Gay Erotic Stories

Uncle John

by DW Simon

My mom got remarried when I was 10. His name was Steve and he was about 35. He had a younger half-brother who was 17 and was coming to live with us. His name was John and I was in awe of him. He was tall and handsome. Most of all, he was friendly and kind to me. I was beginning to realize that I was different from others around me. But, I was a little too young to understand what I was feeling. I spent the next year and a half with something like an older brother, a hero. I don’t make many friends. I was small for my age and shy, morbidly shy. When John graduated from high school, I was happy for him. He hung out with his friends, but didn’t mind my hanging around. During the summer, Mom and Steve went on vacation and left me with John. One night he brought a girl home with him and disappeared into his room. I snuck up to his door and listened. The grunting and moaning made my heart pound and a tingling feeling spread through me. I peeked into the cracked door and watched John bob up and down on the girl; his ass clenching and unclenching with each thrust. My heart almost burst from beating so quickly. I had just turned 12 and I was beginning to understand what I was feeling. I knew that the girl under John wasn’t all that interesting, but John and his hard, muscular body was. I couldn’t stop watching him. When it was over, the grunt of orgasm leaving him, I knew that what I wanted was to be with John, under him, enjoying him. He moved to get up and I ran into my room. To this day, I doubt he knew I had seen him. When John went away to college, I was again glad for him, but also very sad. He came home for the occasional weekend, maybe a week or two during the summer, but I saw him very rarely. He was studying to be an architect. My life continued onwards. When I was 14, John had been gone for over two years, my Mom died. She just keeled over one night. Turns out she had a stroke. John came home for the funeral. Everyone seemed to only want to comfort Steve. John was the only one who tried to comfort me. He hugged me for a long time and stroked my back. I started to cry then. He was tall, about six-three and about 200 pounds. I hadn’t even had my voice crack yet. He easily picked up my small five foot and 100 pound body and carried me to bed. He slept next to me that night, holding me when I cried and stroking my back until I fell asleep again. The next day I was embarrassed, but also very grateful. John went back to college and took my heart with him. A few days later, Steve started drinking. I started hiding in my room. He was a mean drunk. One night, he grabbed me on my way to the bathroom and threw me down the hall into the linen closet. I broke the door and was bruised. He was very apologetic and remorseful. I went to bed and then to school the next day. But that night, he started in again. He never marked my face. That would have been stupid. I lost the few friends I had. How do you explain that you won’t play baseball with them not because you don’t want to, but because even though you reset your dislocated shoulder, it was still too sore to throw a ball. It was easier to just live without friends, spending as much extra time in the library, studying, anything to stay out and not at home. When I was 15, John graduated from college. He was going to come home and stay with us for a few weeks until he could find a place of his own. Steve left me alone for two weeks. He didn’t drink and didn’t raise a hand to me; at least until John got home. John was going to go spend the weekend with a friend. That Friday, Steve got drunk and found me in my room. He punched me in the face. I must have blacked out, because I woke face down on my bed. Steve had taken off his belt and was whaling on me with the buckle end. I just closed my eyes and went away for a while. John got home Monday after Steve had left for work. He told me he had found a nice apartment and would be moving in tomorrow. I just kind of nodded at him. He had been the only respite I had from Steve. I turned away from him and John walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I couldn’t help it; I cried out. He turned me around and saw the bruise on my jaw and he traced it with his finger. Then he grabbed the hem of my shirt and whipped it over my head. He saw nothing on my chest, but he turned me around and gasped. I couldn’t see the damage, but I knew my skin was raw. I heard John curse and swear. “That son of a bitch.” He took me into the bathroom and cleaned me up. He wiped away the tears that spilled over. I was humiliated and the hydrogen peroxide burned. Then he told me to go into my room and pack a bag. He took me to his new apartment and told me to wait. A few hours later, John came back with a few boxes and bags of my things. His knuckles were bruised and he had a fat lip. He told me not to ask what had happened and that I would never, ever go back. The next two years, John found that the politics of an architectural firm was too slow for him. He started up his own construction company and his first project was a new house for himself. He hired me up and I worked there during my off hours and summers. During this time, I grew into my adult body. I was now five-eleven and thanks to my work, was starting to bulk up muscle-wise. John