Gay Erotic Stories

Brother Tease, Part 3

by Sebastian Wallace

It wasn't an entirely restful night, trying to share a single bed with Gareth. For the first few hours elbows and knees seemed to be everywhere; every time one of us tried to change positions, to move this way or that, we'd knock ourselves into a sharp part of the other.

Cocks and arses were another problem: we both seemed to be constantly groping each other. Wherever I put my hand, it ended up on the front or back of Gareth's briefs. Grabbing his dick, or feeling his arse. And him with mine.

He was my brother, we'd been through a lot together and were long past getting freaked out about each others' bodies, but it was still kind of embarrassing.

We ended up finding that the best positions for us were to lie side-by-side, one guy behind the other; the guy behind with his arm over the other. That way minimised the elbowing, kneeing and pushing of each other that had gone on for hours. The position had its own drawbacks, of course: mainly that the guy behind couldn't seem to help getting a hard-on and poking it into the other's arse, but at least we were sleeping more soundly.

I'd wake up with Gareth's cock burrowing into my arse cleft, him making gentle groaning noises. I'd roll over, grumbling in my half-sleep, and push him over too. Then, when we were both comfortable, my chest against his back, we'd drift off to sleep again. Half an hour later or so, he'd wake me up, trying to push me away, and I'd realise my dick was stiff as board and trying to force its way between his cheeks. So I'd turn away from him again and the cycle would repeat itself.

We both seemed to get instantly stiff as soon as we had an arse in front of us. The fact it was our brother's arse just didn't seem to worry us. We were in that state, me in front and Gareth behind, when Thomo woke us up.

I came round first, aware of the smell of coffee and of Thomo in front of us, still in his clothes from last night. He was laughing but I didn't know what it was about. Then I felt a cold draft and realised that Thomo had pulled the duvet away from us. Gareth was clinging onto my back and I heard him grunting. Then I became aware of his cock sliding up and down the back of my briefs and realised he was humping me in his sleep. He was panting and gasping, unconsciously masturbating himself against me.

Thomo said, "Brothers in arms, eh?"

I pulled away and realised I was hard as hell. In my sleep I must have been enjoying having my older brother humping my butt.

I turned to Gareth and shook him. "Gazza. Gazza, mate. Wake up."

He groaned, still panting. His cock made an impressively thick rod inside his light blue briefs. The front of them were tenting outwards, the material stretched tight by his large-looking erection. Part of the blond bush of his pubes spilled out from the waistband which was being pulled downward by the bulge he was making.

Thomo looked at it and then joked, "Good job you guys kept your kegs on. That could have got a bit painful for you..."

I threw him a contemptuous look and sat up a bit to reach for the coffee he was passing me. Thomo looked down at the front of my briefs, which were similarly tented with the straining of my own erection, and he sort of raised his eyebrows. Like he was saying, "Aye-aye. Turned on by your big brother, Seb?"

But I didn't care. I had a morning stiffie: so fuck. Prove it was Gareth that caused it. Fucking prove it. I took a swig from the cup. It was hot but felt good burning its way down my chest.

Then Thomo grinned again and said, "You guys looked so cute. I should have got my camera out."

I felt really pissed off by his innuendos and seedy grins. I snapped, "If you had then it'd be smashed against the fucking wall. Like your fucking face."

I'm not the violent type but I guess Thomo caught me at just the wrong moment.

Thomo giggled. "Ooo-ooooh! Who's Mr. Grumpy Chops this morning?"

I ignored him and shook Gareth again. Still fairly breathless, he growled like a sleepy dog.

I said, "Gazz, we've got coffee."

He opened his eyes very slightly, like it was painful to do so. He was never very good at waking up.

I smiled. "Wakey, wakey, Gazzykins." Gazzykins was the name our mother used to call him when he brought his friends for tea. Just to humiliate him in front of them.

His lips broke into a grin. I hadn't reminded him of that name for years. He croaked, "You bastard."

Thomo said, "Do you want a coffee, Gareth?"

