Gay Erotic Stories

The Whippin' Of Their Lives

by Roger


Matt was doing well in school and hadn't gotten into any serious trouble since the night of his birthday. In a little over three months, he had gotten only one demerit spanking, given with my hand on his white cotton briefs. He didn't need anymore than these two reminder spankings, because he was now carrying a 3.4 grade average and kept the house in generally good shape. One of the things that had become apparent was his slow acceptance of a new found sexual orientation. More and more, his two friends Jerry and Thad were sleeping over on the weekends. On many a Saturday or Sunday morning, I would go into Matt's bedroom and see all three of them curled up with one another in what appeared to be a true Gordian Knot, except it was teenage bodies and limbs, covered only in their white cotton briefs, instead of rope. But I was no Alexander the Great, ready to take my sword and cut the knot. Jerry was a year younger than Matt. He stood about 6', coal black hair, almost no body hair, and true swimmer's build with a small humpy butt. Thad, on the other hand, was like a spark plug. He stood about 5' 8", reddish blonde hair, a soccer player's big butt & strong legs, and he was just 5 months younger than Matt. With Matt's height and longer legs, physically they were all very different, but also very good looking in their own individual way. It was damned interesting on the weekends when all they wore around the house was their briefs. Matt had begun to talk to me about his past sexual feelings from junior high school on. It was then very apparent that had been one of his motivations in leaving California and coming to live with me. He knew his Dad would never understand, and knowing my cousin like I do, he was right. I told him that I could well understand his physical motivations....and I did. In mid-June till September, I would be gone during the week each and every week. This left Matt at home going to summer school. I had given him permission to have certain of his friends, namely Jerry and Thad over during the day, because of the swimming pool I had installed for Barbara's twins. Dave of course was keeping an eye out, because he knew no one was supposed to be around after dark. He did make one very rural comment about the boy's swimming styles. "Them boys sure seem to like to wrestle a lot in the water. Isn't that just a little peculiar?", he had asked one day. My response kind of threw him off balance. "To who Dave?" The last week of June, I came back in a day early, hitting town about 12 o'clock. A very close friend, Kenny, stopped me at our town's main intersection and invited me to lunch. Kenny was a deputy sheriff in our county, and a friend of over 10 years. Lots, and I do mean lots of partying in the city when he was single. He and his wife were having problems, and he needed a friend. Our local diner was crowded. We had just ordered, when Dave stopped at our table, ready to head back to his house. He and Kenny were also close, since Dave had been a county sheriff a few years back, before his retirement, and he and Kenny were on the same wave length. After he left, Kenny and I resumed our talk. About 15 minutes later, I got a call at the counter. It was Dave. "Jason. We got problems. Three of 'em to be exact. Your boy and his two butt buddies are across at the barn, and I don't think up to any good. Whatda ya want me to do?", he asked. I signaled Kenny over and told him what was going on. I gave him an idea to stop this kind of bullshit quick. He got on the phone with Dave and they set up a plan. (Read story - "S - Twins + Counsin Spanking" to get an idea about how I dealt with this kind of crap. And Matt knew it. He just hadn't planned on me being home a day early.] Since Matt had only met Kenny when he was in his patrol car and uniform, he wouldn't recognize Kenny's pickup. Kenny drove to Dave's, and they both grabbed their personal riot gun/shotguns and undetected, made it across the street to the barn. I parked in a distant neighbor's yard and watched the proceedings undetected as well. When Dave and Kenny barged in on the three boys, they found them smoking alright, but it was not tobacco--it was a supply of Acapulco Gold. Soon, all three boys were coming out of the barn, cuffed a looking scared shitless. I pulled onto the highway and met them crossing the street just as I pulled into the drive. They really looked like they just shit in their jeans then. All of us went inside my house and Kenny and Dave ripped the boys a new asshole verbally. The boys literally were shaking. I kept my mouth shut, since they were doing such a bang up job of scaring the shit out of them. Kenny was 4" taller than Matt, and Dave looked like Buford P. Justice reborn. Quite a combination. Kenny finally turned to me. "Jason, I don't have much choice. I've got to call for backup and book these boys", he said in his most serious lawman tone. Matt practically screamed, "Oh please Jason, don't let him call his headquarters. Don't let him take us to jail. We'll take any punishment. Just don't let him arrest us. PPLLEEAASSEE!", he begged with tears in his eyes. Jerry and Thad did just as much pleading with their eyes and body language. Kenny, Dave and I verbally played the boy's fears like three guitars. Soon we had them begging for anything but jail. "Matt, let me ask you a question. If Kenny takes you in, I