Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Slave Superman, Part 9

by Hector Oppenheimer

(Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.) Superman Suck Slave, Chapter 9 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Collin let the satiated Man of Steel lie undisturbed on the floor of Lex's office until the ex-Navy man was absolutely certain that every one of the handsome exotic male dancers who had enticed Superman into being an active participant in a homosexual orgy, left both the shower room and Luthor's headquarters. The last thing he wanted was to drag the Superhero into a room filled with naked, soaking wet hunks. Even though Superman's immediate craving for dick sauce had been satisfied by the nine exotic dancers, Collin did not want to tempt fate. While waiting for a call from a security guard that the nine men had left the building, Luthor's henchman wandered over to the desk where the thousand dollar bonus envelopes to reward the nine male dancers had been stacked. On the corner of the desk was today's edition of the Daily Planet. There, on the upper fold of the front page, the premier location of any newspaper, were three large color photographs of Superman apprehending the cargo thieves at the Metropolis Airport. "SUPERMAN NAILS BAD GUYS!"; "Airport Bust Starts 24-hour World Anti-crime Crusade" screamed the headlines over the three photographs. Underneath the three pictures ran the credit line: "exclusive Daily Planet action photos by Gunnar Adolphson." The article accompanying the spectacular action photographs was bylined "Gunnar Adolphson." The 19-year-old college student/lifeguard/intern at the Daily Planet had pulled off the journalistic coup of the year. "Hey Superman," Collin called out as he advanced towards the supine hunk. "You made the front page! You're a genuine hero! Here take a look for yourself," he continued as he squatted down and handed the front section of the Daily Planet to the cum-splattered Kryptonian male. The semi-euphoric Superhero, his pleasure centers flooded with the components of human semen they so desperately needed, slowly sat up, took the newspaper and began to read it. A broad smile broke across Superman's face as he read the headlines that blazed across the Daily Planet. For a brief moment it was as if he had been suddenly taken back to the good old days: before he had fallen into Luthor's clutches; before he been transformed into a sex toy for the amusement and pleasure of Luthor's male criminal associates. Those were Superman's glory days, he recalled as he stared at the photographs of himself battling the forces of evil. But that brief smile soon gave way to a scowl when the Man of Steel discovered who had taken the photographs and whose byline appeared on the lead article. "Oh, no," moaned the frustrated superhunk as the name "Gunnar Adolphson" registered. "This is terrible," thought the Man of Steel as he slowly rose to his feet. Superman knew all too well that with the Daily Planet's reputation for doing good for those who did good for it, Superman's youthful tormentor's status as a mere intern would disappear. The treacherous blond degenerate, who had ruthlessly and psychologically emasculated the Man of Steel in his own bed, would now be at least a co-equal at the Daily Planet, a position that would give the 19 year old male countless new opportunities to force the handsome Kryptonian stud to commit unspeakable acts of sexual perversion. "Damn, you cocksuckers sure are fickle," exclaimed Collin as he observed the mood of the toppled Superhero dramatically change. "Hell, I'd be bouncing off the walls if I were you. You're a fucking world hero. Every damn paper in the world is filled with articles about your spectacular victories over the bad guys, and yet here you are all gloomy. I just don't understand it. I guess that I never will," continued Collin as he smacked the naked Man of Steel on the ass. "Better get moving, sweet lips. We gotta get you cleaned up," said Collin as he nudged the despairing Man of Steel towards the showers recently vacated by the hot exotic dancers. As the semen-flecked Superhero bent over to gather up his cape and other parts of his uniform, Collin stopped him. "That won't be necessary. Leave them on the floor. Someone else will get them later." "But..." said Superman before being cut off by Luthor's henchman. "Leave them there!" the ex-Navy SEAL said firmly to the Man of Steel. "We'll take care of your outfit. The only time you'll be wearing that stuff is when we tell you to wear it. You have to get it through that thick skull of yours,” continued Collin as he tapped mockingly on the side of Superman's head, "You're an employee now. Your days as an independent operator are over," said Collin gently as he moved his hand and massaged the back of Superman's neck. "I don't understand why you keep resisting," continued Luthor's 34 year old agent as he stroked the cheek of the Man of Steel. "It's all over, man. We own you body and soul. We discovered your disgusting little secret that night in the vault. It's not your fault that you're a cocksucking faggot; it's just that you are. You may try to deny it, but your body knows it's true," said Collin as he grasped Superman's flaccid cock. "Why do you think this thing gets so damn hard every time you have those pretty lips of yours wrapped around some guy's pecker?" "But it's just not right," groaned the frustrated Superhero as Collin's indisputable observation about the Man of Steel's cock so painfully registered. "Hey, it may not be right, but it's the truth, my man," observed Collin as he stared directly into Superman's face. "I've had my dick in between those lips of yours enough times now to know what you are. I've been sucked off by quite a number of guys in my life," said the Italo-Irish stud. "Some blew me because they wanted to, while others did it because me and my buddies forced them to. I can tell the difference between a blowjob by someone who likes to suck cock, and a blowjob by someone who hates it," he continued. "You, my friend, like it. As far as how you got yourself into your current situation, all I can say is that you were simply outsmarted. You went head to head with the greatest criminal mind in the world, and you lost. Did you really think that you could keep the fact that you're a cocksucker secret? Were you so naive as to think that someone with the intellect and resources of Lex Luthor wouldn't find out? What a miscalculation. You and your magnificent body now belong to Lex Luthor. You are his property. Your lips are his property. Your nuts are his property. Even the cum that shoots out of that homo dick of yours is the property of Lex Luthor," said Collin. "You cannot undo what was done. There is no going back. He owns you, body and soul. Now, come on. Wipe that scowl off your face and get cleaned up." "Why?" asked the despondent Superhero as Collin guided him towards the shower. "Whose penis am I going to have to suck on today?" asked the glum Man of Steel. "No, no, no!" laughed Collin as he playfully mussed Superman's cum clotted hair. "You sucked enough dick today, baby. For someone who claims he's not gay, you sure have a one track mind," said the grinning 34 year old. "You can take the rest of the day off. Just make sure that you're back here this evening." "You see, sweetlips," observed the hunky Italo-Irish stud as he and Superman reached the door to the shower room, "Lex is a very considerate boss, or in your case, owner. Since Lex brought you out of the closet, you've proven to be a very obedient --- hell, I'd say enthusiastic --- little cocksucker. You may still not understand it, or accept it 100%, but both of you have benefited by it. Lex has supplied you with all of the cock you could possibly want, and, more importantly, has kept your dirty little secret from the public. In exchange for that you've stopped fucking around with his business dealings. His bank accounts keep filling up with cash, while your belly keeps filling up with cum," said Luthor's henchman as he gently massaged Superman's abdomen. "It's a perfect symbiotic relationship. Lex likes to reward those who do good by him. Yesterday he let you go on a worldwide rampage against the forces of evil, and today he's going to let you wander around on your own, unsupervised. As you continue to obediently and enthusiastically service Lex's friends and associates, he will respond with additional acts of kindness. There will probably come a time in the not too distant future, where whatever residual animosity you bear towards Mr. Luthor will disappear entirely. The negative feelings that you now have towards Lex Luthor will eventually be replaced by a sense of gratitude and even affection," continued the shrewd ex-Navy hunk as he subtly glanced at the Man of Steel. "It's not every man who gets to live out his deepest held sexual fantasies on a daily basis," observed Collin. "You, Superman, are one of those fortunate few. You don't quite realize it at the moment, but you will. And when you do, you'll thank Lex for allowing it to happen." "But enough with the philosophy," chuckled Collin as he once again playfully whacked the nude Man of Steel on the ass, "Get in there and wash up. And don't be playing with yourself!" shouted Collin as the debauched Superhunk obediently followed his command. "Just wash that dick. Don't stroke it; Lex doesn't want any unauthorized orgasms. Oh yeah, there's some