Gay Erotic Stories

Weekend Hazing

by Skiviesman

I did not have any sexual experience when I arrived at college. But with my first semester in college, things changed drastically. I arrived on campus, having just turned eighteen the month before, and was assigned to a suite with one junior and two seniors. My three "suite-mates" (later to be called "sweetmates" or just "sir") had not been eligible this year to live in their fraternity house. They were all brothers in the same fraternity, so they knew each other quite well. After they thought I was thoroughly indoctrinated into the routine of college life, they decided I was ready to be trained to their liking. One night, after taking in a movie in town, Ron, John, Dave and myself were pulling into the parking lot adjacent to our dorm, when John suggested to the others that they de-pants me and set my bare ass down in a snow bank. They proceeded to remove my 501's and boxer shorts right there in the parking lot, John taking my pants with him back to the room and Ron and Dave forcing me to sit bare-ass in a huge snow bank for more than two minutes. By then my teeth were chattering and my ass and balls felt frozen. Suddenly they took off into the dorm and I ran after them, arriving at our suite to find the door locked. I was forced to stand in the hall with nothing on but a shirt and my shoes for about three or four minutes, while I begged them to open up. When they finally let me in, I was pretty mad. I had received four pats on the ass from guys I didn't even know and cat-calls from several others. Although my cock wasn't hard (in fact, it was so shriveled up I looked like I had two belly buttons!) I was getting sexually excited in my mind about this experience. I quickly shed the remainder of my clothes, as soon as I was allowed into the room and headed for a nice, hot shower. I stayed under the hot shower for at east ten minutes. When I emerged from the shower, Dave was in the bathroom shaving. He made idle chatter while he shaved and joked about my predicament. He hoped I wasn't mad at them. I assured him I wasn't but that I had sure been embarrassed. Suddenly, he stepped behind me and with his two strong hands gripped my arms just below the shoulders and marched me into our bedroom where Ron and John were waiting around. He told them that I had been embarrassed and wanted them to see that I was still in fact bare-assed! While they were laughing at this pun, I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and bent over to step into them. As I had my bare butt towards Dave, he slipped his hand between my legs to the front and smeared a hand-full of menthol shaving cream all over my cock, balls and ass. They all roared with laughter. I had to step into the shower again for a few seconds to wash off and then dry off again. Then they each took turns smearing a handful of shaving cream on my groin. The last time, Dave just took the aerosol can and, while the other two studs held me, he squirted the stuff on my chest and front, course my cock and balls. This time they taking care to make decorations, covering each nipple, my bellybutton, and of made me stand there for about five minutes while the menthol in the shaving cream began to get an extremely cool feeling on my tits, pubic area and asshole. They told me that if I wanted to be allowed to rinse off right away that I'd have to put on a show for them and beat my meat until I climaxed and rubbed the cum in with the shaving cream first. I protested for a few minutes, but the cream was really starting to burn so I started to pump my cock slowly for them. I got hard almost immediately, and they each commented that I really secretly loved it. Well, I came, rubbed the cum into the shaving cream and was then allowed to clean off and dress without any further interference. The next evening, though, I was told that since I had obviously enjoyed the previous evening's session so much, they would be my pledge masters from then on. I would be subjected to various initiations each time I stepped out of line. My first real indoctrination to their training of me was to be the following Saturday night up at the cottage owned by John's parents. If I did not want to go along with it, I was told, I might just as well move out. They could, I knew, make my living there a real hell. But down deep, I knew I craved the attention they would be giving me and I quickly said, "Okay, Sirs." The weekend finally arrived, and Friday night we left in Dave's customized van for the cottage, about two hours north of the college. I was wearing old Levi's, sweatshirt and tennis shoes, as I had been ordered to do. The van was not new, and had been customized by Dave and a buddy of his, who worked at a gas station in town. It was crude but comfortable. Dave drove, John sat next to him to navigate, and Ron climbed into the back, motioning me to go to the rear of the van and sit on the twin-sized bed, positioned sideways against the rear by the spare tire. Ron ordered me to take off my sweatshirt as a sign of my servitude to the three fraternity men. He said the absence of clothing always made a pledge that much