Gay Erotic Stories

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

by EJ

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and I collapsed on the couch in the home theatre area of my basement. All three of us napped a bit, comforted by each other’s strength, scent, and fur. Troy was the first to stir, and, as he tried to get up, Todd and I awoke. “Are you two guys hungry yet?” I asked. “I’m famished,” said Todd. “You should be. I haven’t fed you since breakfast. Fire the cook and kill the host!” I suggested. “No way!” exclaimed Troy “You have been too great to us already!” “Well, let’s go upstairs and get some food.” We did take notice that we were still dressed in our leathers. Todd wondered whether we should go upstairs dressed like this and I agreed that we should not. I told the guys to take off the leathers. They did so. I expected the leathers to be thrown on a pile, but as I had now come to know Troy and Todd, it was not their way. Always the appreciative and helpful guests, they carefully hung the leathers back on the rack and placed the toys back on the shelves where they belonged. Hot guys without attitude who were considerate! Was it any wonder that I dreaded their impending departure on Wednesday? But the guys understood that my directions to remove the leathers before returning upstairs also included putting our clothes back on. Not so! As they began to pull on their jeans, I asked them what they were doing. When they looked puzzled, I reminded them that I only said remove the leathers and had said nothing about putting on any clothes! With that I slapped Troy hard on his bare hairy butt and ran up the stairs laughing. Troy and Todd ran after me in a chase, their liberally allocated pierced endowments swinging in the breeze and their nip rings flopping in their forested chests. When they reached the top of steps, Todd, the more heavily muscled one, lunged at me almost as if he were going to tackle me. I felt his thick blonde chest hair against my back as he encircled my arms and chest with his massive arms. His semi-hard dick pressed into the cleft of my ass. He was laughing and panting in my left ear. Troy caught up with us and exclaimed, “Good work, Todd. We got him now!” Todd used his wrestling skills and maneuvered his hold on me. He now had my head in a firm headlock using his left arm. We were standing but I was bent at the waist and facing the floor. His large bicep pushed against the back of my head and his strong forearm went across my throat. I could smell the manly musk of his pit. With his right hand he had grabbed both my wrists and pinned them behind me at the small of my back. “Payback time!” shouted Troy, and with that he started to slap my buns with such force that in no time they were on fire. I was not taking this standing still. The three of us were dancing around the kitchen as I squirmed to get free. Of course, we were also all laughing. It was good-natured man-to-man fun. Finally Troy stated that my buns looked hot enough to cook supper on and Todd released his grip. As he started to let go, I reached between his legs and gave a firm yank on his semi-hard manhood. By this time I was hard and purple from messing with these hot men. Todd started to chase me around the cooking island in the middle of the room. He finally caught me and we fell, laughing, into a chest-to-chest bear hug. My brown mantle mixed with Todd’s blonde mantle like Velcro. His nip rings pressed against my own unpierced nobs. The sensation caused my little men to stand at attention. But a hug is no good without a kiss. The laughing stopped and we were intensely exploring each other’s mouth with our tongues. “Can you guys stop long enough for us to find some food?” asked Troy. Todd and I broke our spell and I started the search for food. I assigned each of them to K.P. Todd was given the task of creating the chef salad. Troy made a wondrous fresh fruit salad for dessert. Meanwhile I found 3 nice steaks in the freezer. I walked out onto the deck (yes, in the nude) and into the cold evening air. The impact of the cold quickly took care of my erection. I brushed off the snow from the grill and fired it up. I grilled all year long. I was not crazy enough to stay outside the whole time, however. I would monitor progress from the sliding glass door and from time to time turn the steaks. It did not take long for everything to be prepared with everyone helping and the guys were justly proud of their contributions. I asked for beverage preference and we all agreed that this would be a beer night. At the decision, Todd grunted like Tim-the-Toolman and we all laughed. Manly men, we! We enjoyed the meal as we watched the moon rise over the trees. The reflected light on the snow made it seem as bright as day. The mood was so serene and the bonding so intense that I wished against hope that the moment would never end. “How would you guys like to see the rest of my property?” I asked. “Great!” We cleaned up the dirty dishes and got dressed again for snowmobiling. We looked like three large nylon and down covered bears. I only had the one snowmobile, but we had long since been “way kewl” with the closeness that a ride on it provided. I took them up the mountain to the crest. From there we had an excellent moonlit view into the next county. I followed the trail down the mountainside to the small pond on my property and its adjacent meadow. The pond was frozen now and the meadow covered with snow. In summer it was a lush, peaceful and private place, good for skinny-dipping and nude sunbathing. I began to circle the meadow and do some figure 8’s. I was racing and the guys were hooting and hollering. Suddenly I was going a bit too fast and turned a bit too sharply. The snowmobile flipped on its side, sending the three of us into the soft snow. We began to throw snow at each other and to wrestle with each other. Troy got up and went to a place of pristine snow. He lay down carefully in the snow and started to make