Gay Erotic Stories

The Ryan Experience


When I was 17, senior in highschool and surrounded by sex chicks and violence from every corner, I found out something about myself. I tried not to notice it at first, but as I got more and more into thinking about it, I realized this cannot be a mistake. I knew I was gay. Girls never really did arouse me sexually. Maybe they did, back when I was 12 years old and every single thing in the field of sex was new and exciting to me, but I was all grown up, and I could clearly see where my sexual orientation was gone to. Of course I had sex with girls back then, ever since I was 15 I started fucking girls like a crazy sex bunny. I remember a time in which I had a different girl to fuck with every Friday night - although this did arouse me, it wasn't really the girl that made any sexual arousal. It was the fact that I'm naked and I'm having sex. That's it. I often get sexual arousal by just being naked. I remember when starting to work out at the age of 16, I had a huge problem in the showers that time, because every time I stripped down to my birthday suit I got this massive boner that showed off my six-incher. BTW: In my town, 6 inches was a pretty big measurement, I don't know about your town. Anyways, I was lucky because I was living right next to the gym, which enabled me to go straight home after workout. After a few months of workout, I was really starting to pump up, and was developing a cool set of muscles which enhanced my body into a pretty athletic shape. Back then, I remember I did it to "impress the chicks", but later on, it became pretty obvious I was doing it for a slightly different reason... At 17, I fell in love with a man. Okay, not really a man. It was a boy in my class. You know when you have all those people that you know are not gay? He was one of those people who I had no idea about. Ryan was a bit shy in class, but he was gorgeous. He was pretty cool with the guys, we hanged around together sometimes, walking around town, doing stupid stuff, but we never really became close friends. I did have one advantage I could use to get closer to him - we were neighbours. I had to go through some class bureaucracy to get that piece of information, but in the end - I found myself in a total crush over him, I just had to do something about it. Ryan was a bit taller than me, but I wasn't really tall myself (5'8). I saw him around the gym a couple of times, and at a later period I even came back to that horribly embarrassing mode of taking a shower there just to see him naked. I didn't really get to see his private parts, but I did get a glance of him in a pair of bright-brown briefs. I noticed his slim, smooth upper body and muscular legs, which were coated with a very light layer of hair. His mighty sexy body really got me, and I was naked at the time. After a while, I noticed he was staring at me quite strangely, and when I looked down - I could see what was the big attraction, so I smirked up this stupid grin on my face and slid to the side, trying to calm my penis down before the tip becomes all purple and slurpy with ooz. After a while's worth of wait, I got my first chance to get a little closer to Ryan. One school night I get a phone call. At first I couldn't tell who was it, since the caller's voice was a little husky and sounded a bit frustrated, but after a quick "who am I talking to" I found out it's Ryan, saying he won't be able to come the next day, and asking me if I'd be kind enough to let him know what he would he missed that day. I immediately jumped on the offer and said I'd call him the next day. Well, the next day no real homework was given, but we did get a worksheet from one of the teachers and I said I'd take one extra for Ryan and study it with him. As I come back from school, I grab a bite to eat and call Ryan. As I turn to leave the house over to his place, the phone rings, and Brian tells me there's a friend's gathering that night at Pizza Hut. I'm thinking to myself "yay, great, now I don't have to worry about doing something tonight" and then head out. My parents weren't home yet, they were always coming back in the evening and were always completely pissed about something I do. My bigger brother and sister have already left home, and my little brother was annoying as hell, so I was the one who carried all the responsibility on his back and was always the one who got yelled at, so I really had a reason to hurry out of the house before my little brother returns home from school. I walked out the door, then immediately came back in and took a little shower and changed clothes. I was really excited and all happy about being there alone in the same room with him. It just made me hot, but I knew I shouldn't try anything bold. I mean... I wanted to. I really did. As I walk through his door, his big sister pops out of the corridor with a small bag on her shoulder, saying she'll be back real late and not to wait up for her. Apparently, Ryan's parents weren't home for some reason or another, and his 24-year-old sister was given the task of "babysitting" her 17-year-old little brother. After Dina left, I came to notice the brother who I'm there to visit - I felt a little