Gay Erotic Stories

The Truck Driver

by Mike Gray

The Truck Driver Dean gripped the steering wheel as he peered through the heavy rain beating against the wind shield. The wipers appeared to be fighting a losing battle as they tried to clear the rain from the glass. Dean was a manufacturer's representative for a clothing company, and was heading for home after a week on the road. Since he had left his last customer late in the evening, he knew that it would be midnight before he would get home. Fortunately, he had called his wife to let her know he would not arrive the usual time. This storm had made him start looking for a motel to spend the night. "Damn, any place will do." Dean thought. "Even a flop house, if I could find one in the middle of nowhere."Suddenly a red sign blinked through the downpour. "VACANCY"" "Hot damn, I found one !" he uttered aloud as he turned the car into the entrance of the motel. Stopping under the canopy at the office entrance, he turned off the ignition, got out of the car and quickly walked to the office. As he entered the door, two men at the desk looked at him. "Hi !" Dean said. "I would like a room for the night." "Sorry." Said the man behind the desk. "I just rented the last one to this man." "Shit ! I knew it was too good to be true. Can you tell me how far it is to another motel? This storm is making it impossible for me ---------" "Isn't there two rooms in the cabin you just rented me? He could have the extra one. I only need one of them." The other man interrupted. "Yeah. The bath is between them, which you would have to share." Said the clerk. Dean looked at the tall man making the offer. He appeared to be over 6" tall, swarthy complexion, black hair, and a build that would make Arnold S. envious. The dark eyes sent a spark of adrenaline through Dean's body. "Thanks a lot, man. I really appreciate this." "I just drove through that storm myself, so I know what you were fighting." The man's deep voice boomed across the room. Dean walked to the desk, signed the guest register and paid the clerk the rent for his room and accepted the key. "Do you have a phone?" Dean asked. "I need to call my wife." "We don't have a switch board here. There is a pay phone on that wall over there." Replied the clerk, as he pointed to the left. Dean nodded and went to the phone. He spent several minutes talking to his wife, assuring her that he would get up early in the morning and be home by noon. As the clerk busied himself with paper work, the other man, while feigning indifference, listened to Dean's conversation. Finishing his conversation, Dean turned back to the desk. "Do you have a bucket of ice? I need a night cap before I go to bed." he asked the clerk. "Sure do," he replied. He stepped into a room behind the desk and reappeared shortly with the requested bucket of ice. Walking to the office door, he pointed to a cabin in the back of the motel yard. "That's your cabin. The room on the left will be yours. Have a good night's rest." Dean took the bucket, looked at the cabin, then turned to his "cabin" mate, "Would you like a ride to the cabin? It is still raining like mad." "Thanks, but no," said the man. "I'm wet and would only get your seat wet. I can make it without drowning." His smile revealed white and even teeth. Dean felt a flush go through his body. He ignored the feeling, and quickly went to his car. Driving to the cabin, he pulled into the car port between the two rooms. Flipping the trunk latch, he got out of the car. Going to the trunk, he pulled out a small traveling bag and shut the lid. Grabbing the bag and the bucket of ice, he went to the door. It was unlocked. He found the light switch and looked around his quarters. A dresser, bed, side table, suit case stand, and a comfortable looking chair made up the furnishings. He put the suitcase on the stand and the bucket on the dresser. He picked up a glass and removed the plastic covering. Opening the bag, he removed a bottle of Jack Daniel's and placed it beside the bucket. Leisurely, he stripped down to his boxer shorts and socks. Now he was ready for that drink. Putting ice and a healthy shot of whiskey in the glass, he went to the bathroom door. Opening it wide, he was greeted with the sight of his nude neighbor, who, with his hands on his hips, was taking a leak. Dean look at the hairy body and lowered his eyes to the flaccid cock from which a steady golden stream was flowing. Quickly he raised his eyes and looked into those of the man. "Oh, I'm sorry !" Dean said as he felt himself blush. "I guess I should have knocked." "No. It's my fault," was the reply. "I should have locked the door. I'll be out in a minute, if you want the bath." "No. I just wanted some water in my bourbon." "Go on and get it. I was going to take a quick shower, then hit the sack." Dean turned the spigot in the basin, splashed some water in his glass, and turned to leave. When he got to the door, he turned toward the man and said, "When you finish, come on over for a night cap." "Thanks. I might do that." The man stood there, gently shaking his cock. Dean glanced at the man again, then quickly walked out and shut the door. Why ? Why ? Why did I tell him to come over for a