Gay Erotic Stories

The Making of a Pussy Boy

by Redcoat7

I have been reading the stories listed on this site for sometime and I think it's time to tell about my life to this point and everything I write is true. I have not tried to write before so you must be patient with my lack of experience.... Now, for my story. I was born in a very small mid-western town of 2000 people and I knew when I finished High School I wanted to get out and see the world. My parents were simple farmers who did not have funds to send me to college so I decided to join the U.S. Army and take advantage of the educational opportunities offered there. After discussing it with my folks I went to the little one room office connected to our local post office and joined up. The recruiter told me I would need to go to a larger town near us to get my physical exam. I spent the night getting ready for my one-day trip. I am a small stature guy, but I am in good shape and even though I was not large enough to play contact sports I was pretty good a basketball. My sister kidded me all the time until she moved away and she was always telling me I was built like a girl. One night one of her girl-friends was sleeping over at our house and they snuck into my room as I slept and somehow managed to get a bra on me without waking me. She took a Polaroid picture and didn't tell me about it. When I awoke I was furious and I went to her room intent on kicking her ass! I was so mad I forgot to take the bra off and I made so much noise beating on the locked door my mother came to investigate. She took one look at the bra and started to laugh, knowing exactly what had happened. She also kidded me a little and said I looked good in it. I jerked the bra from my body and went back to my room shouting to my sister that I would get her back for all this. I was not made aware of the picture until a week later when my sister got mad at me and showed it to me. I tried my best to catch her and take it away but she was too fast from running track at school and I had to let her go. She hid it and told me If I didn't do what she wanted she would show it around the school. I didn't want that as I already got kidded sometimes for being a "sissy" due to my fem-like body and being very small. One night she and her girl friend came into my room while I was doing my home-work and she had the picture in her hand. She wanted to take another one and after she threatened to show it around I consented even though I could have killed her at that moment. She handed me a bra and also a pair of her panties!!! I looked at her and said "no way" but she held the picture just out of reach and threatened me again. To make a long story short I made them leave the room and I slipped into the delicate pink panties with lace around the legs and waist. I couldn't believe what happened next! My cock slowly hardened as I felt that sexy material encase it. I experienced a feeling like none I had ever felt before and I could not help running my hands over and over the material! I stood with the too girls waiting outside my door. I am small but I was blessed with a good penis and it was rearing it's thick seven inch head trying to poke a hole in those pink panties. The girls grew impatient and I finally consented to letting only my sister enter the room alone. I thought that since she had seen me nude a few times it would not embarrass me as much as letting her friend see me. My sister blushed a little as she observed my erect state but just started taking the pictures. She made me pose for several and she took at least six shots of me. As each picture emerged she would show it to me and believe it or not I felt a little aroused at looking at them. "All you need is a wig and a little make-up and you would be girl," She said as she held the pictures in front of my face. I blushed and stripped the panties and bra from my body and threw them both back at my sister. My cock was sill hard as I stood there nude but I didn't care as she stared at it and turned a little red. "You may not like the panties and bra but he does", she laughed as she pointed at my still erect cock. I quickly jumped under my bed covers and told her to get the hell out of my room. I heard her and her friend laughing outside the door as they inspected the pictures. I don't know how many people my sister showed the snapshots too but she used them for blackmail until she finally met a guy and married him. One day a letter arrived with the pictures inside and she sent a note saying", I’ve had my fun so here are your pictures". I started to burn them, but for some reason I kept them and when I would look at them I would always get an erection and remember the feel of those pink panties as I slid them over my legs and ass. When I finally left for the Army, I took them with me to keep my parents from finding them... End of Part One…Part Two will follow...


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Redcoat7

The Making of a Pussy Boy

I have been reading the stories listed on this site for sometime and I think it's time to tell about my life to this point and everything I write is true. I have not tried to write before so you must be patient with my lack of experience.... Now, for my story. I was born in a very small mid-western town of 2000 people and I knew when I finished High School I wanted to get out and

The Making of A Pussy Boy, Part 2

I finally got my exam and all my paperwork done and I boarded a train for Fort Lewis, Washington where I would take my basic training. As I waved goodbye to my family I didn't realize how my life would change before I returned again. It took two days to make the trip and I was exhausted when I finally got to my new home inside the base. It was a dreary, damp place as it had rained


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