Gay Erotic Stories

Wendigo, Part 1

by Doran Runninghawk

Reprinted March 2000 for the erotic story archives. by Doran Runninghawk. Yes, I know the story is full of inaccuracies, (called writer's license). It was written for the pleasure of the readers only, not as an historical documentary. Any comments good or bad, that you may have about this work will be answered and appreciated. Flames will be read and deleted without answering. Wendigo I Wendigo The breeze sighs like me as I watch you lying on your stomach, lapping at the frothy water like a sleek brown mountain cat; and just as dangerous. Your breech clout is askew and the firm, sun warmed mounds of your man moons invite my eyes to feast and my clawed hands to fondle. I feel the old, familiar ache in my loins beginning to pulsate as you look up and around, wary as a hart in rut. Your long midnight hair spreads like heavy corn silk across your broad back and shoulders. Your black eyes, mystical in their heritage, see me and yet do not see me as I crouch among the rocks and leaves. I am well hidden, blended if you will, with the foliage, one moment green and trembly, and the next hard and rippled and rusty brown as the bark of a tree. You know what I desire. You are squatting now with your brown hands in the tumbling water. Your reflexes, lightning fast, pluck an unwary fish from the water, which you will roast and eat to fill your hungry belly. You handle the creature as though you would cherish it rather than consume it, and as I watch, son of the sun, my fangs bare in amusement as you say your cherokee words of respect for the life of the creature. I want to spit the drool that is pooling around my tongue and slipping forth from my fanged mouth, but I dare seem to be aware of my presence and to do so would only make you spring away from me once again. You look around again as though the very movement of the wind has given away my presence to you. Like an animal of the forest, you startle easily. I wonder for a moment if you are actually aware of the serious nature of my relentless pursuit of you...of my insatiable hunger for you. Instinctively I KNOW that you are, and this knowledge stirs my member to throbbing erection. My clawed hand, of its own accord, drops to squeeze the engorgement, giving me a moment of pleasure and surcease. I remember vividly the look of resignation in your eyes the day before your escape from my City. You were willing to forfeit your life to feed my hunger then, and you gave of yourself, pleasuring me as I have never been pleasured, and then, as I slept you fled my world. You fled from ME. How I suffered for that, and my hunger went unsated for many moons, even though I devoured and rent the choicest flesh in the Aztec, Mayan, Toltec, and Tabascan empire and beyond. Even though I had them brought from far and near. I hunted them and drank their blood and still went hungry...and why? You, tsa-ra-gi....cherokee. My very soul sings with the sight of you crouched there making your fire and preparing your simple meal. Ahhhhhh. You are again sniffing the breeze. I have always sensed that you could smell my presence, as one smells the odor of death and decay in the chamber of bones. Yes, tsa-ra-gi, you DO smell me, you smell your own demise. You rise, your belly hard and flat, your precious sac holding the power of a soon to be conquered people. Your legs propel you toward the trees where I hide and you are now so close I can see the beaded design on your mocassins. I can smell the leather. I can smell your maleness. Your brown hand clutches your blade in readiness as you move toward the clump of trees where I and my band of hunters await you. You take out your manserpent and aim it at a spot very close to where I hide, and let go a fragrant golden stream of piss. It splashes on my sandals and my robe, but I am so enthralled watching you that I am unable to give the signal for your capture...I would toy with you a bit longer. II Warrior My bladder relieved, I move back into the ring of light cast by my fire and prepare to eat the fish I have caught. I feel my hair spreading heavily across my back like prickles of warning. Like all braves of my nation I respect the life the gichi manito gives us. There is not much pleasure to the eating of the meal, for, to satisfy my hunger another creature must give its life. I am apprehensive as a small animal stalked by the mountain cat. I smell an unmistakable foulness in the air...a foulness that does not belong here in the land of my fathers. It is the foulness of dead and decaying flesh, human flesh. A thing of horror that belongs many moons travel south of my home. I rise again, sheathing my blade and snatch up my bow as though I would resume hunting in the twilight, and move slowly to the waters' edge. At the last moment I begin to run and clear it easily. Once on the other side I leap into the clump of trees and disappear. I don't look back, because I have no need to look back, I smelled your foul odor as I relieved myself at the edge of the forest glade where you were concealed. If I did look back I know that I would see the white shaven pates of the city dwellers emerging from the foliage for the chase. The night air burns in my lungs as I clear the ledge and land heavily on the other side, nearly slipping into the deep chasm below. Within a short time I hear the screams of my pursuers, larger, heavier, and