will post bail and get you out and bring you home. When we get home, what will I do to you?', I asked as sternly as possible. "You'll beat my ass purple.", he said with his head drooping. "Jerry, what will your dad do to you?", I asked. "Probably the same.", he replied very quietly, also looking at the floor. "Thad, and your dad?", I asked. "Even worse", he whispered, looking straight at me with his brown eyes, practically begging. "OK boys let me see if I got this straight. You go to jail and you get you spanked. Now then. If you know you are going to get it anyway, let me propose to Kenny and Dave a solution. The solution is a double spanking from me for each one of you. Before your spankings, we will sit down and each of your will write out a confession. Then you will read that confession into a tape recorder. After that, if you so much as get within 50 yards of a package of cigarette papers, I'll call Kenny and tell him to pick you up. Any questions boys?", I growled. All three shook their bowed heads, "No". "Okay Kenny. It's up to you and Dave. Do we take 'em to jail and then they get spanked? Or do we get their confessions to hold over their heads, and then I double spank their butts?", I asked. Kenny and Dave played out their part to the hilt, by walking out of the room to "discuss" the boys' fate. After a couple of agonizing minutes for the boys, they came back. Dave spoke first. "Whatda ya gonna use on 'em Jason?", he drawled. "A razor strap and two paddles.", I replied. The expression on the boys' faces was that of pure panic. But, they had little choice, especially Matt. "Fair enough. Let's get'm writin'", Dave said looking at Kenny. Kenny nodded in approval, and they uncuffed the boys, giving me the handcuffs and keys. All of us went to the dining room and the boys took a seat. I went to my office and got nine sheets of ruled paper and 6 pieces of carbon paper. Each boy was given a pen and a set of three sheets of paper with two sheets of carbon paper. Soon they had their confessions written out and I had gotten my tape recorder and set it up in the middle of the table. Each then read their confessions into the tape recorder. I then gave Kenny the original of each boy's confession, took three copies for myself, and the boys got their own. "Kenny....Dave, thank you very much for your help. If you don't mind, I think these boys would just as soon get their spankings done now. So let me get on with it. I'll have these cuffs delivered back to you Kenny later today by each boy. You can inspect their butts then to make sure you think they got what they needed." "Have 'em meet me at the patrol car garage at 1800.", Kenny growled, staring intently at each teenage college student, seated and waiting for punishment. Kenny and Dave left and I established the ground rules for their punishment spankings. Anyone not doing exactly as I ordered gets to report to Kenny for arrest. The spankings will be long and hard, longer than any spanking they probably have every gotten. All three boys were now looking at each other with panic written all over their faces. I then directed them to the recreation room next to the garage. "Okay guys, let's first start by stripping off your shirts." Each did, handing the shirt to me and I put them on the bar. I then had the boys go out to the garage and bring back in one sawhorse each. These were special sawhorses that I had specifically built for my safety when I had added the new garage to the place. I had placed a 4x12 sheet of plywood on top of them when I was working in the unfinished ceiling. Each saw horse stood 40" off the floor, 4 feet between the legs, with a 6' long 2x10 screwed and bolted to the top of the saw horse. A perfect thing to mount for a session with a razor strap. I had the boys set up the sawhorses, in a pointed spoke arrangement. The ends of the sawhorses were angled out from a point, each end separated about a foot. I then ordered the boys to drop their jeans to their ankles. Each boy did, nervously fumbling with their zippers and then pushing their jeans down, leaving them standing in their white cotton briefs. Matt was wearing his thin Jockey fashion briefs. Jerry had on a pair of very snug, regular white Jockey briefs. Thad had on a pair of white Munsingwear 2/3 cut briefs. His humpy buns really stretched the thin fabric across his butt. "Okay boys, now each one of you mount the sawhorse lengthwise. Spread your knees apart as you hop on, so your feet are underneath the 2x10 when you stretch out to the top. NOW MOVE!", I barked. All three hopped up and on, stretching out, their buns now a real target. I adjusted each one on their sawhorse, making sure their heads were just off of top of the 2/10, with less than a foot between the other two heads. I told them not to move and I would be right back. I went out to the garage and got six pieces of carpet samples that were 12"x24", my packing tape dispenser gun and the green plastic door mat, just outside the door on the garage floor. The boys all craned around to look at what I was carrying. I took the tape gun and quickly secured their bunched up jeans to the 2x10, putting several loops of the inch and a half wide tape around each set of ankles. Then I rolled three of the carpet samples into a 6" roll and wrapped packing tape around the roll. I made each boy raise off the saw horse as I placed the carpet roll under his thighs, just past the leg