Gay Erotic Stories

The Journey

by Tim Veihl

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his way back before the heavens opened up and unleashed their fury on the earth below. Sir Joseph pulled the edges of his cape around himself in an effort to stay dry. He felt like he had been riding for days. The bloodshed that he had witnessed during the battle was still with him. He had seen things there that he would never wish upon another living man. The acts of torture and barbarism inflicted on the men there was unbearable. He wished that he had never had to have gone there, but he was duty bound by an oath to aid in the protection of the kingdom. He came from a long line of fighters but knew that this was not true of him. In his heart of hearts he knew that he didn't possess the bloodlust or the desire for battle that others in his family did. His horse was exhausted from the long journey and Sir Joseph knew that it wouldn't be able to travel much further. To make matters worse, the remaining water supply was about to run out. He knew that they needed to find shelter soon or neither of them would find their way home. The rain was beginning to fall harder now, showing no mercy to those unfortunate enough to be caught out in it. Sir Joseph continued on, hoping against hope that salvation would come to his aid. He wanted nothing more than to find a warm fire and a soft bed for the night. He just wanted to put this awful war behind him and go on with his life. As if in answer to his prayer, he noticed a light glowing in the distance. He turned his stead in the direction of the light. As he slowly made his way closer, he realized that it wasn't a house that he was approaching. The light came not from a building but from the air itself. The horse stopped in his tracks and refused to go further. No matter what he did, Sir Joseph couldn't get the animal to move forward. So entranced was he with the light that he finally got off the horse and proceeded on by himself. He cautiously moved closer to the light, amazed by the brilliance that was emitting from it. As he got closer, he began to feel a heat radiating from it. The warmth seemed to move through his whole body as he stood there. The rain no longer touched him as he moved closer into the light. It was as if the rules of nature no longer applied here. Sir Joseph breathed in deeply the sweet smells that hung in the air. Never in his life had his senses been so heightened by such an experience. He began to feel like he was under a strong intoxication of some sort. All reasonable judgment was leaving his head as he found himself closer to the center of the light. He wanted nothing more than to remain here in this special place. He closed his eyes and breathed in again. When he opened them, he realized that he was no longer alone. There was a presence there with him, one that was so full of love. That was all that he could feel now, an overpowering feeling of love. The thoughts of war that had recently plagued him had disappeared from his mind completely. His head was now filled with only thoughts of beauty and joy. He had never felt so at peace with himself and the world around him. The feelings that were pouring into him and out of him were truly breathtaking. Without even thinking about what he was doing, he began to remove the armor that he was wearing. He just knew that he wanted all evidence of violence and hatred to be gone from this place. As the pieces of his armor dropped one by one, he felt his soul becoming freer. He knew that here he could truly be the person that he had always wanted to be. He had merely forgotten the truth that was hidden deep inside of him. He had allowed himself to become so detached from the things around him, the things that he had once cared about more than anything. His life experiences had came so close to destroying him forever and he never realized what was happening. When all his armor was finally gone, he still felt like there was more to do. The clothing that he wore was that of a warrior. Although the physical traces of the blood were gone, he could still see it there. In his mind's eye, he could see blood on every inch of the material. He had to get rid of it completely. He began to remove his clothing, wanting all evidence of the blood to be gone. He started tearing at the clothing faster and faster. He gave no regard to the crest that he wore as he tore it from his chest and let it fall to the ground. The past was dead to him. He knew that he could never go back to the man that he had become. He opened himself up completely to the love that was surrounding him. He could feel the raw intensity of the emotion as it coursed through his blood. He had finally found what he had been searching for all of his life. He truly felt like he belonged to something greater than himself. His clothing now gone, he fell to his knees. Every pore of his body was taking in the love that was in the air. His senses were on overload, not being able to get enough. It was then that he noticed the warmth of a hand on his bare shoulder. He turned his head and looked up into the most beautiful face that he had ever seen. The being before him had flowing brown hair and the bluest eyes that Sir Joseph had ever seen. He wore a tunic of the purest white. There was such a serenity in the eyes of the man that looked down at him. He had never felt so naked in front of anyone as he felt those eyes looking deep in his soul. A smile spread across the face of this angelic being and any thoughts of shame left Sir Joseph's mind. He knew that here he would finally find the salvation that he craved more than anything. The man took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet. Sir Joseph wasn't sure what to expect as he stood there before him. The man stepped closer and Sir Joseph found himself on guard. He wasn't prepared for what happened next as the man took him in his arms and held him there. Sir Joseph found himself overcome with emotion and the defenses that he had held up for so long began to crumble one by one. Tears began to run down in face as he found that he could no longer hold them in. He raised his arms and embraced the man before him, never wanting to let go. The man brought his face closer to Sir Joseph's and their lips met. Such passion poured into Sir Joseph's body. He pulled the man closer to him and began to kiss him back. He