Gay Erotic Stories

The Grade Checker

by Yaardboy

I first saw Eric 5 years ago when I took a job as the new dispatcher with Gotham's trucking firm in L.A. The company president asked all the field workers to come in for the monthly foreman/grade checker's meeting. Besides reporting on the state of the company, the president was also taking some time to introduce me to the guys. I'd been doing this kind of work for sometime and it was always exciting to start with a new company. After a while you get used to the same faces, and guys that at first seemed like the best looking I had ever seen, soon became just one of the guys. It's funny how familiarity can change your outlook. As the men began to file in, my eye caught a glimpse of one of the finest looking men I had ever seen. He was dressed in the traditional LEE Jeans, Filcrom, orange vest and boots. Only in his case he appeared as a football player he never got in the game. His pants and vests were spotless. He looked like he had just showered and the fresh scent of youth was beaming from out of his eyes. As it turns out, he had gotten married to his childhood sweetheart a month earlier and he hadn't yet come down from the excitement of it all. In fact he brought his wedding pictures to the meeting with him and was showing them off to his co-workers who pretended to be looking at them. I was impressed with his naiveté and struck with his apparent innocence. This was a group of hard-core construction workers working for one of the largest grading companies in the country. Their business was dirt and they made it very clear that their interests were not of a domestic nature. I asked one of the men who the young guy was, and he said that it was Eric, "The Kid". Eric had joined the company right out of high school and because of family connections he was able to get into the grade checker union right away—a feat that takes most men a lot of years. But the 'good ole boy' network was alive and well in this industry. I ought to know, that's how I got in. I couldn't wait for Eric to make his way over to my table so that I could make his acquaintance. However, the pres. came in about that time and started the meeting. It was something like this: "All right you guys listen up! Sit your asses down and let's get started!" "Hey boss you got any refreshments for us?" Everyone laughed. Grabbing his large basket the boss yelled back, "Here's your refreshments!" This time everybody laughed and they wouldn't stop. I got the feeling they were acting up for the new guy. . . me. After the meeting I made my way back to my office. Several of the guys followed me trying to impress me with their prowess. "Don't forget, when you call guys out, I have seniority and get called out first." "Hey David, remember my name's 'Blacky' and if I don't work I'll kick your ass. Just kidding guy." They all made their point and I went about doing my business. A few hours went by and the boss poked his head into my office. He was wearing a large Stetson and had a very expensive look about him, "Hey David!" he dropped down a hundred bucks, "Go home, you're working too long!" I smiled back, "Will do, Thanks!" I started packing up to leave, when I heard someone coming down the hall. It was Eric. "Hey you’re the new dispatcher, right?" "That's right, what's your name?" "I'm Eric, I'm a grade checker. They call me 'The Kid'". "Hey Eric, pleased to meet you." and I was. "You wanna see my wedding pictures, I just got married last month." "You did! Let me see those pictures. That’s your wife? She’s gorgeous." "Thanks! That's my. . . " This went on for quite a while. He was really a genuine young man and I felt like I was making a friend. In the world that I come from, I don't often make good friends in the straight world. I can't really talk about my persuasion and keep a job, at least not this kind of a job. It's always nice to meet someone sensitive in the straight world. Eric and I did become good friends. Almost every evening after work when he came in to do job costing, he would spend a little time and talk about anything and everything. . One evening we were talking about my love for photography, and he asked me a question that was not in keeping with the image I had created of him. He asked if I would photograph him for PLAYGIRL magazine. He said he had talked it over with his wife and she said it would be okay. He was just looking for the right photographer to make it a reality. I pretended as if this happened every day and I said sure. I was hoping he wouldn't get up to leave just then, because I was fighting back one of the hardest chubby’s I'd had in a long time. I tried not to swallow too obviously, but I was having a biological moment. We made plans for the "shoot" and talked at length about his dreams of becoming a stripper and a model. This news came out of nowhere and I will admit I was really shocked. In fact I began to wonder if there was more to this story and how much more he was holding back. My "Gadar" hadn't kicked in so I knew there was nothing like that. Well, the time came and went. We had the shoot and I had to wear a jock so that my excitement wouldn't show. His wife did come along to make sure that all went well. I could tell that this was all strange to her as well. It turned out that she and Eric had met at church. They were members of the Russian Molocan's and were