Gay Erotic Stories

Working Relations

by Michael Wesley

"Working Relations" Michael Wesley My work often places me in the company of policemen, lawyers and medical personnel, the latter to include mental heath professionals. This vignette will concern involvement with a psychologist to whom I had referred a mother on one of my cases. I had never met Dave J. although I had heard about him from co-workers who liked his evaluations. Most of the females in my office added comments like "drop dead gorgeous," "enough to make me leave my home and family and live in his doghouse to be called occasionally when his wife would not let him..." and "very fuckable." Get my drift? I was not one to share my physical view of another male around them, but, after my first meeting with Dr. J., I told one of the women sitting close by me that he was good-looking enough to make me uncomfortable being in the same room with him. Although I know more now, Dr. J. appeared in his early 40's when I first met him. He was balding and made no extreme effort to hide the fact. He kept his brown hair short so it that seemed to meld with his scalp despite its shininess. The day I drove the mother to his office and first laid my eyes on him I knew I would have some nice jack off sessions with him in mind. I had spoken to him on two occasions prior to our meeting and had not thought much about his voice over the phone. The sight of him and hearing his voice in person changed that last opinion. He was a baritone only a few steps above bass. Asking the mother to remain in his outer office, he invited me into the room where he worked. It was very comfortable looking with a large desk facing one wall and something of a "living room type setting" with two armchairs and a sofa behind it and filling the remainder of that office. The wall above the desk contained frames of his diplomas and certifications and pictures of him, a woman and two children in group and individual shots. He pulled one of the armchairs about three feet from his desk and invited me to sit down while he sat the chair at his work station. He was dressed in a white button-down shirt and muted paisley tie above dark gray or black slacks and black, well shined shoes. Prior to his sitting, I judged him to be a little taller than I and with what appeared to be a nice "natural" build, i.e. I did not imagine him spending a lot of time at the gym. I would have guessed he was 160-65 pounds. Dave was more business-like than I would have preferred. We were after all associates. I was not a client needing his services. His looks toward me were somewhat uncomfortable although I attempted to appear happy to meet him and, as we CPS workers can be about our clients, talk about the woman and her children. He noted most of what I was saying on a pad, directing his gaze that way instead of looking at me. I, of course, took that opportunity to study his body and, when he did look up from the desk, his face. He was all the women said he was. Although he had on his glasses and they were a little too "preppy" for me, his blue eyes shone above a relatively heavy beard. I imagined (and was right later) that he possessed more than a lot of body hair beneath his clothing. I noted the lines showing through his trousers that he was wearing briefs. This caused a stirring in my groin which, given more time "undressing" him in my mind, would have given rise to more than my khaki Dockers could have hidden. Dave thanked me for the information I had then provided and said I had also written a good report which he had read before in the packet sent from the Mental Health Specialist who had arranged the appointment. He commented that he had heard that I was a popular worker with my cohorts and with some clients he had previously seen. At this time, he was smiling and animated and, I imagined, more relaxed around me. He advised that he would be spending the next three to four hours with the woman I had brought and that he would telephone me to pick her up when he was finished. He asked me for my pager number so that I could be notified by him if I was not in the office to receive his call. I thought I perceived him giving me the "once over" as I had stood and prepared to leave his office. If it occurred it was mutual. I drove back to the office thinking about what he looked like in the nude. My pager went off while I was sitting at the computer and not an arm's length from the telephone. Because I am usually only paged when an emergency arises, I immediately yelled at toward my supervisor's office that I was at my desk. I then checked the number and realized it was from Dave or his office. I dialed the number and was surprised to hear him answer. "Michael?" This from the good doctor after he had picked up. There was something in the voice that I had not detected before, but putting my finger on it was not possible. "Hello, yes" is all I recall saying. "It's me, Dave and Alice is another hour or so from completing a test. I was wondering