Gay Erotic Stories

Man Lust Island

by Henryi

Man Lust Island

Henry I --

We were on sea for two months straight now. We were on our English merchant ship on our way to India to transport herbs to our beloved home country. We cleared Cape of Good Hope a week ago and we all felt relieved that we had cleared it in good order.

At that time I was 18 years old and I was the cook’s help. Apart from helping the cook I also cleaned decks, rooms, and helped around with various things that needed to be done. It made me the most liked crewmember, because I saw absolutely everybody and I knew everybody. Although I was 18 years old, I looked older. That was because I had a muscled body because of the hard work on board. The moustache did the rest…

One day it turned out our rations had almost been fully used and we needed to find some food. Our lookout discovered an island, so we dropped anchor. The rowing boat was lowered and the captain, three men and me went aboard. I had to row…

We landed on the island, where we decided to climb the large mountain, which was on the center of the island. That way we would have a good overview. As we reached the top, it seemed we had hit the jackpot: the island was very rich on plants and flowers, so we should have no problem finding food.

The captain decided to form two landing teams. Me and my mate John were to go back to the ship to collect another landing team. Each team would go the opposite way, in order to search the island as efficient as possible. We climbed down the mountain and John and I got on board. We collected four men from the ship and rowed back. When we arrived we went out to search for food.

That evening we had a feast. All men came ashore and ate from the large amount of food collected. The captain even decided to provide a barrel of rum and soon it became quite the party! At midnight everyone fell asleep, me included.

When I woke up, I was shocked. I wasn’t with my crew anymore. In fact, I had been tied down to the ground! Strange men with very dark skin were dancing in front of me, wearing nothing but a skirt made of leaves. I tried to break free, but it seemed these dark guys knew how to make tight knots! I looked next to me, and I saw my mate John lying on the floor. He was also tied tightly down, trying to break free. It was no use. After a while the strange looking men stopped their dancing. They simply left and left us in the warming sun.

“What is this all about?” I asked John.

“I don’t know,” John said, “I just hope they’re not head hunters!”

Well, he was speaking my thoughts! “Me too”, I said, “and I could use a drink, too!”

“Yeah, the sun is warming up and soon it will be very hot here.”

After an hour, a dark man appeared. He gave us something to drink. It felt very refreshing. He babbled something in a very strange language and disappeared again. Another hour passed and we started to get a little panicked. Where were the other crewmembers and who were these weird looking men?

Again a man appeared and gave us something to drink.

“Who are you? What do you want from us?!” I cried.

He answered with babbling. Hmmm, this definitely wasn’t going anywhere… He gave us more to drink and left again, leaving us in the now very hot sun.

After a while John started to groan: “Man, I don’t know if it’s sun, but I’m getting pretty horny over here!”

“Yeah, me too! It’s crazy, especially in a time like this!” I felt a strange feeling through my body and right after I had said I was horny too, my cock started to rise. “Fuck, I’m getting a hardon!” I yelled. John looked at me with a very odd look. I saw his cock was making a tent in his too large pants.

The dark men returned. He got a very large grin on his face and started to squeeze our hard cocks. He grunted in approval and nodded his head. It felt great, him squeezing my hard cock. He stroke it a couple of times through my pants and I moaned out load, squeezing a shot of precum in my pants. The man grunted again and left.

Now we were totally confused. What the fuck was happening to us? What was going on here? And why the hell were we so damn horny?

The dark skinned men appeared again, followed by more men. They were all star naked. We were amazed by the size of their cocks! They had to be at least 8 inches (20 cms) long and they weren’t erect yet! The man who had given our drinks walked towards me and grabbed my hard cock. I groaned with lust. He started to stroke it. I noticed how my cock even grew larger than it’s normal size! It was a fucking 9 inches now! I looked to John, to see another man was working his rock hard cock. The bulge in his pants started to grow very large, too.

The man in front of me started to chant. He received a little bag from another man and opened it. There was a strange, white powder in it. The man started to walk around me, spraying the powder on my chest and back. He then sprayed it on my pants, which started to dissolve slowly! In seconds I was star naked, too! When I looked at John I saw his pants had disappeared, too.

It seemed John liked this treatment a lot. He had closed his eyes and started to moan loudly. The man in front of me blew some of the powder in my face, and I closed my eyes in the reflex. Then the most erotic sensation filled my body. It was as if it was about to explode. Every muscle in my body was stretched to the limit and my cock shot a big load of precum while I yelled out loud.