a snow angel. “Haven’t done that since I was a kid,” Troy said, as he stood and examined his craft. “You probably haven’t been one since a kid, either!” I laughed. Todd threw some snow at me and then rushed me, tackling me to the ground. I landed on my back in the snow and Troy landed on top of me. He stopped laughing, raised his head, and looked intently into my eyes. He lay on top of me, looking at me for the longest time. The moonlight reflected off the snow and into his deep blue eyes. His eyes shone like bright blue crystals. Then quietly he said, “Thank you,” and bent down to kiss me. He caressed my face with his goatee. Even through our heavy winter outfits I could feel our loins stirring. I knew it was time to head back. We righted the snowmobile and headed for the house. Inside the house we headed for the laundry room and peeled off the wet outfits and our clothing. We were still bearing some of the effects of the cold and adjusting to the welcomed warmth of the house. All our cheeks were blushed in a healthy red glow. We headed for the living room and the warmth of the fireplace. We grabbed pillows and piled together on the bearskin rug, much as we had the first night. I grabbed the Hudson’s Bay blanket from the couch and we covered ourselves in it. Under the blanket I lay on my left side facing Troy’s back. My hairy chest matted against his back as I wrapped my right arm around his waist and pressed my dick against his hairy butt. Quickly my dick found a comfortable home in the seam of his crack. I leaned forward and nuzzled into his neck. From time to time I gently kissed and nibbled his neck, face, and right ear. I began to use my hand to explore that wondrously thick carpet of black hair. My fingers combed and probed its depth and, from time to time, would pause to pay attention to the pierced man-buttons on his pecs. Todd was on the other side of Troy and turned to face him. Todd’s right hand reached up and slid under the left side of Troy’s face. Todd’s left arm stretched out under the blanket over Troy until his left hand rested on my side. Todd began gently to caress my side with his hand. He wove his left leg into our legs. Troy reached over to Todd and ran his fingers through Todd’s rich blonde covering. Soon his hands paid major attention to Todd’s nipples. Troy pulled and tugged, twisted and pressed on Todd’s rings. Todd removed his hand from my side. He then grabbed Troy’s engorged stick and began gently to rub and stroke it. Using his thumb he teased the swollen bulbous head and smeared the flowing pre-cum oozing from the slit. Troy was returning the favor, having left the blonde’s chest rug to fondle his jewels. With one hand Troy stroked Todd’s rod and with the other he squeezed and rolled Todd’s man-plums in his palm. Todd was beginning to moan and Troy was panting. I reached to the end table and grabbed the lube and a condom. My own manhood was pressing painfully against Troy’s crack, wanting to flop up and continue its growth. I put some lube on my fingers and began to finger Troy’s crack. As I began he lifted his leg as a sign that he wanted me to continue and as a way of giving me better access to my goal. I quickly found his cunt and began to grease and loosen his hole. I paused long enough to tear the packet open with my teeth and roll the condom onto my raging cherry buster. I spread a good amount of lube on my shaft and positioned it at the entrance to our mutual joy. Without a word, but with manly groans, Troy lifted his leg a bit more. He wanted me. I increased my pressure on his anus and I felt my head against the first ring. I then felt Troy himself pushing his ass against my cock. With a slight “popping” feel, I passed the first ring and raced to the second. Troy took a deep breath and both of us pushed toward each other. In an instant I was in. Slowly I pressed and slid up his love canal. I buried my manhood until the brush as the base of my dick matted into his ass. We lay quietly for a moment. We both were savoring the feeling of our union. I was delighting in the warm firm grasp his ass had on my cock. Troy was feeling the satisfaction of being completely filled with my love. Then the reflexes consumed us and I began my thrusting. Troy threw his head back at me. His eyes were closed and his face radiant. He groaned in pleasure. Todd crawled under the blanket and planted his mouth on Troy’s dick. The room had but four sounds: the crackling of the fire, the slapping of my balls on Troy’s ass, the slurping of Todd’s ministrations to Troy’s dick, and the grunting and groaning of men in love. Troy grabbed Todd’s head and lifted up and away from his crotch. He pulled Todd to his face and kissed him deeply. Breaking the kiss, through his groans, he asked for a condom and the lube. I paused my pistoning of his ass just long enough to grab another condom and hand him the lube. Todd grabbed the condom out of Troy’s hand and ripped it open. He then rolled it down onto Troy’s shaft. Troy smeared lube on his dick and then on his fingers. By this time Todd had turned over, facing away from both Todd and myself and offering himself up to Troy. Troy wasted no time in lubing Todd’s quivering rosebud. He reached and pulled Todd’s hips toward him. With little patience, Todd was impaled. Todd gasped at the moment of impact and then hissed a satisfied sigh. We were now in a “Troy sandwich”. I was fucking Troy and he was fucking Todd. Todd began to stroke his own meat, when Troy reached down and brushed Todd’s hand away. Troy then replaced his own hand on Todd’s dick and gently began to bring him to paradise. There we lay, on our sides, humping and fucking each other like crazy. We went on like this for a very long time, slowly bringing each other higher and higher. Although I had started first, it was Troy who shot first. With a great roar he emptied his slick juice into Todd’s ass. I paused my thrusting until Troy was spent, then I resumed. Troy went soft and with the movement of our