Gay Erotic Stories

The Engineer and the Magician, Part 1

by Silvermoon

Walking the streets of Brendaran after a round at the nearby tavern, Eric Terrance begins his lonely trek home. He wanders the streets and heads for the inn he has been staying at for a week waiting to hear on whether there are any engineering jobs available in the city. Even half drunk, he is aware that he is being followed, and unfastens the strap holding his short sword in its sheath. He goes to draw it, but is grabbed from behind, with it ripped from his grasp. The rugged man breathes in his ear, "Hey, fag boy, you ready to find out what we do to queers around here?" Petrified, Eric starts putting up a fight as he sees about seven other men step out of the shadows. The alcohol is gone from his system as adrenaline kicks in, and he starts screaming for help, but only finds a sword, his sword, at his throat. He gulps, and a small trickle of blood forms where the sword meets his skin. The men begin to kick him and beat at him, as they draw free the sword. He falls to the ground as one punches him in the stomach and another slams him into the ground. "What goes there!" A woman's voice sounds. The men turn to see a solitary woman dressed in white, riding a war horse, stop a dozen yards from them. "Nothing that concerns you, miss. Unless you want to part of the fun, you'd best move along ." She shakes her head in bemusement and draws her warhammer and charges towards them as mystical words erupt from her lips. Two of the assaulters are frozen in place by her powers even as her hammer slams down two of the assailants. The others are quick to draw weapons and turn them against her. A smirk, and a touch to her holy symbol and they all scream in pain as their weapons become too hot to touch and they throw them to the ground. Unwilling to wait for what she will do next, they flee. She waits a second to make sure they are truly fleeing and then dismounts. She checks the young man for a pulse and barely finds one. Quickly, she calls upon the gods and he is healed. She checks the pulse again and nods. He will be all right, but he will need to sleep. She turns to the one man still frozen by her spell and casts another spell on him, "By the power of Mark, Twin of Law and by the power of Luc, Twin of Truth; You will find no rest, until the evil done today is amended and repaired. This quest, I bind you to." At the finish of her spell, the sound of a mystical hammer slamming the ground seems to fill the air. The man shutters in horror as he realizes he is no longer paralyzed but now cursed to do good. He flees with a speed never seen in a man before. She looks back to the young man who now begins to come to, before he can speak, she tells him to follow. "Do not be afraid, but you are not safe here. Ride behind me and I will take you north with me, until we reach Greywaters. You can tell me your story along the way. I am known by my priesthood as Melissa Journey, Highpriestess to the Twins. You were lucky I was passing through." Eric nervously agrees with her and after she mounts up she helps him up. Along the way, he tells her about himself and his gay life, for some reason unable to hide the smallest truth from her. He tells her about his father and a male healer that was his first love. He tells him of how his father found out about his secret love and banished him and stoned the healer to death. Through all this Melissa just nods even as tears begin to form unbidden on her cheeks. The Books of Law never prepared her for such savage cruelty. She cried silently for half the trip, until they reached a small hamlet. She dismounts fluidly and helps him down. "This hamlet is called Midway. It is halfway between Greywaters and Brendaran, where we just left. We will stay the night here. The people here are favorable towards me. In the morning I will take you into Greywaters where I will petition with the Lady-Lord Brenna on your behalf. She is known for her kindness and her generosity to the common people. The Twin Gods chose her well. I don't doubt you were thrown in my path for a reason, and we shall see what that may be." Eric just nods and keeps to himself as she leads them to a nearby cottage and knocks on the door. She is greeted whole-heartedly and soon they are ushered in to relay all their stories to a greedy audience. In comes more people from the neighborhood and the place becomes overcrowded with gawking faces, all wanting to see the wondrous Melissa Journey that saved their village from raiders nearly a decade ago. The castle is bustling with activity as he stands next to the throne of his Lady-lord Brenna Baldaran. She was last to the throne, yet the Twin Gods chose her to run this estate that has quickly been reforming as a future city of Thamor. The wars to the south have been sending endless refugees seeking shelter and where is it safer than in the foothills of the impassable High Peak Mountains. He shakes his head in dismay as he sees thousands of tents and shabby huts reaching out to the small lake fed by the very mountains that make this place seem so safe. He had already begun the workings of building permanent homes for these people and finding jobs for all of them to do. Their hardest task has been the sequestering of food for the starving. Happy that the lady-lord's own father, High-lord at Brendaran has sent relief supplies, he is able to concentrate his tasks on easier things. Ha! Later, exhausted from a hard day’s work, using his arcane skills to turn enormous amounts of stone into a large amount of stone building blocks, he heads back home to bathe and nap before the Lady-Lord calls for his presence for today's grievances. On his way to the castle, he notices a young lad, riding double with an obvious priestess of the Twins. Intrigued as to why one would be here, he picks up his pace to reach the castle as quickly as someone of his stature should move. Finally, he reaches the audience room, which has been emptied for such an important guest. He notices his Lady-Lord is not in an amused mood. As he approaches, he realizes why. It is Melissa Journey, the one that chose her to be here nearly six years ago, and also declared her as a child and immature in public nearly a year back. The reasoning was stupid, but accurate, and despite Melissa's lack of Tact, she corrected her juvenile