if you would like to meet me here and go to lunch?" I was completely taken off guard and responded with a "yes" that I was not prepared, as such, to give. I had earlier decided that a break was impossible given the need to complete a report that was already somewhat late and the knowledge that I would need to return Alice to her home following the appointment with Dr. J. "Michael?" It was again that voice calling me back to reality. I was thinking beyond a lunch and had placed Dr. Dave somewhere, albeit briefly, in a bed. "Yeah." "Do you want to meet me or come by here. I know this restaurant around the corner that you might like so why don't you drive over and we will go from here." I could not bring myself to say I really should not because of the work needed to be done and, instead, offered that I would be there in fifteen minutes. His "no hurry" prompted something of a snort from me that caused a coworker across the room to raise her eyebrows questionably. The only response I thought to give her was that she could tell the secretary I would be back after I returned the client home from the psychological evaluation. "She can't be finished already. Do you want me to call you when Dave calls to say she is ready" was the reply. My "thanks" also almost caused me to laugh. The drive to Dave's office seemed to take longer than it was. He was waiting outside when I drove into the parking lot and moved toward the space into which I turned before I had time to get out of the car. "We will take my car," he said as he approached me. I fumbled with the car keys turning off the motor and then locking the car doors. My car was not good enough, I thought to myself as I scurried behind him. There was something so different from the earlier meeting that I chuckled, and I thought to myself. "What's so funny?" This he said as he looked over his shoulder at me and, I noted, with a smile. He had arrived at his car and walked to the passenger side to unlock the door as I caught up to him. "Not often I get invited to lunch with the docs," I countered, adding "That's what's funny." When we went "around the corner" (about a mile from his office) and into the parking lot of a restaurant I knew was gay owned and managed, Dave asked me if I was "also" gay. "Also? Every woman in my office thinks you are God's gift to their kind and, now, you are asking me ‘also?' Did you make up that family I saw in those pictures on your wall?" "Michael, Michael." I said it back to him with a "what?" "All I have heard and more makes you an attractive man to me. I knew when I saw you this morning I wanted to get more personal if it was, at all, possible. I saw you eying me as well. It was all I could do to write down what you were telling me than to stare at you, too." His right hand dropped onto my thigh as we sat there in his car. I placed my hand over his, and it moved along my lower thigh upward. I pressed downward on its top and halted his action. "This is very nice and terribly complimentary, but..." His "you don't want to get to know me better?" threw me. "Look Dave," I said. "It's not that I wouldn't like to fuck around with you for I could only hope was the rest of my life, but you are, regrettably, at work now and we both have to get back to that too soon to do anything more than frustrate the hell out of the other." I did not want to hear the "You're right" which emanated from him or his removal of the hand from my knee. The "You hungry?" which he next verbalized caused me to again chuckle and add "if you only knew how much, but not for anything they sell inside there." His view went to the restaurant and remained there. "I could not eat either." "Would you consider meeting me this evening?" was my next comment. He turned towards me, smiled and leaned forward enough that our faces were but inches apart. I, too, moved and soon our lips were together. I pulled away, however, when I sensed that I was entering a situation I would find too difficult to remove myself if it got started. "Alice should be finishing up the test and we both need to get back to get her." He said this as he started the car and placed it in reverse. I asked him to stop for "a second" and placed my hand on his thigh. He did and, like I had, placed his hand over mine. "I would love to get together with you. I think I can make room in my schedule to see you whenever it is convenient for you. Tonight would be wonderful." "Michael, I remain married and supposedly happily. I have two kids as I saw you looking at the family pictures. One is off in college, but the other is home and sometimes expects that his mother and I will have something to say to one another." "No sweat," I added. "I have to do laundry and progress notes on ten cases. Not made any easier thinking what could be with you. God, I hate these attractions to married men." "Fuck you, Michael." I could not help but add "I would like that" when he pulled to the side of the road on which we were driving. This time our lips met. When we had