Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Weekend Fishing, Part 2

by Cliff

Well boys, I had to miss last year's trip due to the flu, and the other boys said it just wasn't the same. Everyone was apparently a little lethargic, and nothing much took place during the weekend. It was also one of the coldest winters in years, and as a result, everyone stayed clothed for almost the entire weekend. This year, we had to make up for two years running. During the course of the last year, even though my close friendship still continued with Tim, I found myself seeing more of Wayne just because our children were involved in similar activities - soccer, and swimming. We'd become close in a different way than Tim and I. Tim and I had lots of fun, talked about everything together, but never got into a deep discussion. Wayne, on the other hand was quiet, introspective, and loved to get into deep intellectual discussions about things that really mattered to him. He was interesting to have around - and would be the challenger when things got too quiet. This isn't to say he was a geek or nerd, he was quite pleasant to look at and to be around - just the quiet type. When we went up to the cabin, he usually stayed dressed or at least partially dressed. I think the only time I saw him naked the first time was when he came out of the shower with Ian, and early in the morning....and I found out that he was really just kind of an earthy guy. He didn't have shame about his body, and he really didn't have allot of interest in being intimate with any of us, he just played around - sometimes with himself, or watched the others. This time up at the cabin, things would be different.....for all of us. The day we left, was again a bitterly cold day. For some reason, none of us were in great moods...very quiet actually, until Ian (the driver and owner of the cabin) decided to pull over about 20 minutes into the drive, and stop for coffee. The truck stop was warm - 50's style, and we began to warm up, sipping away on coffee. We were all so quiet, until one of us (I can't remember who) said, "is anyone else's wife ticked off with them today"? No one was sure why - but, we guessed it was the cold weather, the long dark nights, and we had all just had those February blues. We even discussed not going for a few minutes, but decided to just for it, and if nothing else, at least it would be a weekend to relax. The ride was quiet, and relaxing, until the snow started to come down and as we pulled onto the road leading into the cabin, we saw a truck there .... and the chimney smoking away. Ian said, "What the hell...."? You guys wait here would ya? In about 10 minutes, Ian returned with a pleased look on his face. Well, it seems like our wives had arranged something nice for us. They got Jimmy (a good looking guy from the nearest town - handyman guy) to come by and start things up for us - plumbing - electricity - fire - including getting the barbecue going in the back so we could throw some steaks on and have a real feast. What could we do...we had to invite Jimmy for a steak dinner, and a couple of drinks. Of course, this would eliminate the guys getting naked if they wanted - due to the company, but we could manage....or so I thought. Ian (Mr. Naked), and the rest of us unpacked our bags quickly, but he came out of the bedroom wearing his boxers, and an old T-shirt. The rest of us kept all of our clothes on. It seemed that Jimmy and Ian knew each other quite well. He was a good looker - probably 26 or 27 - really nice smile and he looked in shape, though he kept his blue baggy mechanic's overalls on and his parka vest. We all finally started to wind down. Once the steaks were on the barbecue, we all toasted the weekend with a tumbler of scotch. Jimmy was asking quite a few questions - wondering what we did up there all weekend - where our wives were - what we did to amuse ourselves. We didn't tell him much, but did manage (after a few drinks) to tell him that it was a time for us to be however we wanted to be; by ourselves, go ice-fishing, go skating, be dressed, be undressed - it didn't matter. Well, he thought that was pretty cool, and wished us all well - and left. No sooner was he out the door, than Ian screamed - "okay boys - time to strip". The cabin was nice and warm now, and he immediately stripped off his boxers, and T-shirt - but kept on his socks. As usual, he looked great - a nice hairy body, kept in good shape - and a really hairy crotch, with a good size soft prick. We turned on the ghetto blaster and started moving around in our own little world - singing along with whatever was playing - some crazy 80's song when suddenly the door was shoved open and there was Jim watching us get a little crazy. "What the fuck"???? Ian - walked over to him and asked what was up. "Well, it is snowing up there more than I thought and my car is stuck up at the end of the road. I was wondering if I could sleep on the couch tonight and try digging out tomorrow if that's okay". We all looked at each other and said it would be fine. Ian said he'd fill Jim in on the clothing ritual while we changed. He didn't seem to mind Ian's nakedness, walked in and grabbed a beer. Wayne and Tim and I excused ourselves and went into the bedroom to get into different forms of undress. The floor was a little cool, so both Tim and I kept on our socks, I stripped off everything else, he did his usual thing and kept on his sweater letting his big white cock flop down against his thigh. Wayne, kept on his boxers and T-shirt, and we all strolled out into the sitting room. This was all natural for us, but it looked like Jimmy was a little uncomfortable. "Heh Jimmy - we're cool with however you want to be. This is just us - we want to hang loose - play cards". We pulled up the cards, the table and started to play black jack. The fire duties were assigned quickly for the weekend, and we got into