Gay Erotic Stories

Stalled on Joshua Avenue

by MarkeePoo

A work of fiction and in no way implies or suggests ANYTHING concerning Joshua Morrows sexual preference!!] The breeze felt great on my face, the sun shining brightly, cool tunes rockin' out of the radio, and luck was with me as there was not many people on the highway. So, for me, it was very relaxing as I was about 1/4 of a mile from my turn-off and then just minutes from my weekend at Lake -Washboarn. I had rented a cabin for the weekend, and it was all about 'me time'. A little grass, some whiskey, cool tunes, quiet out-doors, and nice, clean air. "It all begins in just a short while." I kept saying to myself. Once I turn off the highway, it's about 5 minutes of tree framed roads, and then the mountains will be in view, the water can heard in your ear, and the cabin awaits. Seeing the turn-off just ahead, I couldn't help but get a shit-eating grin on my face. For the 1st time in probably 25 minutes, I noticed another car on the road. Actually it wasn't on the road it was off to the side with the hood up, and lots of steam coming out of it. As I drove closer, I slowed down-'just because'-and saw that whoever was driving the car, was now trying to get it back in the 'going' mode without much success. Being in such a good mood-not to mention horny as hell-I decided I’d see if I could be of any help, so I passed then turned around and stopped by the back of the other car. Either the 'driver' didn't hear me pull-up, or he was just so into what he was doing he didn't notice, but he had no idea anyone had stopped to help. "Damn-it!!!! Shit!!!...." I heard him yell as I walked around the car and up to where the steam was coming out. I could see the sweat on his face, even though he kept wiping his forehead and face with his shirtsleeve. "I don't believe this!!" "Great place for your car to die, isn't it?" I tried to say in a 'hello', a kind of a 'joke', and a 'can I help' kind of way, unsuccessfully. "How far is the closest 'fix it' place around here?" He asked his face still 'in the car'. "You’re shit out of luck there. I'd guess the closest place would be back about 18 miles, or ahead probably 25. All that's around here is the cabins up at Lake-Washborn not more than 1/4 mile from here." Not knowing if I was of any help or not, I asked, "Want to relax for a second, smoke a 'J', and try to think of how you can fix whatever is broken ; at least enough to get you somewhere other than here?" I knew I phrased that wrong, but I also knew the basic 'idea' was there in the wording, somehow. "Yeah, sounds cool." He said as he withdrew his head from under the hood. "That's probably the best idea. Because right now I’d like to rip this piece of crap apart which won't solve anything." Wiping his hands off with a little towel he had in his back pocket, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a joint, lit it, and handed it to him. "Names Mark. Sorry I can't do more to help you, but this is, I guess, the best I can do." With a half-grin on his face, this still stranger reached out his hand, shook mine with one hand, and took hold of the 'J' with the other. "Josh." he said with a small smile. "It's cool, I mean at least you stopped. That's something, right?" Inhaling a long drag from the 'J', and not being underneath the hood, seemed to put a relaxed look on his face, if only momentarily. Exhaling, and taking another quick hit, he passed it back to me. "This might not actually help, but at least I won't give a shit for while." As he said this, he nervously, and/or anxiously, looked at his watch and shook is head. "Damn...." he said in almost a whisper. "What?" I asked. "I was heading to my girlfriends parents house to spend the weekend with her, and I’m already more than 2 hours late. It's been a long time since we've had time together, know what I mean?" he said as he nudged me with a grin. "I had plans of maybe getting some head as I relaxed in the lake near their house after the sun set. Or maybe her and me, all night, in the water doing whatever. And then this shit happens." he said as he took another long hit off the 'J', and ran his hand up and down his chest that was exposed as his shirt was long since unbuttoned. For a couple of minutes we just leaned against his car, each passing the joint back and forth. I was hoping he couldn't tell, but I had scanned him from stem to stern, and though I knew nothing would come of this chance meeting I was pleased with myself for stopping for such a sexy dude. Though I made sure I didn't stare at him, what I saw was very sexy. He stood about 5'10, dark blond hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a nicely developed body with just a sprinkle of hair on it. His face had a slight '5 o'clock' shadow on it, and his lips were big and red, and quit luscious, if I did say so myself. I was beginning to feel the 'high' from the joint, and I was so relaxed from the drive and all that before I knew it, I heard myself asking, "So, now that everything is all shot to hell what are you going to do?" For the last couple of minutes he had been staring out at the sky, I guess wondering the same thing I had just asked him. Wiping his forehead again with his shirtsleeve, he turned his head back my way, and said, "Shit, I don't know. I’m open for suggestions, though. I had the next 48 hours all planned, and now it looks like all that is on hold for who knows however long……" He didn't finish his sentence, as I passed him back the joint, which he took almost eagerly and again inhaled a long drag, which pretty much was the end of that. "It's getting dark, which puts more shit in my pale." Running his hand through his hair and looking towards the sky again, he said in an almost laughing way, "I'm open for suggestions." And with that he leaned against the car raising his hands over his head and closing his eyes. I couldn't help but notice, again, what a nice body he had. Sweat was dripping down his chest . There were trickles