Gay Erotic Stories

Teaser Boy

by Jazz Washington

The tapping at the door was soft but terribly insistent. God, not even daylight yet, I couldn't find the clock. Then I heard him calling in a whispery voice, "Jim? Jim? Are you awake?" I fought every muscle I had to make my body carry me to the door. "Hell yeah, I'm awake because some idiot is banging on my door!" I was all growls and scowls as I yanked open the door to a gray pre-dawn mist. Gary was grinning and trying to use charm to beat back my anger. It almost worked. "What the fuck are you doing here? Shit! What time is it?" "It's after five, I think. You said I could ride to work today, you didn't forget?" I waved him in and he followed me back to the bedside where I collapsed. "Hell no, I didn't forget, dumbass! But we don't start till the office opens at eight!" I fell back and reached for the cigarettes on the side table. I fumbled. Gary picked up the pack and handed it to me, " I didn't know what time to start and I sure didn't wanna' be late the first day. I couldn't sleep anyway. I was too excited. Hell, this is my first real job, you know? I don't count working at the pancake house, that ain't no job! I been outta' high school for a year and my folks been giving me hell about going to college or something." I sucked in the first long puff of smoke and began my all-day cough. "Okay, Okay already, you was excited. I was excited about the dream I was having before you so rudely interrupted." "Yeah, I can see!" he grinned. "Does it show?" I reached down to adjust my long hard-on under the nylon briefs. "Hell, everything shows in them little panties you wearing!", now he laughed! "I wasn't exactly expecting company, you know? Fuck it, you wake a guy up you got to look at his morning piss hard." I rubbed at it and enjoyed the attention Gary paid it. "Gonna' take more than a piss to get rid of that thing! Who was you dreaming about?" I think that's when he sat down on the bed and I began to take a conscious interest in the fact that a young and attractive male was in my bedroom and talking about my dick. I was slow to wake up, okay? It was his boyish charm and his fine round ass that first got my interest but as our friendship developed, I guess I forgot what I set out to do. Now, here he was in a promising situation and I was bitching at him! But damn, I needed sleep! "Listen, Gary. I didn't get enough sleep and I bet you didn't either. Can't you just try to catch a nap and let me sleep another hour or two?" I moved over on the big bed and left him with plenty of room. "Are you sure it's safe to lay down next to that whopper you got? It looks like it wants to come out and attack me!" "No, it ain't safe. You just got to take your chances!", I squeezed the base to make it even more prominent under the thin fabric. "But chances are I'm gonna fall asleep before it jumps your ass." Guess he wasn't too worried because he was stripping off his clothes even as he watched my hand stroke the big hard dick. I wasn't kidding, though, I really was starved for sleep and my hand felt heavy. His young body looked even thinner stripped to loose white boxers, couldn't even tell if he had a boner or not. He reached over and took the cigarette from my lips. "Don't go to sleep with this thing, burn us both up." He put the butt to his own lips for a quick drag before crushing it out in the ashtray. The thoughtless intimacy of his action was interesting but I saved it for later consideration. He was still squirming around trying to get comfortable when I passed out. We both slept hard and I woke with bright daylight warning me it was late! We were curled together like two old lovers. My thigh was over between his legs and his hand was warm on my hip. His face nestled in the hollow of my shoulder. I didn't want to move. I could feel his hard cock press my leg with every deep breath. I raised my head to see the clock. "What time is it?", he muttered into my neck. "We got about forty five minutes to get to the office." But he was in no hurry to break our contact, either. As I pulled my leg from it's nest I slipped my hand down to fondle his dick. He didn't jump or act scared, but he did pull away and sit up. "I must have been having the same dream you had!", and he was pulling on his pants, grabbing his socks. I wondered if it really was the same dream, the one where I fucked him blind! The tactile memory of his short hard dick stayed in my palm all through my shower. Gary made a hasty retreat to the kitchen, started coffee and ignored my offer to share the shower. He waited quietly in front of the TV till I was ready to go. I wanted to talk to him about our growing closeness, tell him how happy it made me, talk about tonight and what we could do with plenty of time ... but I knew better. Young men Do Not talk about it! That's rule number seven or something in the manual. They might do it, but they sure as hell don't ever talk about it. So I kept my impulses under control and kept my mouth shut till I reached for the front door, "You ready?" He started apologizing in the car, "Jim, man, I'm really sorry about barging in on you this morning. Guess I acted like a dumbass, huh?" "Aw, forget it. You was pretty nice to wake up to this morning. You know, making coffee and everything. Why don't you come over and spend the night, tonight, then