more sturdy.....and therefore much slower than myself, as they plummet into the deep crack in the earth to lie broken and bleeding at the bottom. I stand for a moment listening in terror to the demonic howls of lament ululating from the throats of the wendigo hunters from the City of Moctezuma. It will take them a while to get across and I have time to flee. I run as fast as my runner's body will take me. Not in the direction of my village, but away from it, judging by the stars: I have no knowledge of how many there are in the Wendigo hunting party . I would not endanger my family and my people by leading them to my village.. I am silently praying to the god of my people to spare me capture by the flesheaters. As though in answer, the tiny scar over my breastbone begins to sting as it did the day your obsidian blade rested against it, slowly opening my flesh just enough to allow my blood to escape and fill the hungry mouth bending to suck it. I stop, panting with exertion, and close my eyes to clearly see the face in my nightmares....the clear, terrifying eyes of the Aztec highpriest, I begin to run again. I have been running, it seems forever, and yet never can I free myself from the memory...or the pursuit. III Wendigo I stop suddenly, my foot nearly slipping over the sharp, unexpected edge, too late recalling your cunning. One of my party, unable to stop in time, has taken a fall and is screaming in agonyat the bottom of the chasm. The howls of my hunters for their injured loved one at the bottom, and the ones you killed during your escape, echo in my ears, and hot tears of rage pour from my eyes. I hear the weakened moans of one of my own lying at the bottom of the belly burns with hunger and my loins with need.... but I smile a deadly smile of promise, I will have you tsa-ra-gi. Undefeated, I say to my hunters. "Two of you get him, we camp here for the night." I motion with my staff to the chasm and smile a smile that is ripe with the promise of retribution. "Our quarry is cunning and dangerous and I would pursue him in the safety of the light of day. " I realize I am no match for you, even in the time of darkness when my powers are strongest, for I am old and you are young, your sweet youth burgeoning, draining me........I realize that truly, you will escape me once again, unless...............I begin to sing the words to the serpents' spawn, calling him from his lair in the bowels of the world. Calling him to the aid of his most loyal high priest and follower. As the unfortunate injured acolyte is dragged out of the chasm, I crouch down on my heels and draw my deadly obsidian blade from its sheath, tracing the incantations into the soil. The rescuers lay him at my feet, spreading his straining, broken limbs into the ritual position. He is screaming now, perhaps with pain, but also with the knowledge that we will devour his body and free his soul to live with the gods of our people. As I gaze into his colorless eyes, I recall with a tinge of regret, the many nights and the many ways he pleasured my body with his in the past. My fanged smile and the white demon light in my eyes tells him just how terribly I will miss him.....The stalking moon is rising high, and I begin...... Laughing, I bend forward and press my lips to his, tasting the blood from his ruptured organs as it oozes its way upward toward the freedom of the outside of his body. At the same time I press my blade to the soft valley between his third and fourth rib and push gently....ever so gently, savoring the feel of the thin blade as it makes it way to his heart. The blade slips between them as easily as my tongue slips into his mouth to silence his dying protest......As easily as my sex had in the past slid into his serpent's hole. IV Warrior The rays of the sun begin streaking redly the sky and the mountains take on an iridescence like the all seeing eyes of manito. I stop for a moment, breathless and exhausted, to offer thanks for a new day. I can see for miles in every direction and no sign of my pursuers. I can feel them, I can feel HIM, deep in my bones and in my thoughts. I can feel him inside my very soul. I can again feel him inside my body. Those dreadful colorless eyes watch my every move. That fanged mouth laughs with growing derision at my futile attempts to escape his just anger. I run faster, my lungs burning like fire, hoping futilely I may yet outrun him before the moon god climbs onto his throne. This night the moon would be full and evil will walk in the darkness. If the highpriest of Quetzacoatl should decide to seek help from the underworld, this Man of the People would truly be lost. Without thinking twice I begin to scale down the face of the jagged mountain. I have long since left the land of my nation and entered into the territory of the hostile sho sho ne, but even the threat of capture by an enemy nation is preferable to facing capture by the Wendigo. I am weary, much too weary to go on with my flight. Lady Sun is dying as she gives birth to the moon. My eyes, with no will of their own keep closing in slumber. Delicious and overpowering, sleep finally overtakes me. Too late, I realize that though my athletic body may flee those practitioners of dark Aztec magic, my spirit, if they are conjuring, is always in danger. Unable to go on I fall against the base of a large tree with nowhere else to hide. I flesh