Gay Erotic Stories

The Surprise

by Collboysea

Sam and I had been best friends for years. He is honestly one of the most attractive men I’ve ever met in my entire life. He’s 6 feet tall, has sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and one of those devilish grins that would always make my heart beat faster and my cock start to twitch. We first became friends playing lacrosse in high school and Sam has always kept me in almost as good a shape as he with his punishing workouts, and marathon runs. Needless to say his body is perfect; not huge like a bodybuilder, but well defined and perfectly proportioned and hairless except for the light treasure trail that runs teasingly below his belt. But Sam’s physical beauty was not the reason I was so hot for him; it was his good-natured spirit and fun-loving personality that were always so compatible with my own. Sam and my friendship has always been so strong I haven’t ever felt like I could come out to him just in case he decided he couldn’t accept my being gay. Lucky for me Sam still had it in him to surprise me! It was the start of my second year of college and Sam and I were in high spirits coming off of a thrilling win at our football team’s season opener. I was driving back to campus going around 85 on the highway and at one point we came up on a car with the top rolled down. Inside the car was a hot young guy I had recognized from the game. He had shades on and was driving almost as fast as we were. “Holy shit! Brad, look!” Sam yelled. I thought the guy was cute but I didn’t know why Sam was so excited but then I saw what he was yelling at. The guy in the driver’s seat was Tom Cunningham, the star wide receiver from our school. As we got closer I saw the back of the head of a brunette chick that was giving this stud a tasty blowjob as he drove down the highway. Sam started laughing and applauding. I joined in the yelling. “Yeah, ya big stud! Let her suck the whole load, man!” he laughed riotously. Sam turned to me: “Pull up closer. I want to see what they’re doin’.” Sam flashed me his devilish grin. Cunningham was starting to moan as the girl worked up and down on his dick. He knew we saw but he didn’t really care. He flashed us both a wide smile in the rearview mirror as we got closer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small rainbow sticker on the left corner of the bumper of athlete’s Corvette. I don’t think Sam knew what the sticker symbolized, but this little clue made it slightly less surprising when the “girl” raised her head out of the driver’s lap and waved at Sam and me. It turned out this girl was a guy! “OH my GOD! What the…?!” Sam yelled and just at that moment the stud in the driver’s seat shot his load up into the air and all over the steering wheel. We were shocked. “Those were two dudes?!” Sam half whispered half screeched. “Yeah I don’t know. I totally wasn’t expecting that.” “Neither was I! How fucking gross!” Sam said, but he looked over to get my reaction. “Yeah…gross,” I agreed trying to sound convincing. But at that moment Sam stood up in the car and turned around to get a better look at the two guys in the Corvette now behind us. As he stood I noticed he had a mound that was growing by the second in his sweatpants. He watched the two men who were now hysterical with laughter at the sight of two college jocks mystified by the gay sex scene they had just witnessed. My mouth watered. As he watched them, my eyes stayed glued to his crotch as it grew and grew. My cock responded instantly as I realized Sam was actually turned on by the thought of two guys getting each other off. He sat back down and said, “Well imagine that!” but he also noticed me eyeing his crotch. I turned back towards the road embarrassed and tried to cover my own erection without much success. Sam gave me another one of his devilish smiles and impulsively put his arm on my thigh and rested his hand against my hard-on. “Ah! I see I’m not the only one who was taken by surprise back there.” He rubbed at my hard prick a few times and then took his hand away and cackled. I ached to have my cock stroked at that moment but I realized Sam was just playing with me. He wasn’t actually coming on to me but he knew how to make light of the situation. The fact that I had seen his erection didn’t embarrass him at all. In fact he thought the whole thing was hysterical but I kicked myself the whole way home. That was the best chance I’ve ever had to get my fingers on Sam’s hard cock and I didn’t take it. I could have played with him just like he was playing with me in a teasing friendly way but I froze and lost the opportunity. And that was that. Or so I thought. We didn’t mention what we saw the rest of the way back to the dorms, but we did stop and pick up a