pulled away from each other after a too brief kiss, Dave said "I will page you tonight if I can get away. If not, soon." I refrained from saying I had heard that before and said "I would like that" as we pulled back into the parking lot of the building where his office was maintained. Alice was standing outside and smoking a cigarette when we walked toward the building. Dave and I remained silent with the other, but both of us, almost simultaneously, asked Alice how the test had gone. Her response was to inquire where the two of us had been to which each of us answered to lunch. "You still look hungry to me...both ya. You have Chinese food an hour ago?" I remained outside while Dave and Alice went into the office to complete the evaluation between them. Dave walked back out with her and informed me he would send his report to me within the next week. It was all that I could do not to lean forward and again kiss his lips. When my pager went off later that evening, I instinctively knew it was him. Again the office number was shown. When I called the number back, I was greeted with a voice mail I quickly said who I was and stated my home telephone number. A few minutes later, the telephone rang. "Dave?" It was me this time who spoke first with the name. "Michael. Look, I can come to your place, but I cannot stay long." The immediate thought was "my place?" Yet, I had not for a moment the rest of the work day and until the call thought of much else beside Dr. J. I quickly provided my address and told him to hurry. He said he would be there in minutes. I was not shocked when the knock on the door occurred less than a half hour later. This time Dave had shed the business clothes and was dressed in an old pair of Levis, a polo shirt open at the neck and deck shoes without socks. I took this all and then him into my arms as I also pushed close the front door. I was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tee and had gone barefoot to answer the knock. I had not noticed the hair which came out of the neck of his shirt, but felt its cushion through the light weight of my shirt as I pulled Dave closer into me. We kissed and licked at the sides of each others' heads until we pulled them back and then joined our lips. Our tongues moved easily inside the others' mouth for what seemed an hour. I had pulled his shirt out of his Levis, and he started under my t-shirt rubbing with both his hands along my sides. "Wait." It was me. I pushed him back a little and looked into his eyes. "I usually want more courting than even taking that first kiss. I am compromising my morals having you over here and knowing that I met you only hours and not months ago." "I'll analyze later. Now I want to fuck around with you." With that he raised his shirt and began pulling it over his head. What appeared under it was enough to make me regret the comments I had made above. His entire front was covered with brown fur of a thickness I had never seen before (or have seen since). The shirt up and off his arms I could see that it continued upward to his shoulders and onto his back. "Jesus, you are one hairy guy!" My t-shirt was off in a second, and I again reached to hold his chest against mine. The feel of the hair on my body was wonderful and my hands found more of the same on his back. "Where did all this come from?" I asked as I felt his back from the waist of his Levis to the back of his neck. "I have no idea. Neither of my parents have much hair on them. Someone said that my mother must have had a moustache hidden away when he had met my father and saw that all he possessed was the hair on his head. I do remember seeing him nude once or twice when I was a kid and he did have pubes, but how much I could not tell you." "You feel wonderful; look that way, too." "Some people are turned off by so much. My wife was almost one of them when we first met, but now she never seems to notice. My son is 17 and began shaving when he was 14. I caught him one day shaving the hair off his chest. He did not have much at that time, but I questioned why he was doing that. He told me that a friend of his had said that his hair would grow like mine if he did that and that he wanted to be as hairy as I when he was older. ‘Some kind of compliment?' I had asked him. He is a pretty outspoken young man, but with few kind words for his mother or I because we keep something of a rein on him. His older sister was a hellion throughout high school, and Kathy and I determined that Marty would not follow that lead. Thankfully Sonya is six years older than Marty." I had allowed the chatter in my ear and the continued to rub his back. "God, I am telling you more than I planned." "You been with a lot of other guys, Dave?" It was a question whose answer I was not that desirous of hearing, but I wanted to know what other men might have said about the hairiness. "Would you believe not since I was an undergraduate. Like 25 years ago. I was always hairy, but not like this. I do get an occasional