Gay Erotic Stories

When Angels Fall, Part 1

by Chesire Cat

When Angels Fall Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or if you are too young where you are to read porn material, LEAVE! I'm serious. I'm not responsible if your mother catches you choking the chicken to this. This disclaimer protects my ass. If you are legal, feel free to distribute this among other consenting adults. All I ask is that you keep my words, title, and writing name the same. Now, you may enjoy. Author's note: All of my stories based on "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer" are going to be a relative continuation of the others. I will make references to the previous ones, so you might want to read those to get a better understanding. This is my third story. My first one is Angel of the Darkness. I plan on writing several, so just keep checking. Part 1 Spike led Angel to the bedroom. Angel was pushed onto the large bed and Spike quickly removed both of their clothes. Angel was still a bit shocked with the night's events, and Spike didn't waste the opportunity. He quickly engulfed Angel in his mouth. Despite Angel's repulsion of what he had been and what Spike was, the skilled mouth quickly had him straining at full mast. Spike's hole was still slick from the earlier fuck with Xander, so he rolled onto his stomach and spread his legs. Angel was too horny to refuse. He needed to climax, so he forcefully plunged into the tight opening. Each thrust was rough with need and repulsion. Angel's thrusts became more violent as he neared climax. With each push, Spike moaned in ecstasy. They came together, Angel deep in Spike's bowels and Spike onto the sheets without touching his cock. Angel collapsed, resting his head on Spike's back as their sweat mingled. After an eternity, Angel withdrew and rolled onto his side, his back facing Spike. Spike was completely drained and about to fall asleep, when he heard the gentle whimpering. He could smell the blood tears as Angel cried. Spike touched his shoulder and Angel flinched. "What's wrong love? You can't tell me you didn't enjoy that." Spike realized that was the problem. Angel really was in love with the slayer, and his guilt and loss were ripping him apart inside. Even being unable to truly love, as all vampires are without souls (unless cursed), Spike did have affection for Angel, and it made him uncomfortable to see Angel in pain. "What if I make a deal with you?" "Why should you make any deal? You've got what you want. I told you I'd stay and be lover to you and Dru, again." "Yes, but I can't stand to see you like this. If you promise to stop crying and you don't try anything while your with her, I'll let you go up top tomorrow night and say goodbye to your slayer girlfriend." Angel turned to face Spike, almost not believing the offer. Red streaks covered his face from crying. Spike just looked at him waiting for an answer. Angel nodded his head yes. "You understand this is for one night only and that you can't try anything like leading her down here? For you I won't go looking for her, but if she attacks I won't hesitate in killing her. Understood?" Angel nodded again. Exhausted they fell asleep. Meanwhile, Buffy was waiting at Angel's apartment. She heard a van pull along side the street. A door opened and closed, and the car took off. Curious, she looked outside. Xander was lying in the street. He slowly sat up as Buffy raced over to him and threw her arms around him. "Xander, what happened?! We've been looking for you? I was waiting for Angel. We thought Spike had you." "He did." Buffy smile of relief vanished, as she heard the tone in his voice. She helped him up, and they went into Angel's apartment to sit down. "What happened?" "Angel was making me dinner as a 'thank you' for my helping him with you. I was on my way here and Spike grabbed me. By the time Angel knew what had happened the sun was up. He came right at sundown. Spike made him a deal. Either I die or Angel stays as Spike and Drusilla's lover. Angel stayed." Buffy grew pale as the images from Xander's story entered her mind. She got up and headed for the door. "Buffy, what are we going to do?" "I'm going to see Giles. We're gonna find a way to get to Spike, and I'm gonna kill him. I'm never going to let him threaten anyone I care about ever, again. I don't care how many vampires I have to face. By this time next week, Spike and Drusilla will fit in an ashtray." Buffy walked out the door with Xander close behind. Despite the late hour, she headed for Giles' place. Giles was less than thrilled about being woken up at the late hour, but he was quite relieved that Xander was unhurt. Buffy quickly explained the situation. Giles didn't know of any way to locate the lair, but one look from Buffy's steel glare, and he knew he would have to look through all his books anyway. "Go home, Buffy." "Giles, I..." "This night is over for you two. Go home. Sleep. If I find something, you'll know when you see me in school. Besides, slayer or not, you won't be able to fight Spike, if you are too exhausted to stand." "You're right. We'll go, but can we use your phone. I'm sure Willow hasn't slept. We need to update her." Giles nodded. After a quick call to Willow, Buffy and Xander left. They used the walk home to try to figure out something to tell Xander's parents. The day passes quickly for everyone. Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Xander absorbed themselves in trying to find a way to the lair. Angel, Spike, and the other vampires slept. By the time night fell, everyone was anxious. Buffy went out hunting, while the others researched. She killed twelve vampires before eleven o'clock even came around. Before she staked them, she tried to get them to reveal the location of the lair, but they seemed more afraid of Spike and Drusilla than death. It really wasn't surprising. Everyone knew Dru was insane. Her punishment of the vampires would therefore be completely unpredictable and without a doubt painful. Buffy was on her way to another favorite hang out of the local vampires, when she sensed one in the alley. She pulled out a stake and was poised to attack, when a familiar shape emerged. She couldn't believe it. It was Angel. She pulled him into a fierce hug, one that would have knocked the breath out of Angel if he had any. "Angel! I can't believe it's you. I was so worried. How did you get away?" "I didn't." "I don't understand." "Spike let me leave just for say goodbye to you." "You can't be serious." "I gave him my word." "Break it." "I can't. I don't want to stay long. It just makes going back harder. Just remember that I love you." Angel kissed her and turned to walk away. "Angel! Angel! Don't do this! Don't you dare walk away from me!" Angel stiffened but continued walking. After the shadows swallowed up his form, Buffy heard his voice one last time before her slayer instincts lost his "scent." "Don't bother coming for me. I mean it. Spike won't come after you, but he'll kill you if you come for me. Forget about me. I'm lost." As he disappeared, Buffy collapsed onto the ground. She began crying and didn't stop, until someone noticed her and asked if she was alright. She got up, went home, and crawled into bed. For the first time in her life, she truly felt alone. Stay tuned for part 2... P.S. You can e-mail comments about any of my stories to It is the one I have set aside for your feedback. All of my stories will be written under the name, The Chesire Cat. Enjoy!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Chesire Cat

When Angels Fall, Part 1

When Angels Fall Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or if you are too young


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