mouthwash in the cabinet. Use it. Use lots of it. You can't go outside with dick breath." A half hour later Superman, dressed in a set of Clark Kent's casual clothes that one of Luthor's men had taken from Superman's apartment, entered the windowless white van that had first brought the Man of Steel to Luthor's clinic. Nearly an hour later the van pulled up along side of Metropolis’ City Hall and stopped. As Superman left the vehicle, the driver of the van, the tall, muscular blond 25-year-old, hairy-chested bouncer from the Bronx named Mike whose thick cock had followed Tony's into Superman's mouth the night that Superman's virginity was stolen, called out: "Don't forget to be back here by 8:30. If you're on time, I might have a present for ya!" exclaimed the smiling hunk as he watched the civilian clad Man of Steel walk in front of his van. "Get over here, prettyboy!" yelled the leering blond hunk as he began to fumble with his zipper. "I want to show you something that will guarantee that you'll be back here on time." The Man of Steel, who had reached the middle of the street, slowly turned around, dropped his eyes downwards and slowly walked towards the smirking blond bouncer. When the Man of Steel reached the side of the van, the grinning bouncer opened the door, grabbed the back Superman's neck and pulled the Superhunk’s head and upper torso into the van. "Here it is, you flying faggot," the hairy-chested male chortled as he pushed the Kryptonian stud's face into his crotch. "Be here on time and it's all yours!" Mike sarcastically announced as he rubbed the Man of Steel's face across his flaccid cock. “Now get the hell outta here, fuckface," he snapped as he yanked Superman's head up and pushed the flustered Superhero backwards and started the van's engine. "Don't be late, faggot!" was the last thing Superman heard as the van pulled away. For the next several hours the Man of Steel walked aimlessly around the city in a state of morose ambivalence. While he was happy for the reprieve from cocksucking, he also knew that it was merely temporary. Once Luthor got his hooks into someone, the fiendish criminal seldom let go. In his case Superman knew that Luthor's hooks would never be removed; there was simply too much history between the two, and the Man of Steel had been Luthor's most vexing adversary. Luthor would never let go. Each time Superman dropped to his knees and a cock was thrust in between his lips, Luthor's hold over him would be reaffirmed and strengthened. The frustrated Superhero knew that Luthor had trapped him in a whirlpool of depravity, and that each act of perversion he committed only pulled the Man of Steel deeper and deep into it. As despondent as he was over his enslavement by his archenemy, that despondency paled when compared to the shame Superman felt for what he had done to the 30 year old machinist in shower room of the Star of Nyasa, and again in the motel room outside of Honolulu. Superman had never initiated sexual contact with another male. While the disgusting memories of the acts he had performed on scores of males since that horrible night in the bank vault still haunted him, the memory of what he did to the blond seaman, Jerzy Pilsudski, sickened him. The sailor had not forced himself on the Man of Steel. The Man of Steel had forcibly fellatioed Jerzy; not once, but twice. He had even destroyed evidence in order to cover up the crime. Superman realized that in many ways what he had done to the sailor on board the Star of Nyasa was no different than what some of the scumbag criminals he had put away over the years had done. The countless acts of unspeakable perversion Superman had been coerced into committing at the behest of Luthor were one thing; the Man of Steel's sexual assault on the innocent sailor was quite something else. It seemed to provide irrefutable proof of the truth of Collin's damning assertion "It's not your fault that you're a cocksucking faggot; it's just that you are. You may try to deny it, but your body knows it's true." Superman was rapidly sliding downwards on the slippery slope of moral depravity, and he knew it. But even more terrifying was the Kryptonian stud's realization that there was nothing he could do to stop it. The guilt-ridden Man of Steel's aimless wanderings eventually took him to a seedier part of Metropolis; a section that had deteriorated over the years, but was now the target of an urban renewal program. Bars, pawn shops, hot sheet hotels, adult video arcades, and vacant lots marked the landscape, along with several under construction high rise buildings which formed the core of the urban renewal project. As the deeply introspective Man of Steel was absent mindedly looking up at one of the taller construction projects, he began to gradually become aware of a subtle, but enticing, fragrance in the air. At first it was so faint that he didn't recognize it. Although he didn't immediately identify the scent, he eventually discovered that it was emanating from an open doorway several feet behind him. Emblazoned in garish green neon letters across the front of the building into which the doorway led was the slogan: "24-hour Pornopolis," followed by "Hot XXX-Videos, Straight & Gay, Private Viewing." The next thing that the civilian clad Superman knew, he was standing in the doorway of the video store. He initially didn't understand why he approached the doorway, but for some inexplicable reason he felt drawn toward it. It then began to dawn on him that it was the fragrance coming from the video store that had brought him to the doorway and that same fragrance was now luring him inside. As the Kryptonian hunk entered the store other stimuli began to bombard the Man of Steel. The smell of stale tobacco smoke, faint traces of sweat, and even cologne mixed with, but did not mask, the aroma that attracted him to the store in the first place. His ears picked up a cacophony of grunts, moans, dialogue, sound tracks, groans and shuffling feet, while his eyes were assaulted by hundreds of lurid pictures of beautiful women and attractive men engaged in every kind of sex act conceivable by mankind. Superman could also see at least a dozen men furtively looking around while examining, or pretending to examine in some cases, the vast collection of pornographic material. As the handsome civilian clad Superhero continued to track the tantalizing scent with an almost bloodhound-like tenacity, he found himself being pulled deeper and deeper into the store. He slowly walked past the desk with its piles of sleazy material, and an equally sleazy clerk, towards two long, curtained-off, parallel corridors labeled "booths 1-30" and "booths 31-60." Bearing to the left the Man of Steel entered the corridor labeled "booths 1-30." Once the good-looking male had passed by several of the booths, the aroma that had drawn him into the store became much stronger. As a matter of fact, the scent was so powerful that Superman could no longer isolate its source. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. It was about this point in time that the Man of Steel began to detect the first signs of an erection. Something in that corridor had aphrodisiac qualities, thought the increasingly aroused Superhero. With the doors of the fifteen booths on either side of him closed, the Man of Steel was on the verge of activating his x-ray vision when the door to booth 23 flew open, aborting his decision to use his door-penetrating vision. A flushed-faced male, in his late 20's, sporting a muscle shirt, with shaggy, dark blond hair, left the booth and moved swiftly past the Man of Steel. The male was followed by a slight wind current, which was saturated with the seductive fragrance. Unable to resist his curiosity, the boner-sprouting Man of Steel entered the vacated booth just in time to see a few seconds of a video tape in which a buxom redheaded woman was blowing a brown-haired man in a policeman's uniform. As the increasingly stimulated Superhero began to watch the policeman's cock slide in and out of the redhead's mouth, the video stopped and the screen went blank. It was at this point that Superman began to realize that the air inside the booth was heavy with the smell that had first brought him into the adult store. It was also at this point that it dawned on the Superhero that the alluring scent was none other than the aroma of human semen. Glancing around the booth the Man of Steel spotted the wad of fresh-from-the-dick semen that the shaggy haired blond had spewed moments earlier. The glob of sperm-laden mansauce was slowly moving down the wall of the booth where it was destined to join other wads left in the booth by previous visitors. When the Man of Steel realized what he was watching move inexorably towards the floor, he was seized by a feeling of great trepidation for he knew from painfully humiliating experience that prolonged exposure to semen or human male genitalia inevitably ended with Superman consuming the abominable substance. But as revolting as the taste of semen was to the Man of Steel, that revulsion had to contend with the demands for satisfaction that were once again emanating from the Man of Steel's chemically altered pleasure centers. For Superman's immersion in the warm, semen spiced air of the booth had triggered strong reactions of intense desire in the cum-addicted pleasure centers of Superman's brain. Dr. Naguib had discovered the powerful hold that the scent of semen