stare when I am in the locker room at the gym, but the guy I knew then wanted me only for my cock and ass." "Ooh, wonder where that is leading? Anyway, I am impressed as hell with all your fur and love its feel through my fingers and against my body." I could sense that my erection was nearly complete as it pressed into the levis before me. There was no cushion from the tent I imagined arising out of his crotch as well. We both seem to step back at the same time. I allowed my hands to come up and then rub the hair that was atop Dave's shoulders and upper arms. "Whew. I have not felt this excited in years." This from Dave as he sat down in a chair that was behind him. "You got a nice patch of hair there yourself, " Dave stated as he lifted and reached up with an arm toward my chest. "I think it just rubbed off you." My knees were literally weak as I saw him sit back against the chair. "You want a drink? I need a beer and now. Want to join me?" "Don't mind if I would. I haven't had one in a while and it sounds good." "Come with me and we can then go outside. I am too damned hot!" He came up from the chair and again was immediately in front of me. My hand went to his chest, and I grabbed what seemed a handful of the hair on his left breast area. "I cannot get over the length of the hair here. It seemed like I was pushing against a down pillow." "Let's drink and cool you off. Take me to your kitchen." He trailed behind me as we entered there and then went to the sliding door leading to the back. "You have a pool." "It is a bit too cold outside to go swimming, but there is a Jacuzzi if you are interested." "I'm more interested in learning what is under your shorts." He stated this as he walked over and stood directly behind me. Again the rug of hair touched me, but this time on my back. His hands slipped from where they had landed on my shoulders and moved down my arms and onto my waistline. I was holding the two bottles beer in front of me. When Dave pulled out and down at the top of my shorts, I placed the beers onto the counter in front of me and turned back toward him. "It is easier to do with the button and the zipper." The statement was taken as an invitation, and Dave's hands moved to the button and the zipper. As the latter was easier to move down, it was completed first. I had worn boxer shorts and as the zipper on my outer shorts went down I sensed the openings to my pubic area as if a breeze blew there. Dave finally managed to undo the button. He caught at the shorts as on their own they started dropping below my waist. "Boxers?" "You don't like them, huh?" "Funny, I imagined you the CK or Jockey briefs kind of guy. As a matter of fact, I swore I saw a leg line showing through your pants when you were in the office." "Very perceptive, doctor. I have an abundant supply of Jockeys. What are you wearing?" With that I moved my hand into the top of his levis and the top button easily came undone. He was thankfully not clad in too tight 501's. They, too, were zippered, and I lowered it with more than a little anticipation what was behind it. The feel of the hair below his navel was like that above, thick and soft to the touch. My hand inside the levis had landed on other material which appeared tight against his body. His levis were tight enough that they did not slip downward although I noted that Dave had reached up with his hands to hold them from possibly falling. I viewed the whiteness for the first time and the familiar name on the waistband of his underwear. "Briefs or the boxer type of those? I am again loving this." His erection had worked itself upward with the release of the button and zipper and continued to move as I squatted down before Dave to lower the pants. I heard his breath seem to catch as I further coaxed the denim away and down over his pubic area. The lowering of his levis revealed that he was in regular briefs. Not only the hair from his stomach fell over the top of the waistband, but that on his upper thighs tangled around the leg holes and into the whiteness. I quickly pushed the pants down below his knees. Dave then kicked off the deck shoes, and with my assistance, allowed his levis to be pulled off his legs and feet one at a time. I remained crouched before him and did all that I could to resist the urge to bury my face in his crotch. "Wanna take those off?" I asked, nodding toward his underwear. "After you." I stood then. We were face to face and but a few inches apart. I leaned in and kissed him with a quick lip to lip ‘smack.' "Right away...wrong away, too." With that, I pushed down the boxers and allowed them to fall at my feet. I stepped out of them and once again into Dave's body. I could feel the underwear he was wearing rub against my hardening dick. We embraced. Again the feel of his chest served to make me harder. We kissed. This time our mouths opened to the other and our tongues dueled for entry into the other's mouth. My hands busily rubbed the hair on Dave's back from below his shoulder