Gay Erotic Stories

Soaps Stars, Part 1

by MarkeePoo

ABC hosts 3 of daytimes hottest soaps, and once in a while 2 shows will shoot scenes using the same studio and set. This happened about a week ago. Cameron Mathison - "All My Children", and Jonathan Jackson - "General Hospital", were filming on the same set together. It was a long hard day for both, and when the shoots finally wrapped for the day and the crew had almost just about left, Cameron was relaxing in a hot, steamy, shower. It had been a long hard day of shooting and he just wanted to go home. Jonathan, also, had about the same idea, go home and go to bed. But it was such a long day he was kind of wired he was so exhausted!! As Jonathan wrapped a towel around himself, he stepped out of the shower with a start, 'Whoa!! I thought I was alone here!! You must be as tired as I am, you didn't make a sound." As Cameron zipped up his 501's and wiped the water from the back of his neck, he laughed at Jonathan statement. "I am wiped out!!! 4 days of these long hours!! Now I'm so tired, I'm wired!! "yah, me too!!! I want to go home and go to bed, but I know I'll just lay there for hours staring at the ceiling!!" As he finished drying his chest, and arms, Cameron laughed an agreeing laugh. "You up to hanging out at my place for a while? Have a couple of beers, maybe smoke a 'J' if you want too. You know, totally relax? I think we deserve it, don't you?" "That would be totally cool!! Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and I'll follow you, okay?" After some driving time, they finally arrived at Cameron's home. A nice, spacious, 3 bedroom house. The entire house was decorated with that 'masculine' touch. He even had an outside hot-tub for those long, hot summer nights. They both had a couple of shots of Tequila, with a beer chaser. As they both exchanged stories of work, women, and whatever, Cameron lit up a 'J', took a nice long drag and passed it to Jonathan. I don't usually smoke that, in fact I've only got high twice, so don't laugh at me if I act dumb or anything, okay?" Cameron didn't say anything, just passed it to Jonathan and with a small grin on his face gave Jonathan a 'thumbs-up'. They continued to bull-shit about everything, while finishing the 'J' and the beers, both now on their 4th 'broosky' and 3rd shot of Tequila, and both were now, finally starting to unwind from the day and past week. Cameron was really starting to feel relaxed as he massaged his arms and back. "Feel like kickin it in the hot-tub?" Jonathan, now looking so relaxed, stands up straight and starts to head towards the hot-tub while removing his shirt which Cameron figures is a yes!! Now inside the hot-tub, both men are just relaxed and comfortable as all get out. Cameron, sitting with his arms up on the side, his biceps fully exposed, Jonathan leaning back, eyes closed, lips together, his skin looks so soft. How I'd like to.......Cameron's eyes popped open hard. "What was I thinking...?" The thought of ANYTHING with another guy had never entered his head before!! He looked towards Jonathan, and again the thought of rubbing his hand along Jonathan's cheek was right there. Again he thought to himself, "What the...?" Jonathan's voice broke his thought, "You are so built, dude. I trip when I look I look at you. Me, I guess I'm cute-whatever, but I'm so damn skinny, no arms to speak of, and you, just so friggen built. How big are your biceps? You know, some guys measure because of whatever..........I wonder........" he wrapped his hands around Cameron's biceps. "Look at that, my fingers barely go around." He knew he should let go of Cameron's arm, but his fingers touching all that muscle had always been a thought to Jonathan. And now his fingers were touching them. Now what? "That's what working out 5 times a week does." He said with a confident grin. Jonathan's face was only about a foot and a half away from his own. He noticed Jonathan had no facial hair that was noticeable, and again Cameron thought about how soft his face looked, how almost sexy his lips were. All these thoughts going on in his head was really starting to blow his mind. Wanting to touch a guys face was so unlike Cameron, or at least he thought it was. Yet it was there, and he was there touching his arm and it felt to Cameron like Jonathan was actually feeling his muscle. He watched as Jonathan's fingers let go f his biceps but continued to touch his arm. Jonathan suddenly noticed Cameron looking at him, and quickly pulled away in embarrassment. "Don't worry, I told you I wouldn't laugh at you if you did anything weird. It's cool. I mean, we're both a little drunk and high, and this hot-tub just makes you relax, know what I mean? Don't trip." He hesitated for a minute, swallowed hard and before he knew what he was saying he heard himself say, "You don't have to shave very much do you?" "No, maybe 3 times a week. Even at my age I have very light beard growth, why? Cameron couldn't believe he was about to say this, "Your face looks so soft." As he said this his hands brushed Jonathan's cheek which startled Jonathan but didn't bother him. "Dang, for a guy you have soft skin." Continuing to brush his fingers along Jonathan's cheek, he was looking deep into Jonathan's eyes as he felt Jonathan's hand start to touch his chest. It was a weird feeling but not a bad feeling. His mind was whirling around like craz, him touching Jonathan, Jonathan touching him. 'This s to weird' he said to himself. "Damn, dude, you have no fat on you at all do you?" he said this as his hands continued to move up and down Cameron's chest. The feeling of his bulging muscles was starting to give Jonathan a hard on which felt so weird yet so good. Both were surprised that the other didn't pull away or make any kind of attempt to stop what was going on. Cameron continued touching Jonathan's face with his fingers, looking so deeply into his eyes. Feeling Jonathan's hands on his chest felt so weird, yet he didn't mind it for some reason. As he kept looking into Jonathan's eyes he noticed Jonathan had such a relaxed look on his face, which continued to get more relaxed as he looked into his eyes. He was astonished at what he was about to do but couldn't stop himself. He stopped caressing Jonathan's face for a second, and opened his hand as he surrounded Jonathan's face with his opened palm. Grasping lightly to Jonathan's face, he drew himself closer to Jonathan, and the thought of putting his lips onto Jonathan's sexy lips was no longer a thought but was actually happening before he even knew it. Lightly caressing Jonathan's lips with his own, Cameron couldn't believe what he was feeling, and thinking at this very moment. Slowly entering into a real kiss he felt Jonathan tense up and then quickly relax as Cameron felt Jonathan's mouth opening, his lips responding to Cameron's, inviting him