of sweat ready to drop on his left nipple from his chin. It was so sexy to see his slightly hairy chest covered with sweat from the sun's heat. My mind went nuts as I wanted to say so many things that-I knew-would not be appropriate, but I still wanted to say them. "Well, suggestion-wise I don't really know what to say. But, I can say that we are only minutes from the cabin I rented for the weekend and you seem cool and all, and if you want you can hang out there and party with me, and in the morning we'll take care of getting your car going again." I didn't say any more after that, I just-sort of-let it lay. "You don't watch Soap Operas, do you?" Josh asked me out of the blue. The question was so odd; I wasn't sure how to answer him. "Every now and again. Why?" "Because you didn't react at all when you saw me, and when I introduced myself." As he was saying this, I did notice that he had a huge shit-eating grin on his face, both from the joint and a little bit of ego. "Not that it matters or anything, but I’m an actor on 'The Young And The Restless'. Ever seen it?" "Yes, as a matter fact, I have. But, it was more than 8 years ago that I stopped watching it on a regular basis." I noticed myself saying this, also, with a huge grin on my face from the joint and now finding out this guy was an actor on TV. ("How cool for me." I thought to myself.) "Since your not a nut at finding out who I am, I guess it would safe to party at your cabin." he said in a joking, playful way. " Do you think the car will be safe here over night?" Smiling at the thought of what a fun evening this should be, I answered, “You saw how many people have passed us since we’ve been talking right, Zero!! And during the night it should be even less. Cool?" "Cool!! If it's alright for me to say, let's get the hell out of this sun and someplace where I can sit my ass down and forget all about this shit!!" Trying to impersonate Jim Carey I said, "Alrighty then......" Josh slammed the hood of the car down, grabbed his whatever out of the front seat, closed, and then locked the door, and got into my car and we headed to the cabin. It was now about 5:30 p.m. and the sun was on it's way to setting for the night. We had been here about 45 minutes or so; Josh had taken to himself for a bit out front in a hammock Drinking a beer, and I guess trying not to be pissed off about his car and what wasn't going to happen with him and his girlfriend. I didn't mind, as I knew when you only get a couple of days to 'relax' you want to make the most of it and when something unexpected happens and you can't really do much about it, you try and make the best of the situation at hand. As the radio spewed out music, I made a buffet-kind-of-snack-thing for us to munch on. As the cabin was 'rustic' and didn't have any entertainment kind of things except for the radio I had brought, so I figured we'd just 'kick-it' for the next few hours, party a little, munch a little, bull-shit a little, and that would be the evening. Carrying the tray of 'stuff' out to where Josh was relaxing, I noticed as I drew closer that his eyes were closed. His shirt was still unbuttoned, one arm was flung over the side of the hammock, and the other-now without a beer in it-was slowly moving up and down his chest his fingers lightly grabbing the hair that was on his chest. "He does seem like he's relaxed, doesn't he?" said to myself. "Hey, you up for some munchables?" He obviously didn't hear me approaching, as his eyes darted open quickly at my voice. "Got any more beer to wash it down with?" he asked with a handsome, big, smile. "Yah, no problem there. Let me get this set somewhere..." "No problem. You figure that out...." he said with a slight laugh, "And I’ll grab the beer. Is it in the cooler or what?" "Yah. You can’t miss it." Heading towards the door he said, "Be right back." I could tell by the way he strutted towards the door that he was cool with the situation the way it was, however unplanned. As the sun was finally setting, we had sat and 'munched' and bullshitted about this and that. But, now that the sun set the night bugs had started to come out and I knew that was my cue to start picking shit up. "Give me a couple of minutes while I take this shit inside." Josh, standing up also, said, "Let me get these." He said as he grabbed the beer cans and put them inside the empty 12-pack case. "Since you did all this while my ass was out here." he said with a fun sounding chuckle. As we entered the cabin, Josh said, "I can't get over how quiet and away from everything this place seems to be. You could do almost anything you wanted and nobody would ever know." With a fun sounding laugh he said, "Anything except murder I guess." As I kind-a-sort-a straightened things up in the kitchen, I thought about how relaxed he seemed to be with this unplanned situation. Which made me glad as there was only 1 bedroom and only 1 bed and that was mine. As I did what I was doing, I figured Josh had gone back outside or whatever, what I didn't know was that 1 of my magazines that I had brought along with me for some reading 'pleasure' as well as some whacking off 'pleasure', had fallen out of my backpack and Josh had found it and was sitting on the couch flipping through it. "The hell with this shit." I thought to myself as I stopped doing this clean-up thing I was doing, "I'm supposed to be relaxing." And with that final thought, I was done. Reaching into my shirt pocket I pulled out my pack of cigarettes as well as another joint. Lit the cigarette and headed into the livingroom. I practically tripped over my own foot as I saw Josh on the couch flipping through one of my magazines. To myself I thought, "Shit!! How do I explain that? Say it isn't mine? Say I..." My worried thoughts were stopped as Josh looked up from the magazine and said, "Interesting reading." To my surprise he said it with a' it's cool' kind of look. "Wanna smoke another “J” ?" I asked not really knowing exactly what the hell to say. "Sure." he