drink ?" Dean thought. "We probably can't have anything in common. Wow! He sure has a big cock!. Damn, now why did that enter my mind? I guess I'll let him have a drink, then tell him I gotta go to sleep. He sure is covered with hair. STOP IT! I'm not queer. I don't know why I'm even thinking about his body or cock." Dean felt his own cock stir at the thought of the man. He immediately changed his thoughts to his wife. "I'll be home tomorrow. I'll fuck her and fuck her. I'll prove that I'm not queer. Damn it, there I go again." He paced the floor, thinking of the other times he had reacted in this manner at the sight of a good-looking man. That is why he got married. He was not going to acknowledge this strange feeling. He turned to sit on the bed, sipping his drink. In a few minutes he had finished it. Going to the dresser, he put more ice in the glass and poured in a extra strong shot of booze. He tilted the bucket to pour the melted water in his drink. "There, that is enough water. I won't need to go in the bathroom while he is in there. I wonder if he has left?" Dean muttered to himself as he returned to the bed. After a couple of sips, Dean heard a tap on the bathroom door. "Come on in !" he said loudly. The man opened the door. He stood there in his boxer shorts, his hairy chest bare. "I hope this is the dress code for the cocktail hour. I brought a glass with me, as I noticed there was only one in my room, and I figured it was the same here." He smiled at Dean and entered the room. "Sit in the chair." Dean said as he got off the bed. Taking the glass from the man, he walked to the dresser. "How do you like your drink? Straight, on the rocks or with branch water? That's all I can offer tonight." "On the rocks," the man replied. Dean put some ice in the glass, sloshed a strong shot over the cubes, and glanced in the mirror at the reflection of the truck driver. He felt a flush go through his body. Striving to keep control, he turned and said, "By the way, my name is Dean." "Hi. I'm Leon." Dean handed him the drink then walked to the bed, picked up his from the side table. "Here's to the storm. May it die a quick death!" Dean raised his drink. "I'll drink to that !" Leon replied, as he settled into the padded chair. He draped his leg over the right arm of the chair and took a big swig of the bourbon. As Dean reclined on the bed, his back against the headboard, he looked at Leon. From this angle, he could see up the boxer shorts leg. The head of Leon's cock barely protruding through the covering foreskin. He forced his eyes to look in those piercing dark eyes of Leon's. The two men sat silently while they sipped their drinks. Without any conversation they were able to down them fast. Dean rose, took Leon's glass and filled them again. After handing Leon's drink to him, Dean went to the bathroom to put water in his drink. He felt a little woozy - the first two strong drinks on an empty stomach were taking effect. He gingerly returned to the room and went directly to the bed. Shaking his head, he sat down and again looked at Leon. Leon appraised the situation correctly. He decided to control the conversation and slowly lead it to sex. He also correctly determined that Dean was either a virgin, or had very little experience in male sex. He planned to educate the hot looking man on the bed. "That was my truck in front, but this storm was too heavy for even this driver to fight. What kind of work are you in, Dean?" "I'm a salesman for men's clothing. I've been out all week and was anxious to get home to my wife. This storm dictated otherwise." Dean purposely referred to his wife. As he thought about it, he wondered if he did it to bolster his own heterosexuality or to impart it to Leon. "Damn it," he thought, "what is wrong with me?" Leon smiled, "You haven't been married too long, have you? Usually when a man is on the road, he finds companionship somewhere. At least my two ex-wives accused me of it." Dean nodded, "We've been married only two years. I'll admit that I have had some opportunities, but I don't pursue them." Dean paused, then continued, "I use the old fashioned way, my hand." "Now why did I say that?" Dean thought. Hoping to cover up his slip, Dean asked, "Were your ex's right?" "Sure! However, I have used MY hand when that is the only relief available." Leon replied. "I have taken advantage of all offers, singles, orgies and three way. What is that called? A 'Menage a trois' ?" "Yeah, I think that is it." Dean replied as he entered Leon's verbal trap. "What was it like? The three way. Was it two women and you, or a man and a woman and you?" As Dean ask this, he thought he saw a movement in Leon's shorts. Glancing quickly and hoping not to be noticed, Dean looked at the open leg of the boxer shorts. He thought that the big piece of meat was even bigger. He looked up to Leon's face; however, Leon had his drink to his mouth and seemed not to notice Dean's furtively peek. "Well, I've been in both ways. Here - let me fix us another drink, and I'll tell you about one of them. I can almost get real hot just thinking about it." Leon rose from the chair and walked to the bed to get Dean's glass. Dean noticed the swinging of the big cock