embarrassed since I was all washed up and he was kinda grogged-up from sleeping, his hair was a bit messy, and the reddish-hue in his bare feet implied the misplacement of socks on a relatively cold morning. I noticed his body was a bit tired, he was wearing a white undershirt and greenish shorts. The undervest showed off his hand muscles and the shorts revealed a fine torso line and mighty, muscular legs. I'm glad it was still a bit cold outside, or else it would've been a quite hot experience for me. After a little "hello how are you" and a bit of a small talk, since we already kind of knew each other, being in the same class and hanging out from time to time sometimes, I told him he didn't really miss anything and that there was only this one worksheet to study. We sat down by his desk and started to answer all the questions and study the worksheet. I was really turned on by his appearance - his slim, tight body was outlined in its completeness by the tightness of his undervest and shorts. The desk in his room was real small so we had to press ourselves against each other in order to squeeze both of our bodies to the narrowness of the desk. The feeling of his stready legs rubbing over mine gave me a pretty decent boner. As we were studying, he would often lean as close as possible to me, making the whole atmosphere just a tad too intimate, in my opinion, for just a study gathering. After about one hour of very close leg-rubbing and shoulder-squeezing, I escaped the dreadful desk, which left me with a quite apparent hard-on. I'm almost completely sure he noticed it, as a light smirk was showing up on his face. His face was gorgeous - I yearned for those lips as they would press tightly against mine, uniting our bodies in sheer ecstacy. I wanted to take that beautiful head into my loins and control it - I wanted to own his beautiful body, and make love to it in a way I never even thought about with a girl. But I wasn't able to do anything, and I knew I mustn't. If I would, lord knows what would happen. I was quite sure at the time that I was the only gay person I knew, and that I should try to repress this bizarre sexual urge of mine as much as I can. This time, it was different. I fell in love with Ryan. Love, in that hot, sexual way that felt so damn real, that if I would have just a little bit more of that fucking courage I would've go outside and yell out the words "I'm gay and I'm in love with the sexiest man alive!" I just had to see Ryan again. He didn't really seem that sick, so I asked him whether he'd like to join me on that night's pizza-place gathering. Happily, he said "Of course I'll come!" in a tone that made my joydom almost heavenly. That night, I wrapped myself with the best of odors, I wore my best clothes and I cleaned every inch of my body so I would be completely pure, and ready for anything that might happen. Ryan told me to meet him outside his place at eight thirty. At eight thirty exactly I was just outside his doorway. I heard a shout from inside the house "Come on in! I'm in the shower!" That divine sentence made me glitter with happiness. I might get to see the object of my love, completely naked! Unfortunately, I was too polite to look. He told me to wait in his room as he got out of the shower. I was sitting on his bed as he came in. He was wearing nothing but a towel on his lap, and I felt the heat intensely on my forehead. I faced the doorway as he brushed by me, asking me all the "what's up"s and "how ya doing"s. I was too afraid I might get off track by seeing him naked, so I continued to face the doorway, avoiding his nude shadow on the opposite wall as he took off his towel. While he roamed around the closet in the nude, looking for a decent pair of underwear, I kept staring at the sexy outline of his shadow as he stood right there behind me, completely naked. I was about to go crazy. When finally he slipped into a nice pair of briefs, I turned around again, hoping I won't burst with excitement. My penis was at full erection, and I prayed he wouldn't (or was it "would"?) notice my hardening organ. That sexy smirk has once again appeared on his cheeks, and I was in seventh heaven. As he got into his fine clothes, we started talking about who's going to be there and what we're going to do later. It was a school night, so we both agreed we won't be staying on the gathering for very long. He asked who's gonna be there, so I told him, in a very general way at first and then I got to the details, and so we spent our entire way to Pizza Hut talking about all our friends - Brian, Murray, Zoe, Tom, Joanna, Christy, Dylan... 