love making, he was disengaged from Todd. His cum-covered cock actually pulled out of the condom while the end of the condom was still in Todd’s chute. Todd looked a bit funny and a bit hot with a used condom hanging out of his ass like a tail. I reached over and pulled it out. Todd then turned again to face Troy and Troy resumed his hand job on Todd. Within a short time, Todd began shouting that he was about to cum. He froze and grew silent momentarily and then with a growl that would make any bear jealous, he shot wads and wads of cum into the black fur of Troy’s chest. The puddles of white cream stood in start contrast to the Troy’s black hair, but soon disappeared into it. Todd took his hands and kneaded his cum thoroughly into Troy’s chest. This sight was enough to send me over the edge and I began to pound Troy’s ass with a vengeance. It was as if I wanted to push my entire being up and into Troy. Nothing short of total union seemed to matter. My mind went blank as I exploded into Troy. I wrapped my arms around him again and pulled him close. I kissed his shoulders and sucked on his neck. Exhausted and spent, the three of us fell asleep on the rug and under the blanket. I was still inside of Troy and Troy and Todd were face-to-face kissing when sleep overtook us. We never even made it to the master bed that night. We were out like a light. The morning sun beamed through the large expanse of glass into the living room. It was morning again. I started to move and realized I had spent the night embracing Troy. The two men themselves were still face-to-face. I thought it strange that we had not moved at all during the night. I gently removed my arm from around Troy and began to get up. As I arose I reached over and kissed him gently on the cheek. A slight smile spread across his face. His eyes were closed. I determined that he was still asleep and I was happy to have been a part of his pleasant dream. I pulled on some clothes and went out to perform my scheduled routine of chopping wood. On this morning I finished and returned to find my buds still sound asleep. I went to the laundry and started a load of the many clothes we had been wearing over the last few days. I returned to my naked state of dress and went upstairs. I added wood to the fire to take the edge off the morning chill and soon the house was toasty warm. I looked at Troy and Todd, asleep beside each other, looking so peaceful and yet so masculine. They were under the blanket except for their heads, arms and upper chests. Troy’s dark covering contrasted with the creamy color of the blanket and its wide colorful stripes. Todd’s blondness made his body seem to blend into the blanket. I watched them for a moment and began to become very sad. I had bought this land and built this house as a way of getting away from people. It had been a good decision overall. But now the storm of two days ago had driven these two hot hunks into my life and I had become aware of how much I was missing. They would be gone tomorrow and I knew that with their departure I would have to deal with an acute feeling of emptiness and loneliness. These were feelings I had not known in years. As I was about to consume myself in angst, a body beneath the blanket started to writhe. Arms and legs started to move and stretch in every direction. It was Troy, my black bear, coming out of hibernation. He stretched some more and rolled onto his back. His eyes were still closed, but he was waking up. A contented smile filled his face and without opening his eyes he sensed my presence. “G’morning, love,” he said to me. “G’morning,” I replied. “Did you sleep well?” “Yeah,” Todd hissed, “wrapped in the strong arms of a new-found friend.” With that he grinned and began to open his eyes, but he had a bit of trouble in the brightness of the new day. His arms and hands lay casually across his abdomen in a very relaxed pose. Something else was not so relaxed. The blanket was significantly tented at the center of Troy’s universe. His morning woody was quite distinct. “You wouldn’t like to help a guy out this morning, would you, Eric?” Todd asked. I thought his grin would break his face. “I’m always ready to help those in need,” I replied. With that Troy grabbed the top of the blanket with his hands and flipped it down toward his feet. Only his legs below his knees and his feet remained beneath the blanket. His strong, muscular, hairy torso above that point now lay exposed. His manhood stood straight and tall like a solid rocket poised on a hairy launching pad ready for take off. I was more than ready for my job at mission control. Troy spread his legs a bit as I crawled on the blanked between his knees. I bent over and slowly circled the ballooning head with my warm moist tongue. Troy squirmed with excitement. “Oh man, take me,” he cried. “Not so fast,” I answered. I had determined that I was going to tease him to the point of no return. I started on my plan. The tip of my tongue, with feather lightness, traced the pulsing veins along his enormous length. I ran the tip around the ridge that defined his mushroom. I flicked my tongue along the length of his piss slit and gathered the increasing flow of pre-cum as my early morning nectar. I again licked the length of his shaft and when I reached the base sucked each of his giant gonads into my mouth. With a bit of difficult I was able at one point to bring them both into the confines of my mouth. All this I did without touching his organ with my hands. I was playing Troy skillfully and he indicated his pleasure by his groans and moans. I continued this routine for quite a long time. Troy’s large man-eggs were drawing tighter and tighter into his sac. He was moaning with the pain and the intense pleasure of a man who is so close to orgasm, but just not quite able to get over the top. Finally he shouted, “Eric, I just can’t take it! If you don’t bring me off soon, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you!” And then he moaned in