Gay Erotic Stories

The DC Movie House

by John Peter

The DC Movie House by John Peter The movie house was originally next door to the bathhouse in the warehouse district. Then it moved to another part of town. Still a warehouse district, it burned one night and killed quite a few guys. Many families were destroyed when they found out that their husband and/or father, was killed at a gay movie house. I was lucky, I had been in the theatre a few weeks before it caught on fire. At the first two locations, I was not aware that there was any back rooms in the theater, and I never got approached. I was kind of scared at that point anyhow, so that was probably best. When the movie theatre opened up at the third location, I started going again. It was still a membership situation, but I still had my original membership card, so I just renewed it. Well, the new location, again in a warehouse district, was really an improvement. The theatre was on the second floor, when you got to the top of the stairs, there was a guy behind the counter, and there was a large lounge area with candy machines and etc. Then the movie area was through a door on the left and to the right was a restroom, and another door. This other door, I later discovered was a maze of walls and very dark space where guys would go and wander and grope each other. The movie theater showed XXX-rated gay movies, and then they eventually started having a male stripper - dancing on stage (shows about every hour). After a while, the strip tease got to be the popular part of the theatre. The stripper was always a young guy and not real hairy, generally smooth, but not necessarily real muscular. He would come out clothed, go through a strip tease routine, with background music, Once he was nude he would go into the audience and some of the guys in the audience would grab his dick and play with it, and eventually some would begin to suck on it. Frankly, this embarrassed me. The strippers usually seemed too young, and not bears- and I had always preferred the older mature bear types. I could not see how the guys in the audience could do the things they did, because the spot light was on and if someone saw them? I believe that a lot of these guys were married also. The theater room was usually extremely dark, and when you first go in, you can't see a thing. Most guys stand at the back wall until they get their "night" eyes, then they will move into the seats. But, then since most of the guys are there to cruise, they would stand at the back, checking out all the others. The guys wander from the theater into the back room, which I described earlier. It was like a maze with different partitions, very dark, with only small lights in strategic locations. Fellows would be groping each other or in some cases giving or getting blow jobs in various sections of the back room. Usually you would wander, if you caught someone's eye, or they caught your eye, find a dark area and wait for him to follow you into it. Then you begin exploring each other to see what you both want to do. There is very little talking, no names are exchanged usually, and everyone does what they want to do. Usually everyone is very horny, just being there, plus the movies where very exciting. I once walked into one area and there was a guy there who had one of the biggest dicks I have ever seen. It must have been at least 10 inches soft. He was standing in one of the barely lighted areas, and other guys were flocked around him like flies. He was very hairy, and his dick was just hanging there with guys rubbing it, and several eventually got down on their knees and sucked on it. Once I went into a dark cove of partitions, and a nice looking fellow who I had met there before followed me. He was shorter than me and had a full head of grey hair, so I don't know if he was older than me or not.(I still don't have much grey). We kissed and felt each other, then he sucked on my dick and I sucked on his. Then he sucked me off, but while he was doing that another fellow in a business suit came in and took my dick away from him after I had come off, but I was still hard. (I was really turned on at that point). Well the new guy in the suit, sucked me like mad, like he really wanted to drain my balls, but I was not ready for a second draining yet. Meanwhile another person was behind me and was pinching my tits. I reached around and felt a dick poking at my butt. Not really trying to enter, so I just jacked it off, while the guy in the suit sucked my dick. After a minutes of this, I pulled away, pulled up my jeans and buttoned my shirt and went to the restroom. I was really beat.. (literally)... I usually tried to go to the movie house in jeans and a cotton plaid-flannel shirt. I felt masculine, (sort of like a lumber jack ) and I still love the feel of a flannel shirt against my tits, and hairy chest when guys put their hands in my shirt.... The movie house was a good way to get it off. I sometime wondered if the police ever raided these places, but they never seemed to. Then, of course, this was back at the time of the Nixon White House, and I half way thought that there might be tapes or camera anywhere in the Washington area at that time. The movie house was not a very good place to meet a guy to develop a relationship with either. There was usually no talking, and it was often assumed that many of the guys were married. The place was very busy at the lunch hours on a business day. I think a lot of federal government workers came to the movie house during lunch.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from John Peter

California Highway Patrol

John and David were driving along a beautiful winding road that curved along the coast of Northern California. They were buddies who were in San Francisco to attend a computer show, then after the show was over they were taking a few days to drive down the coastline to see the scenery and in the process they were going to meander down the coast to visit a friend. The coastline was

Computer Buddies

I think I am a fairly good looking fellow, but my experience with clubs and bars have not been very successful. Most guys seem to be interested in beautiful model types or muscles. I think it is very hard to find masculine, straight acting guys who would make good friends as well as lovers. I don't really care for the "queens." I am interested in art, theater, and things

Doctor's Exam

I want to tell you about a recent experience I had. I moved to a new city, and I had to find a new doctor. Not that I have any major problems, but one does need certain kinds of physical exams and medication every once and awhile. I am an extremely healthy person, rarely sick except for colds. Well, I asked around, and I was told that the clinic on 4th. street had several really

Lonesome No More

Lonesome no more... by John Peter. Well there I was again, sitting at my computer, alone. About three years ago, I discovered the chat lines on AOL, and ran up a huge phone bill. Since that time I have signed on to a local internet provider and it is now only a local call. Now I don't have the chat lines of AOL, instead I have a program called "Freetel." It's like a

Men's Club Initiation

Mens Club -Initiation by John Peter Recently I moved to a small community, not more than about one hour from a medium sized city. After several months of working hard and developing a number of business colleagues, I was debating about which civic clubs to join. In my profession it is helpful for contacts to join one of the civic clubs to help with charity drives and make

The Bathhouse

In the 1970's, I was working a lot of night meetings for a suburban community near DC. After the night meetings, I would go into the District for a couple of beers, to relax. I learned where there was a gay movie house, so I went a couple of times, after I got my nerve up. After drinking a couple of beers, I got my nerve up and went into the theatre. I always gave a fake name,

The Construction Worker, Part 1

I work in a small town, and when I go home for lunch everyday I drive past this construction site. The construction had been going on for several months and a lot of very macho types are crawling all over the building, doing carpentry, roofing, plumbing, wiring and etc. One particular fellow attracted my attention. He must be at least six feet tall, slender build, with dark

The Construction Worker, Part 2

Todd had just said he and Mike would go home with Dean so Todd could fuck his wife while Mike fucks Dean. Dean could not believe what he heard. "No! You can't do that! My wife would never let you or anyone else do that to her. Let me go, please. I'll come back and do anything you want, but leave my wife out of this." Todd grabbed Dean's pants and pulled out his wallet. Opening

The DC Movie House

The DC Movie House by John Peter The movie house was originally next door to the bathhouse in the warehouse district. Then it moved to another part of town. Still a warehouse district, it burned one night and killed quite a few guys. Many families were destroyed when they found out that their husband and/or father, was killed at a gay movie house. I was lucky, I

The Plumber

His name is Bruce, he is a plumber in our community. I have seen his navy-blue truck parked in his driveway a couple of blocks away, and I have seen it around the community, apparently fixing pipes and working on new construction. Some days when I have driven past his house on my way to work, he has been out cutting his grass. His lawn is beautifully manicured. I know his name is


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