Gay Erotic Stories

The Book Of Daniel, Part 2

by Daniel Alopett

I had quite a few more such encounters with Billy before he left for college. He was a good student. Top of his class. And a good athlete too. He played basketball, and I sometimes saw him when I could. My mother was secretly proud to sponsor his schooling. And if it weren't for the fact that Billy had a family of his own, he would have become my big brother. He was one person I genuinely cared for. Despite the sex we sometimes had (where he would act as if he were oblivious to my sucking -- and he did come with me a few times), we were like best friends. He would teach me a lot of stuff, from masturbation to math. And he really cared for my welfare. If I were a woman, I would have asked to marry Billy. But then, that was impossible. So when he left, I spent most idle time looking for replacements. And the house, and the factories my dad owned were full of men and young men. I like Billy so much, that I thought of looking for his replacement close to him. All I could think of was his older brother, Danny. Danny and Billy were different. While Billy had a gentler side, Danny had none. Billy was an angel. Danny was an animal. But both had the same indescribable sexual appeal that often burned my loins. Danny was three years older than Billy and already had a family of his own: a young wife and two little boys. But I knew that did not keep him from screwing around the household. He had probably stuck his dick in every beautiful cunt in the household staff. Danny worked as a delivery truck driver for one of dad's factories. Following a foul up in his deliveries, he was transferred to the house as a spare driver in case we needed one. If he had nothing to do, he was called on for minor house work which the women could not do. Like most of the household staff, he also lived in the house. He took the basement rooms with some of the boys, while the women slept in the quarters on the topmost floor. I have seen him naked. And I have seen him in action too. The basement bathroom is right on top of the audio room in the house. The floorboards of the audio room was recently restored and the repairs have left a little hole where one could peek into the bathroom. Many times I have seen him (and others) take their baths. I have seen him jerk off quite a few times. And I have seen him fuck my grandmother's nurse. I sensed his heat. And I wanted it badly. I school I chose was quite a ways from my parent's usual route so I had to have a car. Being as I am, driving came as a slow and tedious process for me. So my dad assigned me a driver. I picked Danny. And I began the plot that would take into his pants and jockey shorts. The first day of school finally came. Setting aside safety and proper decorum for someone my status, I sat beside Danny in front. My school stuff took the back seat. I practiced to be as friendly as possible, after all this was Billy's older brother. The long drive gave me an opportunity to make the opening moves. We talked about Billy, how he was and what he was doing. He knows that Billy was my "governess" and that my mom had sponsored his college education. He told me that Billy had written him about the wondrous things he saw and learned about. Billy had written me a few mushy notes. But he sent it to the school, because sending it home would mean my mom knowing. I did not tell Danny about this. I had grown to have an almost feminine form and if it weren't for the ruggedness I strove to project, anybody would have mistaken me for a woman at first glance. He began to feel at ease with me. I felt that the bossy air that usually hung about had disappeared. Our talk shifted from life, money, his family, to sex. He began joking about having fucked many women. And he asserted that I too must have fucked most of those prissy rich girls who came to my mom's parties. He asked how it felt to fuck a rich girl's cunt. I just shrugged. The school's gate loomed close while our conversation on sex, cunts and cocks was getting heated. I sadly slipped out of the car, into the mundane and boring world of this exclusive boys' school. Throughout the day, I kept thinking of that rough hunk Danny, waiting for me out there. The day dragged on and the introductions were getting boring. I found some of my old friends were also studying here and we caught up on goings-on in the summer. The English teacher had given us a diagnostic essay and despite my longing to go to Danny, I wrote well. It paid off in some ways when the teacher chose me to give the acceptance speech for the welcome ceremonies tomorrow. I was to stay after school. In short I was pissed. I had so badly wanted to get this day over so I could do what I wanted with Danny, and the teacher gives me this little extra work and steals my time. Grudgingly, I went through the afternoon's practice. I had called my mom, telling her that I would be late because of the speech. The practice went on until the teacher saw it was time to leave. I did not bother to arrange my things and ran out toward the parking lot. My car was the only one left. Through the muted light of dusk I could see Danny peacefully dozing on the inclined drivers seat. The heat must have made him take of his shirt and leave the aircon motor running. He looked perfect. I took out my own keys and opened the passengers side. He did not move. I guess that he must have been sound asleep. I waited for the sky to be totally dark before I made my moves. I studied him for awhile. He had more muscles than Billy, and he was considerably taller. And he also had less hair. His legs were apart and I could plainly see the bulge in between. The stars were beginning to shine, and I made my move. Silently, I opened and undid the button of his pants, and slid the zipper down. His cock was semi-hard and I could see it plainly through the thin material of his briefs. I stopped and checked. his snoring was still regular. Encouraged, I slid down the garter of his briefs. I was shocked by what I saw. Even in its limp state I could see that Danny was more endowed than Billy. His pubic hair was sparse and trailed only up to his belly button. I looked up again. He was still asleep. I thought of waking him up. But I thought that a surprise might be better. So I slid my mouth around his soft cock head, and began the motions of sucking. I felt his body jerk. In surprise, I looked up