had on the Man of Steel when he had filtered air through cum-saturated sweaty jockstraps and pumped the cum-laden air into the hermetically sealed virtual reality helmet when he and his colleagues milked Superman dry. The irresistible smell had helped give Superman an immediate second hard on during their milking experiment. By entering the adult store, and the video booth, the hapless Man of Steel had unwittingly placed himself in the middle of a large-scale version of the visual reality helmet, and the effect on the Kryptonian hunk was the same. His rate of breathing began to increase and the first drops of pre-cum began to seep from the piss slit atop his fully erect cock and into the material of his Clark Kent underwear. The pre-cum eventually migrated outwards to his trousers leaving an all too recognizable splotch. The sexually aroused Man of Steel was gradually overcome by a form of paralysis as the pleasure centers of Superman's brain, permanently altered by Luthor's diabolical biochemical brew, asserted themselves, dashing any hope that the Superhero had of fleeing from the video store. Only this time there were no cocks thrust into his face, or nude males demanding fellatio. The only thing that could satisfy Superman's intense degenerate cravings was the cooling rivulet of manjuice that the muscle-shirted blond had spewed onto the wall of the booth. Superman's inner psyche could only watch in helpless horror as the Man of Steel sat down on the seat inside of the booth, extended his left hand, and intercepted the slow moving glob of ever thickening semen. The white gob was scooped off the wall and brought it to Superman's mouth where it was quickly lapped up by the cum-seeking Kryptonian tongue. As the Man of Steel savored the wad of goo, his moment of silent cum lapping was interrupted by a noise outside of his booth. "Aw, fuck! That's gross, man," said a store patron who had wandered past the open door of booth 23. "Listen, if you're gonna lick the walls, at least shut the door. And you better put some bucks in that slot," continued the customer pointing to a paper currency receptor just to the right of the video monitor. "They hate guys who just hang out in the booths to suck cock and don't pay for the movies. This place isn't a charity," said the man, who appeared to be a businessman in his late thirties or early forties. The semi-dazed Man of Steel slowly turned to look at the businessman, but made no effort to move, shut the door, or remove his fingers from his mouth. "Here, move over. I'll show you how it works," said the impeccably dressed sales representative as he stepped forward and looked down on the strikingly handsome, civilian-clothed Superhero. "There, that's better," the man announced as he quickly glanced around, closed the door to the booth, subtly latched it, leaned over the seated Man of Steel, fished a ten dollar bill out of his pocket, and inserted it into the currency receptor. Moments later the monitor came to life. A close up of a blonde’s pussy undergoing a tongue assault by a black stud filled the screen. "Oooooooh, that's nice!" exclaimed Superman's booth companion as he watched the thick tongue repeatedly probe and prod the delectable snatch of the moaning blond. "I could use some of that," he said. "You just can't beat muff-diving," he chuckled. "But, hey. This show's for you, and I'm pretty sure that muff-diving is the last thing you'd ever want to do," he said as he playfully grabbed the back of Superman's neck, leaned over, and began to click through the other xxx movies that were playing. "Now, here's one that's right up your alley, my friend," the man announced as the screen filled with the image of a middle-aged male on his knees in front of a tough looking mechanic in his early twenties. The video image shifted to the base of the younger guy's stiff cock as it protruded proudly from his grease-stained overalls, and then slowly panned up the length of the long, white shaft, until it showed three-quarters of the head of the hard rod buried inside the mouth of the older male. "That's more like it, right, stud?" asked the smiling businessman as he began to gently massage the back of the Man of Steel's neck. "Looks pretty hot, doesn't it?" he asked as he continued to knead the back of Superman's neck while keeping the handsome Kryptonian's face focused on the monitor. “That is one hot, fucking blowjob," he said slowly, moving his free hand to the front of his crisply pressed trousers and fumbling with his zipper. "Look at the size of that dick. Bet that tastes good," he said to the mesmerized Superhero as the blowjob on screen intensified. "Yeah, bet you'd like to wrap your lips around that baby, wouldn't you?" asked the wily sales rep as he quietly reached inside of his trousers, untangled his shorts, and then slowly extracted his own hard cock, while still softly rubbing the powerful neck muscles of the Man of Steel. Fully occupied with the hot blowjob video in front of him, the seated Kryptonian hunk was completely oblivious to the turgid human phallus that was slowly approaching his face as the neck-massaging businessman inched forward. When the hard penis of the shrewd middle aged male was abreast of Superman's face, the sales rep slowly turned his body 90 degrees to the left; and gently and almost imperceptibly nudged the handsome face of the Man of Steel to the right until the head of his cock made contact with the lips of the Man of Steel. When the handsome male did not resist, the encouraged salesman thrust his groin forwards and effortlessly slipped his rigid boner into the powerful Kryptonian stud's unresisting mouth. "Aaaaaaaaaaah, Oooooooh yeah, baby," moaned the delighted sales representative as he felt his bulbous cockhead part the lips of the younger hunk seated beneath him. "That feels sooooooo good," he groaned as he eagerly slid more of his thick, hard cock into Superman's unresisting mouth. "That's better than licking cum off the walls, isn't it, baby?" he asked as he looked down and joyfully watched more of his erect penis push past the warm lips of the good looking male hunk on the seat below. The horny male quickly moved his hand from the back of Superman's neck upwards and began to pull the Man of Steel's head forward in order to feed even more of his erection into the handsome stud's mouth. When still no word of protest against his phallic invasion came from the dark haired male, the now emboldened businessman bent over and said quietly but firmly to the dick stuffed Superhero, "Why don't you get down on the floor. You'll like it a lot better if you're on your knees. It'll free up your hands. It won't be so cramped. You'll have better access to my big cock. Mmmmmm, you like that cock, don't ya? Go on. Get down on your knees. Trust me." Forty-five seconds later the handsome Kryptonian heartthrob was on his knees on the sticky, cum-coated floor of the booth, sucking away on the older man's cock under the flickering glow of the video monitor above. The exultant sales rep couldn't believe his luck. Kneeling before him and giving him head, was a handsome, in-shape, younger man. The guy was a fucking stud! Yet it had been so easy to get his cock into the guy's mouth. There was no resistance at all. Once his cockhead touched the lips of the younger male, it was over. The older male just stood there and reveled in his triumph. The guy kneeling at his feet on the semen-splattered floor was an incredibly eager cocksucker. Without even having to be told, the kneeling hunk had grasped the sales rep's buttocks and pulled forward while counter-thrusting with his own cock-stuffed face. The good looking hunk was deep-throating him! "Whoa! Baby! That's fucking awesome," groaned the older man as he felt Superman's powerful throat muscles surround his hard organ. "Oh, man, suck my cock. Please. Oh yes, that feels so great. Yeah, yeah. Suck me, man. Suck me. Oh shit! Damn you are good! Aw fuck, that's fantastic! Go for it baby, go for it," moaned the writhing sales rep as he continued to rhythmically slide his dick in and out of the throat of the kneeling Superhero. As he knelt on the cum-dampened floor his face impaled on a hard, thrusting cock enveloped by the scents of the man's hot crotch and the gobs of semen from the walls and floor of the booth. Encouraged by the dominant male who loomed over him and stimulated by the soundtrack of the gay suck flick playing on the monitor above the back of his head, the formidable Man of Steel once again put aside his masculinity and self-respect and surrendered. The semen-addicting biochemicals that Luthor's men had secretly slipped into his mouth while raping him had once again kicked in with a vengeance. Morality, self-respect and honor no longer mattered to the dick slurping Superhero. The only concern he had at the moment was pleasing the male who loomed above him so that he might reward the Man of Steel with a warm load of cum. Once Superman had acquiesced to the well-dressed businessman's suggestion that the Man of Steel kneel on the gooey floor while blowing him, it wasn't too long before the supremely confident older male took complete control of the blowjob he was receiving from the cock eating Superhero. "Let's make this last, shall we?" he moaned as he slowed the rate at which his stiff reproductive organ was sliding rod back and forth inside of Superman's hot, moist mouth. "Let's savor the moment," said the euphoric sales representative