Gareth ignored him. Maybe he'd heard his puerile jokes, maybe he just found him generally irritating. Whichever, he couldn't be bothered to offer a response.

Thomo looked a bit miffed so I spoke for Gareth. "Yes, he does." Then I turned to Gareth and shook him for a third time. "Sit up for God's sake, Gazz. Coffee's being served."

Gareth said, his voice cracked by his tiredness, "Jesus fucking Christ. What time is it?"

Thomo was in a position to look at the digital clock. "It's half past one. In the afternoon."

Gareth spoke the word I thought. "Fuck."

He sat up and Thomo passed him his coffee. I suppose it was nice for him to have made us coffee and brought it to us in bed, but the at the time I found him too irritating to appreciate it. I suppose it was the mood I was in.

Gareth gulped down the entire cup of coffee in one go. Then he said, "You forgot the fucking sugar."

He handed Thomo the cup. Thomo asked, "How was I supposed to know you take sugar?"

Gareth closed his eyes like this whole conversation was beneath him. He mouthed, "Jesus Christ."

I said, "This is what I have to put up with. Now you know."

Gareth kept his eyes closed and shook his head slowly but couldn't stop himself from smiling slightly.

Thomo didn't seem to notice and clanked Gareth's cup onto the desk against his to make a statement.

Then he said, "I'm gonna get a shower. If you two would be so kind as to excuse me?"

Gareth nodded, his eyes still closed. "Consider it done. But you owe us one."

Thomo threw us a look of exasperation, shaking his head slowly. Then he left the room.I looked at Gareth and he grinned. "Just like old times."

We used to do this kind of thing to people when we lived at home: both of us acting superior like we had some innate bond that they couldn't be part of. Excluding them, gently ridiculing them, the two of us acting together without prior arrangement, like a pair of spooky identical twins from old B-movies. Sometimes it would really bug people, especially our older sister; at other times they'd just smile, shrug and retire as if it was a brother thing that they didn't understand.

I said, "It's funny how we just do that."

Gareth shrugged dismissively. "He was being a knob head." He said the words "knob" and "head" separately as if he meant the observation literally. Then he added, "He deserved it."

I smiled and took the last couple of swigs from my cup. Reaching over to put it on the desk, I said, "He lives here, though. I've got to see the guy every day."

Gareth shrugged and looked as if he was bored with the discussion. He stared down at his cock which still pressed upwards in his briefs.

He said, "D'you wanna make more coffee?"

"Not really. Do you?"

He considered the suggestion, still staring at his cock. "Let's remember that I'm the guest and you're the host."

"Exactly. Just what I was gonna say. I'm fucking knackered from all the hosting I've been doing. You should make the coffee."

He grinned, still looking down at himself. Then he muttered, "I fancy a wank more than that, actually."

I couldn't help but break into a smile. It was such an un-Gareth thing to say; so totally at odds with his usual reserved way of expressing himself. I guess our night of elbowing each other in the bed must have loosened a few of his inhibitions.

I said, "What? Now? With your little brother - your shocked little brother - looking on?"

He smiled back. "Me shock you? Like that's possible..." He looked down at the front of my briefs, which had softened slightly but still made a semi-stiff bulge. He continued., "Anyway, you look as if you could do with sorting yourself out too..."

I laughed. "Are you suggesting we have a wank together?"

"We used to when we were on holiday when we were kids. It'd be like old times." He smirked mischievously.

I looked down at the rod of his dick. It seemed to really strain upwards against the light blue of the material, stretching it well past the point at which it could recover. At the very tip of the bulging outline of his bell-end, there was a small round damp patch where a bead of his precum had leaked out. The sight of it was making my own cock respond. I've always liked looking at Gareth's cock - I've always been fascinated by it as a larger and thicker version of my own. A glimpse at what might have been if a few different genes had come my way.

Gareth looked at my bulge, lengthening and thickening and becoming more obviously rod-shaped. He said, "We've both grown quite a bit bigger since then by the look of things..."

