Gay Erotic Stories

Tar Heel Blues, Part 1

by Southern Exposure

Tar Heel Blues, Part I Tar Heel Blues When I got up this morning I knew that this was the day. I took my time getting myself together. I washed my face and did all the other things that one does in the morning after a good nights sleep. My name is Avery and I live in a small town in Mississippi. It was my senior year in high school and two weeks before graduation. I had finished all my courses and did not have to go to school until it was time to accept that diploma. Anyway, I had a 4.0 average and quite a few schools wanted me. But, the only one that I was really interested in was UNC. When I opened the front door I saw that the mail had been delivered. I looked through the mail and saw one that had the UNC logo on it. The moment of truth. I opened the letter right then and there. ACCEPTED, with a full academic scholarship. YES, YES, YES! Chapel Hill, here I come! I had visited the campus during summer break and knew how it looked, but when I saw it this time it looked like wonderland. People going back and forth and men everywhere. Yes, I am gay and black. I have never had any attraction for females, so I know that this was not a phase. I am 18 years old, 5-11, 180lbs. brown skinned with a low cut fade. Some people say I look like Carl Lewis, well maybe I do, but I don't have his bucks. My family could be considered upper middle class. My mother owned an interior decoration firm and my father was a big time music producer. They were divorced, but my father kept my bank account full. I got my schedule arranged so that I would have time to study and work. I had gotten an apartment off campus and a job at a local department store, mens' department , of course. I really did not have to work, but I was not spoiled and I loved cloths and being around men. Now, all I have to do is keep up my grades and make my family proud. I had not yet decided what my major would be, but I was leaning towards accounting and finance. When I was leaving the administration building, I saw this guy standing with his back up against a tree. He was an erotic vision of masculinity. Light brown skin, bald head, very well built, 6-5 1/2 tall and about 210lbs. Just how I like them. I was walking toward him and we made eye contact for a few seconds. I quickly looked away. I didn't want him to think that I was some fag checking him out, but I was. When I made it to my car I could still see him. And, he was still looking in my direction. Maybe he was interested in me, maybe he was gay or bisexual. I was going crazy thinking about this man. My mind was going a mile a minute. I was just sitting there in the car not doing anything or going anywhere. When I came to my senses and looked again he was gone. Oh well, that's the way life is sometimes. The first few months of school were tough. Working and going to class is no easy task. I almost quit my job, but decided to stick it out. Let's just say I needed a break. I made a few friends on campus and they were wild and crazy. Kenneth and Ray. Kenneth was a business major and Ray was a music major. They had something to say about everybody. Men and women. When I told them about the guy I say on campus and described him they knew who he was right off. Ray said, "child, that was Vince Carter, guard/forward for the basketball team." Ray then said, "he is not trade Ms Thing ,girl so don't even sweat him". I was thinking, "he might not trade with you, but he might with me whore", but I kept my thoughts to myself. Kenneth said that all the basketball guys had all the girls and kept in their own little circle of friends. "Now, you are kind of butch honey, and he might of thought you were some competition with the girls", said Kenneth. "Well", I said, "he was fine and I would love to see him again". Ray then said, "if you feel that way about it, then you need to go with us tonight". "And where might that be", I said with a look of apprehension on my face. "The game child", said Kenneth. "What game are you talking about? I asked. I was not into sports and had never gone to any of my high school games. Since I was off, I agreed. I was the only one with a car, so I picked everybody up. Man, it was hard finding a parking space but I finally did and off we were walking to the stadium. When we walked in it was packed. We were playing Duke and everybody was there. We found our seats and the game started. And then I saw him, Vincent Lamar Carter. That boy had it going on. He played a good game too. I did not know much about what was going on, but I kept hearing his name and this other guy Antawn Jamison. Antawn was without a doubt a better player, but Vince had my heart. I heard another name too. Okulaja, that was a strange name I thought. We won the game and everyone was excited. There was going to be a celebration party at a local club and we headed for it. All the players were there. Ademola Okulaja, Shammond Williams, Ed Cota, Antawn Jamison, and of course Vincent Lamar Carter. There were a few others too, but these were the stars of the team. I scoped the club from my spot at the bar. The guys were looking good. They were wearing Tommy, Guess, Nike and all the other