as Leon moved his leg. Fixing the drinks, Leon walked back to give Dean his drink. He held it near his crotch as Dean reached for the glass. Dean unconsciously ran his tongue over his lips, then, taking his drink, he leaned back on the bed and looked up to Leon's hairy chest and then to his face. Leon smiled, turned and went to the chair. As he sat, he again propped his right leg over the arm, knowing that this would pull his shorts open so that his cock could be seen, but not completely exposed, from where Dean was sitting. Leon began his experience, "One of my 'menage a trois' - I had pulled into this rest area. There were no rest rooms, so the only vehicles there was my truck and a convertible, pulling a small camper. The top of the car was down and a man and woman were in the front seat. They seemed to be oblivious to me, as they were kissing and apparently feeling each other up. I had seen situations like this before, which ended up with fucking and sucking for the three of us." Dean's eyes lit with interest when he heard "fucking and sucking." He took another glance at Leon's crotch. The big cock head was almost to the end of the short's leg. Dean looked up, and Leon was sipping his drink. He had not missed either glance that Dean had made, but he was not ready to make his move. "I got down from my truck away from the couple. I was wearing jockey's, so I quickly unzipped my fly, reached in to pull the jock cup to one side. That way the shape of my cock and balls could be seen. I walked around the truck, checking the tires and other items. When I got on their side of the truck , I dropped my hand to my crotch and pretended to look under the trailer. As I straighten up, the man was getting out of the car. I nodded 'hello,' as he approached me." "'Hi !', he said, then lowering his voice almost to a whisper, 'My friend and I would like for you to join us in the camper.'" "'Oh ? And what's in the camper ?' I replied in my normal voice, feigning innocence." "Again in a whispering voice, 'She likes to be fucked by a good looking trucker while sucking my cock. Or she will suck your cock while I fuck her. We like to have a three way session. She noticed you are showing a large sized cock and asked me to talk to you. Are you interested?'" Trying to keep my calm demeanor, I said, 'Well, I'll give it a try'" "As we walked to the car, the woman got out and went to the camper door. When we got around the camper, she had the door opened and was waiting for us. As soon as I entered, she put her arms around me, pressed her lips against mine and pushed her tongue in my mouth. She also pressed her pussy against my crotch. I returned the tonguing and the pelvic work. I was getting harder with every push. Without a word, we started to undress. The camper had a double bed at the back, which gave us plenty of room for our orgy. As soon as we were naked, all three of us got on the bed. She and I were on our sides, belly to belly, our mouths open wide while our tongues slipped in and out of them. The man was behind her; one hand around her body, massaging her tit. I could feel the back of his hand rub my pec as he worked on her. My nipple got hard from the rubbing. My cock was harder as I pushed against her hairy patch." "'Fuck me ! I want you to shove that big cock in me !' she moaned as she pulled away from my lips. She got on her hands and knees. 'Fuck me ! I want it now !'" "I put the head of my cock at the lips of her pussy. I knew when I pushed it in, it would rub her clit constantly while I was fucking her. As I slid it all the way in her wet cunt, I felt a movement by our knees. Leaning back, I looked down and saw that the guy had lain under her, with his head between her legs. He was getting a close up view on me fucking her. I also noticed that she had lowered her head, and apparently had started sucking his cock. I started the slow strokes, in and out. Pulling my cock out most of the way, I slowly slid it back in to give her clit fits. Suddenly I felt my balls being felt. I knew it was the guy. He held my balls in his hand as I fuck in and out of the woman." Dean interrupted, "You mean he was actually playing with your balls?" Dean unconsciously glanced at Leon's crotch. He thought he saw a twitch in the love muscle partially exposed. He quickly looked up again as Leon continued. "Sure he was. I had had other people playing with my nuts, but that was while they were sucking on it. I thought I would see how far he would go, so I pulled my cock out of her pussy. Instead of putting it back in, I reached down and pushed it toward his mouth. He raised he head and took the head of my cock in his mouth. I let him get a taste of it, then I raised up and continued fucking. I'd give her about four or five strokes, then let him suck on it again. This continued for several minutes, going back and forth between fucking her and letting him suck me. Finally I was close to cumming, so I said, 'Who wants this load, you, honey, or him? I don't care who gets it, so decide now.'" "The gal had looked back when I started switching from her to him and back again. I wasn't too surprised when she said, 'I got the last big load. Let him have yours' She pulled away from me