despair and pleasure. I had kept him on the brink for long enough, so I swallowed as much of his prick with my mouth as I could. I started to suck and to pulsate my lips and wiggle my tongue to further stimulate Troy. In seconds he screamed as he gave me his gift. I swallowed him greedily. At his scream Todd sat bolt upright and, in that confused state of semi-wakefulness, began to shout, “What? What? What’s going on? What’s happening?” Within a minute or so as Todd became awake, he took stock of the situation and began to watch me finish off his buddy. He grabbed his own crotch and started rubbing it through the blanket. Before long, he threw the blanket from his lap and was stroking his own ample meat. Troy lay back, repeating, “Oh, yes! Oh, yes!” I looked up at him and he smiled his signature smile at me. I grinned and realized that some of his cum was dribbling from the corners of my mouth and down my goatee. I glanced over at Todd. His tongue was literally hanging out and his chest was heaving with sexual excitement. Pre-cum was streaming down his shaft as he fucked his fist. I could see his balls were tightening and I knew that I should be the perfect host and not show partiality to my guests. Would that every task of hospitality was as pleasurable as this one! This opportunity made being the perfect host a perfect joy. Over to Todd I crawled now as Troy sat up to watch. Todd leaned back into the large pillows on the floor as I went down to the root of his root. I started to tease him as I had teased Troy, but Todd was too hot and too ready and it was not long until I had had my second morning vitamin drink. Ah, crème d’homme! “What a way to face the day!” Todd offered. “What’s for breakfast?” Troy asked. “I’ve already eaten,” I giggled. Troy grabbed some pillows and started pelting me with them. He jumped on me and started wrestling me. We wriggled and writhed on the bearskin rug, while Todd made catcalls and whistled. At last Troy had me licked. He pinned each of my hands above my head with his hands and he sat on my straddled across my abdomen. If I looked up, I saw his marvelous blue eyes. If I looked down, I saw his marvelous flaccid manhood. The grin on his face turned sober and he got this very different look. “You know,” he said, “you are making it very hard for us to leave here tomorrow.” “Well, then my plan is working,” I said and I faked one of those smiles that futilely tries to mask deep emotion. Troy looked down at me and then he glanced over at Troy. He released his grip on me and stood up. “I’d like to get cleaned up now, if that’s okay,” he said. It was the most serious I had seen Troy outside of dealing with his car. “Sure,” I said, “Last one up has to wash the other two!” With that challenge the mood lightened and we raced each other up the steps. Strongman Todd grabbed my ankle going up the steps and then pushed me aside to take the lead. Troy was not to be outdone and he blocked me going through the bathroom doorway, so that he entered first. We hopped in the shower and began our close-quarters cleansing. I, of course, had lost my own challenge, and I got the “dirty” job of washing the other two. Another painful chore of the perfect host! I took my time and scrubbed every inch of those two. Ask me! I know where their moles are! Of course, when I was done, the two of them scrubbed me down. I’m really not sure who lost that challenge! We toweled each other off, too, and I found the most pleasure in drying the copious quantity of hair on the two men. I took many opportunities during the drying to run my fingers through their hair “just to make sure it was dry.” Naked we awoke and, for the time being, naked we stayed. Downstairs we went and fixed ourselves another hearty breakfast. We retired to the living room after filling the dishwasher with our dirty mugs that we’d used for hot coffee. We straightened the room up a bit, and then the three of us all sat on the large couch together. I was next to Todd and as we talked the morning sun caught the silver of his nipple rings and his PA. They sparkled almost like jewels. It was as if Todd had a diamond mine in the midst of his blonde jungle. I sat sipping my coffee and staring at Todd’s piercings. “You like my rings, don’t you, Eric?” Todd finally asked. “Yes, I do. I find the piercings incredibly hot on both of you. They flatter your physiques and accent your masculinity.” “Thanks,” Troy spoke up. “So why aren’t you pierced?” We began a long discussion about piercing. I explained how my previous life situation would have made having such piercings unacceptable. They agreed that it had been wise then not to have them. I pointed out that after having come to this area, there was not ready venue in which to have it done, and, living alone, there was not much need to have it done. The discussion continued as I asked about the preparation, the procedures, the healing, the care, etc. of each of the piercings. Both Todd and Troy were very helpful. Both spoke to the benefits and pride as well as to the problems. There was a brief pause at the end of the discussion. Troy spoke up and said, “Ok. So again, Eric, why aren’t you pierced?” and he grinned. I sighed a somewhat exasperated sigh, thinking that my friends had not heard a word I said. I had failed to discern Troy’s point. “Seriously,” Troy continued, “if you are interested, we could pierce you before we leave tomorrow. Todd here is certified and is quite skillful at it. He has his gear in his duffel bag including the stuff we need to make sure that everything is clean and safe. We even have some jewelry that we can give you. I don’t want to push it, but if you would like to, here’s a good opportunity.” “You’d look really hot with piercings!” Todd jumped in. “Troy is right. I have every we need, and I’d be more than happy to do it for you.” “Hmmm. It is tempting, but I’d like to think a little about it. We do have until tomorrow before you leave. I’ll let you know by then.” To be continued…


