Gay Erotic Stories

Vacation Plumber part III

by Explorer

VACATION PLUMBER Part III by: Explorer The first day waking up without Anton sucking my dick out of bed got me a bit psychologically out of balance. I was startled by the phone ringing. I said a sleepy hello, and heard, "Hey, loverboy. Did I wake you up?" It was Anton! We chatted a while. He just arrived at his parents house and everything's fine. I said I missed him. "Yeah" was all he said. From then on for the next few days, he would wake me up by phone and we'd chat for a while. At night, he'd call me up again, we'd have phone sex and hang up after we both cum. One day, I had a quick shower, after I chatted with put on my skimpy red speedo trunks and the robe I got for the Chinese dinner with Anton, made myself a cup of coffee and went to the terrace. I looked out at the beach and saw that there were much more people now than the past few days I have been observing. As I looked about, drinking my coffee, I saw the hunk I had noticed the past few days in the apartment obviously being renovated in the next apartment block just across mine. He was definitely muscular, the type for muscle mags. He must be about 6 feet, nice tan, had shoulder length blond hair which I sometimes see in a ponytail behind his head, or sometimes, just flowing down to his shoulders. Some days, I see him just in his dark blue dirty shorts, showing off his hairless chest, the lines of his pecs and abs and all his other muscles were quite visible even at the distance. But most of the time, I would see him in a neat polo shirt and walking shorts. I was wondering if he was one of the workers doing the renovation. I sometimes day dream of what I could do with his meat while I was waiting for Anton. Anyway, in the past few days I would stare at him from my terrace while waiting for the time to pass until Anton arrives for our usual routine. Sometimes he would see me looking at him and he would just smile back and get on with whatever he was doing. I decided I will just lounge on the terrace the whole day today. I already miss Anton. The whole week of fuck sessions with him had just left me worn out. He was just so full of energy! Ahhh, the wonder of youth, I thought. Although I am only five years older than his twenty-years, I never thought I could ever keep up with his lust. I got my tanning lotion and went back out onto the terrace. As I was taking my robe off, I noticed the hunk was outside the terrace, staring at me. I decided to try my luck. I put on some lotion on my hand and started to spread it all over my body. I was doing it slowly, trying to do it as sensually as possible, and once in a while glancing up to the hunk. To my surprise, he kept on staring at me! I kept up the show for a while, until I ran out of body to apply lotion to. I finally laid down on the sunbathing bench, but not without smiling at the hunk first. He smiled back, as usual. All throughout the morning, as I read my novel, I would once in a while look out for the hunk through the terrace grill. I notice the usual group of workers, mostly old and fat, but all half-naked, sometimes the hunk was there working. At about lunch time, I decided to get myself a sandwich. As I stood up, I saw the hunk, half naked, in his usual dirty blue shorts waving at me. I waved back. I motioned as if he was calling me to come to the apartment. I looked around the other apartments, just to make sure he was gesturing to me. I looked backed at him, and he made a gesture, seeming to say he was talking to me. I pointed to myself, and he nodded and made a sign which seemed to say, 7 C: the flat number, I supposed. I looked back again at the flat, saw the him smiling a big smile and noticed that no one else was there except him. I was getting hornier and hornier by the minute. It must be withdrawal symptoms left by Anton. I nodded at him and I went inside my apartment, put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and went rushing across to the his building, not without noticing the beautiful bodies stretched out along the pool I had to pass to get to my destination. As I was walking, I could not help but think: "I should not be doing this. I don't even know him!" but my legs just kept on going for apartment 7C. I felt as if my ears were burning, imagining what this hunk has in store for me. I arrive. I knock on the door, but there was no answer. I tried the knob and the door opened. "Hello", I cried looking around the apartment, avoiding all the debris left by the workers, but there was no sign of the hunk. I was about to leave, feeling disappointed, when all of a sudden, I felt a hand cover my mouth, and another my eyes. "Don´t make a sound." I was told by my captor. My heart jumped, I thought I was going to faint. All kinds of thoughts ran into my mind. I imagined him as a fag hater who wanted to murder me, or things like those. I tried to squeeze out of his grip, but I just could not move. "Hey, relax. I won't hurt you. Just don't make a sound. Promise?". I nodded. He removed his hands from my face but slipped around