openings of his briefs. As they laid back down, their butts were now angled up as a real razor strap target. I laid the other three pieces down on their middle and lower backs. Taking the tape gun again, I put several strands tightly around their waists, pushing their bodies flat on the sawhorse 2x10. Now each boy's cotton covered buns created a different target. Matt's briefs were so thin, the tightly stretched fabric showed off his arched buns erotically. Jerry's tight Jockey brief's straight line rear crotch mark, made a perfect strap target point. I rolled over the waistband and saw that he was wearing boy's extra large at age 18. No wonder they were so tight. Thad's Munsingwear brief' half circle crotch market made a good target point as well, as his briefs definitely fit him the tightest. Each boy could also now plainly see the other two's arched and targeted cotton covered butts, waiting for their first spanking to begin. I picked up the handcuffs from the bar and put a pair on each boy, locking their wrists under the sawhorse, in back of the legs, immobilizing their hands. Now I was ready to get their punishment tools. I went to my dresser and dug out the razor strap I had used on Geoff ("N - Geoff's School Whipping"] so many years ago. I got out my regular Jokari paddle, plus a true frat paddle I picked up in a college bookstore several weeks ago. I grabbed three dice and went back to the waiting teenagers. All turned their heads and craned their necks to see what I was bringing. All three groaned and moaned at the sight of the strap and frat paddle, since all had previously been shown the Jokari paddle. I put the two paddles on the bar and then stood next to the boys. "Okay guys, here's your fate. I have three dice, representing each on of you. I will drop each dice in front of you. We will count all the dice, and how many ever you get is how many dozen each of you is going to feel with the strap.", as I dropped the first dice. It rolled a "3". The second rolled a "2". The last rolled a second "3". "Oay boys, 8 dozen apiece. 6 on the briefs, 2 on the bare ass.", as I threw the razor strap over my shoulder and went around to each boy's butt and adjusted each pair of underpants, to give maximum coverage. I stood next to Thad and brought the strap overhead and a roundhouse swat. "CCRRAACCKK" and Thad's head snapped back and he groaned, "Oh God NO." Matt and Jerry were stunned at the expression on Thad's face and his brief covered buns reaction to the swat. I moved around to Jerry and used the same motion. "CCRRAACCKK" and Jerry's cry was louder, "Oh FUCK, DAMN". Matt was twisting as I moved to his side. A third time the same stroke was used. "CCRRAACCKK" as Jason strained against his bonds and screamed "NNOO JASON, NO!" Eleven more times I slowly walked around the three pointed star of bound teenage bodies. Eleven times the boys reactions got more intense and louder. I didn't use much force, letting the strap do the work for me. I had to pace myself, because I had a paddling to give after this strapping. Plus, since the spanking was going to be long, I didn't want to build up lesions under the skin from too intense a spanking. I then walked around to each boy, massaging his buns and lecturing all three. The next dozen were given with a backhand stroke from the opposite side of each boy. Now they began to cry and beg constantly. On the third dozen, I made sure that two swats, caught bare upper thigh and cotton covered butt in the same stroke. The boys really screamed. With the third dozen, the razor strap bit into bare thigh, and the boys tried to buck off the sawhorses. The packing tape held firm. At the conclusion of the sixth dozen, I slowly massaged each boy's now very warm ass cheeks, lecturing. As I left each boy, pulled up the leg openings of their briefs, giving them a tight snuggie and baring their buns. The last two dozen I alternated between buns and thighs. I am sure Dave could hear their screams and shouts with each swat. By the time I was finished, it had taken me almost an hour to give the boys their first spanking. My pace was slow, as I went from boy to boy. Each swat landed about 30 seconds apart, plus massage and lecture time. The boys' buns and thighs were very red, with occasional strap marks. I went into the dining room and got the tape recorder. I set it down and turned it on for them to listen to their confessions again as I went to the kitchen. I read my mail for the last 4 days and that took about 30 minutes. I went back to the boys and turned the tape on again. They began to try to beg off the last paddling. I went around and hand swatted each butt to remind them of their agreement. Each hand swat really got a reaction. As well it should. [If you wait 30-40 minutes between punishment spankings. Even if you swat exactly the same with the same tool, the butt is beginning to heal from the first spanking and the epidermal layer of your spankee's skin is super sensitive.] I then told the boys that it was time to finish their punishment session with a paddling. But first we had to determine the number of swats. I picked up the dice and dropped the first one. "6" Next drop. "5" Last drop "3" 14 dozen paddle swats coming up. The boys started blubbering as I cut loose the packing tape and unlocked their cuffs. Slowly they got down from their sawhorses and rubbed their bare, hot buns. "Okay boys, strip off everything but