Gay Erotic Stories

Stripped for Gym

by Wildman

STRIPPED for Gym: By Wildman Actually this should be titled stripped for or by Jim! I was hitchhiking across state heading to the coast staying pretty much with the back roads since rides are easier to come by than on the interstate. I was taking some time off from school and the summer was well on to hot and dry - so I had dressed lightly - just a pair of cut off's and a t-shirt and of course a good pair of gym shoes. While I really didn't mind walking all 300 miles to the coast carrying little more than a gym bag with me - I didn't mind sticking out my thumb now and then just in case I might catch a ride. I really like traveling light, hobo style, so to speak and it is amazing just how far and wide you can travel around like this. Interesting too, some of the people you get to meet when you are not flying over them or whizzing by them at nearly the speed of light and sound. Sometimes I'm really lucky and connect up with a long ride and actually spend very little time on the road for the distance I achieve. This trip was going a bit more slowly with lots of 5, 10, 15 mile rides and nearly an equal amount of walking. No problem really! More often it is the trip not the destination that I enjoy most. Once I had caught a single ride all the way to the coast, and felt like I had missed the whole trip even though I did enjoy a full week at the beach. Even decided to take a bus home - since this time I lingered until nearly the last minute before I need to be home. Anyway - as I said this trip was a bunch of short hops, but the variety of people I was meeting had been very interesting. Little did I realize just how interesting it was going to get. Long about 4 in the afternoon I was plodding along and heard traffic behind me and since that sun was beating down something awful - I stuck out my thumb without even looking back or turning around to see what kind of traffic I was soliciting. To my surprise I heard a car pull up behind me and I looked around. Whew - Nice Sports Car! Had the top down and everything! As I walked back to the passenger door - the friendly driver, who might otherwise be described as a hunk and a half, stuck out his hand and said: "Hey my names Jim!" "How far ya going?" As I was getting in I told him I was headed all the way to the coast. As we started off - he said he was only going about 150 miles, but I was welcome for that distance. I told him that was fine as I was in no hurry and besides - that would have nearly three-fourths of my distance. Boy the wind across the top of the windshield sure felt good. The wind noise pretty much precluded much conversation without seeming to yell at each other, so he drove and I took in the sights. It also gave me a chance to get a better look at my driver. He too was wearing cut offs, an open button shirt and sports shoes much like me. While the road was good - the speed limit was mostly 45 to 55 with an occasional 35 through the small towns. Jim was an attentive driver and held very tightly with the speed limits. Not what you might expect with this kind of sports car, but I was glad to not be fearing for my life. After about an hour Jim said he was ready for a pit stop. I was too actually so we whipped into the next convenience store we saw. He didn't need any gas - but we were both making tracks to the men’s room. Ahhhhhh the pause that refreshes! A couple of cold drinks and a couple of packs of crackers and we were on our way again. As we got into the car - I ask Jim if he minded if I shed my shirt to better enjoy the breeze. While I wasn't totally shocked, he said almost jokingly, "You can ride buck naked if you want to!" Actually, I would have loved to ride starkers for a while, but I didn't really know Jim that well just yet and besides he didn't really sound very serious. Besides we were in an open top sports car for God's sake, so I just shed the tee and let it go at that. Now that breeze really was cooling once I didn't have a damp t-shirt sticking to me! I did drape it over the back of the seat so I wouldn't be sticking to the seat. By now the sun was setting quite low in the west behind us and the road seemed to open up for a while so Jim pushed a little harder on the gas and we actually made some time and space for a while. It wasn't long before we hit another small town and Jim said he was getting hungry and was I up for a burger. Yeah I was, so we whipped into some little burger place with some concrete tables outside. While waiting on our order, we actually had a few minutes to find out a little more about each other. Jim was just out of college and had taken a job down east with a mobile home manufacturer as an office manager. I shared that I was in my last year and had taken the summer off to enjoy some hobo traveling around. Jim laughed at my concept since I really didn't look the part of the classic hobo. He too had taken a few weeks to catch his breath after school and before work and had put more than a few miles on that sports car. I asked him if he picked up hitchhikers often and he said almost never and only if they looked descent or interesting. I wasn't sure what interesting meant since of me he had only had a rear view before he stopped to pick me up. I really didn't give it much thought though. We finished up our burgers, and after another pit stop hit the road again. Jim had indicated that he only had about 50 more miles to go before reaching his destination. Needless to say I was glad for the ride this far. And the company wasn't bad either. Well the sun was getting real low - occasionally dropping behind the hills and trees behind us - so I put back on my t-shirt for the last leg of the trip - except that I did notice that Jim gave me kind of a hurt look when I pulled the shirt back on. Odd, until then I hadn't realized that he was probably enjoying seeing me half naked in the breeze. While I'm no hunk, I'm not a slob either but likewise, never really thought of myself as somebody's eye-candy. No doubt Jim had probably checked me out as much or more than I had him. Anyway, the road opened up again and we made some time. With a belly full of burger, it was no time before my eyes got