would sometimes be out for the evening, coming home in the morning. It didn’t happen too often and he never brought anyone home with him until the night before my eighteenth birthday. I had graduated from school and had a second job, trying to save up the money to go to college. I came home about midnight. I heard noises from John’s room. It was he and some woman having sex. I just sat in the living room. When he was done, he came out of his room towards the kitchen. In the hallway, I watched him pull off the used condom. I got hard watching him. I had seen him from top to bottom on his backside naked. But I had never seen the front of him. He was beautiful. All six-three and 200 pounds of him was beautifully built. He had dark hair and blue eyes. His chest was covered in hair and trailed down to his crotch where it was a very thick thatch of fur. I was lost in the moment, drooling over his exquisite form. I hadn’t intended for him to find me. When he saw me he smiled and told me he was waiting for me to come home. He walked up to me and pulled me by the hand towards his room. Once there he pushed open the door. A woman was lying on his bed. John introduced her as Moira and that she was my birthday present. I just stared at him. He told me to enjoy my first time. I just stood there. I didn’t know what to do. When I imagined my first time, it wasn’t with someone like Moira. I had always imagined it would be with John. Because I just stood there, John came up behind me and placed his arms around me, unbuttoning my shirt. I got hard again with his fingers moving down my chest, unbuttoning each button. His fingers found the new growth of hair along my sternum and stroked it once before peeling the shirt off my shoulders and dropped it on the floor. He then had me toe off my shoes and he unbuckled my belt, running the back of his hand along my erection pulling down the zipper before dropping my pants to the floor. He had me step out of them before tugging my boxers down, freeing my erection. Moira started paying attention at that point. She reached out and stroked my cock once before lying back on the bed and purring her approval to John. John led me to the edge of the bed. He took a condom off the bedside table and rolled it on me. I don’t know how I kept from cumming right then. He guided me to her opening, holding my cock in his hand and placing me at the opening. He then grabbed my hips and pushed forward with his hands. I slid into her to the hilt. He kept his hands on my hips setting my rhythm. I was lost in the feeling of his hands on my hips. My shoulders backed in to the soft fur on his chest with each thrust. I blanked out where my cock was buried and just enjoyed John. The smell of his cologne, the encouraging words he whispered in my ear, and the feel of his warm, strong body manipulating mine. After a few minutes, he took one hand off my hip and grabbed my hand, twining his fingers with mine. He lowered our hands to her clit. He placed his fingers over mine and manipulated my fingers to please her. She might have enjoyed it; I didn’t care. I just reveled in knowing he was now closer to me. His chest rubbed against me with the motion of my hips and his arm was wrapped around me. I heard Moira cry out her pleasure. It must have set John off because I felt him get hard against my back. The feel of his erection against my back was too much. I exploded. I cried out and dropped my head back to his shoulder. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of him cradling my body. When it was over, when the spasms had calmed, John took my shoulders and turned me to him. He then took my hand and led me down the hall to my room. He pulled back the blankets and had me lie down. He laughed when he saw the condom still on me. He told me it was uncomfortable to fall asleep with one on. He reached out and took it off me. He pulled the blankets over me and left. I was really confused. But I was devastated as I heard him engage in sex with Moira not once but twice more. I was hurt and lost. I had wanted for a few years now for John to be my first. I wanted him to call out my name and not Moira’s when he found his release. I didn’t realize that I was crying until I felt the damp pillowcase on my ear when I rolled over. At least he was with me for my first time. I wasn’t in him or him in me, but he was with me for my first time. After their second time, I heard Moira get dressed and leave. A few minutes later, John came into my room. He had my clothes in his arm. He had put on a pair of navy and green plaid flannel boxers. I never turned off my bedside lamp. He came over to do so and saw that I was awake. “Why aren’t you asleep?” I just shrugged. “Was your first time everything you thought?” I tried to smile at him but failed. “What? What would you have different? Seriously Mike, what was wrong?” “It was partially what I wanted. You were there. But unfortunately so was Moira.” John just looked at me. He was shocked. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry Mike. I didn’t know you didn’t want to be with a woman.” “You couldn’t have known.” “You wanted your first time to be with me?” I just nodded. “I’ve known that I wanted you and you to be my first for a long time. How could I not? You always had time for me. You were the only one who knew I was hurting when my mom died. You found out what happened to me with Steve and took me away. First you were a big brother, then my hero. Of course I fell in love with you. But don’t worry. I’ll get over it.” I couldn’t face him anymore. I was embarrassed and emotional. I turned away from him. John just sat there. He tried to reach out to me a few times. Either a word or a hand on my arm, but I didn’t roll back to him. After a few minutes he got up and left me alone. Eventually I went to sleep. I could tell later that John was embarrassed. It also seemed he didn’t know what to do with me. He bought me some new clothes. Then he bought me a computer for school. He confronted me on Wednesday about how much money I had saved for school. I hadn’t known, but my mother had a life insurance policy to pay for my schooling. Steve never told me but John went to Steve and got it when he realized the reason I had worked so much was to pay for school. Thursday night, after he had taken me out to dinner, I confronted him. “John, are you buying all this for me because you feel guilty for Saturday?” “No, I feel guilty because you have spent so much time thinking you were here for a limited time. Working so hard because you thought you had to so you could go to school. That you weren’t always welcome.” “I never thought that.” “Then why were you squirreling so much money away? Why did you need so many clothes when we went shopping? Why did you work two jobs? “I didn’t think I could afford school. I also didn’t want you to have to spend more money on me. You’ve given me so much.” “I’m glad to do it. I wouldn’t have taken you in if I didn’t.” “I know, but you are just starting your business. You just built this house, you didn’t need another bill.” He hugged me. I think we worked out a few things. I was glad. The next night was Friday. It was my last night at my second job. I came home and hopped in the shower. I washed up and let the pulsing hot water pound into my head. While I was rinsing the shampoo from my hair, John slipped into the shower with me. He stood behind me and wrapped his right hand around my cock, stroking me slowly. He took his left hand and cupped my chest, rubbing my nipple between his fingers. I’m glad he had his arm around me or else I would have crumbled to the floor. I laid my head back against his shoulder. He continued to stroke me. I got harder and harder in his hand. I was tingling all over. He moved his hand away from my nipple and cupped my chin. He turned my face to him and kissed me. He nipped at my lips and lightly stroked his tongue against my bottom lip before biting it slightly than laving it with his tongue to soothe me. It was too much, I came in his arms, crying out and collapsing against him. He rinsed me off and pulled me out of the shower. John toweled me off slowly, smiling at me. He then toweled himself quickly and tugged me to his bed. He laid me back and covered me with his body. His chest hair tickled my chin before he settled on me. John looked in my eyes. He kissed me then asked if I was okay with this. I nodded my head and kissed him. I smoothed my hands over his back, skimming my fingers along his crack. He gasped when I brushed my fingers through the thick, soft hair in his crack. That was all it took. John was on me, kissing me as if the fate of the world depended on it. He kept kissing me, his hands roamed over my body, and his fingers were testing me, seeing how open I was. He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed some KY. It was cool on my hole. It caused me to tense for a minute then I was in heaven as it heated up. The sensations were great. It was almost like jerking off, it was a constant build up, but there was no release. The sensations just kept on building. I was moaning and scratching John’s back. He was kissing my neck, muttering hot, filthy, suggestive comments in my ear. He raised my hips in his strong hands and placed himself at my opening. He pushed slightly. I was tight. I had never done this before. When I winced, John pulled back and told me he would go slowly. He then kissed me again and moved one of his hands to stroke my softening penis. When I was hard again, he pushed again while keeping up the pumping of my cock. I opened. I had no idea what this would be like. I had imagined it, but reality was so much greater than my mind could fantasize. He kept hitting a trigger inside me with each thrust. I was shuddering with the pleasure of it. This was nothing like when I jerked off. This was so different. I was an animal under John. He was matching my squirming. He was also dripping with sweat. He kept kissing my neck and whispered encouragements to me. He told me how good it was. How tight I was. How much I was turning him on. When he bit on my ear before thrusting into me to the hilt, I came against him. I cried out. I think I rattled the doors I screamed so loud. John kept thrusting into me. He was thick and hard and I was enjoying him so much. Now that I had come I started concentrating on him. I squeezed myself around him. I experimented with him. I must have squeezed at the right time because John shuddered above me. He moaned with each subsequent squeeze. We worked up a rhythm that had him plunging into me as quickly as possible. In no time I felt the stirrings again. I