as he stopped thrusting and gently stroked Superman's cheek, feeling the firmness of his own penis inside of the Superhero's mouth. "This feels soooooo fucking incredible!" he groaned as he continued to trace the outline of his hard phallus against the cheek of the kneeling Kryptonian stud. "I wish I had run into you ten years ago. I would have fed you dick a couple of times every week," the businessman said as he moved his hand from Superman's cheek and returned it to the back of the Man of Steel's neck and resumed sliding his hot meat back and forth across the handsome stud's lips. The tongue of the cum-addicted Kryptonian hunk responded to the face fucking by massaging the underside of the stiff phallus when it was fully buried inside of his throat, and enthusiastically caressing its blunt head on each outward thrust of the hard organ. "Let's try something a little different," suggested the sales rep as he stopped probing the mouth of the Superhero and used his hand to move the handsome Kryptonian's head backwards and forwards. "I can't do all the work," he said, as he guided the kneeling Superhunk's mouth up and down his saliva soaked cock. "Besides, I'm the one who's doing you the favor. If you want my load, you gotta work for it," he said, releasing his grip on Superman's neck. The cum-hungry Man of Steel didn't miss a beat as he obediently copied the cadence set by the man above and relentlessly impaled his mouth over and over again on the businessman's hard meat. "You're one hungry faggot, aren't you?" observed the grinning lust-driven male as he leaned back and watched his cocksucker subserviently comply with each of his demands. Determined to make the most of this opportunity to derive as much physical pleasure as possible from the obviously experienced mouth of the easily-controlled Superhero, the older male would periodically stop the Man of Steel from bobbing up and down on his dick. He would then remove the-on-the-brink-of-orgasm organ from in between the lips of the handsome Kryptonian stud, allow the intense need to ejaculate to subside, reinsert his well-sucked penis into Superman's mouth, and then mutter "Go for it." He would then repeat the process each time he approached climax. Sometimes he would withdraw his spit-slicked, rigid organ from the mouth of his fellator and deliberately rub it across the face of the stud who knelt in the booth before him. "You like this dick, don't you cocksucker?" he would ask as he rubbed his cockhead across Superman's forehead and along his cheeks. "Tell me how much you need this dick!" he would demand as he tantalized the semen-addicted Kryptonian with the saliva-coated boner, withholding it from Superman's mouth until an appropriate response came from the kneeling hunk. Only when the dark haired Superhunk uttered "a lot" or "please let me have it" or "I need it bad" would he re-insert the shaft into Superman's mouth and allow the subservient male to resume bobbing up and down on his cock. And so it went: insert; suck; remove. The ritual continued for nearly three-quarters of an hour, during which time the Superhero-fellated businessman had to periodically feed paper currency into the video player. "You know man, I could let you suck on my dick for another hour," the sales representative finally said to the Superstud who was so devoutedly sucking away on his dick. "But I gotta get home. Listen to me, faggot!" he said, removing his turgid cock from Superman's mouth, and looking the dazed stud in the face. "Before I let you have my load, I have to tell you. You're the best damn cocksucker I've ever known. You can have my dick anytime you want it. I've been blown by the best of them, but you are in a class of your own. You must have been born to suck cock. Now, let's get this over with," he grunted as he roughly slammed his dick back into Superman's mouth and thrust forward, completely burying his bone in the throat of the Man of Steel. "Nothing beats deep throat!" he exclaimed as he plugged Superman's gullet and reasserted his control over the Superhero beneath him. The Man of Steel knelt there on the cum-covered floor orally worshipping the businessman's hot meat as it plunged in and out of his throat. The ravished Superhero could tell by the groans coming from the man who was face-fucking him that the substance he craved as much as life itself, was about to spew out of the thrusting cock and into Superman's gullet. And at that moment getting that load of cum was all that mattered. He didn't have long to wait. Moments later as he felt himself going over the top, the extraordinarily lucky sales rep abruptly pulled almost all of his rigid cock out of Superman's throat and mouth until only its nearly bursting head remained. "Unghhhhhhhhh, Oh fuck! Yes!!!" blurted the sales rep as he reached climax as white hot, mansauce started to jettison into Superman's mouth, onto his tongue, and yes even onto his epiglottis. "Eat me. Take that load. Awwww, fuck! Shit, uhhhhhhhhh," the businessman gasped as the sperm laden juice that had created his children now fed and nourished the cocksucker beneath him. The sales representative's long-delayed orgasm was so forceful that he felt lightheaded. In order to remain standing the cum spurting male had to clasp the shoulders of the man who was blowing him. The joy experienced by the ejaculating man was enhanced by the great pride he felt as he detected the unmistakable signs of swallowing from the extraordinarily handsome and masculine looking male kneeling before him who still slobbered and nursed on the businessman's thoroughly sucked cock. The sales rep's ego received a further boost when he had to forcibly extract his softening penis, with its extremely sensitive head, from the mouth of the male who appeared to be quite unwilling to release it. "Ow, man! That hurts. The head is really sensitive! No more," laughed the sales representative as he freed his drained meat from the milking grip of Superman's lips. "I gotta get home to my wife. If I'm late for dinner she may cut these off," he said jokingly as he clasped the set of balls that had produced the hundreds of millions of sperm which were now in the Man of Steel's stomach. "Come back here the same time next week and I'll give you another load," he promised as he squeezed a last drop of semen out of his cock and wiped it off on Superman's cheek before stuffing his pride and joy back into his trousers. "See ya around," he said as he opened the door of the video booth, exited, and then closed the door, leaving the Superhero kneeling in the gooey sperm deposits alone in the dimly lit booth. The cum-addicted Man of Steel knelt in the darkness for several minutes quietly savoring the strong taste of semen while his super efficient digestive system did its part in satisfying the urgent demands of his pleasure centers. He made no effort to leave. He just remained on his knees in the booth. It was almost as if he were in a trance. The trance was eventually broken when the semen-intoxicated Superstud's sensitive ears picked up the sounds of a man's voice over the soundtrack of the porno flick which still was running on the video screen behind him. The disembodied voice seemed to be coming from above him and to his left. It sounded as if it was coming through the wall. Although no one else was in the booth, the Superhero could definitely hear a male who seemed to be addressing him: "Psssst. Hey buddy. Over here. Over here. Ya gotta help me out. How about it?" Turning toward the source of the sound the kneeling Superhunk was startled to come face to face with the business end of a twitching erection. A straining hard on had materialized a few inches away from the Man of Steel's face. As he stared at the hard male reproductive organ, Superman was hit with a combination of emotions and feelings, ranging from shock to intrigue to apprehension, right on through to inflamed desire. The seemingly unattached erection was poking through a round hole in the side of the booth. It was a hole that the Man of Steel had not noticed when he first entered the video booth, nor did he observe it when the horny businessman lured him to his knees and had just sprayed his tonsils with fresh jism. As he stared at the bullet-shaped head of the cock that quivered so tantalizingly close to his face, the Superhero felt himself being drawn towards it. It was almost as if the rigid organ was a powerful magnet, and Superman's face a piece of iron. There would be no escape for the strikingly attractive stud from Krypton. The young marine on leave, whose body was now pressed flat against the wall of the adjoining video booth, had witnessed the entire sexual drama through the glory hole in the wall that separated his booth from that occupied by the Man of Steel. He had heard everything from the sales representative's expertly carried out seduction of the civilian clothed Superhero, through the subtle way that he bent Superman to his will, to his climax inside of the Man of Steel's mouth. Of course the horny jarhead was totally unaware of the true identity of the kneeling cocksucker. All that mattered to the marine was the fact that the guy obviously liked to suck dick, which is why the jarhead had stuck his dick through the glory hole in the first place. The pent up male was just about to again call out to the cocksucker in the booth next door, when the marine's straining organ was suddenly engulfed in a warm dampness. The blowjob