Gay Erotic Stories

The Gorilla On My Street

by Jack Samson

This is a fictional story. If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by sexual relations between men, please stop here.

It was a warm late September day when the moving van rolled down my street. The large house on the corner had been sold, finally and today the new owners would move in. The house had been difficult to sell and with good reason. The town where I live is a blue collar factory town. Every corner has a local tavern where the men would go to drink away most of their paycheck. Fights and brawls were common.

Six months earlier a man had been killed in the bar at the corner of my street, at "Tiny's Place". Chuck Woolston was his name and he had owned that house on the corner. No arrests were ever made but everyone knew who killed him. There was only man strong enough to break the neck of a man like Mr. Woolston. That man was Jim Swanson. 6'2" 245 pounds of muscle and a nasty disposition.

Mr. Woolston was strong himself, weighing over 220 pounds, but in the end he was no match for Swanson. Swanson had been causing trouble in that bar for years, only no one was able to get rid of him. The owner, Tiny Lynch, had tried to throw him out years earlier only to be beaten to a pulp by Swanson and Tiny weighed over 300 pounds! Even the local police were frightened of him. Swanson lived two doors down from the tavern and was always there. Anyway, all that trouble and Swanson's reputation made the home tough to move. Still, someone bought it and I was about to find out who.

I watched the moving van come to a stop in front of the home. The driver of the van got out. He was the largest and most powerfully built man I had ever seen. He stood about 6'3" and must have weighed 260 pounds of massive muscle. He was shirtless on this warm Indian Summer morning and sported a barrel chest that measured well over 50 inches. His shoulders were nearly a yard wide and led to the two most awesome arms I had ever seen. Over 20 inches in circumference, the muscles were gigantic as if the skin of his arms would tear loose from the sheer mass of them. His forearms were big enough to make Popeye envious.

But most impressive to me was the thick coat of fur which covered this magnificent specimen of a man. Front to back , neck to waist he was unquestionably the hairiest I had ever seen. I must confess, to this day, I have seen none hairier. The fur on his chest was inches thick. If pulled straight out it would measure about 5"! It was dark brown with just the suggestion of early gray invading particularly at the center of his chest. It spread up over his burly shoulders and down a back a couple of ax handles wide with hair as dense as his chest fur. The hair on his arms was also inches thick and swarmed down from his upper arms to the back of his block like hands and between the knuckles of each fingers.

He looked to be about 55 years old. He had a clean shaven face with high shave lines covering equally high cheekbones. A single eyebrow shadowed each eye, arched into what seemed to be a perpetual scowl, giving him a frightening and hyper-manly look. He was ruggedly handsome with short brown parted on the side and then brushed virtually straight back. He had thick sideburns which ran to mid ear. They measured almost 2" across there and was iron gray. When I set my eyes on him for the first time, I involuntarily gasped from the sheer ruggedness of the man. I instantly longed to be with him.

He was alone in the van and soon set about the task of unloading the furniture and boxes. I watched him wrap his powerful arms around a refrigerator and apply a bear hug to it and carry it inside with little difficulty. He did the same with a washer and dryer along with the sofa and beds. He carried items weighing hundreds of pounds with the ease of a normal man carrying a grocery bag. Towards the end he began to move in heavy weights like you would see at a power lifting meet. He carried in a sturdy heavy duty bench as well as squat racks and dumbells.

I had assumed that he was employed by the moving company and that I would never get a chance to see him again so I boldly approached him to try and get to know a little bit about him. Hoping against hope, I still held out a little flicker of optimism that he was moving in. I approached him cautiously and introduced myself. "Hi Ed" he said in a deep voice that matched the man. " Name's Jack, Jack Regenauer. I guess we're neighbors now." Alright " I inflexibly responded. Realizing how foolish that must have sounded, I tried to continue, "'s good to have someone new in here." I was embarrassed from my awkward response, but big Jack didn't seem to notice. He just stood there with his huge arms folded impressively across his barrel rug covered chest. The position of his arms only served to magnify the sheer muscular size of the man. We spoke for several minutes and I don't believe my eyes ever left him. I was 22 at the time and couldn't believe I could have something like a schoolboy crush at that age but I most certainly did. It was only after walking away that I noticed the hard-on stretching the crotch of my pants. I hoped Jack hadn't noticed.