more humble. I went along with this, figuring that at least no one else would be able to see me undressed like this in the middle of winter. After we started out, John came into the back and played around with my nipples a bit, just pinching and tugging on them a little. He told me I must keep my hands above my head and not move them. As soon as I put my hands up, I felt cuffs being placed around my wrists. They were fleece-lined, so they caused me no discomfort, but they did the job of keeping my hands secured. He told me I was going to have to ride this way all the way to the cottage. If I had to take a piss, a bottle would be provided. After about an hour, I figured we must be nearing the cottage. By this time both John and Ron had been playing with my tits for quite a while. My tits were getting quite sore and I asked them to stop, but they just laughed and persisted. Then Ron asked if I would rather have them apply to some attention to another location. Not thinking, I replied that any other location would be better than my tits. With that, John and Ron began to unbutton my 501's and pull them off, along with my sneakers. When I was totally naked, except for my white socks, still with my hands cuffed above my head. They had Dave turn on the rear lights to humiliate me more. Much to my own embarrassment, I felt my cock begin to get hard and watched in helpless fascination as it grew to a full erection. "Hey, look, guys, he's getting turned on!" John yelled, and he and Ron took turns pulling my cock down so it pointed to the floor and then releasing it so it swung up and slapped my belly. It didn't hurt as much as I would have thought, but just enough to let me know they meant business. They joked again about the fact that despite all this abuse my cock remained rock-hard. We finally arrived at the cottage. They then rubbed my balls to get the circulation going and this added to my misery. When Dave turned off the engine, they undid my cuffs, ordering me to walk into the cottage nude and be ready for the next part of the initiation. The little playing around on the way up had been just a prelude to the real thing, they warned me. After we moved in, turned up the heat and got settled, Dave announced that he wanted to take a turn at working on me. I was instructed to lie flat on my back on the kitchen table, with a beach towel spread out under me. Then Dave tied my hands spread-eagled to the legs of the table and did the same with my ankles. He took a thin rope and wound it around my cock tightly and then kept circling my cock with the rope, until it was three or four layers thick. Then he pulled on the rope, causing my cock to spin around as the rope unwound. It was both exciting and painful, and my cock got all the harder, a fact which was not lost on my three tormentors. After about twenty minutes or so the doorbell rang. I thought they would die of fright. I told them to quickly untie me and I would run into the bedroom, but Dave vetoed this idea. He said I was to remain naked the entire weekend, and if this meant while other people were around then so be it. He went to answer the door, leaving Ron and John laughing and me not knowing if I should laugh or cry. The visitor turned out to be Tom, the local barber, who lived at the lake year round. When he saw lights in the cottage, he came over to check it out. He had recognized Dave's van and figured while he was here he might as well drop in and say hello. Although the kitchen was around the corner from the front door, we could hear this conversation. John and Ron went around to meet him, and Dave explained that they were there to initiate a new pledge into their fraternity. He explained that the pledge had to be naked the whole weekend and put through some pretty good hazing. Tom said that it sounded good to him and that if the guys didn't mind he'd like to watch some of the action. Dave vetoed the "watching" but offered to let Tom join in on the action if he was up for it, even though it might get a little raw. Tom admitted that he'd always been curious about college hazings and that whatever happened, he was ready and willing. With that, they told him to go into the kitchen and meet the new pledge alone. When he entered, he looked surprised to see me tied down and naked but he walked right up to me and felt me all over. He was pretty rough on my cock, and squeezed my balls and tits and I began to wonder if I hadn't bitten off more than I could chew. The other three came back in and Dave asked Tom to take it easy, that there was a lot more coming before the weekend was over. Ron grabbed my cock and jerked it roughly until I shot all over my stomach and then they released me. Tom left (promising to return early the next morning) and we went to bed. I really needed the rest, but I didn't sleep much, anticipating what was to come. I was assigned: to sleep on a thin mattress under Dave's bed and, during the night, I could have sworn that he was masturbating up there over my head but I couldn't be certain. In any case, it was only after I jacked myself off again that I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs and coffee. After doing my bit in the john, I entered the kitchen, still nude, and was allowed to eat a good breakfast without too much kidding. But I knew that as soon as breakfast was over, the real "fun" was going to begin. Tom arrived shortly after and, after a small conference which I couldn't overhear, they led me to the doorway between the laundry room and the changing room. The changing room had a shower, toilet, mirrors, and was used for cleaning up after swimming. They fastened my hands to the upper corners of the door with the same cuffs and my feet to the lower corners. I felt the excitement coming back as before and my cock began to swell to a full hard-on in a matter of seconds. Tom came up with the idea of letting each one of them have me for in hour at a time to do with whatever he saw fit -- as long as the others didn't object - and they all agreed. They laid down a few ground rules -- "no blood" was one of them, I was relieved to hear and Tom volunteered to be first in line. Tom declared that he had always wanted to have a puppy and now was the time. They took off my hand cuffs and Tom produced an old dog collar and leash. He put them on me had me get down on all fours. From that time on he called me "Laddie" and treated me like a dog. He made me go and sniff the crotches of the guys and made me attempt to hump one of their legs but once I got the hang of it he dragged me away to the living room. I thought he was going to play there, but my worst fear was realized when he declared that he needed to take the dog out for a walk so he can "do his business." The guys love this and followed along happily. I was led outside to the cool autumn air and the snow patches scattered all around. He then grabbed my face, like you do with your pet, and told me that I would not be allowed inside until I had "done my business." Well I was so hard that I could not pee like he wanted me too. I finally was able to get it done against a big oak tree and thinking I was done I headed back to him...before I got to him he yelled out "you have to do all of your business, Laddie" Well the humiliation was complete. I was freezing and my nuts had contracted into my body but my dick was hard. I found a patch of grass and hunched down as a dog would and eventually was able to "do my business". The whole time the guys were pointing and laughing. Several suggested that I should be bred, but Tom said he was thinking of having me neutered but so liked looking at my displays of arousal that he did not want too. I finished as directed and ran to Tom, who was waiting at the porch. He said "come on Laddie" and into the house we went. He took me into the shower where he gave me a doggie bath or a FLEA DIP as he called it and then had me curl up on a rug in front of the fire place in the living room. He then brought in a bowl with water and crumbled hamburger in a bowl. He made me eat and drink it all, there on all fours in front of the guys. Needless to say the guys were loving this. John was next in line, and he took a piece of fine sandpaper and lightly sanded the skin on my nipples, cock head, and balls. The sensation this caused was both erotic and painful, but since I didn't lose my hard-on this was John's cue to keep applying the sandpaper, getting a little rougher with each application. When my tits began to look a little raw, he stopped, in deference to the "no blood" rule they had agreed upon. Dave and Ron decided to share their time with me and agreed that since there would be two of them they would cut the time to one-and-a-half hours, instead of two. They also decided that I needed a break and should be allowed to relax and swim with them and face the two of them later that day. We swam in the lake for a while and then, after lunch, the guys decided to go into town for a while. They allowed me to dress and go with them. In town, we ran into a couple of friends of John and while the rest of us waited, John took them aside and whispered something to them. I saw them turn and look in my direction and I blushed to think that he was explaining what I was doing there. He rejoined the group and explained that he had invited his friends, Stan and Ricky, to join us at the cottage later. When I asked if this meant the initiation would be postponed ,I was assured that it would not. John's friends were aware of his kinkiness, and apparently had participated in some other shenanigans at the cottage during previous summers. I felt a little uneasy, wondering if perhaps the whole thing wasn't getting out of hand. My "audience" was getting bigger by the minute and I. Was getting more and more nervous at the thought of performing before many people, some of them total strangers. After supper that evening, I was taken to Dave's bedroom and ordered to remain there until called. Shortly after, I heard Tom arrive and within minutes of that the two newcomers showed up. John took the three newcomers into the kitchen and Dave and Ron came after me to ready me for the night's scene. I was taken into the living room, naked again, and placed face-up on a ladder which was resting on two sawhorses. I was tied, blindfolded and