the horny jarhead had so eagerly hoped for was about to become a reality. "Thanks, man," sighed the exultant military stud as the nerves on his hard penis registered the exquisite sensations of suction and licking. "It's all yours," he groaned as he closed his eyes and pressed his groin even harder against the wall that kept him apart from the man who was fellating him. When the cum-addicted Man of Steel detected the outward thrust of the military hunk's hard meat, he responded by pushing his cock clenching lips even further down on the hot shaft, wedging the penis's smooth head into the opening of his throat. A few seconds later the cocksucking Superhero pushed forward again and emitted a lusty groan as the marine's boner plunged into his throat. The Man of Steel's lusty groan was answered by an equally joyful groan from the young male in the other booth. The symbiosis was perfect. Once he had fully impaled his face on the hard marine dick, the cocksucking Man of Steel began the slow and determined bobbing motion he had performed on so many other human males. Although he understood in the deepest recesses of his conscience that fellating another male was wrong, the cum-addicted Man of Steel knew that he would keep on servicing the stiff rod until it gave up its load of precious manjuice. While Superman was a Man of Steel physically, all of his power and muscle meant nothing when he had a dick in front of his face. A six inch slab of human cock was enough to turn the Man of Steel into the Man of Jello. At this moment the only thing that mattered to Superman was sucking a thick wad of goo from the dick around which his Kryptonian lips were so firmly wrapped. The Man of Steel sucked and slobbered enthusiastically and shamelessly on the marine's rigid organ for several minutes, while the horny military hunk repeatedly groaned and whispered words of encouragement. This exuberant act of cocksucking had been going on for several minutes when the kneeling Superhero was suddenly bathed in light as the door to the video booth was abruptly opened. "Fuck! Holy shit! Sorry man, I thought this booth was empty," said a startled ironworker, as he looked down at the dark haired male pistoning his face back and forth on the dick that stuck through the wall. The semen-craving Kryptonian hunk didn't skip a beat as he continued to desperately suck away on the throbbing organ. The euphoric male who was face-fucking Superman was also too fixated on the incredible sensations coming from his well-sucked dick to even hear the door to the adjacent booth open. The only sounds the marine heard were his own groans triggered by the talented faggot who was blowing him. As the incredulous and embarrassed ironworker began to close the door to the booth, he was interrupted by a colleague from the same construction site. "Whoa. Excuse me, Mike," said the second ironworker as he eased past the first one and began to enter the booth. "I think I see an opportunity," he said smiling and gesturing towards the cocksucking hunk whose head kept bobbing up and down. "I think I have something he needs," he continued as he grabbed the front of his pants. I'll catch you later," he said as winked at his co-worker and went inside the booth while closing the door behind him. Noticing that the monitor was devoid of any movie, Superman's new booth buddy peeled off several five-dollar bills and fed them into the machine. "That should be enough," the ironworker remarked as he reached over and clicked through the various videos before settling on a lesbian flick called "Munching Monica's Muff." The screen was filled with lurid close-ups of a sassy redhead fingering and tonguing the pussy of a natural blond, while to the right and in front of the screen the kneeling Man of Steel hungrily feasted on the straining boner which protruded through the wall of the booth. The anxious-for-head ironworker soon had his zipper down, his cock out and his hand working away furiously. He figured that he would enjoy himself while waiting for the cocksucker below to finish off the dude in the next booth. Once the faggot had swallowed the other guy's load, it would be his turn to plug the kneeling faggot's face. Or so he thought. The sex-starved ironworker, who, to his wife's chagrin, never had taken the time to master the long, slow, leisurely fuck, now fell victim to his body's irresistible demands for immediate gratification. "Oh, fuck! God dammit! Shit! Ungghhhhh," escaped from the masturbating male's mouth as he lost control and started to ejaculate. "Dammit," he cursed as long, droopy strings of thick white semen shot out of his penis and leaped upwards towards the monitor before falling onto the shirt covered back and shoulders, and bare neck and hair of the male kneeling below. Once the unexpected orgasm ended the ironworker quickly stuffed his dripping, still-erect dick into his pants, blurted out "sorry, man" and bolted from the booth. Not a word of objection or anger came from the cum-splattered, dick-gobbling Kryptonian hunk. All that mattered to Luthor's disgraced and hopelessly addicted cock-slave was coaxing a load of thick mansauce from the firm slab of hard military meat embedded in his mouth. The cocksucking Superhero barely noticed the thick warm liquid as it soaked through his shirt and matted his hair. The marine, who was so lustfully fucking the warm mouth on the other side of the hole in the wall, was able to hold off his orgasm for several more minutes, but eventually even he had to yield to the warm sucking mouth that would not stop worshipping his dick. Without warning the mouth of the Man of Steel was suddenly filled with a large quantity of warm, thick, gooey semen as the marine gave in to Superman's intense oral ministrations. As the viscous, sperm-laden, marine dick soup-pumped into his mouth, it was lapped up by Superman's eager for cum tongue, and instantaneously carried to his throat where it was swiftly transferred to his stomach. "Unggghhh, unggghhh," groaned the orgasming marine as he tried to shove more of his cum spurting dick into Superman's mouth. But his attempt to penetrate deeper was doomed to fail since his hair covered groin was already pressed tightly against the booth's wall. All that he could do was try to remain flat against the wall as the cocksucker on the other side clamped his powerful lips around the marine's shaft and milked it. The euphoric marine kept his groin pressed against the wall of the booth for several seconds as the eager faggot coaxed additional droplets of his precious male essence from his saliva-slick rod. With a bit of difficulty the spent jarhead was finally able to free his rod with its ultra sensitive head from the reluctant to let go cocksucker on the other side of the wall. The satiated male, his tight t-shirt clinging to the dampness of his chest brought on by his intense exertion, stuffed his slab of prime marine meat back into his pants, zipped up his fly, opened the door to his booth, and promptly collided with a beefy bricklayer. The startled marine stumbled a bit and bumped into a second male immediately behind the bricklayer. "Hey, buddy, slow down," admonished a third male as he winked knowingly at Uncle Sam's finest. "I sure hope you didn't wear out any lips," he continued nodding towards the closed door of booth 23. "Nah, I don't think so," said the slightly flustered marine as he realized that what had just happened to him in the booth was no longer a state secret. "I don't think anyone can wear out that cocksucker," he said regaining his composure and slipping into a testosterone loaded marine role. "After I dumped a load down his throat he didn't want to let go," he said grabbing his crotch. "I thought he was gonna suck me right through the fucking wall. It's open," the marine said gesturing towards the door of booth 23. I watched him suck off another guy inside just before he went down on me." With that the third male in line, an off-duty short order cook, bolted forward; and opened the door to Superman's booth, thereby giving several other guys a quick glimpse of the cum-addicted Kryptonian stud kneeling on the scum-covered floor. The impatient cook entered the booth so swiftly that he crashed into the submissive Superstud, causing the Man of Steel to fall sideways onto the gummy with semen bottom of the booth. As he quickly latched the door behind him, the anxious male said to the prostrate Superhunk, "Sorry about that. Guess I'm a little anxious. I sure am the Hell am horny!" he exclaimed as he watched the increasingly disheveled young Superhunk slowly get back onto his knees without uttering a word of protest. "Guess you’re pretty anxious to get my dick in your mouth, aren't you?" asked the increasingly emboldened cook when the male below got back onto his knees without complaining about being knocked flat onto the scum-coated floor. "Don't worry, you'll be in cocksuckers' heaven in a few moments." The civilian clothed Man of Steel's pants leg, shirtsleeve, and side of his shirt were now blotched from the puddles of spent semen they had absorbed from the filthy floor. His cum splattered dark hair was decidedly unkempt from his fall on the floor and from the hand of the sales representative when he had guided the cock slobbering Superhero's face up and down on his stiff cock. The Man of Steel was beginning to look like a pathetic bum. It was as if the previously formidable Man of Steel had lost the last vestiges