and saw that he was now wide awake. He opened his mouth in protest, and I quickly put my hand across it. I stared straight into his eyes. He had the look of mixed fear and surprise. If I were some other punk, I would have been mashed into pulp by now, but I was the boss' son. I took my hand away and put my lips instead. For a moments hesitation, I felt passion in the kiss. But after that, he pushed me away, covered his dick with his hands. He was shocked speechless. I straightened myself and took off my shirt. I knew that I now looked like most of the flat chested models you see in CK commercials. I looked him straight in the eyes, and made my eyes look melting like Bambi's. I moved closer to him so he could feel my warmth across his arms. I moved my lips close to his ears and nibbled on the lobes. "Please," I whispered, "I really want this." I sound like I was going to cry. I trailed my fingers across his chest and tried to get it under his protective hands. My fingertips could feel his cock head. He shifted and moved away, still without a word. I began to play my tongue on his nipples. "Please," I whispered again. I felt his nipples harden and his breath turn into shallow gasps. I tried to slide my hands in again, and this time there was less resistance. My hand now covered the length of his dick, and his hands covered my own. I looked him straight in the eyes. I saw the fear go away. There was still a little bit of shock and surprise, but this was being replaced by pleasure. "Close your eyes, and imagine," I told him. And he did. I put my lips across his own and ventured my tongue forth to explore his being. In a few moments, I felt him return the favor. Slowly I felt the pressure of his hands leave and transfer to my back and my neck. Suddenly, it felt like the animal in him escape the confines of reason and into the arena of passion. He burrowed his face deeper into mine. He kissed so passionately that I felt the very breath pulled from my lungs. His hands frantically worked to pull down his pants and my own. I felt his cock grow bigger and bigger in my grip. I felt I lost all control. He had me. He looked at me straight in my eyes and all I could see was fire. He smiled. He had finally worked my pants off and lifted me up to straddle his cock. I felt the tip push against my butt hole. Suddenly, I felt fear. This was something that I have never done before. I finally summed up enough good sense to say no, and I just let his dick fall between my abs and his. I started the motions of rubbing. He started sucking my face. For a few precious minutes he continued. Then he pushed my head down. "Suck it," he commanded. Slowly I slid my face down, savoring every inch of skin that my tongue came across. I flicked his nipples and he let out a silent moan. I followed the thin line of hair from his abs to the base of his cock. I nestled my nose in the nest of his hairs. I could smell his sweat, the Marlboro he smokes, and the last person to ever share the spot I had now. I was ecstatic. I lost no time in beginning sucking. I wrapped my eager mouth around his head as soon as I finished bathing his entire length with spit. He was a good 11 inches long. I saw that he was quite bigger that Billy. But they had so similar dicks. If Danny's moans were replaced my silent huffs, I would have had Billy there with me instead of him. I closed my eyes and went back to giving him pleasure. Danny was a very impatient person. Many times he tried to force his entire length down my throat. I skillfully slid my face to the side before the could choke me. Every time I felt the pressure on my nape increase I would begin licking the sides of his penis while increasing the pressure of my grip on his balls. My mouth never left his penis even for a moment. I never dreamt of doing this. In fact, the surge of emotions I felt while running my tongue across his shaft, while travelling my fingers across his chest and legs, and while feeling the roughness of his palm across my bare back made me think that the entire event was a dream. Never for once did I dare close my eyes. I feared that I would wake up empty and unfulfilled. Danny's breath was turning into rapid shallow gasps. I felt his balls rise and the base of his dick thicken. Then I knew he was about to spill into me. I moved my mouth to his head and sucked like I never sucked before. Nobody, not even Billy, has ever came in my mouth due to my sucking. I was determined to make Danny the first. Then I felt two hands on the back of my neck. Danny was pushing me down. Hard. I could not escape. I flailed my hands wildly. With my short nails I scratched his inner thighs and chests. But he did not budge. I must have had most of his length in me. I could feel his hair tickling my nose. The contractions in his balls and penis continued. It seemed like forever before he would come. I was losing consciousness fast. With all my strength, I tried to lift my head from his death grip but I could not. I felt him come. I did not even taste him. I just felt white hot semen course down my throat in violent bursts. Danny's entire body stiffened. His legs stretched taut. His abs were in a knot. And his hands pushed me down further. I was choking with his love juices, which came in abundance. I was going to pass out. It was probably the eroticism of it all. Death and love in one violent, yet loving action. I came. I came with all the force I could. And nobody even touched me. It was an altogether alien experience. And I enjoyed it. He had released his grip on me. I raised my head for one big breath. Even as I struggled to inhale the air I lost, my dick was still spewing its contents into the floor. And I was literally shaking. After a few moments, I lopped onto Danny, exhausted. His arms came protectively around me, and he caressed my back. I was still reeling from the things that transpired. He was whispering things into my ear but I barely caught them. Something about keeping a secret and again and again. I closed my eyes, and sighed. I had him. He had me. We lay there for about fifteen minutes, letting our sweat dry and our dicks go limp. We then straightened and cleaned ourselves. Surprisingly, I did not have to clean my mouth. Danny pumped everything he had deep into me, that nothing was wasted. As he pulled over his shirt I smiled and kissed him. "Let's go home," I said. "Let's," he replied. (to be continued) email:


