Gay Erotic Stories

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part 1

by B. Jazz

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part I Note: This is a fictitious story. Please share your comments with me at Philip sprang to life from his sleep, startled by the sudden ring. He clumsily reached over to hit the snooze button, but the ringing wouldn't stop. Then he realized it was actually the phone that was ringing. Not wanting to leave his warm, comfortable position, he quickly pulled the cordless down under the covers to talk. "Hey man, where you at?" It was Tony his co-worker. "It's almost 8:30!" "What?" Philip shouted sitting up and looking over at the clock blinking 12:00. "Aw fuck! The damn electricity must have gone out last night." He wrestled to get out of the covers. "Tony, man I'm sorry." Philip said racing to the bathroom. "Can you get a ride?" "Yeah, don't sweat it, man" Tony replied. "I'll just get up with you later. Peace." Philip turned off the phone and went to turn on the shower. No water came out. "I can't believe this shit!" He shouted. "I swear to God I'm moving up outta this motherfucker." This was the third time in one month that the water had not been running properly. He quickly ran back to the bedroom to get dressed. Like before he would just shower and change at the gym once he got to work. Luckily, it was Saturday and he would not have to contend with the usual traffic tie-ups, and only a few of the office staff were coming in this morning. Still he didn't like being late. After checking in at the guard's desk, he took the elevator down to the gym. He didn't want to run into anybody before he got cleaned up. He hadn't even brushed his teeth. "Shit, shit, shit!" he said as he got to the gym doors - the lights were still off and there was no one in sight. Still he checked the doors to see if they were locked. To his surprise they opened right up, but there was no one in the lobby. He didn't know what the deal was and really didn't care. He dashed to the men's locker room. He could be in and out in 15 minutes tops. Philip quickly undressed and headed toward the closest shower. Suddenly, there in the corner of his eye he saw someone coming out of the stall. Startled, he yelled and his first reaction was an awkward, half jump and spin as he tried to stop, but he slipped on the wet floor and slid into the person standing there. It was Keenan, another brother from his office, and he likewise screamed at the sight of this naked person suddenly coming at him out of nowhere. They tumbled on top of each other on the wet floor, but quickly pushed the other away covering up their privates. Keenan was first to get back to his feet. "Damn, Philip! he said wrapping his towel around himself. He was clearly a little agitated by the intrusion. "What the hell you doing, man? You scared the shit out of me!" "Sorry, man," Philip replied embarrassed and still struggling to stand on the slippery floor. "I didn't know anybody was down here." He looked over to see he had a small scrape on his leg from where he fell. "Damn, this just ain't my morning," he continued. "The door was open, so I just wanted to pop in and take a quick shower. The electricity in my apartment building went out last night and this morning the water was still fucked up." He looked up at Keenan who extended a hand to help him get up. Philip had to drop his towel in order to lift himself up, but once on his feet he quickly bent down to retrieve it. He shyly wrapped it around him and thanked Keenan. There was a brief, uncomfortable silence as they calmed down. "You okay?" Keenan asked seeing the scrape. "Yeah, I'm cool," Philip replied taking a deep breath. "It's just a little scrape. Hell, I'm going to get cleaned up before anything else happens. He headed into the stall and turned on the water. "Say, what apartments do you live in?" Keenan asked looking after him. "It's weird because the same shit happened at my place this morning." "I'm over at Armory Hills Apartments on Turner Street." Philip replied. He was waiting for Keenan to leave so that he could go on and shower. "What?" Keenan said surprised. "We're at the same complex then. What building are you in? I'm in 334 with my room mate." "Really?" Philip said equally surprised. "Yeah, I'm on the front side in 101. What do you know? "But I'm leaving that damn place, man. I'm tired of this shit - no electricity one day, no water the next." "Yeah, I know what you mean." Keenan said. "Now that I know we're neighbors, I could get a ride to work sometime. Most of the time I jog in since it's just across town, but when the weather gets bad I do the taxi thing." "Cool," Philip said. "Just let me know, man. I'll be up to the office in a minute." "Bet." Keenan said and turned to leave for the locker room. Philip waited until he was out of sight and around the corner before he took off his towel and stepped under the water. Steam had nearly filled the stall and the hot water felt good on his skin. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, unable to believe that he had just seen the man of his dreams naked as a jay bird. More so, he had felt his silky, coco brown skin and squeezed his hand - so strong, so masculine. He caught a glimpse of Keenan's dick and hairy balls, but quickly looked away and pretended to focus on the small scrape. He hoped that Keenan hadn't noticed his gaze. It was hard enough having to work with him everyday and not have the type of access he desired. His attraction bordered on obsession and he often fantasized about he and Keenan having sex. Now having this vision to replay in his head would only make things even harder. He waited until he thought Keenan was surely gone. Then he turned and masturbated facing the wall, fantasizing like he had done so many times before. "Keenan," he whispered as he climaxed. He balanced himself against the wall, slightly dizzy from the orgasm, watching his cum wash down into the drain. In the locker room as he got dressed, Keenan kept thinking to himself that he hoped the incident was smoothed out okay - that Philip did not detect anything about him. The fact that he was a closeted bisexual was a part of his life that he had done a good job of hiding for the past few years. He suspected that Philip was possibly gay given some of his mannerisms and personality, but that really didn't mean shit. He knew several "straight" brothers who had reputations of being the biggest players on the block and had seen them mackin' other guys. No - these days the usual rules didn't apply anymore, still he tried his best to follow them. His current situation with his room mate was working out fine - he even had a female friend he dated occasionally. But the situation with Philip was a wild card and he didn't know what to expect. Lately he had been receiving secret admirer notes left on his desk, and Philip had been just a bit too attentive whenever he was around. He also had noticed the way Philip looked at him, often times catching him staring at his crotch and always commenting on the way he dressed. Keenan had told no one about the mysterious notes and had no grounds to approach Philip. At the same time he was sort of intrigued by the whole thing, knowing that someone was watching him. The incident this morning really freaked him out and the thought had entered his mind that Philip was there to try something. He was about to confront him about the messages but thought it not too wise. After all, Philip's story was believable and what if he was wrong about him - what if he wasn't like that? He tried to block it from his mind and left for the office. By the time Keenan got upstairs, Tony was just arriving and was struggling to unlock the office door. He had several bags, his briefcase, and a box of doughnuts which was about to fall. "Yo Tony," Keenan caught up with him just in time. "Let me get that for you." "Hey, what's up playa?" Tony said relieved. He pushed open the door with his foot and went in. "Boy, I'm tired," Keenan replied. They both went into his office. "I'm glad this won't take long - I'm supposed to be at a game at 12:00. Did you get those blueberry joints? He asked opening up the box of doughnuts. "Yeah, you know I hooked you up." Tony replied as he began emptying the bags. The bags contained reams of colored paper from the office supply store. They were finishing up a print job for a company who moved the delivery date up at the last minute. "I think I have more than enough here," Tony continued. "You want some coffee?" He asked heading towards the kitchen. "No thanks." Keenan replied. "Where did you guys end up last night?" he asked sitting down at his desk. "Hold up," Tony shouted from the kitchen. "I'll be right back." Keenan took two doughnuts from the box and laid them down on the desk. It was then that he noticed the envelope addressed to him taped to his computer screen. He already knew it would be from the secret admirer - this was how they all were left. He quickly snatched it down and ripped open the seal to read it before anyone else came in. "GOOD MORNING LOVER. I HOPE YOU'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT ME, BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU. YOU ARE SO FINE AND I WANT YOUR ASS SO BAD. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW ALL THE THINGS I WANT TO DO TO YOU. I HEARD YOU'VE GOT THE MASTERPIECE! IS IT TRUE, LOVER?" He didn't hear Tony come back into the office. "Man, Philip and I went to that new place up on 53rd," Tony said. "Whew! Nothin' but honies." Keenan's face was flustered as he turned around quickly folding the note. "I saw your girl, Keisha looking all good," Tony teased. "What's up with yall?" "Keisha's my buddy," Keenan replied hesitantly. "We kick it sometimes, but it ain't nothin' serious. Yeah, I was supposed to meet her up there, but I got tied up last night." He thought to himself that he was tied up literally. His room mate/live-in lover/friend, Jamie came home horny as hell and gave him a night to remember. "Well, you've got to check it out," Tony said to him as he grabbed a doughnut. "That joint was off the hook!" There was a brief moment of silence as Keenan thought about letting Tony see the note. This had been going on for a month now and he wanted someone to confide in - someone who might be able to help him figure out who this stranger was. He decided he would and opened up the note again. "Yo Tony," he said holding out the note. "Look at this shit, man." "What's this?" Tony asked as he wiped his hands and took the paper. Keenan sat quietly while he read it, waiting to see his reaction. "What the hell?" Tony asked laughing. "Who's this from?" "I don't know!" Keenan said with a bewildered expression. "Man, this shit's been going on for a month. When I get to work I find these notes taped up here." "Oh snap!" Tony yelled. "Let me find out you that macaroni playa! Oh man, I bet it's that bitch Trina down in Accounting." "How you figure that?" Keenan asked. His curiosity was peaked now. "Which one is Trina?" "Man, you know!" Tony said gesturing with his hands. "On the 1st floor - she