11 in total, which was a very big table at Pizza Hut. Nothing really special happened during the hour we spent at the restaurant - talking and eating, eating and talking and just hanging around in that same boring fashion all teenagers know and love. I tried not to give Ryan too many stares, although I couldn't help myself at times. Besides, he didn't really notice - he was really into the conversation with everybody, and at some points it seemed to me that I was the one who was "out of the picture", since I was totally hypnotized by Ryan's charm and looks. Finally, dinner was over and we went across the street to get ourselves some alcohol. Beer really doesn't get to me that much, but I only go as far as drinking one bottle, so it was kind of okay. I split a bottle with Ryan, since he wasn't really that much into drinking, but he said he could use a few sips just to get him a little loosened up from the past 24 hours... At that point I started asking myself some questions - what was Ryan so upset about that happened to him in the past 24 hours? As far as I could tell, he was just a boy who caught a bit of a flu for a day and didn't come to school. On our way home, still sipping up some of the last gulps of beer, I asked Ryan why didn't he go to school that day. To my surprise, he started crying. I took him by the hand and walked him to a bench nearby on a far corner of the sidewalk. I moved closer to him and asked him what's wrong, and after a few moments of tears and silence, he difficultly whispered out the sentence that turned my life upside-down. "My boyfriend dumped me last night," he said, with his beautiful face all drowned in sadness. I hugged him. I loved him even more. I loved his body, he was the most beautiful being on the face of the earth. I felt his sorrow reach into my insides and making me understand him, I suddenly knew him so well. I hugged him in a way more powerful than any other hug I ever gave anyone. I just wanted to stay there and hug him, and let him have me, while I have him. I started crying too, and felt his hands reach around my back and returning a hug from a body I so intensively yearned for... I can't describe the amount of love I had for that person only. My lips reached from where they were, at the back of his head, to the side of his neck and softly touched his tender skin. I stopped there. I was afraid. He tightly held on to me, and didn't let go. I could feel his need to be supported. I understood him completely. I wanted to make love to him, but I couldn't. Not that night. We both headed home and said goodbye at his doorway. I was mad at myself for wasting my good clothes on the first night. Throughout the next day, we hardly even spoke. On my way home from school, Ryan caught up with me and we started talking. At first about people from last night at the Pizza Hut, and then it sort of rolled to a boring pet talk that just seemed to last for a long time, until I somehow found the courage and said "You know, I just wanted to let you know... I think you know how I feel about you... I wanted to let you know... I'm ready when ever you are." A terrible silence. I hate when it happens. I didn't know whether he knew what I was talking about to whether he cared to whether he wanted or not to whether I don't know what. As we got to a few feet distance from his house, he grabbed me by the hand, and led me inside his house. The hot day's sun melted both of our bodies like ice, and we were both very hot and very wet. We took off our back-packs at the door, and Ryan went around the house to see if anyone's home. As he came back, approaching me from the corridor, he was taking off his shirt, which was my que. I took off mine, and started walking towards him. Both our bodies crashed into each other and cling on to each other. I let him slip one of the wettest kisses I ever had in my life. I opened up my mouth with all my strength, and let my tongue merge with his and do a little intimate dance. I started touching him. I put my hands on top of his shoulders and slipped forwards through his skin, slicing my way through the intense sweat that just seemed more of a turn-on to me at the time. I rubbed my hands across his chest and back, and decided to replace the role of my hands with my tongue, which gladly tasted the taste of sour sweat as if it were fruit juice. I lead him to his bed and threw him on it. I never felt so horny in my life. As I was standing in front of him, he laid on the bed and inserted his hand into his pants and started fooling around. I started to undo his shoes and take them off along with his socks. He then moved his left bare foot upwards and rubbing it against my pants, discovering the outline of a very sore and hard cock. I fell to his side. He rolled on top of me, and I felt his very thick cock pounding hard against my pelvis. I was in complete ecstacy - this was my first time with a man, and it was nothing like anything I ever did with a woman! The passion I felt for him made me want to grab him and take over him in any form of way possible. We started groping and moaning at one another, forcefully clinging on to each other with each one kissing every square inch of his partner's body. I felt like I own Ryan now. I felt as if I own his perfect body and able to do whatever I want with it. I touched it, explored it in any possible way I could. He was my new territory. Gradually, we pulled down each other's pants and underwear off - slowly, with our hands and feet as they take small breaks from all the groping and rolling. I felt hornier than I ever did. Ever! I was ready to submit my entire body to him. He was the only person in the world at that time that I gave a fuck about. He was the my interest. My only interest. We finally found ourselves making love on his bed, totally naked, and