you won't have to worry about being late again, okay?" "That would be cool, thanks, but I kinda got a date and maybe she'll be expecting me to stay over there, you know?" He was blushing a little, I swear. " I won't show up tomorrow morning until seven thirty, I promise!" I managed a small laugh and didn't for a second show the surge of pain he inflicted. Hey, I'm a man. Men don't cry, right? Hell. I'm thirty two, he's what? nineteen, twenty? I'm just an uncle figure to him, he probably feels "safe" with me. What was I thinking? Shit! Of course he has a girlfriend, it was probably her he was dreaming about when I grabbed his dick. He must have been pretty grossed out with that move! Bet he will Never lay down beside me again! What's he thinking about me, that I'm a "chicken hawk"? Well, he found out just in time! I took him up to personnel and Johnson sent Gary with three other new trainees down to parts for inventory. I spent the day on a network system for an insurance company. I do custom programming and Gary was starting in the repair department. Big company, I didn't see him all day. But he was constantly on my mind. I had him in the "What if" category of fantasy and daydreams. Nice fit. At lunch break, I tried to remember who I was dreaming about yesterday ... oh, yeah, chubby little Ralph with his thinning hair and nasal twang. Nope, I wouldn't be calling Ralph again. He just happened along at a bad time, not his fault I was comparing him to the delicious trim body of a teenager. But after my "encounter" with Gary, Ralph was just too, too sad to think about. He was waiting by my car after work. "Hey, working man! How'd you like the place? Does it beat bussing tables at the pancake house?" He was grinning all over, not even trying to act cool! "Man, how can I ever thank you?" I didn't want to think about that too much! "Old man Johnson is a freaky dude, you know? He kept coming by to check on me all day. Is he queer or what? He kept putting his hands on me every chance he got!" He was laughing and totally unselfconscious of what he was saying. "And that girl that came in this morning, Trisha? She is one fine babe, did you notice?" He leered at me, "I think she wants my body!" I had to laugh, "Sounds like Everybody wants your body! Who you gonna do first?" He had the good sense to laugh with me, "It does look that way, huh? I might have to put out for Johnson just to keep the job, but only on company time, you know?" He was slapping his thighs at the idea, flashing his bright eyes in sideways grins. "I'd let him blow me but I ain't gonna kiss him! A guy's gotta draw the line somewhere!" Roars of laughter. "But Ms Trisha can have me on my time, her time, anytime! Good god, I'd eat her for breakfast, lunch and supper! I still can't believe they pay me just to stand around and count boxes, and Johnson says I can probably move up to the shipping department soon, some guy's retiring, guess that depends on if I give him some dick or not, huh?" This time the sideways look was less playful. "Are you serious? You really think Johnson is gonna use his position to try and get you to put out? I don't think so, man. He always seemed like a right dude to me. I think you're reading him wrong, Gary. What would you do if he did?" Guess I was too intensely concerned, he stared out the window and changed the subject with slight nervousness. "Man! I hope it don't rain tonight, did you hear any weather reports?", then a pause before, "Yeah, you probably right about him. I'm just thinking this whole thing is too good to be true, gotta be something wrong somewhere, you know?" He laughed again, his humor restored, "But I would let him blow me if he wanted, wouldn't you?" I really wanted to talk this out, to make a case for integrity and to come out against the abuse of power but we were pulling up at his folk's drive, a block from my own house, and he was dismissing the subject, anyway, " I love wearing a tie to work! It makes me a man, right?", and he was laughing again as he climbed out of the car, then he turned back in one of his flash changes of mood, "Listen, Jim, about tonight ... I really would like to stay over with you, that is if the invitation is still open, you know, I don't wanna be late and all, but if things break up with Debra tonight, early? Well, would it be alright if I came over kinda late?" He looked about as confused as his question. His face screwed up in a wretched mask and he scratched at his crotch with a ballplayer's grace. "Well, sure, man. Come on over if you get the chance, okay?", his bloom of quick warm smile should have been all the hope I needed but there was a lingering feeling that Gary wasn't the fantasy guy I had been dreaming about. I felt more foolish than hopeful about the coming night. Now, I'm wondering if he just wants to put out for me to ensure his ride to work! That's the trouble with people, they never are the simple sex objects I want them to be, they all come with their own agenda. Maybe I should just get one of those inflatable dolls, huh? It was a long evening, a dull meal and nothing on TV. I kept thinking about Gary and wondering if he really would show up to sleep with me. But just to sleep with me, I promised! I kept remembering his remark about Johnson, "... Is he queer or what?". I figured I could either have his