Gay Erotic Stories

The 12 Trials of Penis Man, Part 1: Trial of Fire

by Cole

The 12 Trials of Penis Man – The Trial of Fire Stripped of the special artifacts of my people, I passed through the portal of stone glowing red as I had been directed. I would face the trial by fire, and I did not truly comprehend the danger before me. All I knew was that I would face something called Magmar, the King of the Lava creatures. Without my special gifts I would be more vulnerable, but I still possessed all the strength and heightened constitution of Penis Man. I was therefore confident of my victory. I emerged from the portal into a world glowing red from the heat, standing on a great gray slab of rock. Rivers of liquid fire covered the surface of this desolate world. As I moved toward what looked like a large arena, the heat from this place began to take a toll. Sweat glistened on my muscular frame, as tiny beads traced out my washboard abs. Even my mighty cock glowed with the sheen of sweat. I entered the arena and found my foe: Magmar was waiting at the center of the place, with his minions circling the area. They broke ranks to let me pass and I got my first good look at my foe. Magmar looked like he had been carved from some great mountain. A full foot taller than I, he resembled a Greek statue, only he was black as night and yet gave off a dull glow as it seemed he had lava coursing through his impressive limbs. As I stood in awe of my foe I didn’t notice that the floor we stood upon was slowly being lowered into a pool of liquid fire. By the time I noticed, my ballsac – home to the source of my manly powers – was submerged beneath the surface of this hot liquid. Luckily my powers prevented the fire from hurting me, but the increasing temperature was taking its toll as my sac hung very low from my body. I felt the heat penetrating my body, and sweat poured from my pliant young body as my chest heaved lightly to maintain breathing in the thick atmosphere. It was then that Magmar struck, taking me completely off guard. His fists were like great boulders pummeling my steely 6-pack. Wanting to show off, I laughed at his attack as I stood with my hands at my hips allowing the blows to strike one after the other. Slowly, though, I felt a burning sensation in my well-muscled belly, and I looked down to realize his fists were aflame. I immediately moved to block his blows, and then kicked the behemoth, knocking him to the ground. I thought this would be my chance to finish him and so I charged his position when suddenly and without warning he hurled a fireball at me! The flaming orb struck me square in the balls, igniting on impact, knocking me backward. Dazed, I didn’t see his next attack coming as he racked his jagged fingers across my chest. My nipples immediately hardened at his touch. Nervous now about the battle I summoned all my strength and began to pummel the monster. My fists soon grew sore and began to burn as I tired somewhat. The giant then grabbed me and pulled me to him. We fell to the ground wrestling, my thick cock pressed flat between my abs and his. As the heat from his body intensified I felt my strength wane. I needed to drain some of his power – to cool him off somehow. It was risky but I decided to take the chance. I reached down between his arms and with all my might broke his iron grasp. I jumped to my feet, my foe somewhat leery of what I might do next. I took my steely shaft in my right hand and began to stroke it, first slowly, then faster. With my other hand I took turns kneading my balls and twisting my nipples. It was risky to leave myself vulnerable, for after cumming I would be very weak for a time. My manmilk was the only substance that might cool the enemy enough for me to defeat him. The spectators, who had until now been taunting and laughing, grew silent as their gazes were transfixed on my pleasuring myself. Magmar began to taunt me, daring me to cum, and saying it would do no good. Just as he moved his large right hand to attack me I felt the sharp twinge of pleasure wave over my body as it convulsed, launching a volley of my thick manmilk onto the villain’s left arm. As my juices coated the powerful extremity, a strange hissing sound was released as Magmar cried out in pain. He stepped back, shaken, and I realized I had done it: his left arm was hanging at his side, incapacitated. As my juices did their work I couldn’t help but notice they were much thicker than was usual, but I didn’t think much more about it as I collapsed to my knees, the liquid fire now covering my softening member. I had to concentrate: if I lost my erection then I would lose my powers. Slowly, steadily I coaxed my steely shaft back to action. I moved cautiously toward my weakened foe as I felt my powers slowly returning. I knew I might have to repeat my attack to finish Magmar, but hoped it would not come to that. Even with all the ancient artifacts, I would think twice about using my cum-weapon again so soon. I stood over Magmar, gloating, when he took a dirty shot, punching his remaining