large cheese pizza. We went to the liquor store, too, to celebrate the football victory. I got a 6-pack of Miller and Sam got a bottle of tequila. “This calls for a celebration, man,” he said. Back in our dorm room Sam was full on pizza and pretty near drunk on tequila. He was definitely in a party mood. He put on some of his favorite rock music and relived the climactic moments of the game. Then he surprised me again. “Yeah, Brad, that game was really good but I thought the drive back was even more interesting, didn’t you?” I wasn’t sure if Sam had been repulsed or turned on by the guys. Maybe both. “Yeah, that was so weird,” I agreed. Sam was laughing again and play-acted with me just like he did with football a moment before. “I totally thought that was a chick in that guy’s lap, didn’t you?” He shoved my head in his lap. “I never thought that a football player like Cunningham would ever go for a guy, ya know?” I would have answered but my face was full of Sam’s crotch. I thought he was just playing but he started to grind his crotch against mine. “OH! Yeah, suck it, bitch!” He acted it out. “When I saw him shoot his load like that I have to admit I got a huge stiffie. Yeah I know you saw it and got one yourself, too, huh?” “You mean like the one you’re getting now?” I shot back. He gave me the devilish grin again. I was hard as a rock. “Hey, Brad?” he whispered. “Pretend you’re that guy and I’ll be Cunningham.” Our eyes met and he didn’t say anything else. Sam pushed my head back into his crotch and leaned his head against the couch. I began to lick my tongue against the cock I had been drooling for for years. The only thing that separated it from my tongue was a thin layer of cotton that was getting soaking wet from my saliva. “Oh yeah…lick it, dude; that’s so nice,” he whispered. Sam reached over and grabbed my stiff cock inside my jeans and started moaning low as my mouth worked against his crotch. With surprising strength and speed he lifted me up and shucked his pants off. His hard uncut 9-inch cock stood out straight in front of him like a missile. I made a beeline for it. I’d never wanted to suck a cock more in my entire life! “OHHH man!” Sam moaned. I couldn’t believe his cock was really inside my mouth. I licked at it ferociously. Sam unbuckled my belt and to my surprise positioned our bodies so that we could 69. Suddenly it dawned on me that this was not the first time Sam had done this with another guy. And his blowjob was amazing. I felt his wet mouth on my inflamed cock and he sucked it by running his tongue over and over the slit again and again in a rhythmic motion. His sucking got me hornier and hornier as I went at his cock. Sam moaned louder and louder. “I don’t want to cum yet. I need to fuck you,” he whispered. I moaned my agreement and he immediately pulled me under him and pressed his cock against my ass, pushing my legs back. He stared into my eyes as he started to enter me, his cock glistening with sweat and saliva. “I’ve wanted you for so long!” he said as he buried his tool in my ass. Each stroke shot a ripple of pleasure up inside of me. He had wanted this just like I had and all this time I never knew. He ran his hand through my brown hair and let me suck on his fingers. As his strokes got faster and faster, my legs clung to his torso. I started grinding my ass back into him meeting his stroke each time. His hand jerked off my dick at the same time and I started to scream, not just moan, with pleasure as his cock rubbed over my prostate over and over. I felt tingles all over my body as I started to cum and what an orgasm it was, shooting over my chest, my face and my hair. My orgasm triggered Sam’s and he pulled out just in time to spurt his load all over me, too. I was drenched in cum as I collapsed in his arms. The next morning we woke up and talked about all the secret desires we had both been hiding from each other. Turns out he knew I was gay but wanted me to be the one to say it. We were both so afraid of losing our friendship we couldn’t actually ask the other person about becoming more than friends. But that fateful night has led to many other amazing encounters between Sam and me and I have those horny guys in the Corvette to thank for it.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Collboysea

The Surprise

Sam and I had been best friends for years. He is honestly one of the most attractive men I’ve ever met in my entire life. He’s 6 feet tall, has sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and one of those devilish grins that would always make my heart beat faster and my cock start to twitch. We first became friends playing lacrosse in high school and Sam has always kept me in almost as good a


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