friendship or I could make him give me some dick in return for a ride to work. What could I expect? Maybe he would let me blow him once a week? Gee, why don't that sound like a bad idea? Cynicism is an ugly thing! Nope, I'll just go for the friendship. He's a funny guy and a comfortable pal to have around. I'll be the uncle or older brother, whatever he wants. I will not touch him unnecessarily, I will not stare into his eyes with silly longings, I will not make a total fool of myself. Not this time, anyway. If he comes. How late is "late"? He said, "If things break up early with Debra". So how early is "early"? I hate a commitment without clear boundaries! Should I wait up for him? If he's not here by eleven do I stop expecting him? Do I expect him at all? By nine o'clock I was bored with "waiting" and I put the popcorn in the microwave and grabbed a quick shower, phoned Ralph with the popcorn and a beer handy and we talked about the summer movies, swapped "Mom" stories and I had just lit a cigarette when Gary tapped at the door. "It's open!", I called. He came in with a gym bag and a pair of khakis folded over his arm, then he turned to wave at somebody and I heard a car drive away. Ralph was really curious and wanted to keep me on line but I dumped him pretty quick and Gary was already checking the refrigerator. "Hey, you got more beer. Can I get one?" "Sure, did you eat anything? There's pizza I can warm up." I pulled my robe tight and retied the belt, determined not to be in the least provocative, but he was peeling off clothes as I was covering up. A black tee shirt floated to a kitchen chair and big white shoes clunked toward a corner. "Nawh, I ate a while ago, just want a beer. What I really need is a shower, left Debra's in kind of a hurry, you know? She got to that point where she wanted to "talk". God, I hate that part, why can't women just go to sleep like men?" He was laughing and drinking at the same time, he choked and sprayed beer into the sink as he coughed, still laughing. "I never was much of a drinker!" I laughed at him and with him, pounded on his back until I realized I was "touching" him and stopped. "Could I see some ID, son? You're younger than I thought!" He started laughing again, always ready to laugh at himself! I loved that. Then I smelled her perfume on him, and smelled the unmistakable musk of recent sex. "Yeah, you better hit the shower! Whoa! What does she wear, Obsession?" "Yeah, she bathes in it, I think! I used to like it, can you believe it?" I turned the TV back on and curled into the corner of the couch, surfed the hundred and one channels looking for a scene to block out the thought of Gary in my shower, or of Gary in bed with Debra whoever and his fine ass pumping up and down, or of the way his pale fine hair curled around his ears. So he's already had sex and now it's the last thing on his mind. I got a well drained Gary to sleep with, great! Nothing on the tube! I settled for a wrestling match with the idea of gaining macho points with my "friend". It worked. "Oh, hey! You like wrestling? Cool!" He came out of the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his middle, thin and lanky and utterly edible. "Jimmy? I forgot to pack drawers. Have you got another pair of those bikinis I can borrow?" "Sure, top drawer, dresser. Help yourself." Nobody had called me Jimmy since high school. I liked it. Gary in nylon bikinis? I pulled my robe tighter. I better sleep in pajamas. I'm thinking I got a pair of sweat pants I could put on. The robe was a last gasp of hopefulness, right? I get to look but not touch. No fun. I don't think I'll ask him to stay over, again. I don't need this stress. "Whadda' ya think? Is red my color?" He was posed in the door, arms lifted in mock biceps flex. He looked down and grinned at his body. "They're baggy on me, I don't fill 'em up like you do!" I declined the joke. "You want a robe? There's one on back of the closet door." "Nawh, I'm fine. Can I get another beer? Any of that popcorn left?" When he finally settled back on the couch, he leaned over and rested his head against my shoulder. "I never liked the taste of beer but I love the woozy way it makes me feel. After this one I'll sleep like a log!" Here I am trying to keep some decent distance between us and he's the one keeps getting closer. I can't get over the feeling if I was trying to get to him, he would be moving away. Maybe I been using the wrong technique all these years, huh? I sat still as a lump. "Look, it's the Reaper! I love this guy, he whips everybody's ass. He's huge, you know? " He sat up to chug down the rest of his beer, then lay back down and slipped his head down onto my lap. "And look at the pouch on him, damn! I'll bet he's hung like you!" It was too much! The weight of his head on my dick and then the obvious reference to my large size and suddenly, I was getting the hard-on I was sworn not to get! So how come a straight guy like him was looking at this wrestler's "pouch" anyway? Gary lay with one hand on his own dick, as though comparing his size to the Reaper. Way too much. I shifted my position, "Let me up, Sport, I gotta take a leak. And that guy's probably wearing a foam rubber pad, a protector, you know? You plenty big enough, don't sweat it." I took a "time out". Really did have to piss, true enough. But mainly