some serious poker. After about an hour, we need a quick pee and food break, and headed towards the kitchen. So there we all were, our dicks exposed, having a ball, and Jim just sat at the table. "Listen guys...I don't want to be the only one....". "Whatever you want to do man - it's cool - no big deal." So he stood up and started taking off his overalls, and of course, we all started to look. He seemed a little timid, so I started to sing - real soft - the theme from "the stripper". He started to smirk, then Wayne joined in then Ian and finally Tim. We got into a loud raucous rendition of it, and Jim started playing along. He acted it out completely, slowly stripping off his overalls, until we saw that he too didn't wear underwear all the time. He yanked off his overalls and threw them across the room and started to grind his crotch so that his flaccid penis smacked up against his belly and back down. He had a great body, smooth upper, lightly furry from the crotch down, and a good sized nut sack. His dick was really thick and we all had a good stare. When it was over, he stood there for a minute and said...."fuck - I'm really cold", and grabbed his parka vest, leaving his nice thick dick on display for everyone. We all grabbed a beer, chips, nuts, pretzels whatever ..and headed back to the table. The only guy who was still clothed was Wayne. I sat across from Wayne while we were playing cards and gave him a quick wink before we started again. I dropped a card on the floor, and when I bent over to pick it up, I started to laugh. Here were all these guys around the table with their dicks on full display, all these great hairy just seemed kind of funny. One by one we were all looking under the table, cracking jokes and having a ball. We all relaxed a little more and this time our legs were underneath the table, not caring about brushing the other guys, or even resting our feet on each others. Into the game, I noticed Wayne slouching down pretty far just being intent on his hand, when suddenly I felt this foot in my crotch. I was surprised for a minute, but when I looked down, it realized it was Wayne's. When I looked over, he didn't even acknowledge he was doing it....but it felt great, so I slouched down, open my legs, and let his foot do what it wanted. He had on a navy blue pair of heavy winter socks that were nice and smooth. So he started at my balls, nudging them up and down, then taking his toes and pushing up against my dick that was now getting pretty hard. Still he made no eye contact with me, and it really didn't look like anything was going on - except for the fact that maybe I was starting to get pretty red. Sometimes I grabbed his foot with my left hand, and massaged his foot into my cock making me almost scream with pleasure. For about an hour, I sat there while Wayne played with my cock. I couldn't stand it any more, and I slouched down as far as I could without falling on the floor and pushed hard against his socked foot. He started to push against it in increasing fast movements and I couldn't hold back any more. I started to come all over his sock, so I held his foot while I came and wiped my dick clean all over his thick sock. He didn't take his foot away, he just kept it there playing away until the end of the game. I was in and out of being hard all night. This time when we got up for a break, I felt great. Wayne passed by and whispered in a devilish voice...."felt good didn't it? except now I'm walking around with a sock full of your cum". Well, next game, how about using your other foot and we can make it a matching pair. This time, Jimmy sat up on the kitchen counter, and I stood across from him talking about the town and winter and stuff. By now he was completely comfortable with his nakedness and even scratch his balls a few times - not too far from my face. Everyone was talking for awhile, and I looked down at Jim's cock and complimented him on its thickness. He said, "yeah it's a good handful", grabbed it with his hand in a mocking couple of strokes, then let it fall back down in between his legs. We went back to the table...this time, Wayne sat across from Jim, and Tim across from me, Ian was in between Tim and I. This was our third and final game, and I noticed that Wayne was once again sliding down in his chair. This time I caught his eye, and with a wicked grin, he made his first innocent move on Jim. How could I not watch this? I tried to act like I didn't know what was happening. I guess at Wayne's first touch, Jimmy jumped a little and looked down at his crotch. Again, Wayne didn't make any eye contact with Jimmy, just kept playing and talking and listening, laughing to the jokes. Within a few minutes, Jim had slouched down in his chair, and I guess was getting a good foot massage. (Fuck - no fair. I wanted to see this thick cock good and hard. ) I decided I'd drop something, which would give me a chance to see this guys hard cock. So, I decided to drop the little bowl of nuts I was munching on - on Jimmy's side. I said, "Oh shit", and got down on the floor and started to pick up the nuts. For one moment, I got my head in between his legs, and saw the foot against the straining - very thick - hard cock. I couldn't help it....I reached up and wrapped my fingers around it feeling the foot against my hand against his cock. Just for a second. His dick was just soaked with precum and man was it thick. When I got back up on my chair, both guys just sat there intently playing their hands. Jimmy said, "did you get all the nuts". Ummmm - yeah - I think so…maybe missed a couple. And we went on playing. When the other guys weren't looking I leaned over his side of the table to reach for some pretzels and whispered quietly - "you're fucking huge" . He just replied with, mmmmhumm. Then a familiar sound, as he laid his cards down with a big sigh......I'm done. He sat back with his hands behind his head and looked very