Gay Erotic Stories

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

by Tim Veihl

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here." "Are you crazy? I'm not going anywhere without you." "Tim, you have to. When Roberto comes to he's going to out for your blood. I can't let you stay here." "I'm sorry, Christian. I'm as much a part of this now as you are." "I don't know if I can protect you from him." "Then don't. I can protect myself. I won't leave and let you face him alone." "He has abilities at his disposal that you're not aware of. It won't take him long to finish you." "Then kill him. Take advantage of the moment and end this now." "First I'm getting you to safety. I'll end this in my own way but I can only do that if I give it my full concentration. I can't do that if I'm worrying about you at the same time." "Fine. What do you want me to do?" "Come with me." Christian took Tim by the hand and led him out of the library. They raced down corridor after corridor, finally stopping in front of a single door in the lower levels of the castle. Christian opened the door and led Tim in. As Tim's eyes adjusted to the change in lighting, the first thing he noticed was a large crucifix on the far wall. There were candles on each side of an alter in front of the wall. Two sets of pews were situated on each side of the room. They were in a chapel of some sort. "This is my private sanctuary", Christian told him. "You should be safe here." "If Roberto does find me though, he can still come in here. You said yourself that religious artifacts hold no power over you or your kind." "That's true." "Then what's to stop him?" "Nothing. I just hope that I can find the strength to kill him before he makes it this far." "Then take my strength, Christian. Let me come back with you and we can do this together." "Oh, my love. You have given me strength. You've given me the strength to open my heart again and let someone in. After all these years, you've shown me that I can love again and put my trust in another. No matter what happens from this point, know that I will carry that in my heart." Christian took Tim in his arms and kissed him. As they kissed, Tim began to will all his energy into Christian. Through the physical contact that they were sharing, he sent all his power into the body of his lover. Christian realized too late what Tim was doing and tried to pull away. Tim wouldn't let go though. He continued kissing Christian, making sure that they were together long enough for the transfer to take place. Tim felt himself growing weaker as the energies in his body left. Christian was finally able to break free of the hold that Tim had on him. Tim steadied himself with the back of a pew as he lowered himself to the seat. "What have you done?" "I've given you a part of my soul. The ability to do that has always been within me, I've just never used it before. I've never met anyone in my life that meant that much to me. There's never been anyone that I've loved as much as I do you. When I felt the energy between us the first time we touched, I knew that I was meant to be here with you. Please remember that." A tear rolled down his cheek as Tim closed his eyes. The transmigration of his soul had cost him more than he wanted to admit. He couldn't let Christian know though, he needed to concentrate on the battle with Roberto. If he had any idea of the sacrifice that Tim just made for him, he would surely die and Tim was not going to let that happen. He now knew that the odds were favorable that Christian would be able to survive. Christian would win his battle and then return here to find Tim's body. Tim wished that he could spare him the pain and grief that was to come. "You should go now. I promise that I'll stay here and wait for you." "You look strange. Are you sure you're well?" "I'm fine, just a little weakened from what I did. Don't worry about me, everything will be alright." "As long as you're sure, I'll take your word for it." "Go, before it's too late." Christian turned and left the room, locking the room behind him. Tim knew that his time was short now. He had made his peace long ago with his God. He didn't fear the icy embrace of death, knowing that it would come sooner or later. His only regret was that he wouldn't look upon Christian's face again. As the world around him got darker, Tim held Christian's image in his mind. "Good-bye, my love." Christian made his way back to the library to find Roberto. He still wasn't sure how he was going to kill him but he knew that it had to be done. As long as Roberto was alive, he would always be a threat. Christian could feel Tim's soul deep inside, like it was always there. His life had changed so much these past few weeks. Christian knew that meeting Tim was the best thing that has happened to him in a long time and finding out that Roberto was still alive was the worst. He wanted nothing more than to wake up and discover that he was trapped within a horrible nightmare. He would wake up and find Tim lying next to him in the bed. He knew that wasn't going to happen though. This was a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. He arrived at the library but there was no sign of Roberto. How long had he been awake? Did he know where Tim was? Christian began to search for some sign as to where Roberto might be. He noticed the spot of blood on the floor from where Tim had hit Roberto earlier. As his eyes followed the length of the floor, he noticed more blood every few inches. Roberto had been hurt more than Christian thought. He followed the trail of blood as it led to the outer hallway. Relief swept through Christian as the trail led down the opposite end of the hall. When Christian reached the bottom of the stairs and saw that the blood continued up, he realized where Roberto was going. Christian opened the door to his room and looked in. Roberto was standing there, staring out the window. "This is where it all began", Roberto said. "I remember." "I also know that it wasn't completely your fault. I made the decision to come to your room that night. I had told my father everything that happened that day and he forbid me to come near you again. Still, I came here to be with you." "Roberto, why bring all that up now?" "Because I wanted you to know that I never felt pressured by you. Even when you took me that first time, I wanted it." "Stop this! We both know that one of us will not be leaving this room tonight." "Yes, but the question of which of us will be leaving is still open for debate." "I wasn't lying when I said that I would kill you again. I hate what you've become and I won't let you harm Tim." "This was never about Tim. This has always just been about you and me, Christian. We are the only two that matter here." "Once I may have believed that, but not any more. Tim is a part of my life now." "But for how much longer? How long until you