attitude and improved her abilities to rule. The lad standing next to her is very quiet, and very handsome despite his tattered clothing, he lets his mind admonish. "Ah, Tyler!" Brenna acknowledges. "Welcome, I think you know Melissa Journey, Highpriestess of the Twin Gods of Order. Meet, Eric Terrance. Depending on how he works out, he shall be our new City Advisor. He is an engineer by training and will be working with you to help build this city. I expect he needs rest and some fitting attire. Do you think you could take him to his room and see to his needs?" She gives him a bit of a smile before becoming serious again and turns her full attention to the high priestess. Obviously dismissed, he motions for Eric to follow him, and he leads the way out of the Audience room and down a long hallway leading to a large stairway to the second floor. He introduces himself and they chitchat on frivolities and he can't help but notice the reserve in the young blond. They round a corner and he opens the door to a spacious room built to face the dirty city below. He glances at the man and is satisfied that what Eric sees is more than he expected. The room is luxurious even to Tyler, who before this station had been a mere apprentice of High-mage Talem at Brendaran. He owed his present station to luck and his friendship with his Lady-lord. With all the hardships keeping this place alive, he has earned his title in more than just name. He suspected this Eric Terrance, City Advisor, would do the same. Two servants had already entered the room and had drawn Eric a bath and were already helping him undress and enter the lukewarm water. Tyler couldn't help but gawk at such a nice ass on this fellow. He immediately has to excuse himself as he could start to feel a tenting in his own breechcloth. The next day arrived quickly, and Tyler was instructed to show Eric the city floor plan and ask for his suggestions and modifications to the design. Hesitant at first, he pointed out an obvious flaw in the layout and before he knew it, Eric had totally redesigned the whole thing and left Tyler amazed as his eyes realize that he REALLY did know what he is doing. After that session with paper and quill to write all his alterations down, they proceed with lunch and then a tour of the city. Eric is not impressed with the shabby living conditions these people are living in, nor the armed guards that they require to walk the rutted streets. Now it is Eric's turn to be amazed as he reaches the stone quarry and the hundreds of stone building bricks waiting to be implemented in the inner city structures. Tyler introduces him to the head stonemason and they exchange words. Eric goes into details on the need of an aqueduct first, fed from the freshwater springs in the hillside. He then explains the need to build housing complexes next. The sun begins to set before Tyler is forced to break up the two from talking. Never before when it had been him giving instructions had he seen the stonemason listen so intensely. Obviously, this man had great respect for the new man taking over one of Tyler's many extra duties. Happily, they return to the castle, and Eric invites him for a quick drink before they go to bed. Somehow, the City Advisor had managed to obtain a flask of Dwarvenfire in their small separation when he needed to leak. Two shots and Tyler felt the world spin. Eric smiled as he himself had downed four. Before he knew it, Tyler was passed out drunk on the floor. Surprised, and dismayed for he had made good plans for him tonight, he lifts him up and drops him on his bed and lets him sleep. Very disgruntled, he slides up in bed next to him and pulls the covers over them and lets himself sleep. In the morning, Tyler wakes with a start as he realizes he is not in HIS bed and that someone was sound asleep next to him. He almost freaks out as he remembers the night before, until he realizes he is fully dressed, except for his sandals. The person next to him stirs and then jerks awake when he realizes the man next to him is also awake. They turn to look at each other and for some reason, Eric leans forward and kisses him. For a second Tyler is shocked, but hunger fills him as he meets Eric's kiss with needs of his own. They roll into one another and embrace each other tightly, both afraid they will suddenly wake up and the other won't be there. They fondle each other roughly as they undress and start manhandling each other’s tools. Painfully they unwind and Eric relocates himself to take Tyler's tool into his mouth. Tyler moans in ecstasy as Eric swallows the thing until his nose hits pubic hair. Tyler, unable to be left out in this joy, moves himself to take Eric's cock into his own mouth. He enjoys the taste of it as he rolls his tongue across the piss slit and tastes his precum. He engulfs it into his mouth and starts bobbing up and down on the shaft. Eric moans in his mouthful and bobs up and down harder on Tyler's own. Their moaning reaches a climax as they both start swallowing the other’s seed as quickly as it erupts from their manhoods. They both disengage and Eric moves up to be in Tyler's arms. He breaks the silence, "I hope we will be working this closely together more often. And you?" Tyler murmurs dreamily, "Mmmhmmm!" And then adds with a smile, "There is a lot of work to be done, and you won't be able to do it alone." To be continued . . .


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Silvermoon

The Engineer and the Magician, Part 1

Walking the streets of Brendaran after a round at the nearby tavern, Eric Terrance begins his lonely trek home. He wanders the streets and heads for the inn he has been staying at for a week waiting to hear on whether there are any engineering jobs available in the city. Even half drunk, he is aware that he is being followed, and unfastens the strap holding his short sword

The Engineer and the Magician, Part 2

Her hair had held the glow of power as she spoke those horrendous words, "By the power of Mark, Twin of Law and by the power of Luc, Twin of Truth; You will find no rest, until the evil done today is amended and repaired. This quest, I bind you to." Then the thud of that horrible hammer slamming the ground. . . This is the third night of that nightmare. He has awakened in sweat


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