Gay Erotic Stories

Trucker Sex

by John duncan

Jack Noble Place was horny and ready. Jack is the kind of guy who loves dick, can't get enough of it, and thinks about having cock shoved in his ass 4 to 5 times per day. Jack lives in a small town without any gay bars, so he looks for a good fuck at nearby truck stops. Jack drove by Jasper’s Truck and Dine about 7:00, right when the fall sun was setting. As he pulled into the parking space he noticed Jeff. Jeff had been a football player in high school: rugged, thick, big biceps, about 6 feet 4 inches tall. He had a three-day beard, torn jeans, and was wearing a tank top, which kept him cool when driving through New Mexico on a day like today. Jack got out of his car and made a beeline for Jeff, walking close by him just in case he might look in Jack's direction. Lucky for Jack, Jeff noticed him right away. Jack spent most of his free time working out and his body reflected that. He has a great tight waist, broad shoulders, and wavy brown hair. His tight shorts showed off his stiff 8-inch cock, and made Jeff immediately grow hard to 10 fat inches. Jeff stopped chatting with the other truckers by telling them he had to "take a piss" and walked into the bathroom. Inside was Jack combing his hair in the mirror, hoping to catch Jeff's attention again. What Jack didn't know was that Jeff was holding a load that had been building for 8 days; he was so ready to shoot some cum up an ass he could barely walk. Jack motioned over to Jeff and let him know that he was hungry and looking to service some cock with a sly smile and slight wink. Jeff knew he could have this guy, and his cock immediately grew even stiffer. Jeff gave Jack a head nod to follow him, and they both walked to Jeff's rig. Without speaking a word-both got in the truck, and Jeff quickly unbuckled his jeans. Jack knew what to do and moved over to Jeff's crotch and, pulling the zipper down, pulled out Jeff's stiff 10-inch cock. Jeff put his whole mouth around the tip, sucking it firm, tasting a little pre-cum right away. Jeff took a deep breath and said, "Whoa man! Nice mouth! Let’s enjoy this!" With a quick sniff of some poppers, Jeff moved back deep in his cab and began to roll with the motion of Jack's mouth on his dick. Jack took a deep breath of poppers, too, which made him want Jeff's cock that much more. Now he began thinking about having that dick in his ass, and he sucked it like it was a tool that he couldn't wait to have fill his hole. Jeff was feeling great and took another deep breath on the poppers bottle, moving Jack around so that his ass was under his cock. He moved the bottle up to Jack's nose and told him to "breathe deep." Jack took a deep breath and within 10 seconds he was so fucking ready he couldn't wait to get pummeled. Jack moved Jeff's dick up and into his ass, taking a deep breath and then moving hard down on that shaft. Jeff was loving this ride and moved his hands down to Jack's hips and began gliding Jack up and down on his swollen cock. The fucking went on for another good 20 minutes, with the rig windows steaming up, and the sweat from sex pouring off each guy. And then the moment came, that rush of sex, and lust and energy when Jeff knew he was going to shoot. Jeff pulled Jack's head back and whispered in his ear, “I'm going to shoot up your ass; I can't hold it back.” Jack, wanting to feel that warmth in him, pushed down hard knowing that he would throw Jeff over the edge and get the payoff he so wanted to feel: Jeff thrust his cock deep into Jack and shot his load. The warm cum spread through Jack's ass checks and made the sensation of fucking unforgettable. Jeff continued to unleash cum streams and sighs of fulfillment as Jack swallowed Jeff's dick with his ass. As Jeff was nearing his limit and needing to pull out, Jack shot his load of white sauce all over his stomach and knees; he shot for a few seconds, and shuddered from the feeling. Afterwards, both men lay in the rig, which smelled of cum and poppers, waiting for the next hour before beginning the fuck session all over again. It was true trucker sex.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from John duncan

Trucker Sex

Jack Noble Place was horny and ready. Jack is the kind of guy who loves dick, can't get enough of it, and thinks about having cock shoved in his ass 4 to 5 times per day. Jack lives in a small town without any gay bars, so he looks for a good fuck at nearby truck stops. Jack drove by Jasper’s Truck and Dine about 7:00, right when the fall sun was setting. As he pulled into the


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