Gay Erotic Stories

Three Spirits-The Future Part 1

by The Chesire Cat

Three Spirits: Part Three-The Future by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan fiction. It contains m/m romance and graphic sexual scenes. If you are too young to read this stop now! I will not be held responsible. You have been warned. I, the author, have not been paid in any way for this. I write for pleasure. This story may be distributed among consenting adults. It may also be posted on websites by people other than me, if and only if the person(s) doing the posting/ submitting is not out to harm the author in any way, shape, or form, the words of the story are kept the same, and the title and my pen name are kept the same. Corrections may be made, but only if a corrected copy is first e-mailed to me, the author. If you've read this far, you certify under penalty of the laws of G-d and man that you are of legal age, do not find this offensive, and are not trying to harm the author or the website this may have been found at. Now, ENJOY! Author's Personal Note: This is the third and final part of my sequel to "Always the Last to Know." This story is divided up into three sub-stories. To get a full understanding, you need to read them in order. Phillip awoke slowly. His body ached and it hurt to open his eyes, but finally, he had to. He saw he was in a cell of some sort, and he was not alone. Leaning against one stone wall was Michael, whose wrists were bound together with thick, glowing chains. There were also two young girls and an old man, all of whom he remembered from the plane. "Michael? Wha' happened?" Phillip asked slowly, trying to sit up, but he grew dizzy and had to lay back down. "Phillip. It's good that you're awake. What do you remember?" "Nothin' really." "I'm not sure what happened either. I remember some turbulence, one of the wings went ablaze, crashing into the ocean, then I woke up here, bound. These chains resist my powers and keep me from working magic." "You're helpless?" "Yes and no. I doubt whoever did this has the power to kill me, but they know how to bind me from killing them." "You never mentioned anything about being able to be bound like this." "When you have my kind of power, do you really think you would point out the weaknesses?" "No. Do you know who has us?" "I've seen them looking in the cell window," the old man offered, "Dark skinned, covered in paint. Couldn't understand 'em, but I don't like the way they were lookin' at my granddaughters." "Looks like we'll have to wait and see," Michael said solemnly. Derek, Nick, and Alex (minus Rachel who had a convention to attend) had a private Legacy jet chartered within a day. It was several hours before they reached the approximate location where the plane had gone down. "I'm not getting anything, Derek," Alex announced, trying to focus her gift on finding their lost friends. "Neither am I, but my vision made it clear they were alive." "C'mon, we have to find them," Nick said with urgency, concerned for both one of his best friends and his love. "We will, Nick, we will," Derek reassured his young friend, whom he loved like son. "Dr. Rayne, we've found something," one of the pilots announced. "What is it?" "Some wreckage, which we think is from the plane has shown up the sonar, and we've spotted lifeboats with maybe 15 people on each." "Call the rescue workers. Have them pick up the people and bring a ship for this area. We need to sort through the survivors, see who is among them, before we can continue the search." A rescue ship was there in record time to pick up the survivors. The pilot, co-pilot, and eighteen survivors were on the life boats, which left ten unaccounted for; Michael and Phillip were among the missing. Nick was not taking this well. He began pacing the cabin with a fury. Finally, Alex could take no more of it. "Nick! Sit down! This is not helping, and your pacing is making me nauseous!" "Huh? Sorry. I just hate feeling so helpless." "We all do, Nick," Derek confirmed, "but we will find them. We'll continue searching, until we do. There are some uncharted islands in the area. It will take days to search them all for signs of inhabitants, but my guess is that they are one of them. We just have to try to remain calm while we search. It increases our chances of finding them." "Calm?! How can you talk to me about being calm?! I'm the one hurting here! I've lost Michael twice, then I'm about to get him back, and I lose him, again! To top it off, Phillip, one of my best friends is with him in some hell that you saw! Don't you care?!" "You know I do, Nick. I care about them both and you very deeply, and you know it," Derek said in a level, but icy tone, "I'm just trying to do my best to keep control, because panic will not help us find them." Nick stared at Derek for a moment, speechless. "I'm sorry, Derek. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm not handling this well." "I know," Derek's voice softened, "but I need your help to find them, and you are no good to me consumed by worry and anger." "I'll try to keep the beast under control, sir," Nick said saluting, trying to lighten the dark mood shared by all three of them, "if he gets loose, again, just yell at me that I'm not doing my job." "Oh, I will, if he won't," Alex volunteered. Calmed down, the three began their search of the islands around the area. Alex scanned their geographic shapes, making maps of them on her travel computer, so she could cross reference them with the archives available to her on the net. It gave them a better chance, seeing if any explorers might have recorded anything about them. Derek meanwhile tried to focus his sight to see if they were close. During this, Nick took the opportunity to check his ammunition and weapons, wanting everything in perfect working order when the time came. Michael, Phillip, and the others sat in the cell for hours, until someone finally came to the window. Michael was up on his feet the instant the face got too close to the bars. His lips curled back revealing a mouth full of sharp, elongated fangs. He managed to grab the native by the throat despite his chained hands, while the native's curious companions ran for help. "Who are you?" Michael snarled, his eyes transforming into pools of lava. The terrified boy mumbled things in his own language, but clearly did not understand Michael. Michael would have invaded the boy's mind to learn the tongue, had he been able to cast spells. Fortunately, a middle aged man, apparently someone with authority, came to see what the problem was. "Let go, now," he ordered Michael. "And if I don't?" Michael asked, his features becoming more and more bestial by the moment to match his anger. "Then he die, now," the man calmly replied, pointing to Phillip. Michael snarled and tossed the boy back several feet. Free the young man ran away from the cell, a wise move on his part. "You speak English?" Michael asked. "Some. Learned from ones before you." "What ones before us? Why do you hold us here?" "Ones that helped prepare, long ago. All prepared now. You chosen to help us now." "Help you do what?" Phillip asked. "Sacrifice, to raise dead mother goddess," the man said with a wicked smile, "You lucky ones. You will be slaves to her when awakened. Some others in fall she caused, we caught. They die when moon round, so she lives." Michael swallowed, knowing the full moon to be only three days away. "Who is this goddess?" Michael asked, wanting to learn about his enemies. "Shiraka Mopezzk. Mother Demon. Her children dying without her. They command us, bring her back. Had to wait for long time for star cycle to complete. Many generations. Only three children left." "Where are these children?" Michael had to ask. "In temple. Pray to her bones for new life, young again. They will have long hair serve them tonight," he said, pointing to Phillip. "Over my rotting corpse!" Michael added, becoming such a sight, even Phillip scooted back a bit. "You can not stop. They hold you magic," the man laughed, pointing at the chains, before walking off, leaving Michael to his anger, and the others to their fear. Night came, and the moon rose, three quarters full. It would be some time before the ceremony the native had spoken of could occur, but that was little comfort to the prisoners. Aside from the ones Michael and Phillip saw in their cell, there were over fifty people, all designated to be sacrificed. The guards came for Phillip as the moon completed half its journey. Michael tried to stop them, but the pendants they wore repulsed his presence, making it near impossible for him to get close to them. Phillip also did his own share of struggling, but the brute strength of four guards vs. one slim priest was not a difficult outcome to predict. They dragged Phillip to the stone temple, depositing him in the presence of three incredibly large human shaped figures. It was hard to tell much about them, for they were hooded, wearing thick robes and sitting, but it was obvious each was over seven feet tall and thickly muscled. Phillip wished they would have kept their robes on, but they would not have that. When Phillip tried to run, one leapt out of his robes and blocked the entrance. The "thing" for the most part looked like a human in his early fifties, except for the third arm protruding from the left side of its abdomen. He was powerfully built, not an inch of fat on him. Grey streaked his black hair, and a proud chin and strong jaw line loomed over Phillip. It might have been handsome, if not for the too wide mouth, fangs, sickly grey skin, and eyes resembling those of a spider. What frightened Phillip the most though was the incredible, thirteen inch erection which stood out from its pelvis. Phillip backed up, only to be caught in the arms of one of the other ones, which had been standing behind him. It resembled the other, except it had four arms and its skin was rust colored. Two arms lifted Phillip in the air, while the other two stripped away his clothing as if it were nothing. Naked, it turned him around, so Phillip could be inspected by the three. "Pretty, isn't he?" the grey skin said. Phillip understood the beast, for it spoke not with words but thoughts. "Yessssss, I can't wait to have him," the rust beast hissed, a forked tongue flicking out to lick Phillip's backside, coming close to touching his opening. "Not until I do," the third shape intoned, standing, revealing the most human looking of the three, with two arms and a robust flesh colored skin, but it was also the largest of the three. The child of Shiraka Mopezzk walked over to Phillip, and pulled Phillip's face down to its crotch. Phillip tried to resist, but the clawed hands forced his mouth open. Once open, the rubbery head of the monster cock was thrust into his mouth. Despite how much Phillip wanted not to suck, the mere size of it forced his mouth and throat to clench and unclench, sending waves of pleasure through the beast. It groaned and bucked its hips, sending its violating member deep into Phillip's throat. Phillip gagged and would have thrown up, if not for the dick blocking his throat. When Phillip was just about to pass out, the cock in his throat jumped, emptying its thick load