your briefs." I ordered and put a straight back chair in place. Then I put the green plastic door mat on the chair seat. This door mat was made to look like short green grass. The boys were now ready. "Guys you are all to blame for putting yourselves in this stupid position of getting your butts cooked. Since you are all in this together, its only appropriate that you all spank each other. [The boys glanced at each other, not believing their ears.] The first two dozen of your paddling will be given to each other in a classic over the knee position. If you do not spank each other as hard as you can, I will give you a hard bare butt dozen with the fraterning paddle, and then you have to give that dozen over again. So do as I order. ANY QUESTIONS?", I shouted, as three boys shook their heads. "Matt, you come over here and sit down on the chair" Matt did as he was told, but he jerked up slightly as the plastic grass dug into his bare butt and thighs. It was obvious from the contortions on his face, sitting on the door mat hurt like hell. "Jerry you lay across Matt's lap...NOW!" Jerry quickly did. "Thad, you unsnuggie Jerry's underpants...NOW!" Thad also reacted quickly, smoothing out Jerry's boys briefs. I then directed Thad and Jerry to a bondage position. Thad pulled up Jerry's arms to his chest, holding his wrists tight. He locked Jerry's head between his legs. I handed Matt the Jokari paddle. "Matt, if you don't give Jerry a very hard and fast spanking you know what will happen to both of you. DO IT!" Damn if he didn't. Jerry's twisted and heaved and kicked his legs violently at Matt's very hard swats. "Okay Jerry, now switch positions with Thad." Thad started crying as Jerry pulled his briefs back into full coverage. His reaction to Matt's swats was almost as violent. "OK Jerry, give your self a snuggie and take Matt's place. Matt bent over Jerry's lap and Thad took care of his underpants and arms." All three boys did as ordered and soon Matt was just flat out kicking his legs as hard as he could. Then he switched places with Thad. And Thad got his second OTK Jokari paddling. Then it was Thad's turn to paddle Jerry & Matt. His reaction to giving himself and snuggie and sitting down on the door mat was priceless. His bigger buns didn't like the scratchy pointed plastic at all. Quickly Jerry & Matt got their final two OTK paddlings. I then made them listen to their confessions again as the stood their furiously trying to rub the fire out of their cotton covered buns. Next I made them tighten each other's briefs. The constant swats had really loosened the fabric. Jerry's waistband was rolled three times. Thad's twice and Matt's four times. I then led them through the art of horsing a person for a spanking. Since Matt was the tallest, he got to horse Jerry first. He bent his knees and took Jerry's wrists to his chest, Jerry's arms draped over his shoulders. Then Matt stood and bent forward, bringing Jerry's buns into perfect paddle swat position. I had Thad kneel down behind Jerry and put an ankle in a crook of his elbow, next to his body, clamping his hands and arms tight, so that Jerry's legs were spread and locked into position. "OK boys. Each of your last twelve are going to be divided into 4 dozen segments. First four dozen is on your briefs with the Jokari paddle. Second four dozen on your briefs with the frat paddle. Last four dozen bare with the frat paddle.", as I finished, I swung the Jokari paddle and made full contact with both cheeks, right at the crotch mark of Jerry's briefs. Jerry screamed. 47 more times he screamed as I paddled his buns and upper thighs, spacing out the swats every 2-3 seconds. Then he switched places with Thad. Thad's big buns were an inviting white target. And each swat sent his buns flexing and clenching. Then it was Jerry's turn to horse Matt. The Jokari paddle also caused Matt's cotton covered buns to clench and unclench almost uncontrollably. He really had to be hurting to react this strongly to my swats. Then came the frat paddle on the briefs. Each of the boys were incoherent after their four dozen, taking several minutes for them to calm down. The frat paddle flattened their butts with each swat. After it was done, I had each slip off their briefs and I inspected their buns. Lesions had indeed built up in each boy's butt. The final session with the frat paddle concentrated on their thighs, with only a dozen landing on areas that didn't have the lesion build up. This session was hard for the ankle holders because I visited areas with the frat paddle previously untouched on the boys thighs. Then it was finally over. I made the boys sit bare butt on the indoor/outdoor carpet of the rec room as we discussed the nature of their very real crimes and the choices they made to avoid jail time. They were glad it was over, and it definitely beat the idea of jail. By then it was 2:30 in the afternoon. I told the boys to put on their briefs and go soak in the cool water of the pool for an hour. They moved slowly, and gingerly as they kind of belly flopped into the water. After about 20 minutes I brought out Cokes for them and we discussed the situation more, and they all agreed they got what they deserved. Kenny also agreed when they returned his cuffs to him several hours later, as each put their swollen, multi-colored buns on display in the patrol car garage.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Roger