popular designers on the market. These guys had the attention of all the people in the club. But, the only one that I was interested in was Vince. But, this was a dream. This guy does not even know that I am alive and have these fantasies about him. I had a day dream after seeing him standing against that tree. We were fucking and sucking for dear life. He told me he loved me and wanted me to be with him forever. Yes, this was a dream. Why would this fine guy, a big basketball star, with looks to die for, want me? I started feeling a little aggravated and turned around to face the bar. I ordered another drink when I heard a voice say, "Hey, why don't you order two". I looked around and there stood this fine light skinned brotha. He stood 6-8 and was about 225lbs. It was Okulaja.I was shocked for a moment and said, "Excuse me?". "Why don't you order two drinks, one for you and one for me". I said, "Ok, sure". I ordered two beers and handed one to him saying, "This is on me for a good game tonight". "Thanks", he said and looked around the room. He was fine and I had no problem with him standing beside me. He looked back around to face me and said, "My name is Ademola Okulaja,--add-e-MOLE-ah oh-ku-LAH-jah I noticed you on campus, but you must live off campus. What's your name?" I told him my name was Avery. "Avery, yeah I like that. "Yeah" I said. "Yeah" he said again. Now, I started to wonder why he was standing here talking to me with all the fine honeys in the place when he said, "You're looking good tonight man". "Thanks", I said, "you're looking good yourself Mr." "Yeah", "Yeah", I repeated. He took a few drinks from his beer and said, "it's kind of crowed in here, you want to go for a ride or something". I was surprised but I didn't miss a beat. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "Sure He told me to meet him in the parking lot and he would pick me up. I said okay, not thinking that I was in my car. He walked off and headed out the door. I told Kenneth to take my car and keep it the rest of the night. He looked at me and said, "You go boy. Who is he, anybody I know?" "Maybe", I said. "But I will never tell". Ok now, just be careful". "Ok, see yea". When I walked outside I saw a white jeep Cherokee with the headlights blinking on and off. That must be him. I walked over to the car. I wanted to run but kept my cool. I got in and off we went into the night. He told me that he just wanted to get out of that scene for a while. The people were nice, but he gets a little tired of all the groupies after him all the time. I said, "I thought you guys got off on that kind of thing". He looked at me and said, "Not really, I like to do the wild thing too, but sometimes I need something different". Different, I thought, well maybe he wanted a friend that was not a basketball player or a crazy girl trying to give up her panties to him. We rode about 30 minutes. I had gotten to know a lot about this city, but I was lost this night. He finally stopped at a bluff area and you could see the whole city. He had a sexy voice with a strange accent. He told me that he was born in Lagos, Nigeria and grew up in Berlin, Germany. He said that he became interested in basketball in junior high and serious in high school. He went to John F. Kennedy School. He was a physical therapy major and wanted to know something else, not just basketball. I was impressed with him. He was a serious guy and knew what he wanted in life. I told him my story and he was hanging on my every word. Looking me deep in my eyes and making me look down and away from him. He was so cute and sexy and he made me feel anxious. Then he asked me the big question. "So, you got a lady man?" I told him the truth, "No not right now". It was quite for a while then he looked at me and asked if I ever got off with another guy before. Not changing my facial expression, I responded, "Well, what did you have in mind?" When I said that, he moved in for the kill and kissed me. It was a deep kiss, so deep I almost lost my breath. He licked my ear lobes and sucked my neck. I responded to all this actions. My body was ready. I reached over to feel his dick, and man was it hard. He had on sweat pants and his dick was in full view through the soft cotton. I rubbed and squeezed it making him kiss me harder. He stopped and said, "Let's get in the back; and we did. We pulled off our cloths and started kissing again. I could see the dick for real now. It was big, about 8 1/2". I kissed his chest and licked every inch of it. Moving slowly down to his dick. I licked the head and he fell back on the seat. I went down on him like a mad man. Sucking and licking his dick. He stopped me for a moment to let the back of the seat down, now we had a lot of room. Next, I went for his balls. They were big fat nuts, but the skin was tight not loose. I let my tongue move down further to his ass. He moaned in pleasure, "Oh yeah, stick that hot tongue up my ass baby". His ass was tight, ain't nobody been going up in him I thought. But, he loved the feeling anyway. I got back on his dick and sucked a while longer. He pulled me up to his face and kissed me deeply again. Then he said, "Now, it's my turn." He laid me back