Jack had told me he was single and lived alone. He explained that he was a competitive power lifter. He competed in the masters division (over 50) at 275 pounds. He was even more massive than I had imagined I thought to myself. If he weighed 275 pounds for a meet he probably carried more weight in between them. I estimated that right now he must 285 to 300 pounds! He returned the moving truck and came back in a pickup with the sign on the door reading "Jack Regenauer Concrete".

It was now the following Friday night. I had only seen Jack a couple of times during the week. It was clear that he was single. I again held out that same flicker of hope that he was gay. But each time I thought that, I quickly dismissed it. No way this rugged brute of a man was interested in other men, like I was. Swanson was up to his old tricks at the bar that night. Unfortunately, I happened to be in the middle of the problem. Swanson had walked passed me and tripped, probably over his own two feet, dropping his beer. He turned around as mad as hell and bellowed at me to buy him another.

I of course did so immediately. I had grown quite fond of my neck by this time and really didn't need it twisted like a dish rag. I responded as all the men responded to Swanson-- out of sheer fear. I hadn't noticed it but Jack Regenauer had entered the tavern for the first time at that moment. No one noticed him, as I had everyone's attention. After I got the beer I was about to hand it to Swanson and apologize ( for nothing of course) when I noticed Jack standing along side of me.

He was wearing construction boots covered with concrete dust, khaki pants and a short sleeve button down work shirt. He looked enormous. His forearms seemed larger than I had remembered and the fur was so thick that it curled like a wave at the beach, up and over the stretched-to-the-limit sleeve. He grabbed my wrist with his enormous hand and stopped me. He turned to Swanson and said: "I think you are mistaken about my friend here. He didn't make you drop that beer. You tripped yourself".

"Stay out of this Mac" Swanson bellowed. "I'm about to wring his puny neck"-- nodding to me.

" I'm afraid I can't let that happen. He's a friend of mine."

By now the entire room had gone quiet. Even the jukebox had stopped playing. "Pal you just bought yourself a whole mess of trouble" Swanson retorted,. "Do you know who I am?" he asked incredulously.

"Don't know and don't care who you are, you're not touching my friend. You're gonna have to get though me first," he answered. I could feel my heart beating (more like pounding) inside my chest. I had grown quite aroused watching the two men eye each other. This had the makings of a legendary brawl. I was, however, not completely confident of Mr. Regenauer's chances against Swanson, despite Jack's incredible build--Chuck Woolston was pretty powerfully developed too!

"Outside, now asshole" Swanson stammered. He tore off his t-shirt and threw it in the corner and walked to the door. Big Jack walked behind him unbuttoning his shirt the whole time. He slipped it off and threw it to me. "Hold this for me, will you Ed?" he said.

When Swanson turned around out front he hesitated when he saw Regenauer's incredible physique. He quickly surveyed Jack's body and a look of confusion crossed his face. Swanson had never before seen a man who was larger and more powerfully built then himself. It must have been a bit unsettling to him. Swanson only paused for an instant before lifting his fists in a boxer's stance and stepping forward.

Big Jack kept his arms loose and by his side. When Swanson rushed him, he calmly stepped aside as Swanson stumbled past having thrown a haymaker that missed badly. Swanson immediately turned and charged again only to have Regenauer move aside again at the last moment and trip Swanson as he passed. Swanson landed with a thud. Enraged he jumped and yelled, "Why don't you stand still and fight me like a man--faggot."

Regenauer's answer split the very air outside. "Yeah I am a faggot. I suck cock now and then--enjoy it too!" The jaws on every man watching dropped in unison, mine included. Had he really just said what I thought he had? My heart raced and palms went sweaty as my throat went desert dry. Swanson stopped in his tracks and looked on in combination of surprise and confusion. "If there is one thing I hate more than people sticking their noses in my business it's faggots. I'm gonna beat you to a bloody pulp right here, dipshit!"