of self-respect. The only thing that appeared to matter to him was sucking cock. While Superman's latest booth mate began to fumble with his fly, the bricklayer into whom the young marine had collided, entered the adjoining video booth, dropped his jeans and underwear around his ankles, and stuffed his semi-erect phallus through the glory hole. When the lust numbed Man of Steel caught sight of the dangling meat he turned his head automatically to the left, opened his mouth, and prepared to engulf it. "That one can wait," snapped the short order cook who had just entered the booth as he grabbed Superman's hair, twisted the Superhero's head away from the bricklayer's hardening cock, and then shoved the Man of Steel's face into his bulging crotch. "Suck me first, bitch," growled the increasingly confident male as he kept a firm grip on Superman's face with one hand while frantically lowering his fly. A few moments later another warm human boner rammed its way past the Superhero's unresisting lips. The sharp command "Blow me!" started the Man of Steel doing what he hated, but physically craved, to do. "Don't worry man," the exultant male said out loud to the man in the neighboring booth. "This won't take long. My nuts are gonna pop in a couple a minutes. Then he's all yours," the horny cook said as he grabbed a hold of Superman's ears and began to fiercely ram his rigid organ into the seemingly made for cock maw of the conquered and debased Superhero. The Kryptonian hunk who had once towered over the City of Metropolis, now groveled pathetically on the floor of a porn store video booth in the seediest section of the great city; his every action controlled and directed by a sleazy low-life whose only concern was get off as quickly as possible. The grunting male, encouraged by the total passivity of the now grungy looking hunk impaled on his cock, began to brutally face fuck the kneeling cocksucker, completely unaware that the pitiful man he dominated was in fact the most powerful being on the planet. "Take it! Dammit; take it!" snarled the lusty crazed male as he mercilessly plunged his hot dick in and out of the Superhero's throat. "Yeah, you like it rough, don't you?" he spat out contemptuously at the disgraced Man of Steel. But the powerful Kryptonian male's only response to the taunts and insults of his tonsil battering overlord was to grunt a cock-garbled "yes" and to increase the pressure his lips were exerting on the violently thrusting phallus. "I knew it," responded the disdainful employee of a local greasy spoon as he felt the intensified attention on his furiously fucking dick. "You faggots with some muscle are all alike. You look tough on the outside but what you really crave is to be taken by a real man," he said as he plundered Superman's mouth. "Play with my nuts, faggot; and tighten up those pretty lips of yours a bit more," snarled the violently thrusting man as his penis ravished the mouth of the Man of Steel. "That feels much better," he said contemptuously as he felt the Superhero obediently tighten his lips. You like making a stud like me feel better, don't ya, cocksucker?" he gasped as he began to lose control. "I'm almost there. Just a little bit longer," groaned the face pounding man as he felt the signs of impending orgasm and his thrusts became more erratic. "Okay, cocksucker! Here it comes!" grunted the panting male as he abruptly pulled his hard dick out of Superman's mouth, and then violently shoved the unsuspecting Man of Steel backwards. Completely taken by surprise the kneeling Man of Steel suddenly felt himself falling away from the soon to be ejaculating cock, into the wall of the booth, directly underneath the monitor. As Superman's head crashed into the wall, his back, butt, arms, and hands landed on the revolting floor of the booth where his shirt and trousers once again mopped up the ejaculation left by at least a dozen patrons. "Open up! It's dinner time!" barked the cruel male looming above as he gripped his saliva coated dick and began to blast mansauce into the darkened booth towards the head of the filthy Superhero lying on his back. Gobs of thick, warm semen arched upwards into the air and landed like artillery shells on the supine Man of Steel. Some of the aerial cum bombs landed on Superman's face and neck; a few of the sperm laden droplets fell into the Man of Steel's desperately opened mouth; others joined drying splotches of semen from the bricklayer in his hair; while still others splashed down on the crotch of his pants, and the front of his shirt. The only response by the debased Superhero heartthrob was to lie pathetically on the floor, with his mouth open, treasuring the occasional glob of semen which landed inside of it. After his orgasm finally subsided the dick stroking low life who towered above the cum sprayed Man of Steel, squeezed the last remnants of semen from his softening organ and flicked them into the darkness towards Superman. "You're a fucking pig," said the vulgar male, his voice dripping with contempt for the cocksucker who lay unmoving on his back on the scum covered floor. "Stay down there on the floor with the rest of the dirt, faggot!" he ordered as he slipped a five dollar bill into the machine, and restarted the film that had gone off several minutes earlier. "I've got something else for ya," he sneered as the flickering light from the movie illuminated the prostrate Man of Steel. Seconds later a stream of urine began pouring out of the cock of the contemptuous male and onto the body of the humiliated Superhero. As hot piss streamed out of his cock, Superman’s scornful dominator directed his stream to the crotch of the subservient male below, soaking the entire region from the bottom of his belt to his pendulous balls. By the time he had finished the whole front of Superman's trousers were soaking wet. Only the material below his knees had escaped the disgusting torrent of urine. Unlike the first two men who had ejaculated into or onto the Man of Steel, this hunk loathing male made it a point not to close the door of the booth behind him, for he wanted the rest of the world to see what he had inflicted upon another man. "The faggot's all yours," laughed the dirtbag cook as the grasped his crotch and triumphantly walked out of the booth. As the light from the area outside of the booth hit the Man of Steel, the growing line of males waiting to be serviced by the cum starved Superhero stared in shock and amazement at the soiled, defiled male lying on his back in the filth. The light from outside of the booth brightly illuminated both the urine soaked Superhero as well as the fully erect phallus of the bricklayer in the neighboring booth as it waved in the air desperately seeking Superman's warm mouth. Just as the Man of Steel was attempting to get back on his knees to service the dick that still filled the hole in the wall, two off-duty firemen suddenly jammed themselves into the booth and again shoved him back onto the dirty floor. "Stay where you are, cocksucker," snapped one of the firemen as he put his foot in the center of Superman's powerful chest; shoved him back onto the floor and then squeezed next to Superman's head. "Shut that door, Bob," he said to his companion as he began to unzip his fly. "Let's clean this dirty faggot up. He could use a nice cumshower," he said as he extracted his long, floppy dick and began to stroke it over top of the Man of Steel. "You got it, Dave," came the voice from the end of the booth as the sound of the latching door was followed by that of another zipper being lowered. Five minutes later the Man of Steel's face was coated with the hot semen of the two firefighters. This time the powerful Man of Steel didn't even attempt to get off the floor. He just lay there submissively while trying to ingest as much semen as possible. While the tongue of the disheveled Superhero licked pathetically at the fresh deposits of balljuice, the firemen stuffed their dicks into their trousers and exited the booth. They were immediately replaced by a swarthy off duty cab driver wearing a turban. And so it went for the next several hours. The poor guy in the next booth never did get sucked off by Superman that night. Frustrated by the lack of service, he ended up at the back of the line to booth 23. After patiently waiting for almost 45 minutes, he too got to stand over the cum soaked Superhunk, and spew a load of pent up cum onto the Kryptonian stud. As word spread through the neighboring adult shops and bars of the sleazy area about the cum pig in booth 23 of the video store, a slow, but steady, stream of males entered the adult establishment and joined the cue in front of booth 23. Only a few of the raunchier guys had the guts to stick their cocks in Superman's mouth after yanking the cum-and-piss-saturated Superhero off the floor and onto his knees. Most were repelled by the sight of the sperm- drenched male. While they had no desire to get a handful of goo, they were incredibly turned on by the opportunity to assert their masculine dominance over another male at the most primitive level. It was a fantastic turn-on to whip out their stiff pricks and add their personal loads of semen to those already accumulating on the slimy Kryptonian stud. This was male bonding at the animal pack level. Since most of the masturbating males wanted their loads to land in Superman's mouth his face, head and upper torso were soon sopping wet with sperm-laden