me in a bear hug as I turned my head to him. His face was just a couple of inches away from mine, and I could smell his cologne. Gosh, it felt so nice being wrapped by his muscular arms! "Hi!" he said, "Name's Alexandre. But everybody calls me Andre" he smiled at me. "Tim." I said. "I think you're very sexy" he whispered to my ear as he started to loosen he bear hug and move his hands all over my body. I was feeling very hot now and I reached behind me and started rubbing his hardening cock through his shorts. "Come" he said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to a series of doors and up a spiral staircase into a very lavishly decorated living room. But what caught my attention was a huge wooden sculpture of a dick surrounded by varnished tree trunks on top of a table in a corner. "Nice." I said, looking at it. He turned around to me and said, "This is my living quarters. I just bought the apartment below for my studio. I'm a fund manager, and a part time artist." he explained. "Oh, I see." was all I could say. He must be loaded with cash, I thought. He moved closer to me and said, "Now, where were we", as he put his hand on my chest, feeling it, slowly lifting my T-shirt until he got it off. "Very nice." he said, looking at me, as I looked into his round blue eyes. I held his head and gave him a big wet kiss. He stuck out his tongue and I started to suck on it, as he sighed and continued his body massage of me, pinching my nipples, kneading my shoulders, back, finally reaching my navel and went down to my now hard rock dick. He slipped down my shorts. He knelt down in front of me, stuck out his tongue to lick the back of my cock sticking out of my skimpy trunks, tasting the precum oozing out of it. He did this as he kneaded my ass, and slowly pulling my trunks down. As soon as my cock was released from it's prison, it shot up and it slapped his stuck out tongue. He proceeded to move his tongue underneath the length of my shaft, reaching my balls wetting it with his saliva. I gasped as he got one of my balls into his mouth and started to suck on it. He put my left thigh on top of his shoulders as he started to suck on my other hairy ball. He was caressing my thigh as I played with his silky blond hair. He was sending me to seventh heaven! I could not stop myself saying, "Oh, shit, I'm cummin…" But before I reach the point of no return, he pulled on my balls until the feeling subsided and continue again. After the second time doing this, he pulled my arms and we laid down on the rug. After taking off his shorts, I went straight for his huge uncut 9 inch tool, the shiny head dripping with precum peeping out of its covering. I held the base of his cock, used my lips to push his foreskin behind his huge bulb, and started licking it with my wet tongue. He howled so loudly, as he lifted his pelvis, his body almost bent double backwards, obviously rocketed to space by the sensation of my lips on his sensitive head. He was heaving and moving his pelvis as I made my tongue survey the territory underneath and behind the helmet. "Yes, aaaaaahhhhhh, yes!" he kept on saying, while breathing heavily. My other hand was following the ridges of the heaving muscles of his torso, his hands caressing my shoulders. When his balls began to tighten, I decided I did not want it to finish yet. I let go of his cock, pulled on his balls pretty hard and I heard him scream, "Aaaahhhhh!" I started to give him a tongue bath, starting from his toes, all the way to his forehead. As my tongue passed his lips, he caught it with his lips and started sucking on it. He then grabbed my leg and turned me around for a perfect 69 position, me on top of him. I licked the sides of his dick, up and down and until I reach his hairy balls. Then I decided to have the whole of him inside my mouth, which was quite difficult. It was so huge! I could feel him sucking my dick head, his lips just behind the bulb, his tongue moving in circles on the head. He was jacking off the shaft with one hand, and caressing my love hole with the other. This was just too much for me and before long, I was driving my lovepole deep into his throat, my pelvis moving as if having a mind of their own. And then, we came together. I was soon draining my balls into his mouth, some of my spunk overflowing to his chin, which he tried to catch with his tongue. I released his dick head from my lips and I saw ropes and ropes of his man juice spilling out of his piss slit: some landing on his legs, some on the rug, others on my face and neck. I turned around and then he started licking his own jism off my face. He smiled at me as I slumped on top of him. When he had caught his breath, he started running his hands on my chest as he lay on his side beside me. I told him to stop as it was tickling me, but his continued doing so. I could not help but giggle as I started punching him lightly on his arms. He then caught me in a bear hug and lifted me so that I was a few inches off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist, heals between his huge buns and started