has gone cold and I am exhausted and defeated. I curl into the position of the womb where once I was safe and I sleep only until the nightmare face again looms above me. I feel the cold claws of some nameless demon tracing a chilly path down my spine to the cleft between my buttocks. I feel its icy entrance into my vulnerable netherhole and its slow and freezing progress to the center of my being where it coils like the shining serpent Quetzacoatl, turning my very spirit to ice. V Wendigo Oh, beauteous son of the earth, even in slumber you recognize me and my brother demon who holds your black eyes closed in slumber. The long length of your heavy lashes feather out upon your high cheekbones, creating shadow which beckons my lips to brush them. My hand trembles to touch your throat and chest, and caress the smooth hard maleness beneath the brightness of your breech clout. My hunters hold you as I ready your body for my pleasure. I revel in the sweet scent of your youth and the lustre of your dark hair as it falls across your face and chest as you slumber. I chuckle, knowing that you would not be expecting this. Conjuring to capture you has weakened me, but I will regain my strength as I will sap yours once inside your body. I will you to waken, and take perverse pleasure in the sight of your despair as you realize you are once again my slave. You didn't think I would resort to a weakening conjure so far from my Temple, did you, tsa-ra-gi? I smile down at you, baring my sharpened black teeth. My fingers feel the trembling of your precious body as I kneel admiringly between your taut, widespread thighs. My clawed hands rest upon the rippling hardness of your broad, hairless chest and flat belly. I have an insane urge to toy with the fringe of your hightopped mocassins, and to trace the beadwork with my split tongue to prolong your suffering..... An offering of chill saliva strings from my mouth to the altar of your manhood where I could worship forever. Your smooth belly quivers in dread anticipation as my hot, starving, mouth takes your manroot inside and rolls it around and around my tongue. My forked tongue delights in the taste of your sex, licking the sweet drop of slick moisture forming at the tip. I savor the feel of your hardening mantool and know once again that you are in my power. I wet a clawed finger and caress the sweet valley between your straining manmoons. I am satisfied to hear you moan in pleasure, fear and pain. My cloudy blue eyes search your black ones for a sign, any sign that you may feel something other than revulsion when you look at no avail. Your beautiful mouth is hard and your white teeth clench in defiant terror as you strain against the hands of my minions. Even so, my fingers thrill at the tightness of your puckered entrance, and push in ever deeper as though by doing so, I could locate and withdraw your tsa-ra-gi heart, still beating, from your body. I savor the sounds of your pain and relish the way your strong body writhes beneath mine as I continue to toy with your tender nether hole. "Stretch his arms above his head." I snarl to my acolytes. " Spread his legs wider apart." They do it...of course their highpriest will be obeyed. I catch my breath in awe and wonder at the thick ropes of muscle straining in your arms. I open my robe. My own sex is hard and standing ready. You endeaver to turn your head away, that you will not be forced to look at my hideousness, but I have another of my minions hold your head. "If you attempt to close your eyes, I will be forced to slit your lids." I warn with an evil grimace. Oh, to damage those delightful, flashing orbs would bring death to me, but I would do it...I have no choice. I clasp your slim, hard hips, raising them to meet mine, and then begin to guide my rock hard manserpent into your glorious orifice, rejoicing in the pleasure your terror stirs within me. VI Warrior Wakening slowly, I realize I am no longer safe within the arms of slumber. I am aware of the hard, cold hands restraining my aching limbs, and positioning my body, my legs wide apart. I can smell the foul odor of dried blood and the fetid breath of the flesheating fiends from the City of Moctezuma. I want to mouthe the words of denial that would free me from this nightmare, but they are hard coming with the reality of the moment. I see the clouded blue of your eyes and the scaling dried blood on your shaved pate and wonder, strangely, if under those ritual blood-markings, you may be human or ever had been human. The horror of your sharpened teeth as your mouth descends to encircle the head of my manroot freezes my blood. I want to close my eyes, but I recall your warning, and to have to remain alive with my eyelids slit would add to the terror of an already unendurable slavery. I try to focus my mind on anything other than the reality of the moment, but it is not possible. Your minions are too numerous and too strong for my wearied body to fight, though I continue to struggle. Their leering mouths, leaking drool, are much too close to my face, and I gag at the fetid odor of their breath and unwashed bodies. "LOOK AT ME," you are saying hypnotically. " Look into the eyes of your doom. Look into the eyes of your master". I grit my teeth as your hard mantool forces it's way into my body. I try not to breathe as you lean forward to capture my dry mouth with yours. I feel the horror