knew I was close to cumming again. John told me he was close. I kept squeezing him. Just as his breath became ragged and his cries stronger, I erupted against him again. Just as I stopped spurting, John tightened his hold on me and cried out. I felt his cock thicken then spasm inside me repeatedly. He collapsed against me. My legs were a little cramped around him and I was lying at a funny angle, but I didn’t care. I was in heaven, delirious from pleasure. I was amazed at how pale my fantasy was compared to the Technicolor reality. He pulled out of me gently. John wrapped me in his arms and spooned against my back. He kissed my neck and told me to go to sleep. We both fell asleep quickly. I awoke a few hours later. John was lying on his stomach next to me. I felt awkward. We didn’t discuss if this was a one-time thing. Perhaps it would be more, maybe it would be tomorrow only, or the summer. I needed to get out of there while I was so confused. I lifted off the covers and slid out of bed. I made it about half a step before John caught my arm. “Where are you going?” “I thought that maybe … Um … I, just thought … “ “Get back in this bed.” He smiled at me. He rolled onto his back and pulled me down on top of him. He had me sit on his chest, straddling that broad, hairy expanse. The feel of all that soft, curly hair on my ass and balls had me hard again. He looked up at me and smiled. John tipped his head forward and licked the tip of my penis. He seemed to think about it for a second then did it again. Each swipe of his tongue sent a sharp tingle up my spine. I never thought we would do this. John pulled me closer to his mouth. He tasted the entire length then ran his tongue all around the base. Then he moved his mouth up and down the sides of my shaft. He licked the heavy vein at the bottom of the shaft before diving on my head. He took about half my shaft at a time. He bobbed back and forth on my cock. Each dip brought me closer to the edge. I pushed back on his forehead so my cock popped out of his mouth. He looked up at me with a question in his eyes and his eyebrows frowned together. I told him I was too close to cumming and didn’t want to yet. I wanted to taste him. I reached behind me, scooting my hand lower and lower on his belly. I reveled in the silky hair sifting through my fingers. I pushed harder when I got below his belly button. He moaned out as I grazed the base of his cock. He was rigid and leaking. I lightly trailed my fingers along his length; almost butterfly light in my touch. His cock was like a thick piece of steel. I was amazed at how soft the skin covering it was. After a couple of minutes of my light ministering, John moaned and told me that he couldn’t take it anymore. I spun off his chest and moved down to take him in my mouth. He was warm in my mouth, thick and hard and sweet. I moved my tongue on him. I know I was clumsy; that I didn’t do it as well as I could but it didn’t matter. He came almost instantly. This I was unprepared for. He shot more than I thought anyone could. My mouth was full and it started dribbling out the sides. With John’s last cry of release I remembered I could swallow. I did. His taste was sweet and thick and I enjoyed the feel of it sliding down my throat. I sat up on John’s thighs. John was breathing quickly. He kept trying to smile, but kept failing. The look of astonishment on his face spoke more to me than his smile. He pulled me up his body until we were face to face. He kissed me gently on the forehead before lapping lightly with his tongue. He took each small trail of his seed and licked it into his mouth. When my chin was clean, he kissed my mouth, diving deeply into it with his tongue. I moaned against his lips. It felt so good to be devoured. I was in his arms and loving each minute of it. He stroked my back and wedged a thigh between mine. He used it to rub between my thighs. Each upward motion cupped my balls and my cock rubbed in the soft hair on his belly. He kept moving his thigh slowly, rocking me while he kissed me. After a few moments of exquisite movement, I felt my orgasm approach. I gasped and bit at John’s bottom lip. I bit harder and harder as the waves overtook me. I spurted on his belly, reaching between his nipples and splattering in the hollow of his throat. When I was done convulsing I collapsed on his chest. I was exhausted after that. I nuzzled into his soft, furry chest and cuddled him with my hands on his shoulders and legs sprawled on either side of him. I fell asleep on his chest. He didn’t move me. He just wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I awoke the next morning alone. But I smelled breakfast cooking. Coffee and bacon have to be the most incredible smells when you first wake up. I got up and walked into the kitchen. John was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Well hell. No one fries bacon naked. Well, not unless they are a masochist. It was at this point I realized I was naked. John turned around just as I was turning to leave. He smiled and stopped me. “Don’t change on my account.” “I didn’t know what your plans were. I didn’t …” “Don’t sweat it Mikey. I don’t know what to do now either.” We both laughed. The tension didn’t leave, but it reduced. We spent that day doing what we normally do on a Saturday. We took care of