said as he set the magazine on the table next to the couch. As there was only the couch to sit on, I had no choice but to walk toward it wishing there was a chair, or, shit, even a box to sit on. Trying to act like nothing was wrong I sat down on the couch taking a long drag from my cigarette. As I exhaled and set the cigarette in the ashtray, I put the joint in my mouth, and closed my eyes in an almost praying kind of way, and lit the joint. As I finished taking in a large hit and opening my eyes again, I thankfully noticed Josh had his head back on the arm of the couch, not looking at me, his eyes half closed. "Cool," I thought to myself, "Maybe he won't say anything." I tapped his knee with my finger that held the joint and his head slowly came upright again, as he took the joint from me and he also inhaled a large drag which, I noticed, he held it for a long time and then slowly exhaled, handed it back to me, and again laid his head back on the arm of the couch. As I took another drag from the joint my mind was going a mile a minute trying to thing of something witty to say, or, basically, just ANYTHING to say. Start a conversation about cars or girls or something-ANYTHING!!!!! What was he thinking about? Was he thinking about anything? I exhaled what I had inhaled and tapped Josh on his hand that was laying on his knee, and without opening his eyes he reached towards where he thought the joint was but touched my arm instead. Opening his eyes, he looked directly at me as He took the joint from me. Taking another drag from the joint, holding it, again, for a long time, he never took his eyes off me. It was making me a little nervous yet a tiny bit excited at the same time. God, I wanted to know what was going through his head right now. Why was he looking at me for such a long time? I was stoned, horny, and curious as to what he thought about the magazines. I had looked away from his stare as I took another drag, but as I went to hand it back to him, I saw that he was obviously thinking about something as he stared at the ceiling and ran his fore-finger back and forth over his chin. As I reached out to hand him the joint again, I heard myself asking, "What..." Without raising his head, he took the joint from me and momentarily stopped the chin thing as he inhaled another large drag and quickly, it seemed, handed it back to me and closed his eyes and instead of resuming the chin thing, his hand rested on his almost exposed chest, as he still was wearing his shirt. Taking my last drag of the night, I noticed Josh moving his fingers slightly up and down his chest. Not all the way up or all the way down, just slightly up and slightly down, almost unnoticeable to anybody else. As I tapped his knee again he didn't reach for the joint right away. I saw him now tapping his finger on his chest as if he were contemplating something. Then, he stopped as if whatever he was contemplating was now resolved, and he, then, raised his head, looked at me, and took the joint from me. As he laid his head back again, he then took another large drag, reached his hand out and said, "Why don't you put this out?" without raising is head or opening his eyes. Since I was finished, I reached around and put it out in the ashtray on the side table. Turning back around, I-too-leaned my head back. Mine, though, was on the back of the couch. As I let my eyes close, and started to just relax. The cabin was silent for a few minutes, except for our breathing. Through the open window you could hear the crickets and other night bugs doing whatever they do. You could hear and feel the cool breeze, as it lightly blew the leaves on the tree. And the trickle of the water hitting against the rocks from the far off lake. Peaceful. "How good of cock-sucker are you?" My eyes popped open upon hearing this question!!!! I was stunned for a moment, as I wasn't expecting such a question, though I did think he was heck-a-cute, but it came so 'out of the blue' I didn't know what to say. As I slightly turned my head to see if he was looking at me I saw that he still had his head lying back on the arm of the couch. Since I was stoned, not to mention a little drunk from the 12-pack we had finished off, I figured what the hell and said, "I know what I’m doing." with a certain amount of confidence but in a semi-joking tone as I didn't know how he meant the question. "Would it be weird if I asked you to suck my dick?" "No, it wouldn't sound weird." "I had planned all week to spend the night screwing my girlfriend. It's been a while since we've had time to spend together, and I was really looking forward to expelling some of that this weekend." After he said this, he finally raised his head up and was looking at me now. "I'm not gay or anything, just hella-horny. And then I saw that magazine of yours, and from what I saw it didn't look that bad when a guy was sucking another guy. And I read a little bit of one of the stories and-I don't know-it kind of turned me on a little bit and I thought..." His chattering stopped the moment I put my hand on his crotch, and from what I felt it seemed that he did have a nice package that was already hardening under my massage. "Don't worry." I told him, "It's cool." For, I don't know, 2 maybe 3 minutes silence filled the cabin with only the outside sounds echoing about as the stare that our eyes met in, stood still. I, myself, wasn't exactly sure what to think as my hand still slowly massaged his now erect penis. For me, it was exciting in a stimulating, sexual, way that made me want pounce right on him and do whatever!! But, I didn't. Josh, meanwhile, was getting confused, he didn't know what to do, but soon decided to break the silence. "Hey Mark," Josh said airily, "do you find me attractive, just curious?" At this my hard-on started to come to life. "Josh, you know you're a hunk." as my massage was getting more and more sexual. "Why do you ask?" "Look, you know I'm straight, but..." I knew he was hella uncomfortable as he tried