Regenauer remained calm as ever, despite the magnitude of the moment. He was facing a killer after having come out of the closet in a neighborhood he'd just moved into. When Swanson charged, Jack didn't move, but met him head on. Jack threw a straight right hand that landed solidly on Swanson's jaw. He went down in a heap, but got up quickly. No one cheered at the punch. All were still convinced that Swanson would still overwhelm the new guy and no one wanted Swanson to see them rooting against him.

This time it was Big Jack who stepped forward and met Swanson before he had a chance to move. Another right hand connected to Swanson's body and he grunted loudly as the punch connected. He followed that with a left that cracked the side of Swanson's face and spun him down to the ground. A crack and the crunch of bone could be heard as the punch struck home. A few cheers burst out as Swanson hit the ground. Clearly, some in the crowd were rooting for big Jack--despite his revelation.

Swanson wasn't so quick to get up this time. Blood began to flow from his mouth and he was clutching his side. Jack didn't hesitate. He reached down and grabbed Swanson by the throat and with the most savage display of brute strength I had ever witnessed, lifting him clear off his feet with but a single magnificent arm. Swanson was now dangling in mighty Jack's grasp, his feet a foot off the ground. He grabbed at the bear like arm that throttled him but to no avail. His eyes widened in fear as Jack increased the pressure cutting off the man's air, crushing in on his jugular and windpipe. Swanson's face turned from bright red to purple. A choking gasp burst from his bloody mouth, as he struggled to breathe. Jack looked up at Swanson and coldly said: "Maybe it's time you show these nice folks that you're a cock sucker too! It's either that, or I just close my hand and finish you right here." Swanson's flailing and thrashing was growing weaker now. His mouth was open but he couldn't speak. He suddenly, with eyes filled with panic, nodded up and down as much as he could.

Big Jack dropped him down and pulled out his package. It was enormous, beer can thick and about 9" long. It was swelling rapidly, though not as rapidly as mine! He grabbed Swanson by the hair and violently shoved him down. Swanson choked and gagged at the size of the man. He couldn't retract it out of his mouth however. Regenauer's massive right hand held him firmly in place. Again Swanson could not breathe. His nose had been broken by the punch to the face and though his jaw hung oddly to one side. He couldn't breathe through the mouth due to the presence of Jack's massive member . After a minute or so Jack began to grunt and shudder a bit as he came . The first wave shot down Swanson's bruised throat. For the second wave he pulled out and shot all over Swanson's face. A third and fourth wave did the same. Finally ,he dropped Swanson to the ground where he laid moaning and wheezing. He would survive but only because Big Jack had allowed him to.

Jack turned to the crowd of onlookers and said: "I know who this man is and what he has done here in the past. Those days are over. If he gives any of you the slightest bit of trouble get in touch with me and I will straighten him out for you. If any of you have a problem with what and who I am, then you can discuss it with me too. Any one here have a problem with me and what I have done?" he asked. No one moved or said a word. The crowd disbursed and left me standing there holding Jack's shirt and Swanson lying on the ground still moaning unrecognizably.

"Let's go", Jack said. "I'll call him an ambulance from my house."

When we got to Jack's house he invited me in. We hadn't spoken yet. Finally he asked, "Well, say something would you?"

"Thanks for sticking up for me and for getting rid of that scumbag, or at least teaching him a lesson." It was all I could muster. I had so many emotions going through my head. I wanted to throw my arms around his huge shoulders and kiss him full on the lips and take him to bed but, I couldn't speak anymore. He glanced down at my raging hard-on and, smiling, spoke for me. "I am thinking that you're attracted to me. If you're not that's OK. I promise that I'll never bother you again. But in case you are, then know that I'm attracted to you also.