the yard, bought groceries, cleaned house and did laundry. I wanted to reach out and touch him. I wanted to kiss him all the time. I got hard watching him bend down to load the dishwasher. I stopped breathing when he took off his shirt while mowing the lawn. I didn’t think I would survive if last night was the end. I’ve been given a glimpse of paradise. I don’t think I can go back. That night John took me out to dinner. We went to a moderately nice restaurant. We had steaks and we were there for over three hours. It was nice. At first. But the tension kept rising. I got to the point I couldn’t look at him anymore. We sat for fifteen minutes in silence. It was so awkward. I had my hands on the table. I was going to leave and was moving to do so when John clamped his hand on mine. “I can’t do this John.” “I screwed up Mikey. Last night was …” “What was it to you?” “I was only going to join you in the shower. That was all.” That hurt. It must have shown on my face. John gripped my hand tighter. “Mike, once I kissed you, I couldn’t stop. Once I was inside you, I couldn’t wait to be inside you again.” I smiled. “What happens now?” “We go home.” That was the fastest I have ever seen anyone pay a check, get the car, and drive the ten miles that it took to get home. We got home and raced into the house. John grabbed me when I headed into his room. He spun me around and into his arms. He kissed me. When he released me, his expression was both intense and unsure. “Mike, I have to know. I need to know what it is that you feel. Tell me how you feel about me.” “I love you John. I have since the day after Mom’s funeral. I didn’t know what it was at first, but I do now. I love you with all my heart. I don’t think it will ever change.” He swallowed and nodded. He kissed me again. We fell onto his bed and slowly removed each other’s clothing. We kept kissing, only pausing long enough to remove a shirt or push off a sock. He rolled us over so I was on top of him when we were naked. I felt his erection digging into my hip. He was dripping already. He looked up to me and smiled. “I want to feel what you did last night. I want to know what it is like to have you inside me.” I gulped at him. I was shocked. Not only did I never expect to have John make love to me I never thought he would want me to make love to him. I nodded at him and rolled him onto his stomach. He had readied me with his fingers. I wanted to ready him with my mouth. I had read about it and saw some images on the Internet. I was so excited by the idea I almost shot off. I also knew I wanted to show some style and finesse. I couldn’t just go diving on his asshole with my mouth. I caressed his shoulders with my hands, grazing them slightly with the tips of my fingers. I moved my fingers on to his spine and moved my mouth and tongue over his shoulder blades, tracing slight figure eights on his warm, soft skin. I kept moving down his body, moving closer to his ass. John was panting and moaning under me. I reached his cheeks and parted them with my hands, rubbing my fingers inside his crack, roughing them in the soft hair. As I grazed his pucker, John bucked up and gasped. I pushed him back down and lowered my mouth to him. I tasted him lightly. My tongue laved around the rim of his hole over and over. I was flattening the hair into a cowlick away from his hole. When he started to open to my intrusive tongue, I started diving in hard. When I breached his sphincter, I flicked the tip of my tongue and John cried out. “Now Mikey. Fuck me now!” He kept chanting at me. I kept lapping at his hole, wanting him to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible. He had been so gentle with me and I was so turned on, I didn’t know if I could return the favor. I moved up his body, my nipples rasped against the bottom of his shoulder blades. I kissed the side of John’s neck. I told him I wanted him. I moved to enter him. I took my hand down and guided myself to him. He was arching his hips up to meet me. I felt his sphincter part slightly on the head of my cock. His skin was so warm, warmer than my own. I pushed a bit more. He parted enough I could get the entire head in. I stopped. I kissed his neck again and asked if he was okay. He grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I sank to the hilt. I expected him to want to stop. He just told me to go for it. I pulled slightly out of him and pushed right back. I had never known such pleasure. My pleasure was mounting with each thrust. I knew it would be over way too soon. I kept moaning into John’s ear. He was crying out with each deep thrust. He was clamping around me, tight and hot. I was at the end of my rope. I felt the tightening in my belly and the tensing of my thighs. I knew I was cumming. I cried out to John. The feeling of my first shot was so intense it almost hurt. I must have spurted ten times into John, each one getting more intense. When it was over, I collapsed on top of John. I was lost to the world. I couldn’t focus my eyes and I couldn’t hear anything but my beating heart in my ears. Slowly reality returned. I didn’t know how John was. “Are you okay?” “Perfect Mikey.” “I’m sorry John. I didn’t mean to cum so fast. I didn’t mean to be so selfish.” “Selfish? What the hell are you talking about?” “I came, you didn’t” He started