give in to the hunger and take him? It's only a matter of time. You would be doing him a favor if you let me kill him now and get this pitiful charade over with." "Never! I love him like I've loved no other before. Yes, Roberto, even more than I loved you." "Very well, let's finish this then." Roberto spun and leaped at Christian before he had time to move. He grabbed Christian by the front of his shirt and lifted him up into the air. The two men rose to the ceiling and Roberto hurled Christian's body into the huge chandelier. The hard metal cut a deep gash in his arm but Christian was able to hold on before he fell to the floor. The momentum of the impact had caused the chandelier to sway and Christian used that to his advantage. He swung with all his might and launched himself back at Roberto. His feet caught him full in the chest and he pushed Roberto back into the wall. The two men plummeted to the ground, knocking the wind out of them both. Christian was the first to rise, never taking his eyes off of Roberto. As Roberto slowly made his way to his feet, he turned and glared at Christian. In what seemed a blur of motion, Roberto was on him again. He threw Christian to the bed and began to pound on his wounded arm. Christian screamed out in pain but that only seemed to spur Roberto on. Roberto reached back and broke one of the posts off the bed. He raised it above his head and brought it down, piercing Christian's chest. Christian had lost the fight. He closed his eyes and thought of Tim. Someday, they would be together again. Roberto stared down at Christian's body. His former lover and creator was dead by his hand. None would stand in his way now. Once he found Tim, he would finish him off as well and then feast on his corpse. Roberto was just about to get off of Christian's body when we noticed a glow coming from him. The glow was very hazy at first but began to grow in intensity. As the glow became brighter, Roberto noticed something else. Christian's face was changing, taking on the physical characteristics of Tim. He was becoming Tim in form as well as in spirit. His eyes opened and this new being stared up at Roberto. It reached out and pulled the stake from it's chest. As the stake left it's chest, the wound closed behind it. The gash on the being's arm had vanished as well. Roberto could just stare in wonder at the spectacle before him. So entranced was he, that he had forgotten all about the stake until he felt it entering his own chest. There was no second chance this time as the stake went through Roberto's heart with such force that he could feel it as it tore through his back. He fell over, never once looking away from the vision before him. The last thing he saw was Tim smiling at him. Christian woke up to find Roberto lying there dead but he had no memory of how it had happened. The last thing he remembered was Tim telling him good-bye and then he woke up here. There were images in his head of the fight with Roberto but they were quickly vanishing. He remembered being wounded but found no evidence to support that. He only knew that somehow Roberto was truly dead. All he could think of now was finding Tim and letting him know what had happened. Christian made his way to the chapel and opened the door. He looked around but saw no sign of Tim. He knew that there was no way that he could have gotten out of the room with the door locked from the outside. He went further into the room and that's when he found him. Tim was sleeping on one of the pews. Christian went over to him and tried to wake him. When that didn't work, Christian lifted his limp body up. Tim just hung there in his arms with no sign of life. Christian froze as the realization hit him that Tim was dead. He felt his eyes begin to water as he stared down at Tim's face. This wasn't the way that this was supposed to end. Christian lifted Tim's body and carried it before the alter. He put his body down and looked up at the crucifix before him. "My Heavenly Father, You know that I am not a praying man. Yet, here I am before you. I beg of you to give Tim back the life that he gave for me. If you want any life, then take mine. He is the purest thing to come into my life in a long time and I can't go on without him by my side. I know that I have no right to ask this of you. In my time here on this planet, I have taken more than my share of lives. I never let myself feel anything for another until I met Tim. If there is any goodness in this world, it's here in him. Goodness like his needs to remain here. I have to believe that you see that. I love him." Christian bowed his head down and prayed silently to himself. As he prayed, he began to feel an odd inner peace that he had never felt before. He could feel the evil hungers inside of him subsiding. A bright light was filling him completely, chasing away the darkness forever. Christian knew that the curse that had been upon him was gone. He lifted Tim's body in his arms and held him close as the tears began to flow. Christian suddenly felt a hand rubbing the length of his back. Christian looked down only to see Tim staring up at him. Christian smiled as he lowered his head and kissed Tim softly on the lips. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "Yes, it's over." "I love you, Christian." "I love you, Tim." The two of them sat there the rest of the night, holding each other. They were together for good now.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Tim Veihl

The Journey

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped

The PAssions of the Dark Part 2

Passions of the Dark Part 2 Tim drew back in horror, not knowing what to think. The face of the angel had been transformed to the face of a devil. No longer was there the handsome face that had attracted him before. Now all he saw was a hideous monster, a monster with terrible fangs that were about to tear at his throat. The only thing that had remained the same were those eyes,

The Passions of the Dark Part 3

Passions of the Dark Part 3 The room fell silent as Christian ended his tale of how he became the creature that he was. Tim sat there, not daring to move. Christian turned to him, looking for some sign of understanding in his face. Tim just stared at the fire, the light dancing in his eyes. "Please say something", Christian pleaded. "Anything!" "I'm not sure what to say", Tim

The Passions of the Dark Part 4

Passions of the Dark Part 4 Tim was in the woods again. The scene played out pretty much the same as before. He ran for his life, trying desperately to find a place to hide. He knew that if he stopped, he would die. He ran through the underbrush as the wind whipped around him. A fog covered the ground and he had a hard time seeing the path in front of him. Again he heard the

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here."


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