to continue kissing which he did, slowly sliding his tongue against Jonathan's lips, feeling them relax and open as Cameron felt his tongue take on a life of its own and enter Jonathan's mouth. Cameron's hand continued to caress Jonathan's face as the 2 men kissed. As Cameron was enjoying the feeling of Jonathan's soft full lips against his own, he heard a low moan come from Jonathan. This excited him more than he thought it would and began kissing Jonathan more aggressively and started feeling Jonathan's smooth body. Moving his hands over his arms, and chest, his lips pulling away from Jonathan's and began kissing his neck and shoulders as Jonathan let his head fall back softly not knowing why, but enjoying what he was feeling. Letting his hands move all over Cameron's body. While his eyes were closed, enjoying this very unusual feeling, he felt Cameron's lips return to his and then Cameron pulled himself away from Jonathan not really knowing where any of this was heading. He leaned back against edge of the hot-tub, ran his fingers through is hair, in a nervous-not knowing what to do now-kind of thing. Jonathan, also, was leaning back against the side, his head laying on the ground, eyes closed, a slight smile on his lips, and a very contented and relaxed look As he laid there relaxed, he asked Cameron,"Have you ever wondered what it would be like with another guy?" Cameron wasn't sure what to say. He knew that not until tonight had anything like this ever entered his mind. "To be honest, not until tonight. I have a lot of gay friends, but that's it. And t might sound weird, but earlier I was looking at your face and thinking how soft it looked. is that wild, or what? I don't know why I thought it, but I did. And just now when I was kissing you, I was really tripping on it in my mind, but finding myself liking it, which really tripped me out." The 2 looked at each other..................... They stared at each other for several minutes before Jonathan broke the silence. "What does a guy have to do to get another beer around here?"" Almost grateful for 1 of them saying something, Cameron laughed and replied, "It's times like this when you wish you had a butler or something. It's getting kind cold out here and you know we can't go getting sick or anything so let's get out of here and go inside and I'll see what I can do about that beer problem of yours." Both men started to get out of the hot-tub and both had forgotten that they had nothing on. Jonathan started reaching for his pants when a towel hit him in the face. "Just throw that around ya, I'll do the same and let's grab our shit and go inside." They both laughed out loud and picked up the clothes stuff and headed inside. Cameron directed Jonathan to the living room while hitting the button on his cd player and instantly there was music flowing all through the house. "Have a seat wherever you like, and I'll be back in a second with that beer you requested." Jonathan watched him as he left the room and there he was for a moment, by himself. He was feeling pretty okay. Not real drunk just nicely relaxed, but still kind of tripping on what happened outside between the 2 of them. As he got a tiny grin on his face, he ran his hand through his hair and lightly touched his own cheek. He stopped for a second, remembering what it felt like when Cameron did this same thing. He shook his head, laughed a tiny laugh, and planted himself on the sofa which was a large-sink into the couch-kind of sofa. He was immediately comfortable. Sitting there enjoying the music that was playing, he laid his head back, closed his eyes, and just let himself relax. The hand that was holding onto the towel around him relaxed also, and as his arm fell down beside on the couch the towel dropped also slightly revealing his penis, tho right now he was not aware of this or didn't really think about either. Cameron, holding 2 beers in his 1 hand while his other hand turned off the light in the kitchen, and turned down the light in the living room using the switch on the wall, he also was holding another 'J' in case Jonathan wanted to smoke a little more, but he himself was feeling just fine. As he went to enter the living room he stopped in his tracks. Across the room his eyes caught the sight of Jonathan on the couch. He looked so relaxed, so comfortable, so handsome, so inviting......Cameron couldn't believe what he was thinking about as he looked at Jonathan. But, hell ya only live once he thought to himself, "What the hell!" he thought. He took a deep breath, exhaled, and walked quietly into the living room. He sat the cans of beer on the coffee table along side the 'J' which he let drop as his towel started to fall and he wanted to catch it before it did but he was too late. He decided to just let it stay on the floor where it had fallen and sat down on the couch next to Jonathan. He hadn't thought about it til now, but realized himself again staring at him. Looking at his face, all the features on his face, that soft face. He couldn't take his eyes off him. He didn't know exactly why, but at that moment didn't really care either. Letting his body take control of the situation, instead of his mind, he leaned over and lightly kissed Jonathan's chest. Running his tongue along his nipples, and up his chest to his neck which he grazed with his 5 o'clock shadow and heard Jonathan make little pleasure noises. Cameron got a tiny smile on his face, 'How cute.' he thought to himself. He looked at Jonathan's face again and ran his lips across Jonathan's cheek which also was grazed by is 5 o'clock shadow. Not stopping where he was heading he gently placed his lips on Jonathan's, lightly grazing them with his and then fully placed his lips onto Jonathan's lips which slowly started to respond to Cameron's lips. Opening his lips, eyes still closed, he let Cameron fully kiss him. Feeling Cameron slide his tongue into his mouth was too much. Jonathan just let himself go. Enjoying Cameron's kiss, he started kissing back his hands beginning to touch Cameron's body again. His hands had a mind of there own. Up 1 arm, feeling the biceps muscles, down his chest, over his nipples, down his stomach, down........His hand stopped suddenly realizing what he was touching, Cameron's rock-hard cock. Cameron pulled away from kissing Jonathan and looked deep into his eyes again. Running his hand across is face again, over his neck, down his chest, his stomach, his cock. As he felt and caressed Jonathan's now rising cock, he kissed Jonathan agin letting him know it was cool. This was all Jonathan needed, kissing back a little more aggressively, and wrapping his hands around Cameron's cock, he began to jack it up and down as Cameron let out a couple of deep moans and also started kissing Jonathan a little more aggressively!! [How deep will this situation go? Part 2-SOON!!!!!!]