content. Then, he got up...."that was the most interesting game I've ever played....we'll have to do it again this weekend". As we got up, he said in a low voice to me...."that was fucking ones' ever done that to me before". Wayne just went on his merry way, padding across the floor in his sperm soaked socks. Jimmy said, "well boys, its time for me to hit the sack. I'm really bushed - I hope you don't mind". Well, I wasn't ready yet and told him so. "Listen, why don't you go to the bed, and I'll take the couch tonight. It's not a problem, and I'd like to watch the fire anyway. "If you're sure that's okay, I'll just slip under the covers and I'll be off"..... and with that he took off to the bathroom, and took a piss. Said tonight to everyone, gave Wayne a wink, and off he went, shutting the door behind him. The rest of us, took spots on the couch, and chatted away, getting ourselves caught up on each other's lives. Wayne and Ian took their spots on the couch, and Tim and I took ours. Tim, laying sideways, propping his feet on my lap. We were a close bunch ... and it felt great. We were quiet for a few minutes, watching the fire, when Tim said - who's hungry. We all jumped up, went to the kitchen and started making popcorn, and sandwiches, and it seemed everything was back to normal. Tim hopped up on the counter to eat his food, and I grabbed a stool, and pulled it on to the floor between his legs, so when I sat down, his great hairy legs were on either side of me, and it made me feel good and warm. We talked and joked around again, and finally Ian and Wayne said they were going to turn in. Tim and I said we'd do the dishes....but we stayed where we were....I knew where this was heading. As soon as they were gone, Tim asked...."what the hell was going on under that table tonight? You were getting so red, but I didn't see anything". "Fuck man", I said, "can you believe it, Wayne jerked me off with his foot. It was incredible." "No kidding - Wayne"? he said. "The quiet guy - I never expected it. I was so fucking horny again - all those hairy dicks out, it is always a treat to do this. You're not interested in taking care of your good buddy are ya"? "Tim" I said, "sucking your dick is always a treat for me. It's been a long time since you and I have sucked each other...busy I guess. I took a look down at his penis, looked up at him and said, I think I'm gonna do it right here. You're high up enough, and I can just take my time". "Don't take too long - it's been awhile for me". I slipped my hand under his balls and he jumped a little, but spread his legs to invite me in. I leaned in to his crotch, lifted up his penis and let it slide into my mouth and kept it there for a minute or so. I stood up and looked him in the face - "It feels good to have you back". He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips - we'd never kissed before, and suddenly we just hugged in a really tight embrace. "Cliff, I really love you, you know. You're my closest friend, and fuck ..I just don't want to do anything to ruin it". "My friend, we will stay close as long as we're honest with each other - I love you too". We kissed again, and I slid back down to his now-hard penis, taking him into my mouth - right to his bush - my favourite spot! "Cliff, can we make this fast - I am so horny...I know you like my pubes, but man I really want to cum"! "Okay, okay" I said with his cock in my mouth. With his hands on my head he started guiding me up and down his shaft. I sucked and licked and gave him a great blow job and he bucked up into my mouth while I swallowed all of his semen." "Fuck - you are the best cocksucker...fuck fuck fuck". Bye now, my cock was hard, and he was ready to do me too. He also did a quick blow sense was he didn't enjoy it as much as me...or he just wanted to make sure I came fast. He got down on his knees and consumed my cock so fast - like fast food. He massaged my big hairy balls, and just sucked me for all he was worth. But, just when I was about to cum, he jumped up and pointed my cock at his and I came all over his dick and balls. When I finished he said, "Okay, now you you can take your time...., pushing me back down on the stool, and guiding me back into his crotch. Except his dick was covered with my cum and his sweat...."I know how much you like sucking my dick...might as well try a different flavor" I got back down, and indeed started to lick and sniff around his balls and his cock, taking in my semen and his sweat, looking up at his smiling face while I just took my time. It took about 20 minutes, but he was hard as rock and shooting in my mouth again". That last load didn't taste great and I had to get up and rinse I down - laughing about what he must have eaten or drank the day before. Anyway we went back to the couch, and I lay down, and he came and lay between my legs with his head resting on my chest, both of us looking at the fire - and his beautiful semi-hard penis and pubic hair, being highlighted by the flickering fire. It was great to have a close friend like this. We both fell asleep. *************** Next morning we woke up absolutely freezing cold. The fire had gone out. We ran into the bedroom to get some clothes, and Ian and Wayne were still asleep but Jimmy wasn't there. We quickly got the fire going again and things started to warm up. The door banged open again, and there stood Jimmy in his overalls, red from the cold. I can't get out of the lane-way, so I'm going to have to call Fred (tow truck). He sat down and dialed his buddy, and was told it would be quite a wait, probably early afternoon. "Great" Tim and I said, "you can stay for breakfast and a coffee". Actually , I was hoping for some of that stuff you guys were getting last night. Yeah, I saw you two doing each other in the kitchen - I was watching from the bedroom doorway. two do that all the guys are married aren't you"? "Yeah, we're good close friends, and