wears those long braids - got big ass tits and is always up here talking to Barry." "Oh yeah!" Keenan replied falling back in the chair. "Why you call her a bitch? She seems nice. I thought she was in the church and all that." "Yeah okay," Tony said looking sarcastic. "She might be in church on Sunday, but on pay day she's down in the basement sucking all kinds of dick!" "Brotha, you lyin!" Keenan laughed. He couldn't believe it. "Nah, I don't believe that shit! How in the hell would you know if all that was going on? Why would anybody be that stupid to do that on their job? Somebody made that up." Keenan shook his head in disbelief. "Yeah whatever," Tony said going for another doughnut. "She was at the club last night too. I tell you man, that girl is a freaky-deek. Why do you think Barry is talking to her?" "Well, you've got a point there," Keenan said. "Barry ain't nothing but a ho. Where is his ass anyway? He's supposed to be here too." "He told me yesterday he was going out of town today." Tony replied. "Where is Philip? He was supposed to be picking me up this morning. I called him a little after 8 and his ass was still in bed. We were going to go pick up the paper this morning." "Yeah," Keenan said. "He's here. I ran into him down in the gym. You guys must have really partied hard last night." Keenan did not mention what happened earlier, but his mind lingered briefly on the fact that Philip arrived after he did. Philip could have easily slipped into the office undetected and left the note without anyone seeing him. Then he remembered that they had seen each other naked. It wasn't a big deal really, as over the years all the guys in the office had played ball or worked out together in the gym and used the showers afterwards - nothing out of the ordinary. They had occasions to see each other naked before, but with these suggestive notes being left, the situation suddenly had another spin. If in fact Philip was the originator of these notes, Keenan did not welcome the chance of ever being alone with him again. This game was potentially dangerous and could complicate their working relationship, not to mention jeopardize their jobs. Then he remembered he had said something to Philip about riding to work. Why in the hell did he say that? "Damn!" Keenan said aloud. "What's wrong?" Tony asked as he got up to go for coffee. "Just thinking about all this." Keenan replied looking again at the note. "Yo, don't tell anybody about this, okay? This is crazy enough without other people getting in my business. You know how this place is." "Well, it depends on how you take it," Tony replied. He turned around and grabbed up four reams of paper. "Hell, I wish somebody would send me some. But no, I won't say a word about it. Look, I'm going to get my coffee and head over to the copy room to get started. We should be able to knock this out in no time." "Yeah," Keenan said looking up at the clock. "I'll be right there." He placed the note in his coat pocket. He heard the front office door open. "Hey, where's everybody?" It was Philip. "In here Philip," Keenan called back as he gathered the rest of the paper. Philip came into the office and threw his gym bag in the corner. "Are we the only ones here?" he asked. "I talked to Tony this morning, he was going to meet us here." "Yeah, he's already here," Keenan replied. "He's over in the copy room. By the way, he brought in some doughnuts and made coffee if your interested. I'm gonna head on over." He headed out of the room. "Yo, Keenan," Philip called after him. "Sorry again about this morning, man." "Hey, forget about it kid." Keenan replied without turning around and kept walking. Philip was relieved and grabbed two doughnuts out of the box, but he couldn't forget about it no matter how he tried. To be continued.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from B. Jazz

Brother 2 Brother, Part 1

Brother 2 Brother I took a deep breath as I pushed myself away from the keyboard and waited for the file to print. I couldn't believe I was actually considering doing this, and my heart pounded with anticipation just thinking of what would become of it all and of me. One thing was for certain, I would never be the same man again. I reached over and snatched the

Brother 2 Brother, Part 2

Brother 2 Brother, Part II Darien followed me to my house, and the drive seemed to take forever. I kept looking back at him in my rear view mirror bouncing around to the music, totally oblivious to what was about to take place. I, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck and I clenched the steering wheel tightly, trying to rationalize what I was getting myself into.

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part 1

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part I Note: This is a fictitious story. Please share your comments with me at Philip sprang to life from his sleep, startled by the sudden ring. He clumsily reached over to hit the snooze button, but the ringing wouldn't stop. Then he realized it was actually the phone that was ringing. Not wanting to leave

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part 2

Straight Acting, Straight Appearing, Part II Jeremy stepped out of the shower and slowly toweled himself, enjoying the sight of his glistening skin reflected in the mirror. His new year's resolution to start working out more regularly was beginning to show some results. He had already lost 20 pounds and could see a slight definition in his chest. He still had a little


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