goo. There was so much semen on the upper portions of Superman's shirt, that the piece of clothing actually became translucent. At the correct angle one could even see his Kryptonian nipples through the cum soaked garment. The layers of drying and congealing dicksauce were so thick on some parts of Superman's face that they were distorting the Man of Steel's appearance. Superman's left eyebrow was almost invisible under its blanket of thickening semen. His thick hair glistened with a sheen of semen while snot-like rivulets of cum solidified around clusters of hair shafts to form structures similar to the spikes worn by punk rockers. While the debauched Man of Steel lay open-mouthed on the floor of the booth wallowing in cum eagerly swallowing that which landed in his mouth, and occasionally scraping that which missed his face and clothes and transferring it to his mouth; panic and consternation gripped the Luthor organization. Luthor's prize whore had disappeared without a trace! No one had even the vaguest idea as to where he was or why he had failed to rendezvous with Luthor's blond bouncer at the Metropolis city hall at 8:30 that evening. It was well past midnight and Superman was nowhere to be found. "What do you mean, he's disappeared?" thundered Luthor as Collin reported that Lex's vanquished and disgraced enemy, and most valuable asset, was missing. "Is he on some self-aggrandizing crusade against muggers? Has that cocksucker gone freelance on us? Damn! This just doesn't make any fucking sense. We have enough dirt on that flying faggot to destroy him! If I release those videos and pictures, the whole world will turn against him. I want that fucking freak found, Collin. Alert the entire organization. Monitor the police channels. Keep tabs on the wire services to see if there are any reports of the asshole rescuing a cat out of a tree, or stopping a robbery. He did show a little bit of moxie when he was out busting up the operations of our enemies. He is definitely going to pay for that and this latest stunt when I get my hands on him," Luthor swore. While the Luthor organization mobilized its considerable forces for a full-scale search for the missing Superhero, the video booth degradation of Superman continued unabated. Men continued to dump their loads onto him virtually nonstop until around quarter to three in the morning when a group of horny, semi-inebriated juniors from a university on the outskirts of Metropolis entered the store and eventually discovered the scum coated male on the floor of booth 23. "Fuck! Look at this dirtbag, guys," exclaimed a 22 year old Korean American student named Kim as he caught sight of the debauched Kryptonian hunk. "This is fucking gross! This fucking degenerate is covered in scum. Look at him. Ah, man, how could anyone let someone do this to him? You are a fucking disgrace!" he said as he stared down contemptuously at the glistening, semen-coated hunk. When the cum-stained Man of Steel failed to respond, the 22 year old junior became quite agitated. "You need to be taught some manners, faggot!" snarled the increasingly angry student as he turned and gestured to his buddies. "Hey guys, help me haul this faggot outta here." "I ain't touching him," said one of the students as he looked into the booth. "Me neither, Kim. He's filthy!" said another. "Look, this cocksucker needs to be taught a lesson. We'll use this," announced Kim as he removed his belt, carefully slipped it under the feet on the Man of Steel, and then tied it into a loop. "We'll haul his ass out of the booth and through that door without touching him," continued the 22-year-old as he pointed towards the back door of the video shop. "Once we get him in the alley, we can do a real job on this pervert. Come on, grab a hold of the belt and pull." A moment later the few remaining patrons in the store stared in amusement as the determined students dragged the cum stained Man of Steel across the floor; out the back door, and into the parking lot behind the porn shop. "There's a Dumpster off to the right," said Kim as he surveyed the parking lot. "Let's haul his ass behind it so that we won't be disturbed. A minute and a half later Superman lay on his back behind the Dumpster surrounded by five college males, each under the influence of bravado enhancing alcohol. "I ain't ever gonna wear this again," chuckled the 22-year-old Korean American Kim as he removed his belt from Superman's feet and tossed it into the Dumpster. "What are you going to do to him, Kim?" asked another 22-year-old student named Vincent. "I ain't going to touch him!" the student exclaimed as he looked down with disgust on the prone Superhero whose jism-covered face was partially illuminated by a light in the parking lot. "Our friend here is going to be the guest of honor at a good, old-fashion, circle jerk," announced Kim as he stood next to the upturned face of the Man of Steel and began to lower his fly. "Come on, guys. Whip out those cocks and start stroking. The first one who cums on the scum bag gets five dollars from the rest of us. The last one to cum pays for the taxi back to the campus. Now get those dicks out and start beating them!" "Wait a second, Kim. I wanna see something before we start," said a 23-year-old African American engineering student from Cleveland named Kwame, as he bent over the Man of Steel and reached for his cum and urine soaked belt. "Help me get these pants off of him." "No fucking way, man!" "I ain't touching that faggot!" "Fuck no. I don't want that shit on my hands." "You guys are such pussies," declared the alcohol energized engineering student as he unbuckled Superman's gooey belt, ripped off the button that fastened the Man of Steel's pants, slipped his fingers into the sides of the torn pants, and yanked the sundered garment half way down Superman's powerful thighs. "I knew it! I knew it!" exclaimed the ecstatic 23-year-old as he pointed to the full-masted Kryptonian boner that was clearly visible inside of Superman's cum and urine saturated underwear. "The fucking faggot is as hard as a rock! He loves this shit," continued Kwame as he grabbed the waistband of Superman's shorts and yanked downwards. Seconds later Superman's fully-masted hard-on sprang free from its underwear prison to the fascination and amusement of Kwame's four colleagues. "Now we can start the contest," announced the smug African American as he wiped his hands off on the back of Kim's shirt. "Hey, cut that out, you fucking shithead!" yelled the outraged 22-year-old. "Oh, cool your fucking jets, Kim. That shirt has to get washed anyhow. A few gobs of cum ain't gonna hurt it. So are you gonna just stand there complaining, or are you gonna start jerking off?" asked the grinning Black student as he began to unzip his fly. Seconds later the supine hero of the planet was encircled by five horny college males who were enthusiastically stroking their anxious-to-ejaculate phalluses. "Pay up you fucking bastards!" shouted the 23-year-old Kwame as his long ebony rod began to spew copious wads of thick, viscous baby making juice down at the face of Metropolis' favorite son. He was soon joined by a redheaded marketing major from Boston and a blond education major from Baton Rouge. The redhead and the blond also directed the gooey discharge from their phallic cannons at the face of the Man of Steel and succeeded in concentrating most of their spunk in the area that separated Superman's upper lip from the tip of his nose. The 22-year-old Korean American who had started the whole assault on the Man of Steel finished fourth. His was the most accurate. Virtually his entire load went directly into the Kryptonian stud's mouth. "Hey, I didn't win, but I should get some kind of consolation prize for the best aim!" laughed the 22 year old as he watched the cum drenched faggot below dutifully swallow his load. Only the fifth student, a brown haired, hazel-eyed physical education major from New Jersey named Don chose a different target. He had positioned himself in between the spread out legs of the Man of Steel when the circle jerk contest began. When Don went over the edge, he bent his stiff, 7-inch piece of meat downwards and blasted his sperm laden wad of cum directly at the Man of Steel's upturned twitching erection. His aim was impressive for after Don had squeezed the last drops of his semen onto the groin of the Superhero, he and his buddies could clearly see that the underside of Superman's impressive cock, along with his balls and crotch hair, were now coated with globs of Jersey joy juice. "Way to go Don!" exclaimed Kwame as he slapped the phys ed major on the back. "That was impressive! You still have to pay for the cab back to campus, but I'll buy you a six pack for originality! Come on guys. Let's leave this fag garbage for the garbagemen," said Kwame as he spat into Superman's face, turned, and sprinted into the parking lot. "Good night, cocksucker!" laughed the redheaded Bostonian as he hurried to catch up with Kwame. "Yeah, sweet dreams, asshole," chimed in the blond future teacher from Louisiana as the remaining guys followed their departing classmates. As the sounds of the five college juniors faded away, the desecrated Man of Steel remained motionless on his back, his jizz-coated dick erect and unrelieved while he still savored the last traces of Korean cum that lingered on his tongue; oblivious to the panic that had gripped Lex Luthor and his organization.


