Gay Erotic Stories

When Angels Fall, Part 6

by The Chesire Cat

When Angels Fall, Part VI Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners(the WB and Joss Whedon), and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It is in no way intended to infringe upon the copyright laws protecting the show. It contains f/f sex and torture. If you don't like this or if you are too young where you are to read porn material, LEAVE! I'm serious. I'm not responsible if your mother catches you choking the chicken to this. This disclaimer protects my ass. If you are legal, feel free to distribute this among other consenting adults. All I ask is that you keep my words, title, and writing name the same. Now, you may enjoy...Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters from, episodes, etc. are the undisputed property of Warner Bros. Hopefully, they will be infinitely kind like so many other show owners and turn the blind eye to fan fiction. This story was never intended to infringe on their ownership and copyright. Author's note: All of my stories based on "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer" are going to be a relative continuation of the others. I will make references to the previous ones, so you might want to read those to get a better understanding. This is my third story. My first one is Angel of the Darkness. I plan on writing several, so just keep checking. Part 6 Buffy and Giles went for the lair right at sundown. The plan was that Buffy would try to get Xander out while he pulled up the rear. If she got into trouble, he could safely use his crossbow at a distance (and if absolutely necessary, he'd be able to kill Angel, even if Buffy couldn't). Though the last thought had gone unsaid, they both knew it was a choice they might have to make. They searched the abandoned buildings, until Buffy found the right one. She snuck in quietly, her feet whispering on the ground. Xander was in the main entrance. He looked even worse than in the picture. His head hung, indicating his unconscious state, but the bonds held him upright. Any anger Buffy might have felt towards him melted at the site. Only now did Buffy realize how much he meant to her. He was her friend, and no matter how badly he'd messed up, she knew he had never really intended to hurt her. Buffy was so lost in her feelings, she didn't even notice the figure approaching her back, until it was almost too late. Hones senses reacted, flipping her shadowed assailant into the light. She pulled out a stake and was about to strike, but recognition hit her. Angel scrambled to his feet, true face revealed. He assumed a fighting stance and smiled. "Angel..." Buffy muttered, numb from the betrayal. It wasn't really a question or a statement. "Hey, Buff. I see you got my package. Like my 'kiss and make up' gift?" "Angel, we know something's wrong. This alignment is messing with your head. It'll be over soon. Just come with us. We can help you." "Help me?! Oh, I think you've done enough. You slowed it down, but I finally got the real help I needed." Buffy stared at him, not understanding his words. What help could he be talking about? "He means us, bitch. Did you really think the alignment did this? By the stars, you really are dense. We brought Angel back." Buffy turned to see Spike roll in, Drusilla by his side. Three of their minions came from out of the shadows, completing the circle around her. Buffy kept an eye on each one, but she concentrated on Angel, knowing him to be the best fighter. "You're not Angel..." "Sure I am." "Not my Angel...not mine..." "Well, I can't argue there," Angel said as he lunged towards her. She blocked his attack, but it left her flank exposed. A flunkie was able to land a solid punch to her ribs. Buffy continued fighting, but even she could only fight so many. Giles noticed this, and even though he wanted to aim for the heads of the local vampire infestation, he knew he had to get rid of the flunkies. Buffy would certainly be able to defeat the minions, but he wondered, if she would ever forgive him for killing Angel without properly trying to save him. With the only three arrows he had, Giles dusted the three henchmen. Without the punches slipping through her guard, Buffy was able to drive off the blows and start returning them. Drusilla quickly began getting Spike to safety, as Buffy became more aggressive. Angel was left alone to deal with Buffy. They were pretty evenly matched, him with the strength of a vampire and centuries of experience, her with the powers of the slayer, but it wouldn't last. Every moment that passed brought them closer to the alignment. As the fight continued, even with the alignment not yet come, Angel was becoming stronger and faster. The only advantage to the fight was that it gave Giles a chance to free Xander and get away. No more time to waste, nothing more to be gained by hesitating, Buffy stopped pulling her punches. Her fists and feet began slipping through Angel's defense. For every touch he scored, she returned three. Angel was eventually knocked to the ground. Buffy in bloodlust grabbed a stake, but before she could delivery the killing blow, Angel's face returned to normal. The stake stopped just two inches above his chest. Angel merely smiled at her. "What are waiting for? Do it." Buffy tried to, but she couldn't kill him. No matter the amount of pain he had caused her, she still loved him, and he