puny humans could do this great task? It makes me furious that I can not kill you. Vampires must always stay true to their trades. ARE going to live." Oz and Xander both let out gasps Of relief. "However". Angel continued, " You are not going to be free of me. You're performance has brought me great pleasure, and I am often in need of it. Because of this, you will me ready to please me again, whenever I desire it. You will be my slaves, fulfilling my every need and fantasy . If you do not, then I will kill you. You will never speak of this To Buffy, or I will kill you and your family. This is a secret that you will both keep forever. Promise me!!" Angel roared. "We promise!" said Oz. " I promise!" said Xander. Oz and Xander found themselves amazed at their own thoughts. They Had just experienced the sex of a vampire, but nonetheless a great giver of pleasure. This was certainly a threat, but one the caused strange happiness along with the fear. Angel, despite his vampire form, had done them both well. They could not help but think of the coming encounters that they might have. Angel left the library as quickly as he had come, finally leaving Oz and Xander in peace. "How are we going to explain the door to Giles?" Asked Oz as he gathered his clothes. "I have no idea" said Xander " and right now, I really don't care". THE END Comments are very encouraged ! I only have E-mail, so I would enjoy hearing comments.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kris Stevens

Dawson's Creek

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the

Dawson's Creek, Jay Walking, Boy's Night In, Part

WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these

Full Moon

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun.

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so


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