on the seat and kissed my body all over from head to toe. He sucked my nipples and pulled on them so much I was on fire. He had his finger up my ass and was sucking my nipples. "You ready for this big red dick baby?" I said, "Yes, Ademola, fuck me baby". He got a condom out of the glove compartment and put it on so fast I almost missed the whole thing. He pushed my legs back and got in position. He pushed in slowly saying, "I'm going to take it slow and easy, okay?". "All right," I said. He pushed in inch by throbbing inch until all 8 1/2 were up in me. It was a little pain at first, and this was the first time I had sex since I left my home town. I was in pure ecstasy. When he got me open real good, he went to work. In and out, long deep fucking. This boy was too much. I called his name and he really went wild on me. "Get on your knees baby", he said in a low and deep voice. I did it and he put his pole back in me. He held my ass open with his hands moving in and out like a hydraulically driven machine. His pelvis slapping against my ass. His dick in and out. His balls whacking and knocking at my back door, and then he announced, "I cumming baby!" He pulled out and took the condom off and shoot hot cum all over my back and ass, rubbing his dick in it and between my ass cheeks. We cleaned up and put our cloths back on. He then made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone. I told him that I did not fuck and tell. He said that he could tell that I was a cool one and drove me home. When he stopped in front of my apartment he looked around and asked, "You live alone?" "Yes I do", I said in a coy tone. He asked if he could come in for a while. I told him sure. I turned the key and opened the door and gestured for him to come in. He walked in and stood in the middle of my living room. "Nice place", he said. "Thanks," I returned. My apartment was small but I loved it. It has a living room, kitchen and dinning combination. One bathroom and a bedroom. Most of the furniture in my home was black and modern style. I told him to take a seat and I would be right back. I went to the bathroom to freshen up a little. I could hear my CD player start up and Joe was singing "Love Scene". When I came back to the living room he was sitting on the sofa. I sat down beside him and he laid one his hot kisses on my lips. He could really kiss. We sat and talked for hours. We must have listened to about 10 CD's. When I look at the clock the time was 4 AM "Look at the time, " I announced. "Damn," he said, "You mean we've been talking that long!" He stood up and stretched his arms. "I am not going to be able to get in the dorm this time of the morning. Can I crash here until light?" I looked at him standing there looking like a fashion model. "Sure, you can sleep here on the sofa. I'll bring you some sheets and a pillow." Once I fixed him up, I undressed and went to bed. I set my clock for 7 AM and closed my eyes for dreamland. When my clock went off a few hours later, it felt like I had just closed my eyes. I got up and went in the living room. Ademola looked so cute asleep. He had twisted and turned making the covers fall off of his well toned body. He had on only boxers and I could see a morning hard on. I moved in for a closer look. My foot bumped the leg of a chair and woke him up. He jumped and sat straight up on the sofa. "Oh, what's up boo," he said rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up". "That's okay, I need to get out of here anyway". After that statement, he stood up and his dick pocked out the hole in front of his boxers. My eyes moved down and so did his. He grabbed it and said, "I need to use your bathroom." I lead him down the hall and he took care of his business. I showed him where the towels were and he said thanks. When he came back out I was laying back on the bed. He walked in my bedroom and got right on top of me. I turned my head when he tried to kiss me, because I had not brushed my teeth or anything yet. He laughed and rolled over on the bed. I got up and went in the bath. It didn't take me long to freshen up. I came back in the bedroom and sat down on the bed beside him. He pulled me down to his level and licked my lips. "Sweet lips", he said. Then he stuck his tongue in and moved it all around in my mouth. He was such a good kisser. The best I had ever had. We soon got busy on my queen sized bed. When it was over he had to rush off. But, before he left he gave me another one of those hot kisses. "My, my, my", was all I could say. He asked me for my phone number and I gave him one of my cards that I made from my computer. "Cool, I'll call you later". And off he went. Kenneth pulled up soon after he left and we went on to class. He questioned me about who I left with. I told him what I did, but not with whom I did it. I started to wonder if my actions last night with Ademola were going to hurt my chances with Vince. And, if he would tell my name because I know those guys tell each other all that shit that they do. I saw Ademola after my second class. He was hugged up with some girl. I had no choice but to pass by, but I did not look. I could feel his eyes on me. Now, how would she feel knowing what he