I couldn't stop myself breaking into a grin; partly because it was so unexpected to have Gareth talking openly to me - his kid brother - about stuff like this, and partly because the anticipation of masturbating together now, as adults, was really turning me on.

I laughed, "Yeah... yeah... it'd be cool..."

He said, "I feel as horny as fuck. All that pissing about last night... screwing around with Thomo..."

"Yeah... my nuts are ready to burst."

He looked down at my briefs again as if looking to see how big my balls really were. Whether an explosion really was imminent. His face became more serious. "You don't think this is wrong, do you? I mean, we're brothers..."

Like I hadn't realised.

I said, "Doesn't that make it more acceptable? I mean, we've wanked together since we were kids... now and again, odd times..."

"Yeah, but we were never really so up-front about it. We never actually said anything about it. It was just listening to each other; me knowing that you were wanking and joining in. Or the other way around."

I shrugged, and said, "We're adults now. We're not so hung up about stuff..." My tone was dismissive, like I was being totally casual about this. In truth I was really desperate for us to do this together. I could feel myself breathing more quickly, my stomach turning over at the thought of it.

Then he said, "But I'm gay. I guess you know that."

I looked into his blue eyes. He was looking at me intensely.

I nodded. I was so pleased that he'd finally told me that; and especially that he'd told me now. He held my gaze and asked, "Doesn't it worry you that you might turn me on... that I might get off on looking at your cock?"

I laughed gently. "You've seen it for years. Since we were kids. If you were gonna get off on it, you'd have done so a long time before now..."

He didn't respond to that. He maintained his serious look and then looked back down at my briefs, as if assessing his own reaction to looking at my cock. I respected him - more than that, I felt overwhelming affection for him - for telling me this before we did anything together. He didn't want me to find out afterwards and for me to feel like he'd taken advantage of me.

I decided to be bold; to try and dispel his doubts. After all, I had none. I said, "To be honest, Gazz, I don't care if you get off on looking at me. I don't mind admitting that I'm getting off on the idea of us having a wank together.."

"But we're brothers..."

"Yeah, okay. I guess it's a bit taboo and stuff, but we've done it for years and it'd be kind of cool to do it again..."

He smiled and nodded slowly. I'd convinced him.

I thought I'd get things started. I pulled my cock out from my briefs, and retracted my foreskin back fully to reveal my purple glans. The skin of the shaft looked unnaturally white in contrast to the dark red of my briefs and the purple of my bell-end.

Gareth stared at it. "How long is it? I mean, if you've measured it..."

I laughed. "We're in our twenties, Gazz. I think it's time to put the ruler away, mate."

He laughed too. "Yeah yeah yeah. I'm just kind of curious about how we compare. It looks about seven or eight inches from here..."

"You being the expert..."

He grinned wickedly. "I've seen a couple or so I could compare it with..."

I rolled the foreskin back over the head of my cock, puckering the end of it up so that it looked like lips in a theatrical kiss. It looked kind of cute. Then I rolled it back again revealing the large purple bell-end again, moist and glistening.

I said, "I think it's eight inches. I dunno. One of my exes said she'd measured it in my sleep..." I shrugged.

He smiled and then pulled his own larger cock out from the sagging material of his briefs. He immediately withdrew his own foreskin, rolling it back from his swollen red glans. I guess I was wide-eyed because he burst out laughing.

I pretended to laugh back but I knew couldn't disguise my awe and envy. "How the hell did you end up with such a monster cock?"

He said, "Did you ever see Dad's?"

"I don't think so... I never really looked out for it."

"I once walked in on him in the bathroom. It was early one morning and he'd just got up. Had a morning stiffie, I guess. He was standing waiting for the shower to warm up and I walked in. His cock was fucking huge. Bigger than mine, easily."


I felt kind of intrigued: I'd never suspected Dad as concealing a python down his trousers. But then, as I'd said to Gareth, it'd never been something I'd looked out for...

Gareth concluded, "So I guess it's genetic."

"I guess."