fist into my ballsac where the base of the penis connects. I stumbled backward, falling against a wall, when suddenly lava flowed over my arms, hardening and holding me fast. I struggled to break free as Magmar stood before me, laughing. He took a handful of lava and encased my cock and balls. Only the swollen tip remained free, precum leaking from it traveling down its stony prison. My balls felt like they were on fire as Magmar turned my well-chiseled chest and belly into his punching bag. Just then the fiend jabbed at my mountainous nipples, igniting a jolt of pleasure deep within me, which gave me the strength I needed to break free. It took a moment, but I managed to shake off the daze I was in – between the heat and the pummeling I wasn’t sure I could take much more. It was clear I would have to call on the well of manliness once more. I thought about it and realized that if I could cum on his face, it might cause him to be disoriented and I could finish him, once and for all. I began again to call up my man juices, as I stroked my throbbing rod and kneaded my red hot balls. I knew Magmar would try to stop me, but I had no choice. The villain charged my position, but stopped just before me. Worried, I increased the speed of my pumping. Magmar laughed maniacally, and knelt before me. “Let me help,” was all he said as he took my balls in his good hand and began to lick at the tip of my proud member with his rough tongue. I should have worried, but I thought he had simply resigned himself to the sheer male beauty of my form, as others had to Penis Men before me. It felt strange to have him kneading the source of my manhood as I tried to climax on him. The heat seemed to increase as his ministrations increased. I warned him that he would be sorry. He laughed and replied, “You are the one who will be sorry. You see, Penis Man, you’ve been in my domain too long, and you’ve allowed me to touch you for too long. The heat has cooked your precious manmilk, and so I will make you have a dry cum and then you will be mine until you have no strength left to gratify me.” I was scared: Could he be right? I tried to pull his hand and tongue away but as I did so I felt someone – or something – restrain me from behind. As he continued his expert manipulation I felt the manmilk well within me. Suddenly he squeezed my ballsac with ferocity. I cried out as I felt a stabbing pain shoot up my mighty cock, and I began to convulse, thrusting my member toward my foe again and again as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I looked down at Magmar as I heard him laughing, and saw to my horror that my once mighty shaft was spraying what looked like a powder. The giant collected the powder as my manhood betrayed me, giving over the last of my manhood to him. I fell backward. I heard the spectators cheering as Magmar stood with his foot pressed firmly into all that made me a man. As he ground his foot in, the one who had been holding me punished my nipples. I whimpered as I again came, this time spraying the powder onto my chest and into my face. After that they released me. Completely weakened by their actions, I stumbled to try and escape. They taunted me as I tried to look proud. I don’t know what they did to me, but as I was leaving, the spectators groped my pliant young body. Each scrape – across my nipple, into my tiny slit – drove me over the edge. The tiniest touch caused me to convulse until finally I collapsed writhing – trying to drive my once proud cock into a hand – into anything – as it jerked to dribble its last micron of mandust. I passed out as I saw dozens of hands touching every naked place on my body. The End – (The Trial by Ice is next.)


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Cole

Boys To Sea Men

Living on the east coast I was fortunate to have a father that could afford to keep a forty foot sport fishing boat docked at the beach. I always loved to fish and did it as much as possible in the summer months. A family friend named Scott asked if I would take he and his friend Tyler on a trip offshore one summer when they were out of school. Scott was 9 years younger than me

The 12 Trials of Penis Man - Introduction

Follow-up to Penis Man Returns)... Something in the interdimensional portal went terribly wrong, and the young hero was knocked unconscious – only to awaken in a mysterious and unknown world bound at the ankles and wrists, stripped of his special tools. At that moment, a group of strange looking beings entered the room and surrounded the pliant young form, staring at his

The 12 Trials of Penis Man, Part 1: Trial of Fire

The 12 Trials of Penis Man – The Trial of Fire Stripped of the special artifacts of my people, I passed through the portal of stone glowing red as I had been directed. I would face the trial by fire, and I did not truly comprehend the danger before me. All I knew was that I would face something called Magmar, the King of the Lava creatures. Without my special gifts I would be more


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