of your sharpened teeth abrading my mouth, my throat, my chest. I pray to the Great Spirit to free my soul from my body, but, from a son of his earth, the Great Manito expects perseverence and sacrifice, as do all the gods. As you fill me and begin to move inside me, my mind darkens...but my body soon betrays me and begins to respond. My own mantool is engorged and throbbing in your hand or the hand of one of your lower order priests.....I am ashamed of myself as I hear the victorious laughter of your minions from a great distance. Unable to stop myself, I begin to move with you in our primitive rhythm. I feel the hands of my captors relax and then free my limbs altogether. My legs, with a will of their own, wrap loosely around your heaving shoulders, drawing you closer, deeper into me. I feel your clawed hands in my hair and my mind draws into itself, shutting out reality and giving into base sensation. VII Wendigo Mine!!!!!! The roaring triumphant laughter boils up from somewhere deep inside my body and erupts eeerily into the echoing forest, sending animals and creeping things scurrying and slithering to the safety of their burrows and nests. You are mine as you always have been mine since the first day I saw your image in the pool of mystic water near my Temple. I pound my mantool deeper into your hard belly, watching every expression on your face. My loose sac slaps noisily against your hard manmoons and I am elated as never I have been. Oh, warrior of The People, I could almost give up my own people, my position and and my world for you, if I thought your people would accept me. I cry out in triumph as my seed spurts deeply into you and yours spurts all over my belly, chest and even in my face. I lick it off hungrily, trying not to allow my thick manserpent to withdraw from your tight hole.....but alas, my age tells on me and my drained serpent shrinks and shrivels from its lair, now clean and coated with manhoney, and the fragrant inner fluids of your bowel. I look around hastily for a medium sized, smooth rock and hastily work it into your tight hole to hold my seed inside you. As long as it remains within your body, you cannot fight me. My minions crowd about, hissing, snarling, awaiting their turn to share the feast which would flow from that sweetly stretched little hole if I were to allow it. I rise threateningly, drawing my blade, and order them to retreat or die. You are mine, young Man of The People. None of them are worthy to share you. "Bind his hands with leather thongs." I order softly, and before you recover enough to react or flee. I watch intently as my orders are carried out. I reach down and remove your breechclout. "You have no more need of raiment, slave." I whisper in your own tongue, so there is no doubt in your mind I am your master. You moan softly, your black, glittering eyes only half cognizant to your situation. My shriveled manserpent is hanging dejectedly against my ragged, empty scrotal sac. A thin string of syrupy nectar silently strings its way from my pisshole to the grassy space between your firm brown thighs as though marking this territory as mine alone. My hand encircles my manserpent, milking it, and stretching it to its full, considerable length. Sharp sensations of ecstasy shoot through my body in every direction as I continue to manipulate and pleasure myself. Unexpectedly, my manserpent raises its head, alive once more and aching to fill your tight lair. I can feel the cold colorless stares of my henchmen upon me and upon my prize. I can feel their hunger. "You may prepare me for him....." At a nod, my second approaches, drops to his knees and takes my flaccid manserpent into his hungry mouth. He begins to suck it as though he would drain the very blood from my veins, licking your juices even from the shriveled sac below, and from my scrawny thighs. I sigh in pleasure as I see that you are moving now and I bid him hurry, for I cannot wait to enter your boyhole again. "I promise you a turn soon." I lie smoothly, knowing full well I will never share you. "Now, spread him and remove the plug from his body............" VIII Warrior UNNNNGH! I moan as the pressure inside me again brings me to full consciousness. I open my eyes to see your servant kneeling between my legs, his hand working deeply in my savaged orifice. AAAAAAHGHHH! I scream, as I realize he is using his hand and removing the hard object from inside me. He smiles evilly at the sound of my protests. He deliberately makes a fist around the object inside me and pulls it out with an arrowshot of agony at my strained entrance.. I feel the cold rush of air against my nether cheeks as your seed begins to flow like an untrapped demon from my torn hole, to pool under my moons and I tremble as the agony abates somewhat. I fight to control the unmanly water beginning to spill from my eyes to no avail. The creature between my legs raises his arm and laughingly shows me a smooth stone dripping with glistening man nectar. I moan again, knowing full well my torment is just beginning, and that the manito would not free this Man of The People on this day. Maybe never. Perhaps this Man of The People would languish as a slave to the followers of the serpent for the duration of his life. Perhaps this Man of The People would do well to pray for a short life.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Doran Runninghawk