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Daniel Alopett

Dance With The Devil, Part 1

The night was dragging on badly. I knew that I would probably have a date with boredom in a few minutes. The second glass of scotch on the rocks was getting warm, and my mood sour. "Hey," called out the bartender, "want some more ice on that?" I shot him an icy stare. "Well, I guess not," he replied. Fortunately, this bartender was a little apologetic. If he were

Dance With The Devil, Part 2

"Wake up bitch!" I heard someone shout. I felt cold water splash against my face. The pain took three seconds to register. I winced. It took me some time to recall the events and to realize my current predicament. The glare kept my eyes closed. I realized that was wet and naked. I still felt somewhat dizzy from the pain. I kept my eyes closed hoping that it would buy me some

The Book Of Daniel, Part 1

My name is Daniel Alopett. And this is the story of my journey across the fence. Although most scholars would contend that it is quite improbable, I thought of myself different at a very early age, six or seven probably. Even at the age when I realized that there was me and the rest of the universe I knew that I was born not to please women, but to please and be pleased by

The Book Of Daniel, Part 2

I had quite a few more such encounters with Billy before he left for college. He was a good student. Top of his class. And a good athlete too. He played basketball, and I sometimes saw him when I could. My mother was secretly proud to sponsor his schooling. And if it weren't for the fact that Billy had a family of his own, he would have become my big brother. He was one person

The Book of Daniel, Part 3

Everything between Danny and I remained the same on the surface. He was a married man and reported home to his wife and brood every weekend. I was a student and studied diligently at night. Both of us did not allow emotions to betray us in public. He was obedient. I was a brat. But on our way to and from school, we were a regular couple. I would ride the car at the back at


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