to continue, "Would you wanna .........?" Not wanting to see him in this uncomfortable situation, my hand continued the-now-pursuit of his cock, but also began unbuttoning his 5 buttons that surrounded the definite hard-on and soon discovered that was all that was between 'him and I'. As my fingers slowly wrapped themselves around his now free cock, I was surprised at what was before me. He had to be at least a good 9 strong inches of cock, which I slowly began to stroke up and down, as I watched Josh's face begin to relax as his eyes slowly closed and his head went back. I continued this for some minutes, not wanting to rush anything. Then He brought his eyes back towards mine and they showed that he was relaxed 'in that way' and I took a shot in the dark and leaned over to Josh, and kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth, slowly. Josh, at first shocked, was now beginning to enjoy the feeling of my soft mouth on his, as his tongue began to explore mine in such a cool but definite manly way that instantly drove me crazy!! I pulled away, grabbing Josh by the wrist, and pulled him into the bedroom. While Josh was stripping off his clothes on the way. I had a lamp and some candles out in the living room area, but had nothing in the bedroom. "Lie back on the bed" I told him "I'm going to give you the best blowjob you've ever experienced." "I don't know" Josh replied, doubtfully, "You'll have to do one hell of a job." He said, with a little laugh that let me know he was almost totally kidding. "I've been serviced by the best mouths of the female variety." "Ah yes," I said, triumphantly "but I have the advantage of knowing what feels good to a dick first hand, something they'll never know." I began kissing Josh's outstretched body, starting on his neck, and moving down to his chest. I came to his right nipple, and sucked and flicked it with his tongue, followed by the right nipple. At this, Josh began to groan, thrusting his hips up, pushing his swollen cock against my chest which I took in my hand and jerked up and down as I continued my way down his body which was nicely built and firm and had just slight tuffs of hair in just the right places. Hearing the sounds he was now making, I grasped his dick by the balls and held it straight up in the air and with one straight lunge, I took his entire cock deep into my throat which made me gag as he wasn't a small person especially now!! Regaining my composure as well as know-how, I began 'work' on his cock, as I was really horny for this 'first time thing' as well as determined to show this 'man' what a real blowjob IS. For the next 45 minutes I took him deep into my throat over and over, as his hands clenched and stroked my hair with such manly strength as he guided my head on it's side as he thrust himself IN and OUT, deep inside my throat. How it happened I don't know but before I knew it I was on my back. His left hand grasping the back of my head as he continued to thrust himself IN and OUT as he leaned his body back, his head hanging over his back, hair dangling in the cool air, sounds of pure ecstasy coming out of him and into my ears making these moments all the more sexually exciting. As his moans of pleasure started to grow longer and deeper, and he took my head into both of his hands, I knew this boy was about to explode like never before!! "OH GOD...OH GOD!!!!!!!! OOOHHHH....!!!!!!!!!!" filled the night air as he unloaded, in my opinion, a hefty load of salty sweet semen deep into my throat. As the shots finally started to subside, his body also began to relax, as he lowered his face to mine, and to my surprise-though I wanted him too-he took my cheeks in his hands and kissed me like I’ve only been kissed maybe a couple times in my life!!!!! As he pulled his lips from mine, I said: "Well," with a slight grin, "I'm guess I've shown you how a real blowjob should be done." Still looking down into my face, Josh noticed my raging hard-on. "Hey look. You were great just now. Is there any way I can help you out now? I don't know if I can do a blowjob like that, but I would consider whatever you suggest." Not taking any chances with this kind of moment, I got up on my knees, touching all over his body and slowly pushing down onto the bed my eyes never leaving his. I started to massage his ass, then while I continued kissing him I let 1 finger begin to enter his ass just to see what he'd do, and he didn't do anything but start to let out those sexy moans again as 2 then 3 fingers were inside now, and my eyes were looking as far inside him as they could. I guess my point got across as I heard: "Go ahead. " Josh said eagerly; wanting to feel what it was like. With 1 final kiss on those sexy full manly lips, I slowly let my cock begin to enter his virgin ass. Inch by inch I went inside of him until all my 8 inches were deep inside. Josh yelled out, the pain seemingly unbearable. Yet at the same time, he felt an element of pleasure. As I began to move in and out the feeling of pleasure took over, and soon Josh was pushing back against me. Josh seemed to be having the time of his life. Josh stayed tight, in fact, seemed to contract and relax as I was pulling out and in, sending incredible waves of desire through my whole body. Soon, I was pumping Josh as fast as I could, my balls thrashing Josh's ass. Reaching down, I felt Josh's dick stiffer than ever. It was at least 1o" too, bigger than before. I wrapped my hand around it, jerking it in time to my own thrusts into Josh. In no time, thanks to the added pleasure his prostate was receiving, Josh sprayed a hot load of cum all over himself. Me the bed........, while I continued to thrust deep inside him. I wanted this to go on forever but I felt my balls tighten, and with one final thrust, I emptied my cum deep into Josh's guts. At this I collapsed on top of Josh, both of us exhausted, and shaking with the intense pleasure just experienced.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from MarkeePoo