13 Gay Erotic Stories from EJ

At the Seven-Eleven

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per

The Bear Room

(This story is true. Names, etc., are changed to protect the sexy.) Tick. Click. Click. Tick. Click. Tick. Tick. Click. My fingers stumbled over the keyboard of the computer. “Interested in r/t this morning,” I typed. I was adding the text to my chat profile. Then I clicked on “Enter Room”. I typed “Hi men,” and waited. The small green window appeared blank on the screen. A

The Campground, Part 1

My hand was quivering a bit with excitement as I downshifted and went through the auto-toll lane. On the other side of the toll island was the toll road. I was excited and apprehensive because I had never done this before. No! No! I am not talking about driving on a turnpike! Been there, done that many times! No, I was taking the toll road to the campground. I had never been to

The Campground, Part 2

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the

The Campground, Part 3

I awoke in the sunlight of the new day in much the same position as I had fallen asleep. My hands had released their hug and lay at my side. Master lay asleep on top of me. His head rested on my chest and his nostrils emitted his warm breath across my right nipple. My legs were still curiously propped on his shoulders and were somewhat cramped from being in that position for so

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Storm

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and

The Storm, Part 2: Monday

In Part 1, during a fierce snowstorm two hairy buddies (Troy and Todd) lose control of their vehicle and slide off the road near my remote log home. I rescue and welcome them into my home. After cleaning up and sharing a good meal, we gather before the fire for some hot interaction. We retire exhausted to my bed. See “The Storm” for the full first episode. We continue with Part 2,

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and

The Storm, Part 4: Tuesday

I was still having a tough time making a decision about getting pierced. I knew it looked incredibly hot on my two friends and other men; I wasn’t sure that it would look right on me. I wasn’t sure that I could handle the questions or the looks from others in this part of the world who might not understand. I would need to decide before tomorrow morning. We spent the rest of the

The Storm, Part 5: Conclusion

Wednesday The phone rang. It was the call I had been dreading now for two days. I knew who it was. I just didn’t get that many calls. “This is Jake,” the voice said. “Hi, Jake. This is Eric.” “Just thought you’d like to know that those fellows’ car is done. They can pick it up anytime.” Jake went on to explain in detail the damage, how he had repaired it, and what the final


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