knew it. "Do it, Buffy, or you'll regret it. I'll destroy all you care about, until you beg me for death. Then, maybe, just maybe, I'll give it to you." Buffy put the stake away and walked out. Her logic demanded Angel's death. She knew Spike lied, but he enjoyed tormenting her with the truth more. Angel might be gone, so he was a bigger threat than any she had ever faced. She knew she should finish him, but her heart drowned out her logic. The wound was too fresh. Maybe in time, if she couldn't save him, she would be able to but not now. Buffy met Giles at the hospital. They had to fill out a police report about what happened to Xander. Luckily, Giles had been able to wake Xander up and agree on a story of some gang passing through and roughing him up. Xander of course did not get a good look at any of them. Buffy and Giles had just happened to here him in an alley where they'd left him tied up. After he was examined and the doctors confirmed he was just beaten and would recover with rest, they were allowed to see him. "Hey," Xander said as they walked in. "How are you?" Buffy asked. "I'll live," Xander replied, not able to look her in the eye. "We called your parents and Willow. Everyone was worried about you." "Everyone?" Xander asked, still looking away. "Yes. Everyone. Look, Xander, about what happened..." "Please, Buffy, I knew what I was doing. I wasn't drugged." "Would you let me finish?!" Buffy nearly yelled, resisting the urge to smack him, "I'm trying to say I care about you. You're one of my best friends, and you did save my life. I'm still mad, but I've forgiven you. Just give me a little space for a while, and we'll be fine." "Really?" Xander asked, daring to look at her. Buffy replied by hugging him, but a gasp of pain cut the hug short. Buffy remembered the cuts and sat back, a look of concern on her face. "Xander! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." "It's alright. It was worth it," Xander said with a smile. Buffy and Giles left the room to let Xander rest. Willow showed up too late to visit, and she was soon followed by Xander's parents. They were allowed in, even though Xander was out of it from the painkillers. While they were alone, Buffy and Giles filled Willow in. "Willow, do you mind if I stay at your house? I really don't want to be alone. I already called my mom, and she said if it's okay with you..." "Sure. You know you're welcome at my house." Giles dropped Buffy and Willow off, right before heading home. Buffy stripped to her underwear and crawled under the covers. Willow emerged from the bathroom dressed in pajamas. She joined Buffy on the bed. Willow sat there trying to think of something to say, but Buffy broke the silence first. "Is there something wrong with me, Willow?" "No. Why?" "It seems like I've got some kind of curse. First, I'm chosen as the slayer, blowing any chance at a normal life. Finally, I meet someone I fall for, who can handle my life, because it's not as weird as his. Then, he cheats on me with someone else who happens to be in love with me. Now, he wants to kill me. It seems like every time I get a chance at something close to happiness, it winds up being ripped away and hurting a lot of people. It's a wonder at all anyone loves me. I'm a constant danger." "No, it isn't! Buffy, didn't you ever wonder why people fall in love with you? You're beautiful, sweet, you think of others first....You even have people falling in love with you that you don't know about." "Like who?" Willow turned away, blushing a little. "You?!" Buffy exclaimed, "You're in love with me?!" "Please, don't be mad...I...I..." Willow stuttered, praying Buffy wouldn't look at her in disgust, because she knew that would kill her. "I'm not mad, just surprised...I thought you loved Xander...I mean I didn't think you were, well..." "You didn't seem so surprised when you found out Angel liked both," Willow said becoming defensive. "I guess you just caught me off guard. I really didn't know what to expect with Angel. He's always been mysterious, but I guess I thought I had figured you out." "You mean you're not disgusted?" "Hardly. What makes you think I haven't thought about you once or twice?" Now, it was Willow's turn to stare with her mouth open. She couldn't believe her ears. She would never have guessed Buffy might find girls attractive, let alone her. "" "Watch those complex statements Willow." "I just never thought..." Buffy hushed her with a kiss, gently pressing their lips together. After all the recent losses and near losses, Buffy needed to feel love and life more than anything. The passion rose up in both of them, as the gentle kiss became a desperate hunger. Their tongues began dancing, as they clawed at each other, trying to remove the hindering clothes. It took some time, but soon they were naked and in each others arms. Buffy pulled away and admired Willow's body. The clothes she usually wore certainly did her no justice. Buffy leaned forward to suckle the nearest nipple, already hard and waiting. As her tongue began licking the tempting target, Willow began moaning. Buffy slipped her fingers into Willow's mouth to quiet her and avoid waking her parents. Buffy continued licking and began sucking and gently biting each tit, Willow gasping her approval. She didn't know how many orgasms Willow was capable of, sure she was a virgin, so she pulled back instead of risking ending it. Willow couldn't