Gay Erotic Stories

Dark Interlude

by Darkwytche

Chris shivered slightly from the sudden cold as a freezing April wind blew across the river. Shrugging his shoulders deeper into the confines of his wool coat he cast his gaze up at the Full Moon. Everything was bathed in a perfect white light. Above in the cloudless sky he could make out the constellation of Orion – the Hunter, a perfect night for the Sabbat, if only it wasn’t so damned cold!

He was a Witch, or to be more correct a Warlock, for he had been a practicing male witch for several years now and always honored the Sabbats. Tonight was Beltane, also recorded in the book ‘Dracula’ as Walpurgis Nacht, the night that the dead traveled fast. To a Warlock, even though he wasn’t a Wiccan it was a night of blessing and Craft, not the demon-filled night of popular myth.

Another few minutes and he was at his chosen destination, a small clearing in the woods that lined the riverbanks. The thick pine trees that surrounded him cut off the wind and laid a carpet of pine needles over the cold earth, this spot was perfect except for one detail. It was beside the crumbling stone wall of an old graveyard. Of course no one had been laid to rest in the graveyard for over two centuries and the dead couldn’t harm him; still it was bloody creepy!

Keeping his back to the graveyard he placed his cotton shoulder bag onto the ground and quickly took out his ritual equipment ready to celebrate Beltane. Removing his coat he stood naked except for a thin white cotton robe tied loosely at the waist with a band of silver silk. Slowly he created the Circle of Protection and stepped inside; he was ready for his ritual now.

Lowering his eyes he concentrated on his Book of Shadows that lay open before him, about to recite the words of Ritual. He was stunned to hear a decidedly human voice call over to him…

“Good evening, my friend.” The voice was male and rather melodious. Jumping to his feet he looked around himself hurriedly; he had been certain he was alone. No one came here because of the old graveyard even during the day. The voice had come from behind him, from the graveyard. Slowly he turned to face the speaker.

Resting against the decaying wall on the side of the graveyard was a tall man, his face hidden by shadow despite the brightness of the Moon. A little too loudly, he returned the greeting but stood still within the Circle, unsure of what to do next. No one had ever interrupted him at Ritual before. “Please do not let me stop your Craft; my apologies for interrupting you.” The man waved a hand towards him in a brief gesture.

Chris smiled uncertainly and thanked the man, and told him he would continue in a moment.

“Very well, my friend. Then I should introduce myself. I am Michel Demensbury, and you?” Michel left the question hanging.

Chris was a little bothered by Michel’s use of ‘My friend’ but it would be stupid not to be polite. “I’m Chris Horne,” he was still smiling a little although the smile all but died when Michel held his hand out for him to shake.


Hesitating slightly, he paused then stepped out of the Circle and walked towards Michel. He didn’t notice the look of triumph that filled Michel’s face.

Reaching the graveyard wall he took Michel’s hand and was surprised by how cool it was. Michel had a grip that was firm and strong and felt somehow intimate.

Suddenly Michel grabbed first Chris’s forearm and then his upper arm, Chris tried to jerk back but Michel was surprisingly strong and grabbed him with both hands before hauling him easily over the crumbling stone wall despite his struggling.

Ignoring Chris’s protests and curses, Michel pushed him up against a leaning gravestone and held him by the throat in a solid grip that grew steadily harsher as Chris began to lose consciousness from the lack of air. The last words he heard before blacking out was Michel saying, “Really Chris, I must thank you for leaving the protection of your Circle…”

* * * * * * * When he came back to full consciousness he was at once aware of two things: he was inside a building that smelled of age, rot and damp; and he was lying prone on some cold, hard surface. Struggling to sit up he cast his eyes round the room making things out in the candlelight that shone a pale glow on the stone walls. To his horror he realized that he was in an old mausoleum with grave markers etched into the stonework. The surface he was lying on was the flat marble top of a large and very elaborate tomb.

“You’re awake. Excellent. I hoped you would wake soon.” Michel’s voice was loud in the old building and full of something Chris could only think of as triumph.

Chris saw Michel come slowly into his field of vision. He gasped at the sight of his captor illuminated by the candlelight: Michel stood tall, proud and quite naked except for a long cape that hung back from his broad shoulders exposing his taut, muscled and very aroused body.

He was only too aware of the reaction that Michel’s naked body was having on his own body. Chris had long since thought of himself as bi-sexual but never gone beyond kissing and fondling another man. But now this stranger who had knocked him out and was now holding him in an old burial place was arousing him.

What would happen to him now? For the first time Chris cursed himself for his solitary life. No one would wonder where he was: his family was miles away, he really had no friends to speak of, and now he was completely alone with this naked, magnificent stranger.

Slowly he realized that although he was still half lying/sitting on the tomb he was not bound or anything and could move freely. Only his imagination had stopped him from getting up and at least attempting to get away.

Cautiously he stepped onto the cold floor of the mausoleum and stood up straight. Then very aware of his own rapidly growing state of arousal he shifted his cotton robe slightly to attempt to hide his reaction to Michel.