6 Gay Erotic Stories from MarkeePoo

A Joey Day, Part 1

  As I lay here in my bed, looking at the ceiling, the sound of the clock ticking away. I lay there, not believing what had happened earlier that day. As I finally start to drift off to sleep, what had happened that day filled my dreams............... I was jogging, as I do on a regular basis, this morning.. The sun was bright and warm. The air was crisp and clean. There

A Joey Day, Part 2

In the back of my throat I could feel the full extent of his tool. It hurt a little, but it also felt so good. The instant the head of his dick hit that back of my throat, his hips quivered as he felt the back of my throat hit against his head, and he made sure-without even realizing it-that e went 'all the way' in. And the moan that came out of him, in that instant, was more

Mario's Photo Shoot

"Turn your head a little more to right, and up just a bit." Looking through the lens of my camera, making sure he was positioned just right. Having done a lot of photo shoots, it had become 'old hat'. But, today, it was more difficult as the guy I was photographing was non-other than that well built, and very handsome, Mario Lopez. I had watched him when he was on, "Saved By The

Soap Stars, Part 2

"CAMERON MATHISON GETS 'LUCKY'!!!!!!!" (part 2) "Let's go into the bedroom," Cameron whispered into Jonathan's ear. He lifted his head to look again into Jonathan's deep blue eyes. The smile that greeted his eyes was something Cameron had never experienced before. So soft looking, so sexy, so masculine-yet not a turn off. The slight grin on Jonathan's face said more than

Soaps Stars, Part 1

ABC hosts 3 of daytimes hottest soaps, and once in a while 2 shows will shoot scenes using the same studio and set. This happened about a week ago. Cameron Mathison - "All My Children", and Jonathan Jackson - "General Hospital", were filming on the same set together. It was a long hard day for both, and when the shoots finally wrapped for the day and the crew had almost

Stalled on Joshua Avenue

A work of fiction and in no way implies or suggests ANYTHING concerning Joshua Morrows sexual preference!!] The breeze felt great on my face, the sun shining brightly, cool tunes rockin' out of the radio, and luck was with me as there was not many people on the highway. So, for me, it was very relaxing as I was about 1/4 of a mile from my turn-off and then just minutes from my


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