grinding my hardening dick onto his abs. He seemed to be liking it as I could feel his hard cock rubbing my ass. I then carried me to his exercise machine and made me lay down on the bench. He then sat on my hardon, rubbing his hairy loveslit on it. The sensation, together with his pinching my nipples, was making my whole body shake with lust. He then spat on his hands and spread his saliva on my dick with it, adding to the tons of my precum now spread on my shaft and his ass. And then, holding on to the base of my cock, he slid it into his lovehole, practically the whole thing, without preparing himself. He shouted what I thought would bring the house down! After waiting a while for him to adjust to my cock, he started pumping slowly, my cock each time getting deeper and deeper into him. When he finally got the whole thing in, he grabbed the bar just above him and started flexing his arms. He moved his muscular body, up and down, my cock moving in and out of him, each of his muscles becoming more and more defined he continued his rhythm. I found him so sexy exercising as I was fucking his brains out! With my hands on his waist, my pelvis started moving faster and faster as I felt I was about to cum, his eyes were going in circles with all wild fucking I was giving him, his cock was bouncing up and down getting harder and redder each time. I then grunted as the first load of cum scaped me. As I continued to dump my load inside him, I felt his ass tighten around my cock as he spilt his man juice all over my chest, the first load reaching all the way to my chin. He slumped on top of me and gave me a deep kiss. He said we better dress us cause the workers should be coming soon, so we had a quick shower together and promised we'd meet again. The next few days, I would meet up with Andre, always at the same time: lunch time when the workers are out. We would suck each other, I would fuck him, but he never fucked me. A week after Anton left, while I was resting on top of Andre after cumming inside him, he told me that he thought Anton and I were so sexy while we were doing it on the terrace. I was so shocked! "You know Anton?!" I asked him. "Sure. He did the plumbing of my studio below. We had sex several times, but after he met you, he just would not do it with me anymore." Gosh, I was so elated, first just hearing Anton's name, second, that he was faithful with me. I felt so guilty by then, because I did not tell Anton anything about Andre while we would talk on the phone. I dressed up and felt so bad the rest of the day. Evening came, I was watching a suspense thriller movie on TV in my boxers, when I was startled by the doorbell. I looked at the watch: it was 10:30 p.m.. "Who could it be at this time of the day?" I opened the door, lo and behold! Anton was standing there, luggage on the floor beside him, his hands behind him, his face brilliant and had an exultant smile. He had cut his hair really short, his chest hairs showing out of the tight fitting shirt he was wearing. His think eyebrows and long eyelashes, his firm jaw and his cleft chin, his thin red lips, his round eyes. Everything about him was just handsome. God how I love looking at him! I was struck for words, "What the heck…" but before I could continue, he held out a bunch of roses to me. I smiled but could not hold tears running down my cheek. He entered, closed the door behind him and gave me a French kiss, just like before. He grabbed me and started waltzing me around the living room. "Surprise!" was his first word after we sat down on the sofa. "I need an explanation." I said as he rested his head on my chest, hugging my waist. "Nothin'. Just wanted to surprise you because I am so happy!" he said. "Happy of what?!" I asked as I played with his wavy hair. "Well, I'm out!" he said looking at me in the eye. "Out?!" I asked perplexed. He held my hands and said that he had finally told his parents that he was gay and that after a few days of shock, they accepted it. "Oh, I'm so happy!" he said as he hugged me tightly. We kissed and I started to take off his shirt but he stopped me. "Not now. I'm quite tired. Do you mind if I rest for a while?" he said. "Now, that's a surprise for me!" I said as I kissed him on the forehead. "Sure dude. Anything you say. I am just so happy to have you here with me." I guess I wasn't in the mood either, with my guilt still at the back of my mind. He stripped to his boxers and put his head on my lap as he laid down on the sofa. I played with his hairy chest as we watched the movie on TV silently. When the movie ended, he turned his head and started blowing onto my cock through my boxers. It reminded me of our first time. "I thought you were tired?" I teased him as my cock grew to it's full 8 inches, it's head already sticking out over the garter. "Not any more" he said winking at me. He then pulled down my boxers as I lifted my pelvis. He started licking the whole length of my dick as I reached out and for his and started jacking him off, my hands inside his boxers. He then turned his head so that he can take my whole