Gay Erotic Stories

Robbie, An Unexpected Love

by Dariusofct

When I was eight, my family moved from India to the USA where we settled in San Diego, to me still the most beautiful place in the this country. Our neighbors were the Murdoch’s, a family originally from Australia but now second generations. They had 2 kids, Cheyenne and Robbie. I guess when I first saw Cheyenne; she had come over with her mother to help us move in. One afternoon with her and I was so in love with her. She was truly my best friend. She helped me adjust to my new surroundings and also in school. We both totally confided in each other and as time went on we knew we were totally in love with each other. She was the only woman I ever loved, kissed and slept with. Even through school and college, never was there a thought to sleep with another. Both of our families knew of our love and totally supported us.

Robbie on the other hand, was always getting into trouble. He was chided by his parents all the time and for some odd reason they always compared him to me. It was because of that I guess he really hated me growing up. He would always pick on me and at times really beat me up, things, which I would and could not ever mention to Cheyenne or her parents, because I tried to protect him. Anyhow as time went by he took off to college and that was the last I heard of him for some time.

Cheyenne and I announced our engagement to the world 3 years ago and were to be married December 2000. Everything was in place. I also got a call from Robbie telling me to take care of his sister or he would make it his business to mess me up. Well, at least he cared in his own way. He was now working for a construction company and was doing well. But it was not to be, for 10 days before the wedding, whilst on our way home walking up to her apartment, a car with a drunk driver lost control and plowed into the 2 of us.

The car hit me first and I guess the impact of it on me sent me towards Cheyenne and she hit the sidewalk with me on top of her. When I came through, she looked as though she was sleeping. As I turned her, is a sight I will remember and still have nightmares about, is seeing her gashed temple and head with a lot of blood around. As I held her she opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled. She told me to have a beautiful life and that she would always watch over me and then slowly slipped away.

My life as I knew it ended. The ambulance came and we were taken away, where I was treated for multiple fractures but nothing more serious. What really killed me that night was the fact that the doctor mentioned that if Cheyenne did not have my weight thrown on her, she might have lived. For months on end after the funeral, I blamed myself. I withdrew from the world and did not even go out for almost 8 months.

On the first year anniversary, her parents suggested that I give a talk about Cheyenne, to which I agreed. To be able to get through it I popped a lot of anti-depressants that I was on and along with some alcohol. So the whole thing was a disaster, I garbled through the entire service and was gently escorted out and went back home. Robbie who had come down from Washington State where he was working was incensed with me.

Around 10 pm that night, there was thud on the door and when I opened it I got a punch in my face. Surprise, it was Robbie! He mentioned that he would never let anyone make a fool of his sister’s memory. He then went into my bathroom to clean up his hand, which was cut after punching me in the face. I just went and curled up on my bed and sobbed like a baby. When he came out, he tried to get me up out of bed and when he did pull me up he noticed what I was holding in my hand, was an old blood stained shirt. He looked puzzled and I mentioned that it was the shirt that I was wearing the night that the accident happened, that it was Cheyenne’s blood on it. After that I just collapsed to the floor in a heap and cried my guts out. I just mentioned about how the doctor’s statement had made me feel so guilty about her death and how it was that I could not forget, how I was a mental mess and just rambled on and on.

I guess that it for the first time that Robbie realized just how much I loved his sister. He was soon on the floor next to me apologizing for hitting me and was sobbing himself. He said that he missed Cheyenne too; since she was the only one in the family he could talk to about his secret. Now I was in no condition to ask about this secret. So he carried me to the bed, where he washed up my face, which was still messy after the punch he threw at me. He then held me as I fell off to sleep. In the morning when I woke, Robbie was still sleeping in my bed next to me. For the first time in a year I had someone on my side and it felt good. Also for the first time, I noticed how well Robbie had matured. His face was perfect and he was built pretty well too. And for the first time in a year, I started to grow and erection of which I was so embarrassed at the time. So I just got up and went to make some coffee.

Robbie was now my closest friend, he moved from Washington to work in San Diego and we started hanging out a lot. Because of him, I started going out a lot more, enjoying people’s company. There were times however some memory of Cheyenne would pop back and my whole world would shatter around me. At those times a call to Robbie would tend to put the pieces back together.

One day on the bar trip, we returned pretty drunk and so Robbie started mentioning about how he could talk to Cheyenne about his secret. So I tried to get it out of him, but he just clamped up. I then tried to ask him why he did not have any girlfriends and he said that he was not good at relationships and we just ended it there. He ended up sleeping at my place that night to sleep off the alcohol. The next morning, when he stepped out of the shower, man, was he beautiful or what! He had the body any man would die for and I just could not help but stare. When he looked in my direction, I felt and little silly and just turned away leaving him with a smile on his face.