spread-eagled with my arms above my head and feet spread to the ladder's edges. The lights and been turned off and the room lit by several candles strategically placed to give an eerie glow to the proceedings. The other guys were called into the living room and I knew I turned red with embarrassment just thinking about the six men looking down at my nude body. I could feel several hands roughly touching my tits, my cock and balls and my ass, then I felt a vibrator held tightly against my cock and, as you might guess, I came very quickly, shooting gobs of cum into the air that came splashing down on my chest and belly. I asked if we could stop the whole thing, since I had come so quickly, but they laughed and said they had other ideas. Dave removed the blindfold in time for me to see three of the others approaching the ladder with lighted candles. They held the candles over various parts of my body, then tipped them gently and let the hot wax drip down onto my bare flesh. I heard John warn everyone to hold their candles high, so as not to really burn me, and pretty soon all six of them had candles and hot wax was dripping all over me. I found the pain a little shocking at first, but it soon became bearable and even exciting. After a few minutes, my cock began to twitch again and get hard, much to my surprise. Before long they had my tits, cock, balls, chest and legs covered with wax, which they allowed to dry before Ron showed them how to remove it. They had spread newspapers on the floor, so they just let the wax fall as Ron removed it from my skin by running a standard comb over my limbs, across my chest and even into my pubic hair. They had put quite a lot on my balls so it was a lot more difficult to remove it from that area. When the wax removal was complete, I was getting really tired of lying so flat, and more from all of the combing my pubic hair had received. Dave suggested they stand me in the shower for the final part of the initiation. I was allowed to stretch for a moment, but hen put back into bondage with my wrists tied to the shower rod while standing in the stall. Ron took a pair of tweezers and began to pluck some of the hair from my balls, tits and armpits. This caused me to almost cry out, since I was very sensitive by now. Ron didn't want to stop but Tom finally convinced him that it was too painful for my first time, and he promised to show them something with a small bag that contained the tools of his trade. He removed a straight razor and strap and began to whisk away my chest hair, what little there was of it. Then they all lathered me up and took turns taking a couple of swipes with the straight razor, removing any hair in its path. Ron claimed the pubic area for himself, and did a complete job of it. My entire body was shaved smooth with the exception of my head. They were enjoying it enormously, laughing and making jokes at my expense as the hair disappeared from my body, and they cheered as Ron finished with my prized pubic bush, leaving my scrotum smooth as the day I was born. When they had finished, Stan and Ricky rubbed my body with baby oil, concentrating finally on my dick and forcing me to shoot my load again, which they rubbed into the now-smooth pubic area. Then the guys declared since I looked like a baby and could not control myself like a baby I should be treated like a baby. They took me down laid me on the kitchen table and brought in a white pillow case. This was all they could find to use as a diaper on me. They got baby powder and filled my crotch area with it then pinned me into the diaper. Then they said it was time for baby to have his bottle. With the pillow case on I had to crawl into the living room lead by TOM. I was made to lay down on the sofa with my head in Tom's lap and was given a baby bottle (of beer) but he only let me have it in short sips. We were join by the rest of the guys in the living room to watch TV for the rest of the evening. There were no further sexual adventures that night, much to my relief, but the fact of my diapered-nudity among six full-dressed guys made me continually conscious of my position, and once or twice I had to cross my legs to conceal another burgeoning hard-on. On Sunday, I was allowed clothes, being forced to strip twice, once when Tom came over, and again when Stan and Ricky showed up to see how looked after one day's growth of pubes. We packed up after lunch and headed back to the campus, saying good-by to Tom and Stan and Ricky. Admittedly, I've had other adventures with my three "sweetmates" and other of their friends since then, but that first weekend will always be my greatest memory.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Skiviesman

Weekend Hazing

I did not have any sexual experience when I arrived at college. But with my first semester in college, things changed drastically. I arrived on campus, having just turned eighteen the month before, and was assigned to a suite with one junior and two seniors. My three "suite-mates" (later to be called "sweetmates" or just "sir") had not been eligible this year to live in their


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