it's one thing we do with each other that makes us closer"....and it's just between us you know, we don't do this with anybody." "Hmm, he looked down at the floor, well....I've always wondered what it was like to suck a ...guy's.... Yesterday when Wayne did me under the table I thought I was gonna go nuts, and then when I saw you two helping each other out I started to wonder". Tim and I looked at each other. Tim said, "I love getting can do me if you want..but you know I haven't had a shower or anything since yesterday morning...and well, you know what's been going on." I said, "Look - you have a thick cock - I'd love to see that hard....hmm, how about if I suck your dick while you're sucking Tim's - follow my lead and try it. If you don't like it, you don't have to continue....whatever. So, he stood there like a giggly school boy, and took off his overalls, revealing an already hard cock. His dick and balls were average size, but his dick was pretty thick. Tim took off his pants, and up sprang his dick. I just decided to keep my clothes on. "Now what" Jimmy said. "Lets move over to the couch" Tim said, and we all wandered over. I'll sit here, you sit there and Cliff - on the floor if that's okay? "Perfect for me" I said. Tim spread his legs, and told him to just move in gently - sniff around - lick it and take as much as he could. I started licking Jim's cock, and feeling the thickness of it in my mouth, but I was sensing that Jim was not comfortable. I looked up at Tim and shook my head. Jim had taken a quick dive on Tim's cock and off again, and was now kind of lingering around his balls. Tim lifted up his head, "Jim - you don't have to finish this you know. You tried it and maybe you don't like it". "Nah, I just wanted to know what a dick tasted like, and I don't think I'm into it. But I really like this being naked stuff, and I love jerking off....I just don't think I want to do this, okay"? "This is not a problem - it's what ever you're comfortable with". So we all sat where we were looking at the fire. Jim did keep his hand in Tim's crotch for awhile, just fondling his balls, (We kept looking at each other winking and grinning), and I just sat there, content looking at both of these naked guys. After awhile, we got up and made breakfast. It was going to be a great day. Ian and Wayne got up late, and came out dressed. Usually we all get up and jump in the shower, and just get that day started right, but today, we all looked tired, and ready to just hang out and do nothing. We grabbed some magazines and books, and just hung out drinking coffee and stuff. Soon the truck came and Jim was on his way - thanking us for "everything". Tim and I had walked him out to his truck, and bid him farewell. Walking back to the cabin, I said to Tim, "You know, I have to tell you that I really like sucking your cock. I don't know why, but it feels great in my mouth, it fits perfectly, your crotch tastes great, and your bush and your bag just smells great. " "You know, I like yours too, but I don't like to suck as long as you do, I just want to make you cum, but I'm sure glad you like doing me. You're great at it....and if for nothing else, that's one reason why you've gotta be my closest buddy." "I yelled jokingly, "You mean that the only reason you hang around me is because I'm a good cocksucker"???? I got down and threw snow at his face,and we started pushing and shoving each other, trying to get the other guy down. Pretty soon we were on top of each other, with our hard dicks grinding away while we smashed snow in our faces. "Well - should we" Within seconds our cocks were out, and there we lay in the middle of this secluded area, surrounded by huge evergreens and covered with new white snow - 69'ing on the ground. It was hysterical and fantastic at the same time. Our hairy dicks were as inviting as ever, and we just sucked until we came - in the snow - then made these huge snow angels - with dicks!! When we got in the house, we were questioned about what we were doing and we just told them we were goofing around. Finally, we would all go ice fishing that afternoon. We pitched our small tent, along with a few others that had already been pitched on the frozen lake, and we sat there with our poles hanging over the hole in the ice....waiting for supper to attack the bait. We were all so tired, and probably hung over, that we started talking like absolute idiots , and it got pretty hilarious. Finally, Ian caught the fish. Big. White. Good enough for the 4 of us to have for dinner. We had had it with ice fishing, and went back to the cabin for another evening of cards, and beer. We hadn't showered. My mouth still had some of Tim's pubes in it which I managed to pull out of my mouth for almost the entire day. I still had the after taste of his semen in my mouth, but I felt great. We played, we sang, we drank, and when we finally went to bed, I slept, for the first and only time, with Tim's dick in my mouth all night. It was heaven for me, and as he told me later - for him too. That was the last time the 4 of us went to the cabin together. Ian got transferred across the country, and when he left, Wayne just kind of left the group and became a loner. We saw him a few times, but he just hung around the house and didn't go out much. However, the next year, we kept the tradition ourselves, rented our own cabin, and had it to ourselves for 3 days. Our eldest sons, drove up on the third day, and stayed over until the Monday. Our sons were as close and Tim and I, and again, it was a wear-what-you-want weekend. We had all been naked together, playing hockey and swimming together, so it was nothing new, and I certainly didn't have problems being naked around my son at home - nor he with me. Tim and I did NOT share our "oral" habits with our sons, we kept that to ourselves. This cabin had two bedrooms, and all was well. However, it was nice to just "be".