The big day finally arrived when I went out on my first date in almost 15 months. The girl was really nice and we got along well. After a few more evenings, I felt comfortable enough to kiss her and in another few weeks she invited me over to her place, and as we started to get down to it, I panicked and ran out of there. She knew about my history and so was understanding. But this happened more than once and soon she was getting frustrated. Then one night, I actually slept with her. She was good but to me it was just sex, no love!

The experience made me feel so guilty that I again started to withdraw from the world. Robbie tried to call me out for a few nights and I turned him down. Finally after a week he showed up on my doorstep and when he saw the state that I was in, he agreed to stay the night. I told him that I could not love anyone else and that no one could ever love me the way his sister did and just burst out in tears. Through all of this he just held me and listened. I kept saying that I would grow old alone and had all these awful thoughts.

Then in the midst of my despair, I felt a new sensation. I felt Robbie’s lips on mine! I was shocked and pulled back and looked at him. He had a real funny look in his eyes; it was a mixture of sympathy, respect and LUST! That was his big secret--Robbie was gay! But his lips felt good, so after some time I leaned in and he responded. It was a beautiful kiss; soft yet strong, loving yet lustful, sweet in taste and yet strong in essence. I have no clue what came over me, but I was all over him. Soon we were on the floor, groping and touching and oh, kissing!!!! He was an excellent kisser.

He soon had me on my back where he removed first my shirt and then everything else. I was now completely naked while he slowly slipped his clothes off while never stopping to kiss me. Robbie knew what he was doing. He moved down on me, slowly, this was getting way too hot for me. I had never had a boner like this in a long time--it hurt! He was soon down on me, had me in his mouth where he licked and teased me with his lips and tongue. Oh God this was so good. It did not take long before I cried out and exploded.

Robbie swallowed all of my cum down. He then reached up and kissed me. I was unsure of what to do next, so he guided me through it. He slowly led me down to his dick. Oh, it was a beauty, 7 inches, cut and a wondrous olive tan color. As I took him in my mouth, the feeling was surely strange, but at the same time felt good and natural. As I tongued him, he moaned and squirmed and taught me how to give head properly. Soon he was crying out and unleashed his load down my throat; boy he was thick and tasted a lot like whipped cream.

He then turned around and asked me to fuck him. I said that I do not think that I could fuck him so soon after I had cum, as it took me some time to get worked up again. He then grinned and asked me to look down and behold, there I was fully erect again. He slipped on a condom and lubed both of us up. He then lay me down on the floor while he lowered himself on me, slowly, I am not big in size, about 6½ inches but I am thick. So he slowly moaned and adjusted himself as he took me in. Boy, when I was in I almost came immediately.

I had never felt this kind of warmth before. Also his muscles, felt as though they were milking me. Each time I would pull out, his inner muscles pulled me back. I was building quickly. I kept pushing, feeling my load build. I had never been with anyone so completely able to let go and just get into the fuck. I felt myself thicken, tightening up. My stomach muscles clenched, my thighs became weak and my back arched involuntarily. I cried out as I emptied myself into the condom.

With one final, deep thrust, I felt Robbie let go, clamping me as came too. His cries were animalistic groans and I was amazed that I could do this to him. We soon fell off to sleep and in the morning I noticed that Rob was gone. I tried calling him the entire day, but would only get his answering machine. Finally out of utter frustration, I went over to his apartment. I met him there, he would not even let me in, he mentioned that last night was a mistake and that I only slept with him because I was lonely and sad. He said that he was sorry for encouraging me and asked me to leave. I was lost, for the first time in such a long time, I felt safe with someone and now he was rejecting me. More than anything I was scared of losing his friendship. A week went by and still there was no sign of him. This time I did not let it affect me, but I decided to go out and enjoy myself. Robbie had somehow done something to me and that was to make me realize that life moves on. Things change and the world throws you curve balls, you either attack it or by whacked out by them. So I hit the town hard. I started to go to all the bars in town and staying out late nights. Boy this felt good! Robbie, on the other hand, started to slip into this depression. I still believe that it was that night with me, the guilt of fucking his dead sister’s ex really got to him. The last thing I heard was that he was drinking really heavily and started to become an alcoholic.

On night we ran into each other in the bar and all of a sudden from nowhere he came up to me and punched me real hard. This was the second time that he had done this to me and now I was in no mood to let this go again, so with all my might I swung back at him a couple of times. He was laid flat on the floor partly due to intoxication also. So I then carried him home and laid him in bed. I slept out on the couch till morning. In the morning I got into his shower to freshen up and I saw him in there.