brought up to marry with in the group. In fact they were brought up to marry each other. Karen was raised by her mom after her dad had run off, not being able to deal with the restrictions of their doctrine. She was lectured daily about the shortcomings of the male gender and how they had to be watched. One day, Eric came in to see me and confessed that he had never had sex until his wedding night, now one year ago. He learned that evening how much he loved sex. Karen learned how much she hated it. She announced to Eric that she would never have sex again. He discovered that he was addicted and began to spend his money on videos and bookstores. His word for the bookstore was "Library". He said he was on his way to the library and wondered if I would like to go. I said yes and went along. When we arrived I made it a point to stay in the gay section. He made his way over and asked me about my choice of reading material. I explained to him that I liked guys. He said that he didn't have any trouble with that, and that was "Cool". I suddenly got very bold and asked him if he wanted to go back to my office and that I would give him a blowjob. He shook his head and said no. "I'm not ready for that." I said, "Eric! You're not getting any sex now and you said that you were horny, so come on. Let me help you out. I promise, you'll love it." He just kept shaking his head no. I told him I would keep asking, which I've done. Some years have gone by now and I now work for another company. I spend a lot of time on the Internet and come home to a pretty empty house. Don't get me wrong; I get my share of guys at the bathhouse at the end of the freeway, but nobody I want to bring home. Then just 5 days ago last Thursday December 7th. at 7am I got a call from Eric. "Hey Dave, whassup!" "Eric, is that you?" "Yep! Just wanted to call and tell you that I've thought about it and I'm ready. Hello, Dave are you there?" I didn't know what to say. "I was just on my way out to go to work and I . . . What am I saying? Let me have your phone number, I'll call you right back." My heart was racing like someone who had just taken 2 Viagra. I couldn't believe it. Five years had passed and out of nowhere comes this call. I immediately called in sick and called Eric back. "Can you come over around 10?" "I'll be there-there-there-there . . " the words kept echoing in my head. I jumped in the shower and washed and shaved in the right places. I cleaned the house and was vacuuming when the doorbell rang. Five years. . A lot happens in that amount of time. Eric would be around 26 by now * * OPEN THE DOOR! I opened the door and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here was the most handsome young man I had ever seen in my life. He was light skinned with dark gelled, brownish hair. I don't remember his eyes being green but they were beautiful. He wore a Russian style shirt; the kind where the collar wraps around his neck and the sleeves are little puffed. There he stood about 6' tall and perfectly symmetrical. His smile was every much as imposing as Rock Hudson's and there was a slight resemblance. "Come in Eric, come in. It's good to see you." He hesitated for a while and then gave me a strong hug, "You look great! It's good to see you too." We caught up with old news and the where about of old friends. There was a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling when Eric spoke up, "What do we do now? I can't wait anymore." I started to laugh, "You are a little horny bastard, aren't you? Come on my friend." With that I led him into the bedroom. He didn't know what to do with his hands and mine were shaking. But I took charge, "Don't do anything, just lay back." I slowly removed his clothes, photographing everything with my mind. He lay with his head back and his forearm covering his eyes. When I removed his shorts, the cotton briefs seemed to pull away from his scrotum like an orange peeling being removed from off the fruit. He seemed at once moist and spongy. His dick was pudgy and large, but too hot to stand. So it just lay there waiting for the taking. And so I went there first and heard the first sound of him since he laid back. I could hear the gases in his stomach trying to balance and looked to see his biceps peak. He was mine and judging from the way he took me into his arms, I was now his. We spent a full morning and afternoon climaxing multiple times and our only concern was each other’s pleasure. I'll spare you the rest of the sordid details, but it includes falling asleep in each other’s arms, ritual showering and eating and a long good bye. This was a fantasy come true and an event that I could not possibly ever improve upon. I have gone to work and I have walked the streets searching people’s eyes, hoping that there was someone that I could share this with. And until now it was my warmest secret


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Yaardboy

The Grade Checker

I first saw Eric 5 years ago when I took a job as the new dispatcher with Gotham's trucking firm in L.A. The company president asked all the field workers to come in for the monthly foreman/grade checker's meeting. Besides reporting on the state of the company, the president was also taking some time to introduce me to the guys. I'd been doing this kind of work for sometime and it


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