I had to get away from all his body heat. Damn, did straight men go through all this bonded togetherness? How can they be so casually intimate and never feel aroused by it? I've seen men walk with their arm around a buddy's shoulder, seen jocks hug after a great play. They just don't feel it, do they? I've seen men swap a toke, pass a bottle around, drink from the same straw. They just don't think about that as the same as a kiss, I guess. I had to think about hugging my sister to really get some objectivity. Gary was a buddy, damnit, that's all! I got another beer, pressed the cold bottle to my face. Gary called from the couch to bring him another, "please". And he sucked at it with enjoyment. "You know? They get to tasting pretty good after the first one. Will you let me cadge a smoke, too? I'll buy next time." I'm thinking to hell with it. Maybe it was the fifth beer helped me relax, huh? But I'm sitting there thinking this is my last smoke and I'm headed for bed, to sleep, and he leans over me to put out his butt in the ashtray and he's propped an elbow on my thigh and my robe is sliding open across my lap and he's dropping back down and his head is on my dick with only a micrometer of nylon to stand between us. He rolls onto his back and draws up his knees and they splay apart and his small but succulent dick is a well defined bulge and his belly is flat and his navel is an open invitation and then he slides one hand under his head and the other goes down to slip just under his waistband and his fingertips are obviously touching his dick and my own is swelling up and pressing against him and I'm thinking "to hell with it", he's the one doing this. It's well out of my control. And that's when he starts snoring. Well, I just keep sitting there, feeling my boner press against a sleeping hand, watching his chest rise and fall. I lay my palm across his navel, feel the heat and the pulse of blood, the tidal movement of breathing. The snoring stops but the breathing goes on steady and smooth. I slide my palm down lower until it covers his hand beneath the red bikinis. I lay my fingers along the back of his fingers and now I'm touching the head of his dick. Gently, tenderly, I slide my hand down over the prominent ridge and feel it grow and stir under my touch. His knees unfolded and relaxed, his hand beneath his head moved against my aching erection. With a low moan of a growl he rolled over onto his stomach and lay his cheek on my trembling hard dick. I lifted my hand as he rolled over and let it come back down on his ass, hard carved and high curved. There was no rational mind left to worry about what he might think of me, only an animal instinct for the pleasures of arousal and release. I fondled the warm lush cleft and his butt lifted to my touch, his face ground tighter against my cock and when I could bear the tension I slipped my hand underneath the nylon and pushed eager fingers deep to probe his darkest secret. He took a deep breathe, raspy in his chest, his lips parted and he moaned against my nuts, then with a small shudder he sat up, leaned his head down on arms crossed over his knees. "I had too many beers. Not used to it. Better take me to bed before I pass out." I couldn't hide the resigned disappointment in my voice. I sighed a flat, "Okay." I turned off the TV and stood up. He lifted his arms and I helped him up, thinking three beers was not enough for the "I was too drunk to remember what happened" act. I led him to bed and then he turned in my arms till his face was against mine. "I did a couple of ludes with Debra, guess I shouldn't have drunk anything after that, huh?" and he was sliding down, dead weight on my arms. I'm thinking he should have just stayed with her, saved us all a lot of time and trouble. So I dumped him on the bed, smoked another cigarette to the accompaniment of his renewed snores, went to sleep late, as far away from him as the bed would allow. And woke with him tucked close beside me, again. This time it was his leg over on me. The boy sure did enjoy his contact sports! It was daylight but dim. I raised my arm to check the time. "It's just past six, we got plenty of time", he told me. And he pressed his thigh between my legs. "You had that same dream as yesterday?" "No, a new one. This time it was a sheep." I squeezed him in a hug and pushed my hips up against his thigh with a crooned, "aaahh!!" He laughed and sat up in bed, looked down at my bulging bikinis, "That poor sheep! She wont ever walk the same!" He got started with the giggles. "Did she say Baahhhhh?" "Well, she wont be satisfied by no ram ever again, and that's the truth!" He laughed delightedly, curled back down to me and wrapped his arms around me, pressed his leg back into place over my erection and pressed down in little pulses of rhythm, his face snuggled into my throat and I thought he kissed my neck. I felt his own small cock thrusting against my leg. This was no "buddy" action and he sure wasn't still drunk. I slid my hand down his back and cupped his ass, pulled him tighter against me. When he didn't break away, I pushed my hand down inside the waistband to hold his naked butt in my palm. I slid one finger down to probe his hot hole. He clenched his ass cheeks together and would have pulled away, then, but I squeezed him tighter even as I pulled the