stand it. She practically dove on top of Buffy and buried her face in Buffy's moist crotch. It was true she lacked Angel's experience, but she was a quick study. Listening to Buffy's moans, she soon discovered what Buffy liked best. Willow felt her shudder with orgasm, muffling the moan in a pillow. Buffy eagerly returned the favor, lapping at and fingering Willow's love box, until she reached orgasm as well. They continued pleasuring each other for over two hours, until neither one could move. They fell asleep in each other's arms. In the morning, they showered and dressed before having a long talk. They both agreed it would be to confusing and complicated to pursue a relationship other than friendship, but they both knew without saying a word that whenever they saw each other, it would be hard to keep a goofy smile off their faces. Three days later... Xander was getting out of the hospital soon. Taking a break from the planning of his "Welcome Back" party, Buffy and Willow had gone to the only club in their little town. Buffy was silently thankful Angel wasn't there. Giles had yet to find a spell to restore Angel's soul. Even with Ms. Calendar searching the net, it could be a while. Willow stepped outside, while Buffy was on the dance floor. It was getting too hot in there, and it wasn't just due to crowds and the air conditioner not being high enough. Willow absently walked in the cool night air. A hand covered Willow's mouth, and she was dragged into the alley. She looked up and saw Angel smiling at her, as he pushed her against the wall. He moved his hand down to her throat, but one look told Willow to scream would mean death. "Hello, Willow. How you been?" "Oh....fine...thanks....I really gotta go now...nice seeing you, Angel...." "Go? But the night's still young. Where's that wild woman I saw a few nights ago?" "Huh?" "C'mon, Willow. I saw. I figured, if Buffy wasn't at her house, she'd be with you. Since you already invited me, I have access. I came over there to kill her, but what I saw was so much better. Watching you two made me hot and I couldn't kill while jacking off." Willow turned deep red under his words. "Now, I'm really not the jealous type. I don't mind sharing lovers, as long as I get to fuck whoever they fuck at least once." Angel began unzipping his fly, but Willow struggled, as she realized what his intentions were. She really couldn't put up much of a fight, but in her writhing her knee connected with Angel's balls. The pain caused him to slam Willow up against the wall dazing her. Angel zipped his fly back up and looked Willow in the eye. He moved his hand back up over her mouth. "Well, well, well....I was just going to fuck you, but now, all you get is a slow death. I thought it would be nice for you tell Buffy about what I did, but having her find your corpse, knowing she was close by is better." Angel bit into her throat, his hand muffling the scream. He had her pinned tight against the wall. Angel drank her blood slowly, letting her feel each drop of her life slip away. She was near death, when Buffy walked by calling Willow's name. Buffy stiffened, feeling the familiar presence. She turned in time to see Angel drop Willow and run away. Buffy rushed to Willow, forgetting about chasing Angel. Her skin was pale and cold, but there was a faint pulse. Buffy quickly scooped up Willow and yelled at some kids to call 911. She never left Willow, as they were rushed to the hospital. A little while later at the hospital, Giles, Willow's parents, Buffy's mother, and Xander (from his own room their) had joined Buffy. The doctor came out with a look of relief on his face. "She's very lucky she was rushed her so quickly. She is in critical condition, but with the tranfusions, she appears to have stabalized." They all breathed a sigh of relief at the news. Even though Willow wouldn't be awake for a while, they would be a little more at ease. Buffy's mother tried to get Buffy to come home, but she refused. Ms. Summers had work the next day but only agreed to leave after Giles promised to keep take care of her and give her a ride home a little later. Alone, Buffy, Giles, and Xander were free to talk. "I trust it was Angel, judging by the report you gave the police," Giles stated. "Yes...I was dancing...I didn't see her go outside...she couldn't have been gone more than a couple of minutes...he must have been waiting..." "The alignment has completely passed, Buffy. I'm sorry, but it appears you were told the truth." "I know....I guessed that night....have you found a cure?" "Not yet, but this is gypsy magic. Most of it was never recorded. However, that doesn't mean the spell isn't out there." "I can't wait. If you find it soon, fine, but I have to start hunting Angel. I can't risk more people being hurt. He'd want it that way..." Buffy leaned into her friends' shoulder, crying. She cried for what her delay had cost, for what had almost happened to Willow, for what had happened to all the people she didn't know about. She hoped against everything that Giles would find a spell, but she had to except the reality, there might not be a spell anymore. She could delay no longer. She had to kill Angel. The End To be continued in the next story....Like a Phoenix P.S. You can e-mail comments about any of my stories to It is the one I have set aside for your feedback. All of my stories will be written under the name, The Chesire Cat. Enjoy!