to watch us. I lowered my hips and slid my cock completely down his throat. She continued playing with his cock while watching me fuck his face. Finally I couldn't hold off any longer. I yelled, 'Here it cums, man! Suck my big cock and swallow my load. I'm cuuummming!'" "He moaned with lust as he swallowed my jism. At the same time, he started shooting a gobs of cum. She quickly lowered her head and took his cock in her mouth to drink his load. As the last drops were drained, we pulled apart. I got up to dress and leave. They just laid on the bed, watching me dress. She said, 'Mister, you are a great fuck. I hope we see you again.' I nodded and walked out the door of the camper. I have never seen them since." By this time, Dean had sprouted a full rigid hard on. He looked at Leon's crotch. Leon had reached down to grasp his hard cock, holding on to his shorts, He pulled up his shorts leg to reveal more than just the head of his cock. Dean stared. Leon stood up, his shorts straining from the pressure of his hard cock. "I gotta go to my room. Tonight, thanks to this fucking rain, I'll jack-off for relief." Dean's surging desires, foreign to him but becoming overpowering, caused him to blurt, "Why don't you stay here ? I gotta jack-off too. We can both do it together." Dean pulled off his shorts. His 7.5" cock flopped against his stomach. He watched Leon pull off his shorts. His 9" uncut cock stood straight out. He walked to the bed, leaned down and grasped Dean's boner. In doing so, he pushed his hips forward; his cock aimed for Dean's mouth. Pulling on Dean's cock, Leon said, "Hell, it's been a while since I jacked-off a buddy. You got a big hot one here." Dean reached out to hold Leon's cock. He moved his hand slowly back and forth. He marveled at the velvety feeling, the way the foreskin slid back, revealing a big mushroom head with a clear drop of precum glistening. Leon stood up, releasing his hold on Dean's rigid tool. He reached over, placing his hand behind Dean's head, he held it steady as he moved his hips and cock closer to Dean's mouth. Dean stared at the oncoming cock. He wet his lips and slightly opened his mouth. That was all Leon needed. He gently pressed his cock head on the lips. "Open your mouth, baby. Take the head in. Lick it." He whispered, knowing the quietness would retain the mood. Dean complied. He pushed his head forward, letting the hot hard cock head slip in his mouth. "It feels so good!", Dean thought. He ran his tongue across the piss slit, licking the precum loose. He swallowed and hummed with satisfaction as he tasted the pearly drop. He opened his mouth wider. He wanted more of that big cock in him. "That's it, man. I knew you wanted to suck my cock. Take more of it, baby. I'll let you have all you want. Suck it! Suck it!" Leon spoke a little louder. He thought it would increase Dean's desire and passion. It did. He wanted to hear more. He increased his motion on the hard tool. He moaned with pleasure and lust as he sucked. Leon noticed Dean's reaction. "Yeah! Suck my big cock! Play with my balls. I'm going to make you my personal and private cocksucker. Work on it, baby. Let me fuck your face." Leon turned Dean's body so he could lay on the bed. Without pulling his cock out, Leon straddled Dean's head and began to push his cock deeper in Dean's mouth Dean could not believe what was happening. He had never thought about playing with a man's cock, much less sucking on one, but here he was, and wanting more shoved down his throat. He reveled in Leon's words. "Yes! Yes! I'll be your slut! I'll suck your big cock! Fuck my face, you big dicked trucker!", Dean thought so hard that he knew Leon could here him as more cock was shoved in him. It touched the back of his throat; he gagged. Leon eased up, "Take a deep breath, hold it, and push up on my cock. It'll slide down past your tonsils. The first time is the hardest. After that it'll be easier. You're doing a good job, baby. Keep sucking!" Dean's body shook with passion as he tried to follow Leon's instructions. He pushed up again and again. Finally, he could feel the throbbing cock head penetrate his throat passage. Dean almost shot his load. The feeling was unbelievable. He wondered if he would ever reach such passionate heights again. Leon felt the deep throat action. His balls pulled up to his crotch. He felt his hot load churning toward the sucking mouth. "SUCK IT, MAN !! SUCK IT!! I'M CUMMING !!" Leon shoved his cock deep in Dean's mouth. "Unh! Unh! Swallow that hot load.! Take it! Take it all!" Dean swallowed the warm salty-sweet tasting discharge. As he felt shot after shot hit his throat, his passion controlled his body - he shot spurts of his cum in the air. Leon felt Dean's load hit his ass cheeks. As he shot his last drops in Dean's mouth, he reached back to rub the sticky cum around his cheeks. They both collapsed on the bed, side by side. Their arms circled each other. Sleep came easily. Little did they know that the next morning the flash floods in the area would keep them holed up in the motel for the week-end. Dean was to learn other ways of man to man sex. Leon was to be the expert teacher. Both were to be completely satisfied. TO BE CONTINUED