Gareth rolled his foreskin forwards and then back again. Unlike me, though, he didn't stop at that. He kept going, slowly pushing it forwards over his bell-end, and then retracting it again. Gently masturbating his cock in front of me.

I sat up a bit and reached down for my briefs. "I'm gonna need to pull these off. I don't like to feel confined while I'm wazzin'..."

As I pulled them off, Gareth took his hand off his cock and did likewise. "Good idea."

I threw my briefs to the floor and changed positions so that I was in front of Gareth, kneeling on the mattress. My cock curved upwards and my balls hung down beneath it, swinging low in their scrotum.

Gareth pulled his briefs off over his feet and looked over at my erection. He said, "Nice..."

As he threw them to the floor I started masturbating with a moderate rhythm. It felt good to hold my cock properly, to squeeze it in my fist and to feel my foreskin gently caressing my bell-end as it rolled back and forth across it.

Gareth sat back against the wall, his arse on my pillow, and opened his legs wide in front of him. His scrotum looked tight and wrinkled, his large balls held firmly inside it and making a pair of solid-looking bulges. He grabbed his dick inside his fist and began gently tugging at his foreskin, rolling it a couple of centimetres over the head of his cock and then retracting it back again. Short, slow jerks while he watched my hand on my cock.

I said, "I always wanted to do this when we were younger."

He kept staring at my cock as if fascinated by it. His hand just kept up its slow rolling and unrolling of his foreskin against his bulbous red cock head. He asked, distractedly, "What?"

"This. The two of us wanking in front of each other..."

He smiled. "You should've asked..."

"I thought you'd have been embarrassed. You used to get uptight when I mentioned anything sexual."

"Yeah, maybe. But if you'd have suggested it I'd have been up for it. Probably up for us doing a few more things..."

I was surprised by what he said and my cock swelled larger within my hand at the idea. He looked up at my face, his expression now serious.

I said, "Like what...?"

He looked down at his dick and seemed irritated. "I can't get into this. I need some lube. My cock gets really dry and it hurts when I try to wank unless I've got some lube."

His cock did look a bit sore. The base of his bell-end, the thick ridge on it where it joined to the stem of his cock, was an angry red colour and the top of his foreskin was bright pink. I said, "Yeah, I've got some KY somewhere." I stood up and walked over to the little cupboard under my sink. My cock stood out in front of me, curving upwards like a horn. I turned to ask Gareth if that would be okay and saw that he was staring at my arse.

He looked up at my face and nodded, looking a little embarrassed to have been checking out his little brother's butt. I turned back to the cupboard and grinned. I'd give him a little show, something to whet his appetite. Instead of kneeling down to look inside the cupboard as I would normally have done, I sort of half-squatted and bent over so that Gareth could get a better look at my arse. I have a nice backside, even if I do say so myself, and I was sure he wouldn't miss the opportunity to look between my cheeks while I was bending over.

I reached in for the KY and knocked a few cans of deodorant over to prolong things. I squatted further and bent forwards to pick the cans up and felt the air of the room on my exposed anus. I looked underneath myself to check if Gareth was looking, but I couldn't see his face. I could see his legs outstretched on my mattress and his cock standing upwards with his fingers on its stem.

I tried to work out what Gareth could see of me. I saw that my balls hung low between my wide open legs, swinging gently in my pendulous scrotum as I fumbled around with the cans. He couldn't really miss them. My cock stood upwards, throbbing almost against my stomach, out of his view. His brother's open buttcheeks, his brother's tight pink little arsehole, his brother's long dangling balls hanging down between his legs. That's what Gareth could see.

I set the cans upright and stood up with the KY. Then I walked back over to the bed, noticing that Gareth was still staring at the place I'd been squatting, his expression vacant, gently working his fingers up and down the length of his thick veined stem.

He said, distractedly, "You ever been fucked?"


He looked up at me and then looked a little embarrassed by his question. Like we both knew exactly what had been running through his mind while he'd looked over at me. I knelt on the bed in front of him and squirted some KY onto my palm. Then I added, with a smirk, "At least, not yet..."