Gilded Iron, Part 1

* Blessed are the Peacemaker's for they shall be called the children of God. Gilded Iron chapter I Aristan, of the noble Peacemaker bloodline was wide awake. His round blue eyes with their strange starburst pupils, as always danced with mischief from the moment they opened until the moment he closed them finally in uneasy slumber at the end of the waking. He

Gilded Iron, Part 2

Re-entering his home, Ari hugged himself, still shivering from the delicious sensations stirred into being by his last release. He despised the human frailty of the rabble, but by the same token he also despised the strengths of his own kind. Too much of which, he reasoned, was in itself a weakness. His hand toyed ceaselessly with the chained crystal, lying in the hollow of his

Gilded Iron, Part 3

Just how damned bad can anybody's luck be, Ari, disgruntled, asked himself. He reckoned that it was as bad as anyone's luck COULD be at the moment. His blue gaze caught Scipi's for a split second and he whispered, "I wish I had brought my pistol." Scipi eyed him as though he had grown another head: it was unthinkable that he’d shot not just one Templar, but two! They would

My Brother, My Love.........

It was hot, the first part of August, and my companion, Jeff and I decided to head for my cabin on the outskirts of Fairdale Ky. Surrounded by woods and unspoiled hills and farmland, it was the perfect place to spend Jeff's birthday in peace and quiet away from the heat and the hustle and bustle of south Louisville, where we stayed most of the time. Jeff was lying on the bed

Wendigo, Part 1

Reprinted March 2000 for the erotic story archives. by Doran Runninghawk. Yes, I know the story is full of inaccuracies, (called writer's license). It was written for the pleasure of the readers only, not as an historical documentary. Any comments good or bad, that you may have about this work will be answered and appreciated. Flames will be read and deleted

Wendigo, Part 2

Note: Most of this story is historically correct. Some of the cultural practices have been altered to fit the tone of the story. The nature of the characters are for the most part, fictionalized and not intended to detract from the memories of any of any actual person living or dead. PART II: The young Cherokee warrior, kidnapped from his land, and far from his people, is now the

Wendigo, Part 3

Wendigo III I Conqueror: I lead you away from the hall and the festivities there, watching as you stop and begin to cleanse yourself in a cool splashing fountain. I am tempted to join you there, but I wish more to sleep off the effects of the heavy corn liquor I have consumed with the others, while breaking the spirit of young Moctezuma. I take you in my arms, finally beginning


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