full with ecstacy, bits of pre-cum and a *lot* of sweat and drollness. We pressed hard against each other as he was lying on top of me. He covered me completely, his head (and lips) pressed against mine, his muscular chest pressed against mine, his slim stomach pressed tightly against mine, his legs wrapping mine with such passion, his hands groping and rubbing both of my sides, and his fully erected cock pressed so tightly and pounding roughly against my own hot rod. He then suddenly shut my mouth with the palm of his hand, wiggled it around my mouth a bit, with me trying to taste as much as I can of it, and then, with a single lick of a tongue, he slid it all the way from my chin to my penis, and turned around, leaving me to face with his wild joystick as he started to work on mine. As I started to lick around the base of his cock, I could feel him working throughly on mine. He started sucking on its full length right away, avoiding all possible fore play. I finally dared to put his mighty stick into my mouth, reaching almost to the start of his pubes. I could taste the ready semen on its tip as I started sucking. I could feel he wasn't long from ejaculating his heavy load of sperm into my welcoming mouth. I couldn't wait to find out the taste of his semen. I rounded both of my lips to a minimum and blown real hard, I worked my way up and down that manly meat. I held real tight to his sturdy legs, and after a very short while, I detected a few twitches at around his ankle, which meant he was going to finish the deal, big time. That awesome feeling of both sucking and being sucked at the same time was suddenly sliced - Ryan has abruptly pulled his mouth off of my sore, purple-tipped cock and started moaning in a way I never saw a guy moan before. I could feel the sticky stream rising up his urinal cord and the first load being squirted straight into my warm throat. Then he started moaning and twitching again in that sexy, intimate way I began to like so much. He was pulling his dick out of my mouth when I grabbed his ass by my hands and started licking his ball sac. He was very aroused by it and started rubbing his wet cock all over my face, leaving little drops of semen on its trail. When I finished up on his ball sac, he moved his crotch away from me and turned around again, still facing my cock and sucking on it even harder this time, with a lot more passion. I rubbed my hands to wherever they could've reach - I could only reach the hair on his head now, and I found myself rubbing exactly that. He was way into working on my dick, so I didn't really want to disturb him. I liked the sensation very much, and I felt like I was going to cum. I notified him but he didn't move away. He wanted my full load, and I felt like it's going to be the biggest load of my life. I raised my legs and crossed them around his hot working body. I started rubbing him with my feet, as he was taking the bottom of my legs in his hands and raising my legs even upwards, making my body curve at 90 degrees upwards, while my cock is still deeply placed inside his face. I could get a complete and whole view of the situation - I saw my cock being eaten by the most beautiful guy in the world, while his still-hard cock was occasionally dangling back and forth a few times, touching my back, while his whole chest pressed tightly against my asshole. I was almost completely upside down, looking up at my lover's face, buried deep inside my crotch. As I started twitching and moaning myself, he eased up a bit and took me back to the state of the 90 degrees curve. Then I shot my first load. I felt it go real deep and I was afraid it might choke him, but he kept on swallowing and sucking. The pressure was intense, and so was my orgasm, which seemed to last longer, accompanied by moaning and groaning by yours truly. I began my last attempt to face-fuck him as the rest of my cum was easily streaming out of my cock, while being vacuumed by Ryan's mouth. I never felt so hot in my life. He then let go of me, and fell right down besides me. We fell asleep that noon in each other's arms. Luckily, no one else entered the house until we both woke up, shared a shower and said goodbye for that day. Ever since then we became best friends as well as best lovers. We broke up about half a year after highschool. I kept my sexual identity a secret until the age of 21, for very foolish reasons. I think everyone should be true to oneself. If you know you're gay, don't be afraid to admit it! You don't have to give a fuck about anyone, really. I'm gay and proud now. If you liked this story and want to share some personal experiences with me, or ask a question, or a just want a friend to talk to - you're welcome to email me:


1 Gay Erotic Stories from

The Ryan Experience

When I was 17, senior in highschool and surrounded by sex chicks and violence from every corner, I found out something about myself. I tried not to notice it at first, but as I got more and more into thinking about it, I realized this cannot be a mistake. I knew I was gay. Girls never really did arouse me sexually. Maybe they did, back when I was 12 years old and every single thing


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