heavy and I'm sure I had drifted off several times. In fact I was well off in dreamland when the slowing of the car woke me up. I opened and focused my eyes just in time to notice that we were pulling off the road and turning into a dirt road. I was reaching for my gear figuring that this might be Jim's stop when we kept going down the dirt road well beyond where I might have gotten out close to the highway. I glanced at Jim and he just stared straight ahead, not even acknowledging my concern, but he seemed to know where we were going - so I just settled back to see for myself. About a half mile down the dirt road - we made a little right into even less of a road that was pretty over grown and had obviously not seem much traffic of late. I thought this really odd - considering the sports car was not exactly an off road vehicle. Within moments we pulled to a stop in what might have once been a small clearing - except it too was pretty overgrown with weeds. By now I was really curious and looked dead at Jim to see just what he might have in mind. He revved the engine and turned off the ignition. Boy, it was suddenly very quiet out here in the wilderness with still more than enough light to see everything clearly, except for what Jim might have in mind. I'm sure my facial expression had a million questions or at least what gives and I didn't have to wait too long to find out what was on Jim's mind. He turned in the seat (as much as you can turn in a sports car) and said: "Well let's see what you got?" I said: "huh?" Cause at first I didn't have a clue. Then Jim said rather matter of factly, "Lets see what you got?" I want you to strip!" Then without even waiting for my reaction, which was pretty shocked, he said: "Take off all your clothes or I'll take them off for you!" "I want to see you naked!" "I've been wanting to see you naked ever since you took off your shirt and I told you, you could ride buck naked if you wished." Well, it didn't have to be much more clear than that. Jim was expecting a show and I was to be the show boy. Ok, considering my option of having my clothes torn off me or just giving into his primal desire to see my body - I decided, I can do this! Actually, I really don't mind being naked and I was fully half seriously considering riding down the road naked if only we hadn't been in an open top car for everyone to see. I told Jim: "ok that's cool - where should I start." Jim said: "lets get out of the car first - it is just too cramped in here!" We both got out of the car and Jim motioned me around to the front of the car and said shoes! Ok, off with the shoes! Then he said shirt, so it came off next leaving nothing but the shorts and some body hair. Then he said shorts, so I unbuttoned and dropped them too. He said step out of them so I obliged leaving them on the ground with my shirt and shoes. Jim did not seem too distressed that I wasn't wearing any underwear. By now I could tell that Jim was very impressed - at least by the growing bulge in his shorts which must have felt awfully tight! Jim was admiring my every nakedness - so I did a little turn so he could get the whole picture. (I wasn't really sure what else to do - just standing there in all my naked glory!) Jim said: "Excellent!" "Absolutely excellent" "though I really was looking forward to striping you had you not been so cooperative!" While I was enjoying my nakedness almost as much as he was, I said: "Well I could put my clothes back on and let you try that I guess." I mean he had been good for an excellent ride so far. But Jim declined and moved a bit closer. Jim put his hand on my shoulder and then let it slide down to my butt where he let it stay for a moment. Then with his other hand, he cupped my balls and rolled them around a bit. I know I must has gasped when he did that, as I haven't been handled by another man other than my doctor and I always gasp a little then too. It didn't take much of that ball play before my cock just naturally started to rise for the occasion and Jim applied a little attention there too. "Whew - is it getting hot out here? I said" Jim said: Yes, yes it is as a matter of fact, too hot for these clothes and he stepped back from me and the car to take off his clothes. "Unless you would like to do the honors?" He said. (Me stripping him I guess.) But I said: No you go ahead, it is very liberating!" We laughed! And Jim proceeded to strip, probably providing a much better show than I did. Like I said before - I had already noted he was a hunk and a half. I could well imagine even before he got to the good part that he might even be a hunk and two thirds or three fourths once he was fully naked. Didn't take long to find out! Jim was a fine specimen indeed. Very nicely hung and proportioned in every way - quite amply endowed. I felt a bit humble by comparison - but still nothing to be ashamed of myself. Jim stretched and arched himself and even seemed to strut a bit for the ultimate freedom of being naked. He did a little turn and even a few of those macho poses showing well that he had nothing to be ashamed about either - for sure! Next thing I knew Jim was close again, and lightly running his hands over my body - almost like a blind man might check something or someone out. Frankly, it felt good. After a hard day on the road - I would have welcomed a massage. And I think I was getting it after a fashion. Within moments he was cupping my balls again and really giving them a good workout this time. Well - true to form - my cock was rising to the occasion all over again. Whew - IT IS HOT out here? I said"! Jim said, well let me see if I can cool things off a bit. He spit into his hand and took my cock and began to stroke it. My knees nearly buckled. Then he reached over into the lock box in the car and got a tube of hand cream and really went to work lubing up my balls and cock like he did this for a living! . At some point my knees did buckle out from under me and we eased to the ground beside the car. But the grass and weeds were prickly and not very comfortable, so we got up and moved to the hood of the car. Jim laid me back and stroked me off right - switching between ball sack and cock until I was in a