I leaned over and rubbed some of the cold jelly around the broad red head of his cock. I didn't even offer him the chance of doing it for himself: I wanted to do it for him. I said, "What's it like?"

He winced. "Freezing."

"No. What's it like to be fucked?"

He grinned. "Oh right. I guess it depends on the other guy. If he's built like me then it hurts like hell. Actually, I don't really like getting screwed by guys with thick cocks. We tend to stick to sucking and stuff..."

My own cock strained at what I was hearing. It was really exciting listening to Gareth talk about what he got up to; the way he was so open about it. I guess he'd decided there was no reason to be coy with me: when you've got your younger brother rubbing lube onto your dick, it's hardly like you're going to get uptight about sex talk. I squirted another gob of KY onto his swollen glans. Despite the coldness, it never stopped throbbing; never wavered from being totally hard. I started stroking the jelly down the shaft of his cock, smearing it along the thick rod, making it slick and shiny.

He continued, "The best cocks for screwing are a bit thinner. Not too thin or else they don't touch the sides."

I laughed and kept rubbing the jelly up and down his length, squeezing more firmly to take of his foreskin with it.

I said, "How thick is best?"

He answered as I expected him to. "About as thick as yours."

I looked up at him and kept rubbing his slick foreskin, working it at a gentle rhythm up and down the thick shaft of his dick. I grinned. "I've got the right sized cock for fucking butt, then?"

"For fucking my butt."

My grin evaporated. I couldn't help but look serious at the directness of what he'd said.

He explained, "I mean, not all guys like thinner cocks - it's just my personal preference. A lot of men like getting fucked by me. Actually, one guy said I wasn't thick enough. He had an arsehole like a fucking tunnel entrance."

I smiled and kept rubbing his cock, by now obviously masturbating it. He didn't resist and didn't seem to bothered about taking over. In fact, he looked like he was enjoying it. Enjoying our chat; enjoying having me wank him off. He smiled slightly, his eyes looking content. He said, "I think it's just me - I have a really tight arse. You do too."

I looked up at him again, my hand speeding up on his cock.

He grinned. "Well, you must have. That has to be a genetic thing."

I said, "Yeah, I guess. I dunno. I like fingering it sometimes. That's not too difficult..."

He said, "A cock's a lot bigger than a finger..."

I looked back at his cock, at his foreskin covering and then uncovering his almost egg-sized bell end as I wanked him, and said, "Some more than others..."

He smiled and then urged me to move forwards, towards him. "You're not getting much out of this..."

I said, "I'm getting a lot out of this." But did as he suggested.

He reached forwards and grabbed my cock in his hand.

"Do you want me to lube you up?"

I shook my head. "I like it dry. Lots of friction."

Our eyes met and we grinned at each other. Then he started slowly jerking my foreskin along my shaft. It felt a bit odd to have someone else's hand on my cock; his technique was unfamiliar, his finger's squeezed it in strange places. But I was incredibly aroused by what we were doing: this was Gareth's hand and I think he could have played with it like it was a flute and I'd have still enjoyed it.

He said, smiling and half-closing his eyes as we pleasured each other, "So my little brother fingers his arse sometimes?

I smiled back. "When the mood takes him."

His hand gripped my cock more firmly and started masturbating me more quickly. I moved my hips gently in the same rhythm and felt my balls dancing around between my legs, occasionally jumping up to rub against his wrist.

He said, "I'm surprised you've never tried having a guy fuck you if you enjoy fingering yourself. Surprised you've always stuck with girls..."

"I can't say I haven't thought about it..."

"Have you ever had the chance?"

I considered. "Yeah... I guess... a couple of guys have come onto me...'"

"Weren't you ever tempted?"

"I dunno... yeah... maybe... I was just scared it would hurt... that they wouldn't stop if it did..."

"Do you think you might try it one day?"

I was masturbating him quickly now, and he was following my rhythm on my own cock. The sounds my hand was making on his jelly-slick shaft, a slurping sliding sound, seemed loud in the brief silence that followed his question.