Michel smiled and moved slightly closer. Chris realized that the only way in and out of this chamber was a small flight of steps that lay directly beyond Michel.


Swallowing slightly he stepped forward, determination and apprehension visible on his face and in his stance to Michel, who only smiled again and stepped to one side.

“Please, Chris. Feel free to try to leave. If you make it to the steps then I shall not stop you from leaving. But first you must attempt to reach them.” Michel’s challenge echoed in the cool room.

Squaring his shoulders, Chris walked forward. He was trying to prepare himself for Michel’s attack but Michel’s movements still caught him off balance. He felt Michel’s arms wrap around his upper torso and he was pulled hard against Michel’s naked, smooth chest. The scent of Michel filled his nostrils and he was only far too aware of Michel’s hard, large cock pressing against his thinly covered buttocks. Michel pressed his crotch against Chris harder and ground his cock against the covered crack of Chris’s butt, causing Chris to curse and struggle. A gasp came from him as Michel grabbed his crotch and discovered how hard and aroused he, himself was.

Michel spun Chris around to face him and claimed him for a kiss that filled Chris’s senses. He felt Michel’s lips against his own and then the warm moist invasion of Michel’s tongue in his mouth.

Chris struggled as Michel pushed him back across the room to the tomb, the kiss still in progress up until the moment Michel lifted him up and sat him on the surface of the tomb.

Michel made a motion with his hand and Chris felt his body go numb and realized he couldn’t move. His eyes widened as Michel took off his cape and lay it over the cold surface of the tomb. Then he pushed Chris down and slowly spread his thighs. Sensation quickly returned to Chris’s body but he was still unable to move his arms.

He bit down on his tongue to withhold a moan as Michel’s fingers moved to the hem of his robe and slowly pushed it upwards to his hips. Sensation rippled through Chris as he felt the firmness of fingertips brushing the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs.

Cool air caressed his flesh as surely as Michel was. Unable to move, Chris could only feel the tremors of anticipation that ran through his body as his robe rose higher and higher exposing first his thighs and then his aching, aroused cock. Michel pushed the robe up to Chris’s waist then spread his thighs a little wider apart.

Cupping Chris’s balls Michel licked his lips and then lowered his head. Chris tried to stop him but he went ignored as Michel prepared to use his lips and tongue on Chris’s aroused cock and balls.

A cry of pleasure escaped Chris as he felt the lips kiss his balls then the hot, moist tongue tease them, tugging gently on his pubic hair and massaging his balls with a growing hunger. Slowly the tongue moved to the base of Chris’s aching cock circling it as strong, slender fingers began to stroke and then pump his cock, making him groan with pleasure.

He was trying to fight the feeling of lust and pleasure that filled him but this was almost a fantasy come true and the sensations that Michel created in him were too potent to overcome. Still he would hold out against this man for as long as he was able…

Michel knew Chris was trying to hold back and so moved his tongue from the base of his cock to the exposed, sensitive cock-head which was wet with pre-cum.

Slowly he teased and tasted the flesh, making Chris gasp, moan and tell him to stop. Instead he took the head of Chris’s cock into his mouth and slowly sucked him and licked him to an orgasm that made Chris scream with release.

Spurts of thick, warm cum filled Michel’s mouth but he had no need to breathe for he was of the undead. He swallowed the cum as quickly as it pumped into his mouth. Beneath him Chris cried for him to stop but he wanted more.

Reluctantly Michel released Chris’s cock. Now he would temporarily allow Chris respite from his sexual attentions and turn himself to his other hunger on this Sabbat night – the hunger for blood.

Raising his head a little he let his long hair spill over Chris’s thighs and cum-smeared stomach, then he felt the sharp sensation of his incisor teeth lengthening and sharpening. Opening his mouth wide, he moved his lips to the hair dusted flesh of Chris’s upper inner thigh and bit down hard…

A cry of pain came from Chris as his hot blood filled Michel’s mouth. The blood tasted of fear and the passion that Michel had provoked in him. Chris’s cock, which had begun to soften, now sprang back to hot, hard life and would remain so until Michel had finished with him. That would not be for quite some time.

For several moments Michel gorged himself both on Chris’s blood and the scent of his sexually aroused state.


Finally Michel withdrew his fangs from Chris’s torn flesh and allowed a droplet of his own blood to land on the wound where it knit the flesh back together till it looked untouched. Then spreading Chris’s thighs further apart, he moved between them, his own hard and very wet cock poking against Chris’s crotch.

“Please, no more. I can’t do this…Please!” Chris’s words came in a harsh gasp as Michel placed his hands on the neck of Chris’s robe.

“Oh, but Chris you can do this and you will. I will experience every inch of your firm young mortal body again and again.” The words had barely left Michel’s lips before he wrenched the material of Chris’s robe, tearing it completely open. Chris’s naked, hair-dusted and sweat-soaked body lay in all its naked glory before his hungry gaze.