His words caught my breath short and I stammered out that I was attracted to him--very much so! He stepped towards me and bending down slightly kissed me gently at first, then as forcefully as I'd expect from a man like him. I moaned and sagged into his mighty and furry embrace. His tongue split my lips and probed deep into my mouth. I sucked on it and tasted the man. It was wonderful.

Straightening up, he lifted into his huge arms and effortlessly carried me into the bedroom. I had wrapped both hands around his bull neck and felt the sharp spikes of new grown hair from the bottom of his hairline to the top of his shoulders where the hair had not been trimmed. He softly lowered me to the bed and breaking off the kiss removed his pants and boots. I saw his legs for the first time and they were proportional to the rest of him. The hair was thick there also as was the muscle.

I quickly tore off my clothes and laid back. He climbed on to the bed and brought his considerable weight down on me. I luxuriated in the feel of his massive chest against mine. My hands explored his back and the abundance of fur there. He kissed me again and began to stroke my rod with a beefy oversized hand. I moaned aloud as I felt his touch there. His hand was rugged and warm. His hand was so large it swallowed my member as he closed down on it. With his pointer finger, as thick as a stout cigar, he rubbed the underside of my member all the while stroking up and down on it's shaft.

I was bucking furiously now, only his great weight covered me to the point where you could see no movement from my hips at all. He sensed the torrent coming and expertly clamped down on me blocking the cum just as it was prepared to evacuate. His grip was a vice and I convulsed at the feeling of the blocked cum struggling to get out. He still had his mouth planted on mine and this stifled any sounds from escaping me. The flow subsided and he began to stroke me again.

Again the cum was unleashed only to be blocked by his crushing grip. This scene repeated itself several more times. Each time my convulsions were greater and more pleasurable than before. Finally, he relented and I was allowed to shoot. I came with a ferocity I had never known before. I sighed as wave after wave of ecstasy passed through me. Exhausted, I slumped further down under him. He finally broke the kiss and smiled at me. I looked up at his handsome he-man face and shuddered. "What about you?" I asked, "..let me...".

He placed a thick finger on my lips and whispered that there would be time for that tomorrow. I wrapped my arms around him again and snuggled up close to him and we drifted off to sleep


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Jack Samson

A Feast of Fur And Muscle

I first saw George Regenauer on June 17, 1985. I had just graduated from college and could only find summer work as a painter in the maintenance department at my old high school. Unfortunately, that job didn't start until the local schools let out at the end of June. Until then, I had a lot of free time on my hands. On that particular day I decided to hop in my car and head to the

Bear Wrestler

It had been some time since I'd stopped at this rest area. My new route seldom brought me by here anymore and when it did I was usually just too busy to stop. There was a time when you could pretty much expect some kind of action here. Truckers from up and down the east coast would hit it on their runs and they seemed to draw a bit of a crowd. I guess the reason I liked

Daddy Bear

I have always been infatuated with hairy men. Large, rugged, powerfully built men. It began as a child when I noticed my uncle's thick and hairy arms. I used to enjoy rubbing up against them and feeling how strong they were. My uncle was a stout man weighing 230 pounds of factory work muscle. He was the strongest man I knew, and I wanted to be just like him. As I grew older,

Furnace Repair For Free

I had just received the call to go to a nearby house. It seems that the lady of the house was having problems with her heater and I needed to make some repairs. Of course it was always to get a call from a woman who was not likely to understand the first thing about her unit. I could almost always expect to make a killing. I pulled up the house and knocked on the door. A

My First And Hairiest

I knew I loved hairy men the first time I saw Mr. Bowen in a tank top. He was massively built and hairy beyond description. His chest hair measured several inches. His massive arms were covered from knuckle to shoulder. The fur swarmed over those broad shoulders and down his back. He was clean shaven with a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. He was ruggedly handsome with high cheekbones

The Gorilla On My Street

This is a fictional story. If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by sexual relations between men, please stop here. It was a warm late September day when the moving van rolled down my street. The large house on the corner had been sold, finally and today the new owners would move in. The house had been difficult to sell and with good reason. The town where I live is


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