total frenzy and blew my wad. Oh God that felt good! I didn't realize how much of a release I was entitled to or that man-to-man could be so good. It just never crossed my mind that guys could accommodate each other this way. Needless to say after I caught my breath, it was definitely Jim's turn to get some relief and he wasn't even waiting for my assistance, except that I wanted to do him at least as fine a favor as he had done for me. It didn't take much for me to convince him to assume the position on the hood of the car where I had been. I went to work. Except, that I fully intended to do him a full frontal massage since we had plenty of hand cream, plus admittedly, I thought (with an evil grin) - time for a little revenge! Strip me out in the wilderness would he! Ha! So I stared at his neck and began to work my way down. He did loosen up nicely! When I got to his pubic area, I paused and then side stepped to work his thighs real good, down his legs (yes inside thigh) and on to his lower legs and toes! He might have been trembling if he wasn't so relaxed. Then back up to glory land (so to speak). Jim had really nice male body hair distribution. I had admired that a bit when I was checking him out earlier through his open shirt - and had even wished he might take off his shirt too when I did so I could get a better look at his chest and belly hair. At any rate, the sight was all mine now. Very nice really. Well back to glory land and I would extract my revenge! I worked his inner thighs really well this time - and I could tell it was having an effect on the man parts. I lingered and lingered as if these were the only parts and I'm sure this nearly drove him nuts as he shifted a couple of times trying to get me on to the good stuff. But I was too sharp and definitely planning to take my own sweet time. Indeed, he was going to suffer through this and we were doing it my way! In time I worked my way back up to his belly and I know he must have thought - hey you missed something here! But not to worry my man - we will get to the good stuff when I'm good and ready. In time - I was good and ready and suddenly slid both my hands back down to his pubic area - grasping his balls with one hand and his cock with the other. Adding an extra amount of lube - it was time to bring this horsey home! But not so fast - we were going to agonize this part too! I treated each ball like he only had one. Then a little cock play, then a little ball play, on and off until I had him shaking. Then I stood up from the hood of the car and said: "I gotta take a break - this is killing my back!" I did stand up and walked away. I thought Jim was going to convulse! Oh yeah - he was begging for it now! Yeah - I'm such a slut. Having never done this before - I'm not sure how I achieved "slut-hood" so quickly. Devil must have got into me or something! Anyway - I did a little strutting and stretching myself and before Jim could get his hands on the hand cream - I was back at work being the obedient and best "boy-slut" I could be. Still, I was suffering him real good. He wasn't coming until I said he could. Somehow - I got the idea to slip my finger up his butt hole for a little hokey, pokey and man he just exploded all over the place, bucking and yelling! I must have touched something really good, cause he banged one hell of a dent in the hood of his car. Glad it was him and not me! That had to be a thousand dollar dent. Might have damaged the paint too I think! I really thought he was going to kick the head lights out too! Whew - that was really something. Jim agreed and was totally spent. Well, it was getting pretty dark - or he might have been a whole lot more concerned about that big hood dent, but as it was he just dragged himself back to the driver’s door. Didn't even try to put on his clothes! Fell into the seat and gasped for a while. We both joked that if we were smokers - it was definitely time for a cigarette. Or a beer might have been really nice! The more we thought about that beer, we just had to have one. So we put back on our clothes (reluctantly) and went to find one. Actually I did want to ride naked (except for the open car) and I did pull my shorts back down for some of the ride just so the boys could get some more air. Jim did the same thing! We found the beer in the next little town - along with a very good steak and baked potato. While we chowed down - we both talked back and forth about how great it was to get our rocks off (at least when that pesky waitress wasn't trying to listen in). I asked Jim if he was gay and he said he didn't think so cause he liked women too. I don't think I'm gay either and frankly, Jim had me nearly scared to death that I might be in for an ass fucking when he first ordered me to strip. I had no idea where he was going to go, but I figured he could probably take my ass and whip it if he had had the notion. At some point during the dinner conversation he said: "Well where on the coast are you headed?" I saw no harm in telling him since we were ummmmm - intimate friends now. I mean once you've seen someone naked, and stroked them off - you definitely feel like you know them a bit better - right? Jim said he didn't really have to be back at work first thing in the morning - and if I liked he'd just take me the rest of the way. (Another hour or so). I filled him in on my plans and we were off. It was just another hour or so and since it was fully dark now - we decided to pull over just out of town, strip and ride the rest of the way naked as we could be. (Just so the boys could get plenty of air don't ya know!) When we finally found a motel on the coast and I was safely checked in, Jim asked if he too could spend the night. Have we still got plenty of hand cream I asked? As it turned out we did and Jim called into work sick, day after day until we had enjoyed a fine week at the beach. Not until the next morning did Jim really notice that big ass dent in the hood of his car - exclaiming: "How the Hell did that happen?" Vandals maybe! Who knows really! Shit happens from time to time! Needless to say - I've been stripped for Jim on more than one occasion. We do try to keep it off the hood of the car though!