laughing. He had me roll off him. Then he rolled away from me. That sight hurt, a lot. I had enjoyed it so much; I was hoping we could repeat it in the future. But, he rolled away. Then I saw what he wanted to show me. The bed was a mess. He had obviously cum. The sheet was coated. I looked at him and he just smiled, on the verge of laughing. “I didn’t cum just once. I came three times. Once while you were licking at me and twice while you were inside me. I didn’t think I would that third time, but you made me when you shot into me. I have never cum so much in my life.” I laughed at him. We were okay. The next morning, all right it was more like early afternoon, after even more fun that night; I asked John what the future held. He told me that he didn’t think he could let me go. He had been with me and he had enjoyed it, a lot. But he didn’t know what the future would hold. I told him that we would have the summer. When I went away to school, if what we had was strong enough, when I came home for Christmas, we would know. The summer was spent in each other’s arms. We traded back and forth who was on top. I made a mistake though, each day my feelings got stronger and stronger. Now I knew I would never get over John. I would love him until the day I died. But, I didn’t know if he felt the same. Well, school was interesting. I was six hundred miles away from John and missed him terribly. We talked often. One night he decided to talk me off. He told me that my hands were his and that he was in the room with me if I just shut my eyes. He talked to me for over an hour. When I exploded loudly into the phone, I heard him cry out too. When my breathing calmed I told him I loved him and missed him. He didn’t say he loved me. I started to cry and told him I always would love him before I hung up the phone. That week was a really bad one for me. I was in a full-blown funk. I was sad and hurting. My roommate even told me to snap out of it. That Friday, I got back to the dorm room. I opened my door and dropped my book bag and walked into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I went. I got into the shower and lowered my head under the spray and prayed it would drown out my sorrow. I felt a blast of cool air on my back. Someone had opened up the shower curtain. I felt a strong hand touch my back. It slowly moved around my waist. I got hard instantly. I kept my eyes closed, if this was a dream, I wanted to keep it going. The hand took my erection and started stroking. My knees almost buckled when I felt a hairy chest press into my back. In the last two months, my chest hair had filled out to cover my torso; I wondered if my chest on John’s back would feel the same as his on mine. The hand on my cock pulled to the side, turning me. I rested my chin on his chest, my nose buried in the soft hair. He continued stroking me. His other hand rested under my chin and pulled my face up to his. He kissed me. My eyes were still shut. “Open your eyes Mikey.” No one called me Mikey. No one but John. I opened my eyes to see his bright blue ones. He looked serious. He also looked relieved to see me. He moved his hand from my cock and held my face in both his hands. He kissed me. He moved his tongue slightly in my mouth. He caressed my tongue lightly with his. He rubbed his thumbs under my eyes. When he pulled back I still kissed him. Smacking kisses against his lips. I didn’t want it to end. I opened my eyes again. He still held my face in his hands. “I’ve missed you so much Mikey.” “I’ve missed you too.” “I couldn’t wait until Christmas to see you.” “I love you, John.” He smiled at me. “I love you too, Mikey.” The next few minutes were a blur. I turned off the shower and John grabbed a towel. He led me to my bed and we collapsed on it. He rolled us over so I was on the bottom. All right, if John could come all this way just to tell me he loved me at last, I could be on the bottom first. He started kissing me again. He was hard on my belly. He kissed my neck and slid his hips back and forth over mine. John than sat up straight and impaled himself on me. Once seated, he started rocking on me slowly. He moved in an agonizingly slow rhythm. Just fast enough to drive each other crazy but not enough to cum. We moved together. After long minutes of pleasure so intense it was torture, I flipped John on his back and drove us both hard, pushing for release. We came together after only seconds. When our breathing calmed, John started talking. He told me how he jerked off every night remembering how good we were together. He told me how much he missed me, how he couldn’t stop wanting me. He knew he loved me, but he wanted me to be with other people. He had dated and screwed around a lot. He was ready to settle on one person for the rest of his life. When he told me that he didn’t want to stop me from finding happiness, I almost hit him. The only time I had ever been happy was with him. John had gotten rid of my roommate for the weekend. We spent it in bed. I didn’t care if we woke up the neighbors or if anyone could hear us. I was happy and in love. When our weekend was up, John told me we had two choices. I could either transfer to a closer school, or John could move here. The choice was easy. I transferred after the first semester was over. Life is good. Comments let me know:


7 Gay Erotic Stories from DW Simon


I knew I was gay very early in life. There weren’t words to describe it and I wasn’t really sure what the words meant in relation to me when I did hear them. But I did know I didn’t want to be different. Life is hard enough without dealing with that. So I hid. I lied to myself and denied that I was a sexual creature. Rather than make a choice to lie or sneak around, I simply went

Longtime Friends

When I was five years old, I met my soul mate. I didn’t know what the term meant at the time. I only knew that this soul was a kindred spirit. He was my friend in all ways. The one person on Earth I couldn’t disappoint no matter what. In him I found acceptance and companionship based on me myself and not out of a sense of familial responsibility. His name was Will. He was from a

Lost And Found, Part 1

I never planned to spend my life running. I didn’t even realize I had until I got to San Antonio. Running and alone, not what I wanted at all, but what was. I had worked various construction jobs since leaving home at 17. I haven’t stayed in one place or held a job for any longer than three months until last year. I hit San Antonio and met some people, liked my job, and here I

Lost And Found, Part 2

Brian and I spent our first weekend together making love, swimming in the pool, eating naked in the kitchen, and smiling at each other like goofy teenagers. Monday morning came much too quickly. We awoke to the alarm and showered together. We shouldn’t have. Brian slid his hands along my chest, raking through my furry chest hair, rasping my nipples, as he sank to his knees. He

My Fair Gentleman

I was working in my office at the University when he walked in. He stood about 6’ 4” and had golden blond hair. He looked a little shaggy and slightly unkempt. He was somewhat familiar to me, but I couldn’t place him. Then he smiled, a smile that made his face light up, brought out cute dimples, and made his dark blue eyes sparkle. When he smiled at me, I realized that I had seen

Rescue Me

I had gone to the cabin to heal. It had been the worst two months of my life. I had lost my job, my first and only lover left me, and my parents had been killed in a car accident. Whoever said that when it rains it pours was full of bullshit. It didn’t pour; it was a veritable hurricane. I had been there for five days when the snow started to fall. I made a huge pile of firewood

Uncle John

My mom got remarried when I was 10. His name was Steve and he was about 35. He had a younger half-brother who was 17 and was coming to live with us. His name was John and I was in awe of him. He was tall and handsome. Most of all, he was friendly and kind to me. I was beginning to realize that I was different from others around me. But, I was a little too young to understand what I


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