An Initiation They'll Never Forget

The three apprehensive pledges stood silently in the basement of (XXX)' fraternity house. Although a fierce thunderstorm raged outside, they heard nothing -- layer after layer of thick fiberglass insulation, spray-painted flat black, lined the stone walls and blocked all sound from entering or leaving. Joey, Tom and Brad had been told to report to the Pit, as the basement was

Apache Custom

Billy dug his heels into the flanks of his horse, pounding across the plain with a band of wild Apache warriors whooping and screaming only a few hundred feet behind him. In fifteen Pony Express runs, the slim youth hadn't before run into Indians. Tempted by the money -- ten dollars in gold for every run! -- he'd discounted the warnings of the Pony Express recruiter. Now, with the

Footplay In The Stalls

Roger took his daily stroll to the public restroom just down the beach from his resort home. The sand and warm sun always gave him new hope that today would bring the fantasy man he was looking for. It was still early and the restroom stalls were empty. So Roger moved deliberately into the middle stall for his hopeful wait. He slipped off his T-shirt and Speedo trunks,

My Fantasy To Rape A Cop Comes True

What a turn on! There I was, only eighteen years old, and a hunky macho cop tied up and waiting for me on the bed! Now, suddenly, I knew the time had come to initiate myself into the mysteries of hot sex! The young cop was fully awake now and knew what was going to happen as soon as he saw the expression on my face! He was thin and well built with gorgeous blue eyes and

Our First Twosome

It looked like it would be all too easy. And our merry gang likes a challenge. So this time we decided to take a risk. We'd not only trap and then torture one young hunk that had aroused us, but instead would try to capture a twosome. The rewards seemed to outweigh the risk. We had been having our fun on campus for the past few months and had become experienced in luring dumb

Paper Boy Is Caught Red-Handed

"Hi Billy, c'mon in while I get my purse," Mrs. Hanson said, holding the door open for the paperboy. Billy Walker tipped his bicycle against the brick wall of the Hanson's home and followed her into the front hall. The bulge in the front of the eighteen-year-old's shorts grew slightly as he leered at the young housewife walking upstairs -- her pert ass wiggling temptingly

Stationhouse Hazing

Well I passed all the exams and now for the past six months I was a fully certified and accredited firefighter! For four months I was pushed around from station to station and finally got a post on the outskirts of the city, a real quiet area. An area where every building must be made of steel and fire calls are few and far between. Well I didn't mind not having many calls to

The Whippin' Of Their Lives

Matt was doing well in school and hadn't gotten into any serious trouble since the night of his birthday. In a little over three months, he had gotten only one demerit spanking, given with my hand on his white cotton briefs. He didn't need anymore than these two reminder spankings, because he was now carrying a 3.4 grade average and kept the house in generally good shape. One

Training A Ball Player

I was driving along in my car with one hell of a fucking stiff in my pants. I wanted some action but I couldn't make up my mind where to go to get it. I stopped the car to think about what to do. I fixed a joint of hash and started to smoke it. I was parked near to the local playing field and I noticed that the American Language Centre College baseball team had


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