blades to the top of his briefs. His hands cupped my now naked rear. I pushed down the waistband of his shorts from the rear and slid both hands into them. I was, too, cupping his buttocks. They were as hairy as the rest of him and the feel was wonderful. "Maybe I should rub your head to get rid of this hair fixation." "Not nice, Michael." This between our hard and wet kissing. "Get out of those shorts so I can see it all. Bet you have a jungle growing out of your crack." Dave pushed me away gently and placed his thumbs in either side of his briefs. "You want me to turn around? Jungle...heh?" His erection was up and right under the waistband of his briefs. A precum wetness was obvious. My hard-on again seemed to extend. I again dropped to my knees. "Let me help." With that I moved my face into his underwear clad groin and moved along the seam made by his erection. The groan escaping from Dave was enough to keep my tongue moving. I reached the head of his cock and sucked at the wetness, adding that from my own mouth. He continued to stand with his thumbs tucked in the sides of the waistband. I looked up to see his head back. He was thrusting his hips forward and into my sucking mouth. I reached up and placed my hands over his. "You are all the women in the office like to think." As he pushed downward with his thumbs, my arms went upward into the growth of hair which covered his forearms. I allowed myself a moment to watch as the underwear were lowered and his dick was exposed. My tongue darted out and licked at the head and down the shaft as it was revealed by his downward motions. "Oh, fuck..." Dave's hands were now atop my head. The briefs had come to rest between his upward slanted cock and balls. I reached up and tugged the shorts further down. I then licked at the ballsac which became exposed. His nuts had seemed to retract and the sac, besides being very hairy, was also wrinkled. Although I was sensing that I was in heaven, I had my eyes opened and took it all in... I helped Dave step out of his briefs. I also moved away to get a better look at what had been offered with the removal. His crotch was covered with the same type fur that was all over his chest and back. The pubes were thicker than that on his lower stomach, but not by much. The whiteness of his dick (like with the underwear) was an inviting picture. His dick stood out and away from his pubes. I moved to take the head in my mouth. His hands had fallen to my shoulders as I had removed the shorts and they remained there. "Wait." Dave pushed me back a little. I looked upward, allowing his dick to drop from my mouth. His eyes met mine. "What?" "You got a more comfortable place for what I sense might occur?" His smile was warming. "I would suck you on the Santa Monica Freeway with traffic flying by, but why not? You think I could point the way and watch you walk naked into the other room?" Dave chuckled and reached below my armpits. He pulled me to a standing position and then moved in to take my tongue into his mouth. We again found ourselves hugging one another. This time our erections dueled as our tongues were doing higher. I reached down his back and ran my hands over his now naked buttocks. I moved my hands together there and could feel the indentation where his cheeks met. With one hand, I swiped between the crack. The hair was there as I expected and seemed less fine that on the moons around there. "Let's go to the living room - maybe a bedroom." The break from his mouth was unexpected as he said that. "Sure." Dave turned away and began to enter through the door leading back into the living room. I now saw the crevice between his buttocks. It appeared black with the growth whereas the rest of him, despite its thickness, was definitely brown. I reached back for the two beers and then followed. Dave had disappeared at that time, but the sight of his hairy body remained in my mind. I had seen guys with a lot of body hair, but Dave possessed more than them. He was lying back on the sofa. He watched as I approached and set the beer on a nearby end table. "Thirsty?" I pulled on the neck of one of the bottles. It was still cool, and for a moment I savored the taste. Dave reached out reached and I moved the other beer into his waiting hand. He, too, drank. "I am too hot, Michael." "That you are." I took another swallow, placed my beer back onto the table, removed Dave's from his grasp and set it next to mine. I fell onto the couch beside him and immediately moved back into his arms. Our mouths again met. This time we both tasted of beer. I moved my one hand down his chest and came to rest on his stomach. His cock, which had lost some of its rigidity from the kitchen, stirred upward at my hand. Another moan escaped him as our mouths continued to devour the other's. Dave placed a hand onto my upper thigh. He quickly moved it into my groin and atop my dick. I had become hard again as well. He held onto my length and gently weighed it in his palm. My hand moved lower and