I still remember his silhouette in there (man, I almost came right now even thinking about it and writing). He had the frame of a Greek god, he was so finely chiseled, not heavily muscled, but cut. So I moved into the shower with him. When I pulled the curtain back, he looked at me. I just stepped in and pulled him towards me. He seemed a bit unsure, so I was in control here. I laid a big kiss smack on his lips and forcefully parted them. He started to respond in his kissing and the ‘other’ place. Emboldened by this I grabbed a tuff of his hair and yanked on it, he moaned. The moment he moaned, I sprung a boner like you wouldn’t believe. He grinned when he saw this, now I knew I had his attention. Slowly I pushed him down, where he proceeded to give me the most incredible blowjob in the world. I soon came in buckets--I was so spent.

Robbie mentioned that he was surprised since he thought I wanted to fuck him. ‘No Robbie, today is your lucky day, I want you in me’. He asked me if I was sure, since I had never taken it up the arse before. I said that I was and slipped a condom on him. He started to ready me, first he rimmed me for almost 30 minutes. I finally opened up enough for him to stick two fingers into me.

“Man, honey you do have one tight arse”, is all he said to me. As he finger-fucked me, I blew my second load in 30 minutes. He then steadied me and started to enter me slowly. For a split moment I thought that my innards were being ripped out. Then when he was completely into me, he hit a spot and I was hard as a flagpole on the 4th of July. He was an incredible lover. He found his rhythm, alternating between long, slow strokes (where I could feel every inch of him) with fast furious jabs that left me gasping for breath. For the 3rd time in 40mins now, I came. I had never in all my life come three times in under an hour, he was gooooooooooooood!

This went on for some more time, my legs were starting to weaken now and I could feel him building too, his girth started to increase in me and we were both moaning pretty loud now. The last 5 minutes were a blur; both of us were so glassy eyed. He lifted me so that my back was against the shower wall and my legs wrapped around his waist and he really jabbed me now with short quick strokes. Soon he yelped and I actually felt him come in the condom, it was that strong. Before I knew it I had come again, the 4th time! I just held on to him and Robbie carried me for some time, before he lay me down on the floor. We were both exhausted, I have never felt so drained, I felt as though if I drank any fluids at that point they would land up in my balls!

As I kissed him, he told me that he was sorry for punching me in the bar. I told him that if he felt guilty for what happened the first time that it was silly. I needed it as much as he did. This time was my way of showing him how much I needed him. He said something to the effect that I was not gay, so I could not truly love him in that sense. I told Robbie that I believed in love, gay or straight. I sincerely believe that if two people love each other, who the fuck cares whether they are of the same sex or opposite. We then spent that whole day either in each other’s arms or arses. This was heaven!

The next morning Robbie’s father came over to see him and I went and answered the door in my undies. He was a bit shocked to say the least and really furious when he saw Robbie come running out some time later buck naked. In a fist of anger, he stormed out. Robbie started to cry and I tried to console him. That evening I decided to face his father. He was really mad. He mentioned that Cheyenne had told them about Robbie’s secret and that they had accepted it and hence never pressed him to get married or all that stuff parents normally do. But he never imagined that I would be his partner. I told him that how it all started and that I was serious about it and that I would never play Robbie. I told him that I loved him just about as much as I loved Cheyenne. Hearing that seemed to calm him down. One thing he could never accuse me of was being unfaithful to his daughter. He told me that he would need some time to take it in and fill his wife in on the situation.

That Sunday evening the Murdoch’s had us over for dinner where Robbie and I announced our relationship to both of our families. His family seemed to take it much better that mine. My parents were incensed and did not communicate with me for almost a year. They have now come around and things seem to be looking up. They actually invited both Robbie and me over for lunch just the other day. Robbie and I are still very much a couple and very much in love. It has sure been on hell of a roller coaster ride for the both of us, but we love each other and that is all that matters. Now I have to end this since Robbie is chewing on my ear and that means only one thing!


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Dariusofct

Darius, My Persian God

I grew up in south central Kansas in a very conservative town where even looking at a girl twice was immoral. So imagine how I fit in being gay and very out. I knew I was gay from the time that I was 11 years old. I always fantasized about big, strong boys. I always thought that was because I was so little at that time, that I wanted to be like one and hence the obsession. Around the age of

Robbie, An Unexpected Love

When I was eight, my family moved from India to the USA where we settled in San Diego, to me still the most beautiful place in the this country. Our neighbors were the Murdoch’s, a family originally from Australia but now second generations. They had 2 kids, Cheyenne and Robbie. I guess when I first saw Cheyenne; she had come over with her mother to help us move in. One afternoon with her and I

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