just did last night, I thought to myself. "These guys are too much",I thought out loud and walked into my next class, Accounting 101. When I walked into my apartment from a long day of classes and work, I saw the light flashing on my answering machine. I hit the button and heard the sexy voice of Ademola. "What'sup baby, give me a call on my beeper, the number is xxx-xxxx". Well now, I wonder what he wants, as if I didn't know. I called the number and put in my number. He called me right back in 2 minutes. "Hello,", "Yeah, you just got home boo?" "Yes I just walked in the door", "Well, can I come over for a few?", he asked like a little child. "Sure", I said. "Ok, I will be there in 15 minutes". We hung up and I went to the bathroom to freshen up a little and a few other things if we decided to get busy. The doorbell rang and I opened the door and there he stood. He was standing there with a smile from ear to ear. Come in Mr. big time basketball star. He walked in and I closed the door behind him. When I turned around he grabbed me so tight with those strong arms of his. I melted into him like butter. Then he kissed me very passionately. I could feel more than lust here. Then he looked at me and said, "You could have spoken today". I said, "You looked busy to me, with all your fans and everything. Who was that girl you were with? Was that your girlfriend?" He pulled me in closer, "Fuckkk... no", holding the word out longer then he should. He continued to say, "That bitch just wants me to fuck her". I asked, "Well, did you"? "No baby, I was saving it all for you tonight". "Oh, really", I said with a Cheshire cat smile on my face. With that statement we made our way to the bedroom and painted the walls, the bed, and the floor, blue. I was in blue heaven. The fuck session left us jaded, so we took a nap. When I woke up it was morning and time to get ready for class. I could not believe I slept all night long. I usually wake up at least once during the night. But, this time I had a big strong man laying next to me holding me in his arms all night long. I glanced at him laying there, looking like an aid in a magazine. I kissed his red sexy lips and woke him up. "Hey Mr. basketball Star, it;s time to get up and go to class". He got up slowly and put on his pants and went out the door. I was wondering where he was going like that, with no shirt or shoes. When he walked in with a duffel bag full of cloths, I just smiled. He had no intention of going back to the dorm last night. But, he didn't tell me about his plans. He looked so cute standing there I could not get mad at him. He took a shower first and got dressed. I then took mine, following his lead. I fixed us a little breakfast and we talked about the game that they were going to play this Saturday. They were going to play Maryland at home. He wanted me to come to the game, but I told him that I did not feel like being in a big crowd and that I would watch it on TV. He didn't press the matter and then he asked me something else that shocked the hell out of me. "Can my boys come over here later on tonight"? I was thinking about what he told me after our first encounter. How he did not want anybody knowing about us. I said, "Don't you think that they will suspect something"? Not looking up from his food he said, "They know about you". "Oh do they now, and what do they know exactly"? I wanted to hear this. Just what did he tell those fine ass mother fuckers about me. "It was just my close friends" and he began to name them. Shammond, Antawn, Ed, and of course, Vince. My eyes lit up then, I don't think he noticed. He continued, "I told them that we kick it sometimes and that you had your own place off campus and that you were a smart one." "A smart one huh". He looked up when I said that. "I don't mean anything by that, you know what I mean boo". "Yeah, I do". I told him that they could come over and kick it and that I would have some refreshments for them. He liked the sound of that and asked if that meant beer too. I agreed to get some beer, and it was a date. Vince Carter in my home, I got a hard on just thinking about it. Now, why I was I going on about Vince. I already had a hot boy in Ademola, but Vince brought out the animal instinct in me. We finished up our meal and he headed out first. I went back in the bedroom and noticed that he did not take his bag with him when he left. That nigga must be planning on staying here again tonight, but he didn't ask, and I guess I didn't mind. I could not wait to see Vince. I got together with Kenneth and Ray for lunch and told them that I would be busy this evening and for them not to stop by. Ray said, "Oh, you got a man now and you don't want us taking him bitch". "No, it's not even like that", I said. "I just don't want anything to mess up this evening". I finally told them who the men where, since Ademola told his friends about me. Ray was out of his mind. Screaming and pulling on me begging to let him just stop by for a minute to borrow a shirt or something. I told him no, maybe next time. This was the first visit of his friends and I just wanted them to hang out and not feel uncomfortable. Kenneth said, "You bitch you! How did you pull all