into his stomach. It withdrew, leaving Phillip to gasp for air. Phillip wanted to throw up, but he didn't have the chance. The grey one thrust its member into his open mouth, as he gasped. It was a repeat of the previous performance, relatively quick, and as soon as it finished, the last took its turn in his raw, abused throat. Each satisfied, they laid Phillip down on the floor. The grey one turned Phillip onto his stomach, and spread his legs. Phillip shut his eyes, fearing the penetration, but it never came. A forked tongue licked and lips sucked on his hole, but nothing penetrated him. "Too bad we can't fully take him," the rust child murmured, "He looks so tight." "You know he must be saved for the spirit we raised from the dead to help us. He must penetrate him during the ritual to call up enough perverse, sexual spirits to raise our mother. We have one chance to do this, and she has a better chance to be raised if his ass remains a virgin......for now," the normal skinned one replied. "Don't worry brother," the grey creature said with a fearful smile, "Once she is back and our brethren resurrected, we three will be the first to have him as he is passed around. Believe me, tasting this sweet, he'll be worth the wait." "Do you know how many stiff dicks will fuck that ass of yours in the next week, pretty one? There are over a thousand of our brothers waiting to return from death, and we all will fuck you. You'll get pounded continuously for weeks." All three laughed, at least until Phillip threw up from their violating him and their words. The leader of them pushed his face into the vomit and ordered Phillip to clean it up with his tongue. As Phillip was forced to in jest his own puke, he threw up again. After the second try at cleaning, he was finally able to hold it down. The floor clean, Phillip was escorted back to his cell. "Phillip, what.....happened?" Michael asked, his voice full of fear. " my mouth.....said they couldn't take me from behind.....the ritual.....I'm to be resurrect......then hundreds of them.....will.....will....." "Oh, my dear Lord. Phillip, I'm so sorry. If I hadn't left, this would never have happened," Michael said, placing his arms around Phillip. Phillip accepted the comfort. He cried into the shoulder, cried out his pain, his humiliation. Michael cried from guilt, feeling his new friend's pain. Finally, Phillip stopped crying. He looked up at Michael seeing a continuing flow of fresh tears. "I-it's no' your faul'. Jus' bad timin'." "But if I hadn't--*" "Then it would 'ave been someone else. They did this t' me, no' you. A' leas' from a priestly poin' o' view, I saved someone else from havin' t' go through it." "I'm so sorry, Phillip." "I know, bu' righ' now we need t' find a way t' stop them and get out of this mess. I can no' do much but maybe ye can. I know the bonds repress your magic, bu' I'm askin' ye t' keep trying. Try differen' spells of all kinds, maybe find a loophole in the bonds, so we can ge' ou' and contact Derek." "I will. I swear to you Phillip, I won't let that to you anymore, no matter what. No one deserves that. I know." "Thank ye," Phillip said, laying his head down on Michael's chest. He fell asleep in that position, taking the comfort that Michael offered. Feeling safe in the strong arms, no nightmares of what had just happened could invade his sleep. Michael, however did not sleep soon. He stayed up most of the night trying different ways to get free or contact his own people, the Legacy, or any other allies. Exhausted by his efforts, he decided to sleep a couple of hours before dawn. He did not want to be exhausted should they come to try to take Phillip away for a repeat. He vowed, there was no force that would keep him from stopping them this time. An hour into his sleep, Michael woke up to Phillip's shivering. It wasn't cold, so a nightmare must have finally slipped through. Before thinking about it, Michael mumbled a spell to calm the dreams. Instantly, the priest fell back into the sweet fantasies he'd been dreaming earlier. Michael came instantly awake at this. He hated having to do it, but he woke Phillip up, knowing the priest would want to hear the good news. "Phillip.....wake up," Michael added a gently shake to the statement. "Hmmmmm.......Michael. Wha' time is it? The sun is no' even up." "I found something. A spell I used to calm your dream." "Can this ge' us ou' of this?" "Maybe. I'm going to try to mutate the incantation. It will take some time to figure out how to say the new spell, since I don't have my spell books, but if it works, I think I might be able to use my dreams to contact sleeping others of my kind and the Legacy." "Do you think it will work?" "I think so. I'm going to try some other dream spells on our cellmates to see if the chains don't block these types of spells." Michael mumbled some undecipherable words at one of the sleeping girls. Instantly, she started to laugh. He tried another on the other girl, who started to sing. Smiling, Michael leaned back. "Is tha' good?" "Yes. I suggested to one girl to dream she was being tickled. I told the other to dream she was a rock star. Hopefully, by sunset, I'll have a dream melding spell working." "Tha' is wonderful news, bu' you look exhausted. Should you no' sleep?" "I am tired, but I can take it. This is too important. I need to do this as soon as possible. Besides, I can go for over a week without sleep and still function at full strength and alertness." "Okay. I know ye really don't need t' hear it, but please hurry. The sooner were off this forsaken island, the happier we'll all be." "I promise."