A Joey Day, Part 1

  As I lay here in my bed, looking at the ceiling, the sound of the clock ticking away. I lay there, not believing what had happened earlier that day. As I finally start to drift off to sleep, what had happened that day filled my dreams............... I was jogging, as I do on a regular basis, this morning.. The sun was bright and warm. The air was crisp and clean. There

A Joey Day, Part 2

In the back of my throat I could feel the full extent of his tool. It hurt a little, but it also felt so good. The instant the head of his dick hit that back of my throat, his hips quivered as he felt the back of my throat hit against his head, and he made sure-without even realizing it-that e went 'all the way' in. And the moan that came out of him, in that instant, was more

Mario's Photo Shoot

"Turn your head a little more to right, and up just a bit." Looking through the lens of my camera, making sure he was positioned just right. Having done a lot of photo shoots, it had become 'old hat'. But, today, it was more difficult as the guy I was photographing was non-other than that well built, and very handsome, Mario Lopez. I had watched him when he was on, "Saved By The

Soap Stars, Part 2

"CAMERON MATHISON GETS 'LUCKY'!!!!!!!" (part 2) "Let's go into the bedroom," Cameron whispered into Jonathan's ear. He lifted his head to look again into Jonathan's deep blue eyes. The smile that greeted his eyes was something Cameron had never experienced before. So soft looking, so sexy, so masculine-yet not a turn off. The slight grin on Jonathan's face said more than

Soaps Stars, Part 1

ABC hosts 3 of daytimes hottest soaps, and once in a while 2 shows will shoot scenes using the same studio and set. This happened about a week ago. Cameron Mathison - "All My Children", and Jonathan Jackson - "General Hospital", were filming on the same set together. It was a long hard day for both, and when the shoots finally wrapped for the day and the crew had almost

Stalled on Joshua Avenue

A work of fiction and in no way implies or suggests ANYTHING concerning Joshua Morrows sexual preference!!] The breeze felt great on my face, the sun shining brightly, cool tunes rockin' out of the radio, and luck was with me as there was not many people on the highway. So, for me, it was very relaxing as I was about 1/4 of a mile from my turn-off and then just minutes from my


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