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Cliff

Best Buds--Jeans And Watching Hockey

His name was Jim and we had become really close. We were both around 20, 21 and hung out together as much as we could. Our jobs had taken us to live in different cities, but we spent as much time as possible when we could. There was a really great energy between us. If you've ever had a really close and best friend - where everything just connects - you'll know what I mean.

Pleasure With My Business Partner

Pete and I had been working together for about 5 years, and had become good, close friends. I've had close friends at work in the past that I have associated with, but I never get too close as I don't like working with a person all day, and socializing with them all the time. In the past I had run into problems when I'd tried that, but this time it was different. We found

Summer Camp Out

This is a true story that happened to me as a teenager. We had lots of kids in our neighbourhood that would hang out together on weeknights, because most of the kids would either go family camping or to their cottages on the weekend. There were about eight of us around the same age who - if parents permitted would sleep out at someone's house - either on

Two in the Bush...

The last camping trip of the year. There had been a group of 8 of us who had gone hiking or camping for years - not always together, but always 3 or more. However, this weekend, for various reasons, only Todd and I were able to go. Todd and I were friends, but not that close. He and I were closer to other friends in the group, but it would be a good chance to get to know him. He

Winter Weekend Fishing, Part 1

I had moved to this city about a year ago, and luckily, it was into a good neighbourhood. The place was full of families, mostly around my age - in their 30s and 40s, and it was a pleasant enough place to be. After about 6 weeks of living here, the neighbourhood had a picnic at the local park, where we had a chance to mingle and meet friends, find out what they

Winter Weekend Fishing, Part 2

Well boys, I had to miss last year's trip due to the flu, and the other boys said it just wasn't the same. Everyone was apparently a little lethargic, and nothing much took place during the weekend. It was also one of the coldest winters in years, and as a result, everyone stayed clothed for almost the entire weekend. This year, we had to make up for two years running. During


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