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Wildman

Blind Date

Blind Date: By Wildman I first met Bob (a blind guy) a number of years ago at a computer trades meeting. Bob specialized in adaptive technology for visually impaired people and he did a little workshop as part of that meeting. I attended his workshop because I have an interest in serving people with all kinds of limitations including visually impaired - though it has never been a

Doctor Doctor !

Hi! I'm Matt and while I'm not a doctor, I get to play one in real life! Actually by credentials, I'm a registered nurse and I contract out to insurance companies to do "health checks" for pre-insurance applications and applicants. My typical duties only include asking 20 or 30 health questions, vital signs and a urine and blood sample, typically by appointment at the applicants work

Doctor, Doctor 2

(You might want to read Doctor, Doctor if you haven't already for a little background on this series!) Otherwise, Enjoy! I received a notice from one of my insurance companies to schedule a pre-applicant "health check" and after several calls to the company he worked for finally got a call back and set up an evening appointment at his home. George it seems is a construction foreman

Getting Naked in the Wilderness

Getting Naked in the Wilderness By: Wildman 1999 I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that

Naked Adventure

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking

Naked Adventure 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Naked Adventure, Part 1

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking trails, I

Naked Adventure, Part 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Nude Kayaking Adventure

I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that looked interesting. As soon as I was out of sight of the

Search Me?

I often enjoy hiking and exploring wilderness areas (sometimes naturally in the buff) and while I encounter few problems - I occasionally encounter others who also enjoy nature. Often I will hike into the wilderness and camp then explore the area out and around my camp in more detail. When I'm in a new area or area that's new to me, I usually either wear a little something or keep

Stripped for Adventure, Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Adventure, Part 2

(While skinny dipping in the wilderness, we were just getting out of the water when:) Two men stepped from the woods onto the beach to face us. Both were dressed in light summer camouflage outfits and from their side arms, - I didn't have to wonder about who was responsible for that small arms fire we had heard earlier in the distance. While I only momentarily felt awkward about my

Stripped for Adventure. Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Gym

STRIPPED for Gym: By Wildman Actually this should be titled stripped for or by Jim! I was hitchhiking across state heading to the coast staying pretty much with the back roads since rides are easier to come by than on the interstate. I was taking some time off from school and the summer was well on to hot and dry - so I had dressed lightly - just a pair of cut off's and a t-shirt

Strong Arm of the Law

I was heading up in the mountains to my sisters summer place where we would have a weekend family reunion and it seemed five o'clock would never come so I could hit the road. I was really looking forward to a change of pace since I had little time off from work here lately. At the last minute the boss's secretary showed up in the door of my office with another pile of reports that

Wrestling With Roger

Wrestling with Roger: By Wildman A new sporting goods store had opened in our area. Being an outdoors kinda guy - I decided to check them out one Friday afternoon. I've been into outdoor recreation all my life and if I'm not out exploring the wilderness - I'm almost as happy shopping for outdoors equipment. Within moments of walking in the door of the new shop - I had to think


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