18 Gay Erotic Stories from The Chesire Cat

Always the Last to Know, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of

Always the Last to Know, Part 2

Part 2 Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 1

Angel Of The Darkness, Part I Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The Vampire

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 2

Angel Of The Darkness, Part II Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m/f and m/f sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy:

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 3

Angel Of The Darkness, Part III Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The

Even Angels Have Needs

Even Angels Have Needs by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or

Renegade Ass

Renegade Ass by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: Warning! Warning! Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga! This story contains graphic m/m sex, some nc. If this slash does not appeal to you or if you are not of the legal age wherever you may be, GO AWAY! I mean it. If you are of legal age, proceed at your own risk. This story is based on borrowed characters from the TV show "Renegade." They

Three Spirits -The Present

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 2

I was a boy among my kind, barely two centuries old. In my youth, I had the wanderlust. I travelled to any land I heard of. It was during these travels that I came to Atlantas. I was amazed at what had been done with the tiny island. Wizards had combined there strength to turn the desert island into a large, thriving paradise kingdom. It was there that I met him. I had finally

Three Spirits-The Future Part 1

Three Spirits: Part Three-The Future by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and

Three Spirits-The Future Part 2

When the guards came for Phillip that day, they found Michael standing in the only door way. His anger at what they had done dulled the repulsing powers of their charms and left Michael immovable. None of them really wanted to test his power, despite the chains, so they fetched the same older man. He looked at Michael, seeing the anger and hate seething from his cells. Even he was

Three Spirits-The Future Part 3

Hours later, all the survivor's of the Legacy team and the Visagorum met on the main boat. Though two Legacy members had been killed in the fight, the losses were minimal thanks to the Visagorum joining the battle. Derek and a few others had finished their last sweep of the island. Michael, though still weak from this ordeal, joined them in the temporary battle room, despite Nick's

When Angels Fall, Part 2

When Angels Fall, Part II Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if

When Angels Fall, Part 3

When Angels Fall, Part III Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are

When Angels Fall, Part 4

When Angels Fall, Part IV Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are too

When Angels Fall, Part 5

When Angels Fall, Part V Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/f sex, torture, and NC. If you don't like this or if you

When Angels Fall, Part 6

When Angels Fall, Part VI Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners(the WB and Joss Whedon), and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It is in no way intended to infringe upon the


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