18 Gay Erotic Stories from The Chesire Cat

Always the Last to Know, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of

Always the Last to Know, Part 2

Part 2 Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 1

Angel Of The Darkness, Part I Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The Vampire

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 2

Angel Of The Darkness, Part II Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m/f and m/f sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy:

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 3

Angel Of The Darkness, Part III Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The

Even Angels Have Needs

Even Angels Have Needs by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or

Renegade Ass

Renegade Ass by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: Warning! Warning! Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga! This story contains graphic m/m sex, some nc. If this slash does not appeal to you or if you are not of the legal age wherever you may be, GO AWAY! I mean it. If you are of legal age, proceed at your own risk. This story is based on borrowed characters from the TV show "Renegade." They

Three Spirits -The Present

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 2

I was a boy among my kind, barely two centuries old. In my youth, I had the wanderlust. I travelled to any land I heard of. It was during these travels that I came to Atlantas. I was amazed at what had been done with the tiny island. Wizards had combined there strength to turn the desert island into a large, thriving paradise kingdom. It was there that I met him. I had finally

Three Spirits-The Future Part 1

Three Spirits: Part Three-The Future by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and

Three Spirits-The Future Part 2

When the guards came for Phillip that day, they found Michael standing in the only door way. His anger at what they had done dulled the repulsing powers of their charms and left Michael immovable. None of them really wanted to test his power, despite the chains, so they fetched the same older man. He looked at Michael, seeing the anger and hate seething from his cells. Even he was

Three Spirits-The Future Part 3

Hours later, all the survivor's of the Legacy team and the Visagorum met on the main boat. Though two Legacy members had been killed in the fight, the losses were minimal thanks to the Visagorum joining the battle. Derek and a few others had finished their last sweep of the island. Michael, though still weak from this ordeal, joined them in the temporary battle room, despite Nick's

When Angels Fall, Part 2

When Angels Fall, Part II Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if

When Angels Fall, Part 3

When Angels Fall, Part III Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are

When Angels Fall, Part 4

When Angels Fall, Part IV Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are too

When Angels Fall, Part 5

When Angels Fall, Part V Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/f sex, torture, and NC. If you don't like this or if you

When Angels Fall, Part 6

When Angels Fall, Part VI Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners(the WB and Joss Whedon), and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It is in no way intended to infringe upon the


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