was met by the wet head of his penis. I encircled the top with my fingers and ran them down in his pubes. The hair there seemed to take hold of my fingers although I was not much interested in leaving. Dave continued to jack me with slow up and down strokes. He moved away from the kiss then and dropped his head onto my chest. His teeth pulled at the hair there and then his tongue came out and moved across one of my nipples. It was my time to sigh and I did. Dave aroused my nipple and, with his teeth clamped onto it, pulled. He alternated using both his tongue and teeth. His hand continued to move up and down on my cock. I squeezed his dick at it base and, with a firmer hold, moved my hand up. Precum fell onto the top of my hand as I reached its head. Dave moved his tongue across the mat of hair and targeted in on my other nipple, repeating what he had done. Our other hands were behind the other's back. Dave had rested his at my waist, but now it moved downward to my buttocks. I elevated my rear in the hope he was heading for my asshole. My hand behind his back also moved downward and into the top of his hair filled crevice. He, too, appeared to shift and raise his buttocks from the sofa. Our other hands moved along the other's dick. Dave continued to teeth on my nipple. I had dropped my head to attempt to use my mouth on him, but he was low enough on my chest to make other than tongue swipes at the back and side of his head. I watched as his hairy shoulders rose and fell from his movements on my chest and, I imagined, his increased breathing. I was experiencing the latter myself. A shift in our lower bodies in what seemed like a simultaneous move allowed us both to extend fingers into the other's butt crack. Our sweat provided some lubrication to our fingers to enter there and search out the ring of the other's hole. Dave found mine easier and rubbed the tip of his finger along it. The hair found in Dave's crevice was as thick as it looked as he had earlier turned from me and walked into the living room. Despite the growth, I edged downward until I too felt his sphincter ring. Neither of us was lubricated enough to probe beyond, but the outer rubbing on my hole was causing my hand on Dave's dick to increase its up and down movement. "I am going to cum if you don't slow down." Dave raised his head from my nipple. His barely audible words provided a breath which blew across the wet hairs around my nipple. I shivered in its delight. My hand on his dick stopped its movement as I felt his also come to a rest at the base of my cock. As he raised his head, my tongue flicked out and licked across the side of his face before he turned toward me and again devoured my mouth and tongue with his. "You are too fucking hot." It was Dave saying what I was thinking about him. We both fell away from the other and onto the back of the couch, freeing the other's hand from our still hard dicks. The other hands remained in the other's backside although the rubbing ceased with the pressure of our rears into the cushions of the sofa. Dave reached across me then and picked up one of the beers. His move allowed me to move my finger back along his asshole. This as he placed the neck of the bottle to his lips. I pressed inward with my finger, sensing in the instance that it had moved into his hole and past the ring. His mouth opened in an "ouch" and the beer he was swallowing splashed onto my stomach and pubes. "Sorry." "Yeah, me, too. I did not mean to give you a bath. Although that sounds inviting." Dave replaced the beer on the table and then with a downward motion moved his head into my crotch. His tongue emerged and lapped at the place where the beer had landed on me. My finger in his crack was more free as his bottom elevated and turned to where his head was on my lower body. I pressed inward again and, this time, felt more sure I had entered Dave's body with it. He did not say "ouch," but seemed again to move to allow more comfort or maybe access. My finger was too dry to penetrate much further. I did not want to hurt him by being too forceful. Dave raised his head. "Do you h


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Michael Wesley

Employees Only

Employees Only The following story is based on a real incident which occurred in my life as a gay man. If you are not wishing to read about intimacy between two men, please do not continue. Three months ago, I changed jobs and moved into an office complex where Jeremy worked. The first time I encountered Jeremy was as we passed (he exiting and me entering) a locked bathroom

Working Relations

"Working Relations" Michael Wesley My work often places me in the company of policemen, lawyers and medical personnel, the latter to include mental heath professionals. This vignette will concern involvement with a psychologist to whom I had referred a mother on one of my cases. I had never met Dave J. although I had heard about him from co-workers who


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