those fine ass men"? I looked at him and said, "That's the point, I was not a bitch", and did a snap and a circle. "All right now", Ray said. "Just take good notes child, and let us know if anyone of them would like to have a special friend too". "You lucky bitch",Ray said, and the lunch was over. It was cloudy most of the day and now it was raining. I hoped the guys were still coming over. I had prepared a cute party feast. Chips of all sorts, cold drinks for those who did not want beer. Shrimp dip, onion dip, and even finger sandwiches. Now, who was I trying to impress, Ademola or Vince? Maybe both. The bell rang announcing the start of the show. When I opened the door it was like watching the stallions leave there stalls at a race track. First in was Ademola. He gave me a home boy hug and hand shake. And then the others followed him in. They had to duck coming in the door way. Ademola introduced them all and I shook their hands. When Vince came in my heart jumped in my chest. I had never been this close to him. I shook his hand and it was a strong grip. His head was shinning and looked so smooth. They all took a seat and I gave Ademola instructions on what to do and what not to do. I stayed in with them for a while, but I left after about 30 minutes. I could tell that something was wrong with Shammond because he was not talking very much. I asked if he was feeling alright. He said he was fine but he would not be playing in the next game. He had gotten into a dispute with the coaching staff and had to sit this game out on the bench. I could tell he was the messy type. And being a Q-Dawg he was truly messy. They also told me that someone had stolen Michael Jordan jersey out of the stadium. Antawn said, "Yeah, some punk ass bitch did it, but they are going to get another one and that it might take about 3 months to replace it". Whenever I walked across the room or got up to go in the kitchen, I could see Vince checking me out. I don't know if Ademola noticed or not. They started playing cards and that was my cue to leave. I went to my room to study for a test in my accounting class tomorrow. I was not worried about passing, but I like to be prepared. I could hear them laughing and having a good time. I drowned them out and studied my little heart out. My bedroom door faced the bathroom and my desk was at an angle so I could see out in the hall. One buy one they made the trip the bathroom ,releasing the beer that they were consuming. When Ademola came out he came in the bed room and gave me a quick kiss and said, "Thanks boo, we are having a great time". I said, "I am glad that I could host this little get together". I could smell beer on his breath. He asked if I wanted anything. I told him just a glass of water and he ran out the room and came back in a flash. He gave me another kiss and went back down the hall to the card game in the living room. Everyone had made the trek the bathroom but, you know who. Then, after thinking about it I heard foot steps coming down the hall. When I looked up and out the door, it was Vince. He looked in my bedroom and smiled at me. He slowly closed the bathroom door. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in that bathroom at that moment. Then the door opened. He stuck his head out and looked down the hall. What is he doing I thought. He then opened the door wide and he was standing there in only his boxers. He was a vision of pure beauty. His body was golden and smooth. He had well defined and tone muscles. I took off my reading glasses and sat back in the chair. He rubbed on his dick in is shorts and I read his lips. "You want this dick". My head was moving up and down in the affirmative. It was like this was happening in slow motion. My breathing had gotten shallow and all the sounds in the house had disappeared. He pulled down his boxers slowly revealing a long wide uncut dick. My mouth fell open as if it wanted to take him in. He beckoned for me to come to him. I rose from my seat as if by strings, moving towards him like metal to a magnet. The next thing I knew I was standing right in front of him. He was so tall and I was like a little person under him. He said, "Feel that dick, you know you want it". I looked down at the monster and took it in my hands. It filled my hand and was throbbing. I could feel the blood pulsating through every vein. I suddenly remembered where I was and that Ademola and the other guys were in the front room. I said, "I can't do this now, Ademola or one of the other guys might come in here". He said that they all were passed out on the sofa and the floor. I did not take his word for it, so I went in the living room to see for myself. And there they were all laid out drunk. I was surprised at Ademola, but I slowly made my way back to the bathroom. Vince had put the toilet seat down and was sitting on it. He had also pulled his pants back up and looked like a little boy sitting there. I told him to come in the bedroom and he did. I closed the door and he sat on the end of the bed. Now, I was taller. I asked him sheepishly, "Now what do you have on your mind Mr. Carter?" "It's on you baby", he said. Baby, oh, I like the sound of that coming from his lips. Ademola called me baby all the time, but this was different. He stood up and leaned down and placed one big kiss on my lips. Then he sat me down on the bed. He pulled his pants down slowly and then his boxers. His dick was not all the way hard yet. He had a big one and I wanted to know just how big it was. He moved his dick close to my mouth and I opened wide and took him in. I sucked him and I sucked him getting that long fat dick hard as a brick. He did not make a Sound, the only sound was from my mouth slurping and lapping on his pole. When I had gotten him fully erect, I stopped and told him to hold on. I reached in my dresser drawer and got the tape measure. I had to know the exact measurements. 