Gay Erotic Stories

Shipwrecked Sailor Is Captured by Old Man of the Sea

by Franvin1

The young U.S. Navy sailor awoke to an intensely bright, hot sun. It felt rejuvenating to lie naked on the sand and surf of this strange, deserted island. He cleared his head and decided he was hungry and thirsty after his terrible ordeal of the shipwreck, where all his sailor buddies had perished into the sea. "Well, it's either search for food or starve to death," he told himself, and started to explore around the tropical foliage. Suddenly, he spotted an old, infirmed-looking man, with a long white beard, sitting under a palm tree. He was totally naked and withered. "Great," thought the sailor, "maybe this old geezer can lead me to some food!" "Hey, there, a shipwrecked sailor, too?"

The old man replied softly, "No, my son. I am just an old, tired man, who is too weak to even walk back to my hut. If you do not carry me back, I will surely die..."

"Not to worry, old timer. I am here to serve you. Just climb aboard my shoulders and I’ll carry you wherever you want to go!"

The sailor stooped down and the old man, with surprising agility, leaped onto his shoulders. The young man began his forward march with the old man on his shoulders. But, without warning, the old man quickly clasped his bony legs tightly around the sailor and squeezed his neck to hard that the young man was almost without breath.

"Get off me, you old crow...get off me now!" demanded the sailor.

"You young fool! You are my now my slave and you will carry me forever! I am the Old Man of the Sea...this is my island...I have ridden many young men, like yourself--to their deaths!"

The young, strong man struggled to dislodge the old man, but his strength was incredible for one so old and weak.

"O.K., old man, I guess you win for now," replied the sailor. But to himself he muttered, "Damn, I have to find a way to buck this old goat or I'm dead meat, alright!"

For many days, the young sailor carried the old man around the island in captivity; even at night, the sailor would lie down to sleep with the old man tightly hunkered down on his neck. It was appearing to the young man that death would be his only release from this horrible monster.

Then, one day, the sailor found a grapevine and cleverly hatched an idea. He crushed the grapes into juice, set the liquid in a hollowed out gourd, and left it there to ferment for several days. Upon returning, the sailor took a sip of the wine. "Wow, this turned out even better than I thought. It's good and strong!"

The old man's curiosity was piqued. "What is that you're drinking, young man?"

"It is wine, old timer...and believe me, it is something I know you would like to drink. You want a taste?"

"Yes, fool. Give me some!"

The old man greedily drank the gourd dry and quickly began to sway back and forth on the sailor' shoulders. "Fool, what have you done to me? I feel...I feel like I am flying in the clouds..."

Soon after, the old man relaxed his grip on the young man's neck, and fell to the ground with a sickening thump--completely intoxicated and motionless.

"Well, old timer, I see you liked the vino, huh?" shouted the sailor in glee. "That’ll teach you to mess around with the U.S. Navy!"

With that expression, the young sailor walked off into the deepening night...


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Franvin1

Shipwrecked Sailor Is Captured by Old Man of the Sea

The young U.S. Navy sailor awoke to an intensely bright, hot sun. It felt rejuvenating to lie naked on the sand and surf of this strange, deserted island. He cleared his head and decided he was hungry and thirsty after his terrible ordeal of the shipwreck, where all his sailor buddies had perished into the sea. "Well, it's either search for food or starve to death," he told himself, and


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