Gay Erotic Stories

The Five Epic

by Matt Dawson

THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… It began at an outdoor concert during the height of summer, the place doesn’t matter, it’s what happened that’s important. I’d been a fan of Five’s music since I saw their first music video – five hot guys dancing around a swimming pool: Abs, Scott, Sean, J and Ritchie; the new British boy band with a much more adult look than the previous offering to us Brits – Take That. Five’s new single, If Ya Getting Down, had been released a week or so ago, and the concert was a promotional gig for the song and forthcoming album. I went along just to see them dancing on the stage strutting their stuff, little did I know just what I was going to get to see. They were all up there on the platform, jumping up and down, waving their hands in the air, the sun was beginning to set and a beautiful orange light was shining down onto them, making them glow like the angels they are. After the final song was pumped out and applauded like no other, the race was on for an autograph. Five were to hang on for just five minutes at the end of the song to sign autographs and I was determined to get at least one. I didn’t care who’s I got, just so long as I got to see one of them, and maybe accidentally catch his hand as he returned the paper to me. I’ve never distinguished one from the other, to me all five of them have something that makes me swoon, but if I did have to say one, it would probably be Sean. His dark skin was set alive by the sunlight as I pushed my way forward down the queue, and although you don’t hear him sing that much, there’s always been something in those deep set brown eyes of his that says so much more to me. Considering Five’s fans are mainly teenage girls, I was surprised by just how many other guys were there, most of them seemed to be with their girlfriends and were pushing people out of the way to make sure their girls got to the front of the line, but a couple of times I’d seen the guys looking up at Five on stage with the same kind of awe as me, wondering what it would be like to… “Hey, watch it”, I yelled as a particularly big guy sideswiped me as he pushed his girlfriend past. He sent me into the nearby wall and I was about to get back in the queue when the wall opened up behind me. It seems I’d been whacked onto one of the fire escape doors and my elbow had landed on the pole and opened it. As I spun into the corridor the door bounced of the inside wall and slammed shut again. Trapped and with only two directions to go, I headed left, I’ve always leaned slightly one way than the other so it seemed appropriate. As I wandered aimlessly on, I could hear the chatter on the other side of the wall grow louder, and thought I must be getting near to the stage, where my Adonis’s were scribbling on bits of paper. Suddenly, a huge cheer was heard, quickly followed by the sound of five pairs of feet running nearer to me. I was at a T-junction now and not wanting to be seen, I ducked behind a piece of cardboard leaning of the wall and hid whilst the running shot by me. After a few seconds I felt a pair of eyes looking down at me, and nervously looking up, I saw Sean staring me right in the face. Startled, it took me a second to realize it was a cardboard cut-out of him, used on the stage during an earlier act. The angle of the cut-out had Sean leaning into me, and I could resist putting my hand on his flat chest, imagining what the real thing must be like. As my hand reached the cardboard Sean’s crotch, I realized that the corridor was silent and I emerged from my fantasy hiding place. Still wanting an autograph, I decided to follow the way the footsteps had gone and was surprised to find the corridor opened out and there were five doors dotted around each with a sign on. The nearest one said ‘Kitchen’, so I didn’t bother with that, and the one straight ahead had ‘Exit’ on it. On the right hand wall, three doors were spaced out, and they caught my interest immediately. The first said ‘Abs & Scott’, the middle one said ‘J & Ritchie’ and the end one said ‘Sean’. I couldn’t believe my luck, I had stumbled across the rooms of Five. I had read in an article that following tonight’s performance the band were staying the night at the concert grounds before flying off for their summer holidays and that they were usually very tired after a performance and were always left alone, I guess that must be why there were no bodyguards around the corridors. By now I was starting to sweat with anticipation that I might actually meet Five, although I couldn’t understand why they were all in different rooms. My curiosity mounting, along with the tent in the loose trousers I was wearing, I decided to peep through the keyhole in the door marked ‘Sean’. It was a second or two before my eyes adjusted and then I was treated to the solo show of the century. In the middle of the room Sean was sat on a wooden stool wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Sean from Five was beating himself off. His hands were caressing his chest, playfully twisting his nipples. Sean’s tanned face grinned with pleasure as he moved a hand down to his navel, gliding through the few stands of pubic hair protruding from his shorts. He massaged the inside of his thigh, and I could almost feel the silk fabric of his red boxers rubbing up against that beautiful skin. As one hand continued to toy with a nipple, the other disappeared inside the slit in the shorts. I squinted to focus on his shorts at they rose up and down in a wonderful rhythmic motion, and in my mind I heard “”, beating in time as Sean pumped his tool. He had clearly been doing this for a while and knew how to pleasure himself like a true master. As the tower from his boxers grew every second, I was treated to my first glimpse of Sean’s gorgeous dick. Though his hand remained beneath the silk, thrashing away ever more fiercely, the head of Sean’s power tool popped up from the elastic rim. It must have been an inch and a half wide, and deep pink it bobbed up and down to the rhythm in Sean and my mind’s. By now, Sean’s other hand was near his face, and he slid a finger in and out of his pert lips to the same motion as his pounding hand. Small tears of sweat had formed on his defined chest, and though there was not quite a six pack, Sean had a perfectly formed set of pecs. Firm yet supple, the sweat dribbled along the curve to the center of his chest then slid down towards his shorts. Sean’s body began to move in time with his hand, up and down, up and down. His shorts were wet from the sweat built up from his rocking and as they clung to his buttocks I could see the muscles tense up and propel him up off the seat. The tent in his boxers moved up and down faster and faster, and Sean’s whole body had become one fantastic rhythm machine, moving in unison. His hand pumped on his dick, his finger went in and out of his sweet mouth, his pecs bounced like rolling waves and his arse jumped again and again. Suddenly Sean let out a whelp of ecstasy, the only sound he had made so far, and I watched as the pink head of his penis convulsed as Sean shot his load. His chest was splattered by his juice in the first wave, still pumping, the second burst was even more intense and struck Sean in the face. He kept surging for almost a minute until he had drained himself and whilst he released, I had to hold myself back from banging against the door as I found myself feeling the beat as Sean arched his back and a smile to rival the sunset beamed across his face. Finished, Sean relaxed on the stool and brought his hand from under his boxers and began to swirl the creamy fluid on his chest. Using the same finger he had in his mouth, Sean scooped up some of his juice and licked it, always smiling. He stood up and gave his crotch one last jiggle before moving to a part of the room I couldn’t see from my keyhole peephole. Feeling the blood rushing around my head, not to mention my own erect dick, I tried to stand up but only stumbled backwards. I managed to support myself so I didn’t make any noise. I hate to think what would have happened if Sean had opened the door investigating my noise and found me on the floor, realizing I had just been watching him. My body and interest now firmly aroused, I now knew why Sean had his own room, and I just had to move to the next door along, it was as though a force was driving me, telling me that the joy I had just witnessed was only a taste of things to come. Quietly staggering to the door marked “J & Ritchie”, I never noticed that through the keyhole to Sean’s room, Sean knelt down and his eyes looked though to where I had just been kneeling. His face was smiling, always smiling. TO BE CONTINUED…


