Gay Erotic Stories

Whom I Created? Part 2

by Mark Mears

Whom I Created? Part 2 A little more background. The dictionary defines an incubus as a male sexual spirit or demon which preys upon women at night as they sleep, or in their dreams. Forgive somebody at Webster's for the narrowness of that description; it's right, to a point, but not exactly complete... How did Elexi, with his penetratingly deep, dark brown eyes, his dark, collar-length hair, perfectly tanned, perfectly proportioned features, smooth, exquisitely toned young body and that demanding, relentless organ from Hell come into existence...? What does it take to cast a spell? Does one always know when they have set something into motion? In spite of my unusual upbringing, I don't know; it probably takes next to nothing; a powerful thought can be like a prayer; a certain cadence of speech or the accidental following of some anciently-established ritual of movement can begin to weave a pattern that changes minds, makes someone fall in love (or off a cliff), influence events or even just sell cars, for that matter. And, no, I didn't know I was bringing Elexi into the world until it was done. But he's here. And now you know one of his names, which in itself may invite and strengthen him. Maybe you have already encountered him; his appearance may differ for you, or not; he'll probably start in your dreams, as he did mine, but he will become physical...very physical. You'll see and hear him when no one else can, and sometimes, whether you know it or not, he'll be inside of you, take you over, use you, be you, or you him. It's not like I had a choice in telling you; it's what he wants... There were so many steps leading up to his arrival, most of them uncounted. The short version is that I was raised by no less than four women on my mother's side, never knew my actual father, am of Irish and German and Blackfoot descent, dabbled in hypnosis and mind- control while sexually engaging another young virgin of Celtic blood, whom I made believe in the existence of Elexi. Add to that my early, rebellious practice of the Black Arts, no blood sacrifices, but plenty of sacrilege, and, finally, on the day the earth moved, what I believe was the final step in bringing him up, or over, from whence Elexi came... Believing makes it so, to the Believer... It was in the sunny January of Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Eight, very early in the afternoon, Los Angeles---Hawthorne, to be exact---that I was working in my upstairs bedroom, alone in my grandmother's house, on a piece of art I'd been thinking about while thinking back to my times in Oregon, of my friend Don and what we'd shared. I'd graduated high school a couple of years before and had just begun my time in college; art was and still is my focus. Maybe I was a bit home-sick for Oregon, or for Don, the rest of my family, or just becoming vaguely aware of some void inside of me then which needed filling. Aside from playing around as Don---and a few other of my buddies---and I had done, I was still a virgin by most standards at eighteen, and hurtin' for it bad by that time... The artwork would be a reflection of that, a poster-sized Tarot card dedicated to the image, meaning, symbolism, concept, whatever---of Elexi, whom I believed I invented as a way of bringing my friend Don into a role-playing game of hypnosis and sex, and who I'd told Don was from The City of Angels, where I now actually lived. The over-sized Tarot card, the only one I ever ended up making, depicted a robustly healthy nude male with dark, reddish-brown skin, dark eyes and hair, an exaggeratedly erect phallus and a very dominating pose and expression. The figure was surrounded by things which just came to me, a red rose in bloom on a thorny stem, an inverted pentagram enclosed within a circle, a sword, a candle, vines and leaves... It was beautiful and, as I finished its creation, then and there the earth trembled as it will on occasion in L.A., the tremors lasting a few seconds, only long enough for me to make a doubtful mental connection between what I'd made and was holding in my hands to the effect on nature around me. As soon as it ended, I turned the giant card over and wrote the date and time of the event on the artwork's back side, mostly thinking I was being foolish, but wanting it recorded, somehow, just in case... He came to me in the darkness, naked as though his perfect body had never worn clothing; he was beautiful, and savage; the smell of roses accompanied him. His body was hard and soft and warm as he pressed it against me and spoke, before kissing me on the lips. What Elexi said was, "Thank you for bringing me here, to you..." It was the only kind thing I ever recall him saying to me, when he deems it fit to speak at all. Nor could I answer, as his tongue entered my mouth, sweeping any thought of speech out of my mind. He was, to me, a god of some kind, and his limbs, his hands, all manipulated my own with such easy, knowing strength as to make me weak; I was his clay, though I had made him---or so I thought... I could see, with eyes closed, the curve of his neck as he licked mine, the full, almost pouting lower lip of his mouth as his white teeth bit where he'd licked. Somehow, I understood how it was possible for him to lose nothing of being male while he entered me, as though I were a woman---and I'd never yet been made love to in that way, didn't even fully realize I was capable, or that my body could accept such excellent intrusion, but he showed me. His grip was divinely obscene on my young ass as he fucked me, fucked me as I'd never been fucked. I think I cried with happiness; that was the emotion, anyway... And when he departed, afterwards, without his having spoken at all that I could hear, I knew both what he wanted, and what he promised... The first thing I did the following morning was to destroy the Tarot card; perhaps that was the wrong thing to do, maybe the thing which brought him here being the only thing which could threaten to send him back, but it's the first thing he wanted, after me... As for what he promised....and delivered...and still gives... I or he will tell you shortly...


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Mark Mears

Whom I Created? Conclusion

I've gotten out of the business of demon summoning, and I'll tell you why: they come. It's as simple as that... Before moving into the Christian-owned "Transition House" for males in recovery from drugs or alcohol or whatever demons torment them, when I had nearly a year clean, I stood on the balcony of a self-proclaimed witch named Cindy and said aloud, into the cosmos, "I could

Whom I Created? Part 1

Whom I Created? Part 1 One of the principle rules of modern witchcraft is, simply, "Be Careful What You Attract." It's applicable to ordinary life and should be easy to remember for that reason but, as with many lessons to be learned when one is young, as I was, this I had to discover from experience. Before I tell you about Elexi (and it's possible I may unleash

Whom I Created? Part 2

Whom I Created? Part 2 A little more background. The dictionary defines an incubus as a male sexual spirit or demon which preys upon women at night as they sleep, or in their dreams. Forgive somebody at Webster's for the narrowness of that description; it's right, to a point, but not exactly complete... How did Elexi, with his penetratingly deep, dark brown eyes,

Whom I Created? Part 3

Whom I Created? Part 3 It's been more than a few years since Elexi, whom most "right-thinking" people among you will call my fantasy lover, and what a few out there may know to be something quite other than fantasy, came into being, enough time for me to gain a sense of his nature and, through him, a bit more about my own. I've been forced to consider it.... For one

Whom I Created? Part 4

“What the hell are you thinking..?” Cathy, a trusted friend and former counselor asked me. “You know it’s too early for you to even be thinking about building a relationship with someone. It hasn’t even been a year yet…” “I know, I know.” I looked past her, avoiding her eyes, possibly, out the window of the beading shop she owned and ran, onto the rainy Oregon street outside. She

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