After a few seconds I said, "Yeah. I mean, if there was guy I trusted one-hundred percent and he was prepared to put up with me saying 'no' at the last minute..."

Gareth looked straight at me, his expression intense. His eyes searched my face; I knew what he was looking for. He said, "Even if the guy had a thick cock... even if it might hurt you..."

I looked back at him. We both knew what this was about; what I was agreeing to.

"Yeah. As long as I knew he'd be gentle. As long as I knew him well enough... it wouldn't be something I'd do with some guy who'd come onto me in a club or wherever..."

Our hands were a blur on each other's cocks. He said, starting to breathe quickly, almost panting, "Someone from way back, Seb. Someone who's known you since you were a kid... someone who'd go limp if he thought he was hurting you for a second... someone who would take it as slowly as you liked..."

As he was speaking, I moved forwards so that my arse was above his sticky slick cock. I kept masturbating him but moved downwards, feeling his wet cock head pressing between my cheeks, working it towards my hole.

Gareth kept talking, through rapid breaths, kept reassuring me. "Just tell me, Seb... just tell me if it hurts... just one word..."

When I felt his hot, round bell-end pressing against my anus, I pushed very slightly down. My hole resisted the intrusion, clamping up.

Gareth said gently, "I don't wanna sound disgusting..." He paused to breathe in; he was struggling for breath like he'd been under water for a couple of minutes. "Just pretend you're taking a crap... just relax your arse muscles like your crapping..." I felt a bit embarrassed to have him say that to me. It's not the kind of thing that I'm used to hearing from my brother.

But I did as he said and felt a centimetre so of his broad cock head push my ring open and enter me. I gasped with the pain; with the burning sensation of having my hole invaded by him. He kept talking, his voice soothing, caring. "This is natural Seb... it's right for us to be doing this... it's right that it should be me... that it's me on your first time..."

He must have felt my cock limpening. The pain was so intense that it was an automatic reaction. He took his hand off it and then, with both hands, started caressing my arms, my sides and my chest; gently stroking my skin, lovingly running his fingers over my body. I kept holding his cock and pushed my arse downwards a little more. Another centimetre of it entered me and my ring widened further to accommodate more of the broad girth of his bell-end. It felt enormous, like I was trying to get a traffic cone up my arse.

He was saying, "Just relax, Seb... just try to relax... you can take it... the worst part's over..."

I wasn't sure that that was entirely true, but I tried to relax myself. I closed my eyes and gasped for breath. When the pain subsided, I pushed downwards again and felt another centimetre or so enter me. This time it wasn't so painful. The widest part of his cock was already inside me.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Sebastian Wallace

Brother Tease, Part 3

It wasn't an entirely restful night, trying to share a single bed with Gareth. For the first few hours elbows and knees seemed to be everywhere; every time one of us tried to change positions, to move this way or that, we'd knock ourselves into a sharp part of the other. Cocks and arses were another problem: we both seemed to be constantly groping each other. Wherever I put my hand, it

Brother Tease, Part 4

I looked down at him. He was staring at me, scanning my face for any signs that I couldn't take it. That made me feel a bit better; he knew what he was doing. Like when we were kids, Gareth would look after me. I pushed down a bit further and this time about an inch of him slid into me. I gasped with the feel of it entering my bowels, penetrating my guts. It was so hot, like a poker. The

Educating Peter

A couple of years ago, I had to spend three months as a junior doctor in Southampton General Hospital as part of my medical training. This meant that, because of the long hours and irregular shifts, I had to move into the cramped student accommodation located at the back of the hospital. I ended up sharing a room with another medic called Peter. I must admit that I'm not too keen on

Sizing Him Up

A friend of mine made a comment to me a few years ago that you'll probably find as difficult to believe as I did. We were sitting in the pub one evening after lectures and the two of us were chatting about what was going on the medical faculty: primarily, who was sleeping with whom. The rest of our friends were playing doubles at a pool table nearby and Carol and I were catching up on news


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