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Matt Dawson

A Boy's Night--My True Story

It had been two years sense Jeremy and I had seen each other. It wasn’t everyday that our grandparents had a 50th anniversary. The last time I saw Jeremy, I was just starting my freshman year in college. But a lot of time had passed and I was finally a junior. We lived so for away from each other that we rarely got together. Jeremy was now a freshman in college. Both of our

The Five Epic

THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… It began at an outdoor concert during the height of summer, the place doesn’t matter, it’s what happened that’s important. I’d been a fan of Five’s music since I saw their first music video – five hot guys dancing

The Five Epic, Part 2

J & RITCHIE IN CHAINS THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… My mind was racing, the blood was pulsating through my body as I neared the second door in the corridor. Just a few moments ago I had witnessed the dark Sean from boy-band Five beat himself to a

The Five Epic, Part 3

ABS & SCOTT TAKE IT TO THE RIM THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… I wiped my forehead, clearing away the sweat that had formed there after my last two experiences. This was turning into the most voyeuristic night of my life. I had come here expecting to

The Five Epic, Part 4

FIVE AND ME MAKES SIX THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… I was standing in the corridor outside the rooms to Five’s private quarters and I was most definitely not alone. I had spent the last hour looking in each room in turn, watching every member of Five

The Five Epic, Part 5

SEAN & ME THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION AND IN NO WAY IS INTENDED TO SUGGEST ANYTHING ABOUT THE SEXUALITY OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDED WITHIN. NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF… I closed the door behind me, and there was a sense of finality to the thump it made as it shut – there was no escape. Not that I wanted to be anywhere but here anyway. Sean, one of Five, was standing


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