Gay Erotic Stories

Adventure in New Orleans, Part 1

by Sexy1man

It was one of those Friday nights when I just needed to unwind, so I headed to the local bar for a few beers with my buddies. I looked at my watch and realized how late it was. After saying goodbye to the guys I headed to my car. I had to piss so badly and I was in a hurry to get home. As I approached the last intersection before home, the light was turning from yellow to red. My bladder was so full I had a piss-hardon, so I gunned the car just as the light turned red. I was so relieved, only a couple minutes more and I could get rid of this load. Suddenly there were flashing lights behind me. Shit, I'm getting pulled over!

I hear over the loud speaker, "Driver, put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them." Oh shit, now what. I'm in tight jean, have a piss hard that can be seen in China and this guy is coming up to the car with me and my hands on the wheel. There ain't no way to hide this. I'm sitting there with my hands on the wheel, when HE walks up. HE is 6'5" blond hair, blue eyes, military haircut, shaved arms, and 230 pounds of muscle. "Do you have any drugs or weapons in the car son?" "Yes sir, my pistol is in the glove box."

"Step out the car keeping your hands where I can see them."


"I have to frisk you to make sure you don't have any weapons on you."

"Yes sir!" As he is frisking me he feels my rock hard dick. Damn it.

"Face the car and put your hands behind your back!" Cold steel just hit both my wrists. He forces me to bend over the trunk of the car and spreads my feet. "So you like this huh!"

"Sir? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit, your dick is so hard it could drill a hole in the wall."

"But I have to go piss sir..."

"Oh you will. Stay here and DON'T MOVE!!!" He walks back to his car turns off the lights and radios back. I can't hear what he's saying. He walks back over and picks me up off the trunk walks me over to a clump of trees unzips my pants, pulls out my dick and holds it. "Piss NOW"

I start pissing into the trees while he is still holding my dick. I stumble a bit and fall back; my hands are still handcuffed behind me. I feel his hard dick as I fall back and he catches me. I'm finished peeing, but my dick is still rock hard. He turns me around and pushes me to the ground. "You felt it, now suck it. Open my fly and suck my dick."

"My hands are cuffed behind me"

"Then use your teeth to open my fly" I fumble a bit trying to open his fly and get his dick out, which is getting harder than it was when I felt it and much bigger. I finally get his fly undone. He's wearing a jock with his dick sticking out the side. I devour his dick. He shaves his crotch and balls, I'm loving it! Loving it so much I didn't hear his partner come up behind me.

"Hey bud, what you got there" I jump out of my skin.

"You know, just a little cock sucker" I realize who it is and calm down and keep sucking.

"You bring the bag?"

"You know it." I have no idea what they're talking about. About this time he explodes in my mouth. "Keep sucking till you get it all and don't spill a drop!" After I finish he pulls out, pats my face and says, "Nice job"

His partner stands me up from behind and says, "I'm going to undo your cuffs and you are going to strip COMPLETELY. If you make one wrong move, I will shoot you!" I strip down to my underwear and socks and look up. "I SAID COMPLETELY!!!" I rush to strip out of the rest. They both jump me stand me up next to a tree and handcuff my hands over a large branch hanging down. I'm on my tiptoes. Someone blindfolds me...I'm starting to get very scared, but I know better than to say anything.

I feel hands on me and something cool being spread over my body, and then I smell it, shaving gel. They spread it all over my chest and arms and legs, crotch and underarms. I jump a little when he puts his fingers down my ribs and in my underarms. "Oh he's ticklish." I'm gagged. Then they start tickling me. They keep going. I laughing so hard tears are rolling down my face and no one can hear me to come to my assistance because of the gag. They finally stop. They shave my entire body.

I ache all over. It feels like I've been here for HOURS!!! They pay special attention to my crotch and balls while shaving me, and then they shave my head. They're putting something around my ankles. I feel my feet being lifted. They've put leather ankle restraints on me and are literally hanging me by my hands and feet from this tree. They shave my ass completely hairless all the way down to my hole. They play with my hole, putting lubed fingers up it. I jump every time.

They let my feet back down and I hear something metal clanging around. They start playing with my dick and balls again. I feel my dick being pushed into something, it's cold and my hardon is still there. They start slapping my dick and my hardon goes away but I'm still honey as hell. They quickly put my dick into this tube of metal and I hear clickkkkkkk. Something just tightened around my dick and balls. They let my hands down, and undo the blindfold and gag.

"We've just put a cocklock on you. You will have no feelings in your dick or balls until that comes off and the lock is special made. There are only two keys that open that lock and both keys are necessary to open it." I learn that they are both gay tops and work together. Rick, the guy who pulled my over and I sucked off, tells me, "You have two choices do what we tell you or live with that thing the rest of your life."

Steve, his partner, chimes in,"And if you report this to anyone, we'll say that you've lost your mind and we'll throw the keys out. The metal jock you have on is reinforced steel and would have to be blowtorched off." He gives me a good kick to show that it won't hurt to have it's just like wearing a regular jock--only I’ll be wearing this one until they take it off me. Steve--Now suck me off just like you did Rick."

I barely get my lips around his cock and he explodes in my mouth and I greedily continue to suck. Steve hands me a card and says, "Be here at the time and date on the back of the card. Don't be late, or you'll never see us again and you'll be chaste for the rest of your life." They walk off to their cruisers. I get dressed and go back to my car. I can finally read the's from a leather dungeon and the dates almost a month away. I HAVE TO WEAR THIS FOR A MONTH? Shit!

I got used to wearing this metal jock after a few days. It felt funny the first few times I put my hand down under the sheets and felt nothing but metal and couldn't even get hard because of the damn thing. I went to the club just to see where it was the next weekend and kinda stake the place out. It had been almost two weeks since I had jacked off and everyone in there seemed to smell it in the air when I walked in. College kid in a leather bar, tight jeans, white tee shirt, and combat boots. I left PDQ cause I my dick was trying to get hard and it hurt like hell in the trap it was in.

The last three weeks went by soooooo slow. Tomorrow is the night I’m supposed to meet "my" cops...promptly at one am by the cross upstairs in the back. My dick has been hurting so much the last few days just thinking about it and trying to get hard. I'll tell you what happened tomorrow...

To be continued...


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Sexy1man

Adventure in New Orleans, Part 1

It was one of those Friday nights when I just needed to unwind, so I headed to the local bar for a few beers with my buddies. I looked at my watch and realized how late it was. After saying goodbye to the guys I headed to my car. I had to piss so badly and I was in a hurry to get home. As I approached the last intersection before home, the light was turning from yellow to red. My bladder was so


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