pole inside his mouth, so I twisted to accomodate him, this time, my lips was on his dick head, both of us laying on our sides on the sofa. Just as I was I about to cum, he let go of my throbbing cock and made me sit up on the sofa. He then sat on my lap, our cocks head to head and led my hand to them. I started to jack off both of our large heads, his body leaning back, his hands behind my neck for balance. Just like the first time. We then came together, our heaving bodies moving in rhythm, loads and loads and loads of our warm jism spilling all over our face and chest and legs. After we licked each others body clean of the cum, he again put his head on my lap as he laid on the sofa. We were watching another movie on TV when he got up and took a bag of cheese rings already opened from his luggage. "I almost forgot about it. I'll have to finish it." I took a handful when he offered me some, and continued with our position on the sofa. After a while, he shouted, "Ouch!". "What is it?" I asked, alarmed. "I bit something hard!". He took out something round from his mouth looked at it closely, rubbed it clean with his hands and showed it to me. It was a golden ring. "Oh, so that's where it is." he said, looking at it like a small boy finding his long lost toy. He then kneeled in front of me, took my hands in his and asked me, "Tim, I love you. Would you spend the rest of your life with me?" He was looking into my now wet eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and told him, "Before I give my answer, I have to tell you something." "Shoot." he said. "I had been having sex with Andre while you were gone." He pulled me off, held me at arms length, looked at me and said, "What?". I just nodded. "How could you?" he said, lifting my chin so that I would look him in the face. I said I was sorry but then I noticed he was smiling his naughty grin, so I asked, "What's so funny?" He burst out laughing, doubled on the floor. "What?" I tried to stop him from laughing. When he finally quieted down, he held me close and said, "I know. I asked him to keep you company while I was out. But the bastard did not keep his promise. Did he tell you that I knew him?" "You what? Why you…" I punched him on the shoulders but he swerved to avoid it and I landed in his arms. "Did he fuck you?" he asked. I had to think for a while before I could respond, "Now that you ask, as a matter of fact no. I do not remember him ever inside me. Sure I fucked him a dozen of times, and we would suck each other off, but I don't ever remember him fucking me." He said grinning, "Good. At least he kept that part of the promise." "I suppose you told him watch us on the terrace as well that night." I said. "Of course. That was the only way I could convince him that you were worth the fuck." I just shook my head in disbelief and then buried my face on his neck and started playfully biting it. He was ticklish on this part and I knew it. "Well?" he whispered into my ear as he stopped giggling. "Well, what?" I asked. "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" "What do you think?" I said as I grabbed the ring from his fingers and put in on. He embraced me and we kissed probably the warmest, most memorable kiss of our relationship so far. Soon, we were both hard again and he made sit on his hard on. As soon he was totally inside me, stood up. "Whoa!" I said we almost fell on the floor. As we regained our balance, he carried me, his throbbing dick inside my warm love hole, to the bedroom, where we tried to catch up on the days we lost while he was away. Anton and I are now living together. He decided it was better to transfer schools so that we could be together everyday. We have a real wonderful relationship and sex is only getting better every time. The end.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Explorer

Vacation Plumber

Vacation Plumber by Explorer After a long year of intense work, I have been looking forward to vacation for months now and at last the day had finally come. After a five hour drive to the beachfront apartment I have been renting for vacation for the past few years, I was just dying to have a quick bite and relax on the terrace facing the beach. After all, there are tons of

Vacation Plumber Part II

VACATION PLUMBER Part II Explorer I was already getting used to the routine after a whole week living with Anton. I would wake up with him blowing me; after I cum in his mouth, I would get up to prepare breakfast for both of us, while he takes his shower. He'd take a quick bite, give me a deep kiss, and leave for work. Practically the whole day, I would spend in the

Vacation Plumber part III

VACATION PLUMBER Part III by: Explorer The first day waking up without Anton sucking my dick out of bed got me a bit psychologically out of balance. I was startled by the phone ringing. I said a sleepy hello, and heard, "Hey, loverboy. Did I wake you up?" It was Anton! We chatted a while. He just arrived at his parents house and everything's fine. I said I missed him.


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