13 Gay Erotic Stories from Hector Oppenheimer

Cock Crazy Cop Stole My Load (true)

PHILA. COP CHARGED WITH SEX ASSAULT ON MAN Victim Told Police He Was Forced Into Lewd Act March 28, 2000 PHILADELPHIA ( -- A city police officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a 29-year-old man while on duty, authorities said today. Officer Rafael Nieves-Concepcion, 27, a five-year veteran, was charged Monday with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part 1

Suck Slave Superman On the third day after Lois Lane had failed to show up for work at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent receives an envelope containing instructions for insuring the safe release of Lois. The message tells Clark to contact Superman and to have Superman appear at the entrance of a seldom used archival vault in the sub basement

Suck Slave Superman, Part 2

Summary: The following story is the second chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. It was almost dawn before Superman groggily awoke from his kryptonite

Suck Slave Superman, Part 3

The following story is the third chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.3) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Unlike his first gang rape at

Suck Slave Superman, Part 4

The following story is the fourth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.4)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 5

The following story is the fifth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Suck Slave Superman (Ch.5)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 6

The following story is the sixth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 7

The following story is the seventh chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 8

The following story is the eighth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave

Suck Slave Superman, Part 9

(Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.) Superman Suck Slave, Chapter 9 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Collin let the satiated Man of Steel lie undisturbed on the floor of Lex's office until the ex-Navy man was absolutely certain that every one of the handsome exotic male dancers who had enticed Superman into being an active participant in a homosexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part10a

The following story is the tenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave, Part 10 (MMMMM/M,

Suck Slave Superman, Part10b

"He's hungry for it, stud," observed the doctor as he caught Gunnar's eye and glanced towards the drooling Superhero. "If this isn't proof that Superman is a faggot, then nothing is," he continued as he watched Gunnar lower his hard cock so that it hovered even closer to the mouth of the cum crazed Superhunk. "You really need this baby, don't you?" asked the smug blond stud as stared

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11) It was a very different Man of Steel who followed several steps behind Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib as Luthor's three henchmen strode triumphantly into Lex's conference room. Even though he was once again clad in his universally recognized cape and outfit, the aura of self-confidence, righteous assertiveness and power that had always emanated from the


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