intruding finger back from it's sanctuary. "You really do like to tease me, don't you?" "No, I feel guilty about that part of it, really. But I do like to tease myself. I like to see how far I'll go before I chicken out." "And just how far have you gone before?" I massaged his ass, now, no longer trying to penetrate him. He relaxed against me. "Just this far. I've only thought about it, I've never done it. I'm afraid it'll hurt, afraid I'll like it, afraid of a lot of things. But I do like to get all turned on with you." "With me? Because I make you feel safe? You know you can trust me, is that it?" "Not exactly. I don't really know if I can trust you or not, maybe that's the turn on?" He raised up on one elbow so he could look down at my face. "Can I trust you not to rape me?" A tiny grin peeped and was gone. "Hell", I told him, "I'm not too sure, myself!" Then he was all laughing and happy, squirming all over me, rubbing his dick on mine. "Very good! The perfect answer!" "Do you want to be raped? Is that a fantasy of yours?" "Well, it's my fantasy, yeah! But I know it's only a fantasy. If it really happened it would be terrible, right? No, I don't want to be raped. I just like to play with the idea. That way I could get fucked and it wouldn't be my fault, see?" "But you do want to get fucked?" I renewed my assault on his ass with vigor! "No! I don't know!" He slapped my hand away from his butt and sat up again. "Well, maybe if your dick wasn't so damn big! At least I might try it, then, just to see if I liked it. But your big dick is part of the turn on, you know? It's like this huge threat! I hate mine for being so small, it's like a little boy's pee-pee, for god's sake! When I see you with a hard-on I get all psyched up, I want to touch it, feel of it." And he did. He ran his palm down over my cock and I saw the shiver of chill that rippled over his skin. He blanched pale then deep pink and curled back into the hollow of my shoulder. "It's like an electric shock. I didn't know it would be like that. Damn, it's powerful!" "Gary, Gary! That power is not in my dick, it's in your mind! This is just a dick, just like yours." Then I reached for his dick and he tried to push my hand away. I rolled over onto him and used my weight to hold him. I told myself it was his fault for teasing me so much. I got his drawers down to his knees and he was really struggling to get loose. The way he was squirming around beneath me, seemingly helpless and overpowered, Damn, it was exciting me. I pulled my cock out and pushed it down on his, grasped them in one grip and stroked them together. His face beneath mine lit with ecstasy, he pushed up towards me in arched tension, no longer struggling, clutched at my shoulders and I leaned down to cover his mouth with my lips. His tongue came avidly to mine and we devoured each other as we fucked our dicks together in my fist. Jesus, he was hot! His eyes went white all around the edges and he bit into my neck as he spewed all over my hand, his hot sticky juice sending me over the edge and I covered his well defined abdominals with long ropy squirts of white joy. When I would have rolled off him he held me tighter, "Don't move yet. I love this, this feeling of being pinned down. Stay just a few minutes more." So I relaxed onto him, feeling the wetness between us spread and cool. I slipped down lower to get my weight off his chest and he took a long deep breath and let out a tremendously satisfied sigh. My face was low enough to kiss his nipples and I put the opportunity to good use. He wrapped his arms around my head and cooed his appreciation. When he seemed fully relaxed, I rolled off him and told him to go get a wet cloth to clean us up. I lay still and let him do the work. Since I was now soft, he was less fearful about touching me, even took some pleasure in handling the emptied nuts. Yeah. I know it, now. Dreams can come true, with a little time and planning and work and a few beers! I'm gonna get that fine virgin ass, yet! comments to


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Jazz Washington

Catch Of The Day

Daddy never did a lot of talking, but looking back, he sure taught me a few things with his actions. Momma was a typical church lady, disapproving everything from drinking and smoking to gambling and generally having fun. When he was at home, Daddy did everything just like she wanted. He toed the line like a good boy! But, Lordy, when he got away from her for a little while don't

Teaser Boy

The tapping at the door was soft but terribly insistent. God, not even daylight yet, I couldn't find the clock. Then I heard him calling in a whispery voice, "Jim? Jim? Are you awake?" I fought every muscle I had to make my body carry me to the door. "Hell yeah, I'm awake because some idiot is banging on my door!" I was all growls and scowls as I yanked open the door to a gray

The Catch Of The Day

Daddy never did a lot of talking, but looking back, he sure taught me a few things with his actions. Momma was a typical church lady, disapproving everything from drinking and smoking to gambling and generally having fun. When he was at home, Daddy did everything just like she wanted. He toed the line like a good boy! But, Lordy, when he got away from her for a little while don't


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