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Mike Gray

The Construction Worker

This is a sequel to the Truck Driver 1 and 2., where Leon introduces Dean to M2M sex. Dean still fights his desires, but he also gives in to them periodically This is one of those times. DEAN AND THE CONSTRUCTION WORKER After the revealing yet frustrating, weekend with Leon, Dean returned to his home and wife. Trying to forget the sexual encounter with Leon, he fucked his wife

The Truck Driver

The Truck Driver Dean gripped the steering wheel as he peered through the heavy rain beating against the wind shield. The wipers appeared to be fighting a losing battle as they tried to clear the rain from the glass. Dean was a manufacturer's representative for a clothing company, and was heading for home after a week on the road. Since he had left his last customer late in

The Truck Driver, Part Two

THE TRUCK DRIVER PART 2 Dean sat up in the bed. His head was spinning and his mouth was dry. The remembrance of what had happened earlier had not penetrated his mind. The storm was raging with thunder and lightening. Dean thought, "Damn, I drank too much. I need same water - cold water." He swung his legs to the side of the bed, reached over to turn on the lamp by the bed and stood up. He

Vice Squad

Jack Young had been a member of the Vice Squad as long as he had been on the force. He had played football and had maintained his Grecian physique by working out several times a week; therefore his first assignment almost made him think it was his last one, as he never had a man touch him in a sexual manner. All during his football years he had players fall all over him, feeling

Vice Squad, Part 2

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hard-core sex between consenting male adults. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Vice Squad department rotated their officers to other jobs to try to keep the undercover agents from


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