felt a hunger growing inside of him as they stood there. He wanted nothing more than to be with this man in every sense of the word. He felt himself being lowered back to the ground as the two of them continued to feast on the sensations that flowed between them. The man broke the connection between them and pulled the tunic over his head, revealing even more of his beautiful body. As the tunic fell to the ground, he resumed his assault on Sir Joseph. He kissed him once more and then let his mouth begin to travel over the rest of his body. His mouth felt so good as it made it's way across every inch. The man's hands joined his mouth as he continued to explore Sir Joseph's body. He had never felt such warmth coming from another person. His hands were like fire as they passed over him. He could feel the man's breath as his lips moved down his neck and then across his chest. Sir Joseph could feel his sexual wanting growing in his loins. He knew that the burning inside of him would not be quenched until he had this man inside of him. As he felt the mouth on him move further down he began to moan. He didn't think he could get harder than he was when he felt the hot breath across his groin. Unconsciously he began to raise his legs in the air. As if following his lead, the man moved his mouth even further down. Sir Joseph suddenly felt himself being invaded. His body began to shake uncontrollably as the warm tongue dwelled deeper and deeper inside of him. Sir Joseph could feel himself opening up to this wonderful intrusion. He let his legs go as high as they would and spread himself open wider. When he did this, a jolt of electricity tore through his body. He thought that he would pass out right then and there. His consciousness was slipping away as he lie there on the ground, thoroughly enthralled with the treatment that his body was receiving. Just when he thought that he couldn't take anymore, the warmth of the mouth left his body. He thought that the whole experience was over. He opened his eyes and saw the man still before him. The man looked down at Sir Joseph and smiled again. He took his legs and held them up with one hand. With the other hand, he positioned his own manhood at the opening that he had made. Inch by incredible inch began to slip it's way inside Sir Joseph's waiting body. He screamed out in pleasure as the intruder made it's way deeper and deeper. When he was in as far as he could go, he stopped and held himself in place there. Time for Sir Joseph seemed to stretch on forever at that moment. Finally, the intruder began to retreat. Slowly he made his way back in, only to retreat once again. The pace began to pick up and Sir Joseph could feel the delirium growing. His moans of pleasure increased as the violation continued on him. He looked up and could see that the man inside of him was as enraptured as he was. The man looked down at him and when their eyes met there was an instant connection between their two souls. The gaze between them couldn't be broken for anything in the world. Emotion flowed back and forth through the two of them. The man stopped and pulled out completely. His hands moved to Sir Joseph's side and turned him over. He brought him up to his knees and entered him again. Sir Joseph could feel soft kisses being planted on his back as the man once again began to take him. Sir Joseph arched his back and leaned his head back. Their lips met and they kissed like long-lost lovers. He felt the manhood inside of him start to throb. Sir Joseph knew that the man was about to unleash his seed deep inside of him. The man's hands moved to Sir Joseph's hips and pulled him back as far as he could. When he was again as deep as he could be, his manhood erupted. Sir Joseph could feel his bowels being filled with the sweet nectar. He knew that his own release was quickly approaching and let his hand move down to his own member. Without warning he let his own seed shoot on the ground. He could feel every ounce of strength that he had leaving his body. His body dropped to the ground as he tried to find his breath again. When he awoke, Sir Joseph found himself alone. There was no sign of the man or the light. The storm had passed over and his horse stood there in the distance. He wasn't sure if everything that happened was a dream or a delusion. When he found his clothing in tatters, he knew that something real had taken place here. As he tried to salvage something to put on, he looked down at the ground. There in the middle of the bareness was a flash of color. A lone red rose was in full bloom, the only living thing amidst all the desolation. When Sir Joseph looked deeper at the rose, he swore for an instant that he could see the face of his angel. He knew that he was still there. Not only that but he knew that he was still inside of his soul. He knew that he would always be there as he mounted his horse and continued his journey home.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Tim Veihl

The Journey

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped

The PAssions of the Dark Part 2

Passions of the Dark Part 2 Tim drew back in horror, not knowing what to think. The face of the angel had been transformed to the face of a devil. No longer was there the handsome face that had attracted him before. Now all he saw was a hideous monster, a monster with terrible fangs that were about to tear at his throat. The only thing that had remained the same were those eyes,

The Passions of the Dark Part 3

Passions of the Dark Part 3 The room fell silent as Christian ended his tale of how he became the creature that he was. Tim sat there, not daring to move. Christian turned to him, looking for some sign of understanding in his face. Tim just stared at the fire, the light dancing in his eyes. "Please say something", Christian pleaded. "Anything!" "I'm not sure what to say", Tim

The Passions of the Dark Part 4

Passions of the Dark Part 4 Tim was in the woods again. The scene played out pretty much the same as before. He ran for his life, trying desperately to find a place to hide. He knew that if he stopped, he would die. He ran through the underbrush as the wind whipped around him. A fog covered the ground and he had a hard time seeing the path in front of him. Again he heard the

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here."


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