The air rushed from Chris’s mouth but no sound came with it, not until Michel lowered his hands to his chest and began to first stroke his sweat-dampened chest hair and then tease his hard, erect nipples. Only then did Chris let out a long, audible moan of pleasure.

Michel suddenly moved from Chris’s thighs but another motion from him ensured the numbness now returned to Chris’s legs so he was unable to press his thighs together; he lay naked and exposed to Michel.

Gently Michel began to stroke Chris’s thighs and then pushed his knees up gaining himself almost perfect access to Chris’s tight, hair-dusted asshole. Slowly he stroked the hair making Chris moan softly then he used the tip of his index finger to begin to probe Chris’s virgin ass. A gasp of pain came from Chris but it went unheeded. Firmly Michel pushed his finger deep into Chris making him cry out. Michel finger-fucked him gently at first but then as Chris’s ass opened more he thrust in another finger and then a third…

Each finger was met with a cry from Chris; Michel smiled. Soon Chris would really scream, but this time he wouldn’t be using his fingers on Chris’s unsullied ass.

Slightly harder Michel used his fingers inside Chris to open him wider and prepare him at least slightly for what was to come. For Michel himself was very well endowed – over nine inches of thick, hard, uncut cock was going to pound Chris’s unsuspecting ass…


Chris writhed and moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as Michel’s expert fingers filled him, stretching him wider as they moved inside. Then as quickly as Michel had thrust his fingers inside, he withdrew them.

A moan escaped Chris as he discovered what Michel was doing now. He felt Michel’s hot tongue tease first his ass crack and then his tight hole before the tip moved inside. Slowly yet demandingly Michel began to thrust his tongue into him making him wetter and wetter. This was a strange sensation yet as it continued Chris could feel himself rapidly approaching orgasm again.

Pleasure built up quicker and quicker until Chris couldn’t take any more and with a ragged gasp he found himself cumming for a second time. Shudders rippled through him as sweat dripped from his forehead and down his face. He felt the trickles of sweat move down his trembling back to meet Michel’s hungry mouth, which still worked on his butt. Slowly Michel raised his head, saliva slicked his lips and Chris’s now ready and very wet and lubricated butt…

While Chris was still trembling from the sensations that Michel had invoked in him; he was helpless and breathless. Michel smiled and drew Chris closer to him till finally his cockhead was positioned at the lubricated entrance of Chris’s butt. A gasp of shock and a little pain escaped from Chris as Michel slowly began to slide his cock into him. Michel grunted and thrust harder drawing a sharper cry from Chris. Triumph filled Michel’s face as his balls met the firm flesh of Chris’s butt.

Slowly he withdrew his cock a little, getting used to the tightness of Chris’s virgin ass. Chris was moaning but had not said the word ‘No.’ If truth be told, Chris now wanted it almost as much as Michel, after all the treatment he had received from this stranger, but he would never admit it to Michel.

The feeling of Michel inside him was so intense, there was pain but the sensation was more pleasure than pain as Michel began to thrust into him again he felt his butt relax to meet Michel’s thrust.

A groan of pleasure came from Michel as he felt Chris relax beneath him: now he could really enjoy this.

Sweat slicked both men until with a cry Michel came, shooting his hot cum deep into Chris; a cry of pleasure came from Chris as well, although his orgasm was almost dry.

Licking his lips, Michel smiled down at Chris’s sweat-slicked face and then began to thrust into him again. It had been so long since anyone had entered the area around the old graveyard and he was going to take Chris again and again until he was completed satiated.


Chris moaned with pleasure and then a cry of fear flew from him as Michel raised his head high and opened his mouth wide, long fangs gleamed in the candlelight just before he lowered his head to Chris’s chest. Momentarily Michel stopped his thrusting to enjoy the taste of Chris’s blood as he bit deep and hard. The cry of pain from Chris went unnoticed as Michel drank his fill. Then he raised his head, licked his lips and began to thrust into Chris again.

Chris knew there was now no escape for him; he was the sexual toy of a vampire, for as long as Michel wanted him.

It was to become a night full of passion, blood and sweat for both of them.


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2 Gay Erotic Stories from Darkwytche

Dark Interlude

Chris shivered slightly from the sudden cold as a freezing April wind blew across the river. Shrugging his shoulders deeper into the confines of his wool coat he cast his gaze up at the Full Moon. Everything was bathed in a perfect white light. Above in the cloudless sky he could make out the constellation of Orion – the Hunter, a perfect night for the Sabbat, if only it wasn’t so damned cold!

The Fellowship...

The three remaining members of the fellowship of the ring, Aragorn the Man, Legolas the Elf and Gimli the dwarf ran across the barren plains of scrub grass and rocks still in pursuit of the Orcs. Finally exhaustion won out and the trio decided to camp for the night. Legolas with his keen eyesight picked an ideal camping ground, sheltered and hidden. Aragorn soon had a roaring fire going


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