11 1/2 long and 4 1/2 thick. Damn, this guy is runt. He looked at me and smiled, "Well, do you think I have enough?" I looked at him knowing he was trying to me funny. I came back at him with a good one. "Well", I said, "I was hopping you had 13, you're a little short, but I guess it will have to do". When I said that he laughed. I put the tape measure away and got back to work. He had softened a little, but it didn't take much to get him back up. He moved back to the bed and sat down with his pants and boxers still around his ankles. I sucked him some more. He suddenly said, "I'm ready for the good part". I pulled off my cloths and remembered Ademola and the other guys in the front room. I told him of my Concerns. He said, "Those niggas will be out all night until somebody wakes there asses up". I reluctantly accepted that and continued to take of my clothes. And he finally took his pants off. I wanted to sit on this big dick, that way I could control its entrance in me. I made my approach when he stopped me in mid flight. "No, not that way, turn your back to me". I knew what was on his mind. He wanted to have a good view of his long dick going up my ass. So I turned around and took in inch by inch. I only make it half way and didn't think I could go any further. I went up and down on him as best I could. I opened up wider and wider and the dick went in deeper and deeper. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap and there was no sign of dick left to go in me. I had fully engulfed it. He said that nobody has ever done that before. That gave me the push I needed to work him good. I rode that dick like a pro. 'Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes..., take that dick baby, you so good, fuck me baby, ride that dick". I was like a kid on a trampoline. Bouncing up and down sinking him deeper and deeper in my ass. He told me to stop for a minute. He pushed me off and laid me on the floor. I was on my back and he put that meat inside me full force. "Oh, no, Vince, yes, fuck me Vince, fuck me. FUCKKK...ME!!! I was making so much noise, he put one hand over my mouth and was still power driving my ass. It was feeling so good and the pressure of his 210lbs made it even more pleasurable. His breathing got faster and heavier. I could tell he was about to cum and I moved his hand away from my mouth. "I won't scream boo just fuck me and cum all over me." "Ok,ok, ok..." He kept saying over and over like he was a old record skipping. He pushed my legs back all the way. That dick was going in and out. He started making a circular motion with his down strokes. Drilling my ass like a oil pump. "You like this dick, don't cha'". "Oh yes Vince". "Then tell me you love it, tell me, tell me. Call my name, say it like you mean it baby". "Oh, I love this dick Vince, I love it, I love it." He then said something that took me by surprise. "I love you Avery, ever since I saw you walking to your car that day." Still fucking and talking at the same time. "I wanted to get with you, but after old boy Okulaja got you I didn't think I would get a chance". "You can have me Vince", I said this in the heat of passion. "I want you to be mine". "All mine?" he asked. "Oh, yes Vince, I'm yours, this ass is yours, my body is yours, just fuck me Vince, just fuck me. This is a dream come true." Still fucking and not missing a beat, he said, "You mean it, you really mean it?". "Oh, yes Vince, I'm yours, I'm yours". When I said that he pulled out and started stroking his dick with one hand and mine in the other. It was like magic. We both shot a load at the same time. No one had ever done that before to me. We lay there on the floor, me in his big strong arms. He spoke, "Ain't nobody ever took me like that before". Then he reminded me of my vow. "Your mine now, and that nigga, Okulaja has to go". I suddenly remembered something Kenneth told me, when the fucking starts, the mess starts. Let the game begin. To be continued... This story is a work of fiction, I guess.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Southern Exposure

Tar Heel Blues, Part 1

Tar Heel Blues, Part I Tar Heel Blues When I got up this morning I knew that this was the day. I took my time getting myself together. I washed my face and did all the other things that one does in the morning after a good nights sleep. My name is Avery and I live in a small town in Mississippi. It was my senior year in high school and two weeks before


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