As my cock shot load after load of precum, I noticed the men started to untie me. One guy took my hard, large boner in his mouth and started to suck it. Another guy put his mouth on mine and put his tongue in my mouth. Man, I liked this! I got into the tongue action and thrust my mighty boner in the other guy’s hot mouth.

I was loosing control of my mind. The only thing I could think of was sex. The precum had stopped by now and my cock was throbbing even harder. I felt it wouldn’t take long until I’d cum. And soon I did. I couldn’t see anymore, the only thing I felt was this huge sensation while my hot, boiling sperm was launched out of my now 10 inch long cock. I pulled my cock out of the mouth and started to stroke it furiously. I sprayed big loads of cum all around. But this wasn’t the end – merely the beginning!

I broke loose from my sex partners and grabbed the next guy around. I noticed how extremely sexy this guy was to me. I had never been into guys, but his dark skin turned me on like crazy. I saw how his shiny skin was enclosing a very hot, muscular body. His 11-inch cock was throbbing mighty hard. I wanted him. I wanted him bad.

I went down to his throbbing boner and sucked it like the other guy had sucked me. I was rewarded with a big blow of precum. He started to pump my face and I loved it. Another guy lay down on the ground, putting his lips on my still hard cock. He sucked it very hard and I yelled out loud. Man, this guy was hot!

While we were in hot action, I noticed someone feeling my ass. The guy behind me slapped me on the ass. I loved it! While I sucked and got sucked, he started to poke my ass. I was too horny to even mind it. I felt how he pressed his cock head against my ass hole. It was slippery. He then started to push it in me!

I yelled out again, feeling his mighty fuck pole invading my young, muscular body. It put me in a state of ecstasy like I had never experienced before. I almost bit off the cock that was fucking my mouth. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the entering cock was completely buried in my sex slaved body. Slowly he started to pump – to fuck me in my now twitching hot ass.

More men stood around us, watching the sex train and jerking their hot cocks. They started to fuck and suck each other, creating an orgy of man-to-man sex. We all formed one group now, each one of us having at least two cocks up their body and shoving their own cock into another one. In each one of my hands I was jerking another cock off.

The breathing sounds were getting louder and louder. One guy after another was coming to their climax and shooting their fucking loads of cream. Soon I was covered in sperm and this turned me on even more. I was reaching my own orgasm now. I back-fucked the cock that got rammed in my ass, I furiously jerked the cocks in my hands, I sucked the cock in my mouth even harder and scraped my tongue over it. I started to spasm. I couldn’t see or hear anything anymore. I couldn’t even think anything anymore. My body was programmed to explode--harder than it had even done.

I almost slipped into unconsciousness, when finally my balls started to shoot out the lust seeds. Shot after shot of cum was launched from my massive, rock hard and heavily veined boner. I never imagined my body could hold so much cum. I must have shot at least half a gallon (1.8 litre) of cum. I lost all control of my actions and passed away in to unconsciousness.

When I woke up, I found myself lying on the beach. I noticed I was wearing my pants again, although they had been ripped. I looked around and saw John lying a couple of yards away. I got on my feet and walked over to him. I shook his face, trying to wake him. After a few minutes he opened his eyes.

“What…where are we?” he stumbled.

“On the beach”, I said, “alone…”

“Is it over?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Shame” he said, wearing a dirty smile.

“Yeah” I answered.

I pulled him on his feet and we walked around a little. There was no trace of the dark skinned men anywhere. We saw our ship, though. It was still laying for anchor. A boat was approaching us.

“Ahoy…have you found anything?” the boatsman was shouting to us.

“Eh…what do you mean?” John yelled back. The boatsman was waving us to wait until the boat had landed. He got on land and walked towards us.

“Found any food?” he asked, “We left you here this morning, to find more provisions for the travel!”

John and I didn’t remember anything of this.

“Nice pair you two make! Spent hours on the island, doing nothing!!” the boatsman snarled. “Get your sorry souls back on board, the captain wants to set sail in two hours and since you didn’t get any food, we’ll have to do it for you!”

Back on board we were punished for our laziness: we had to scrub all decks until we’d reach India. Later that day we set sail.

In the evening John and I snuck into a little corner on deck. We discussed what had happened to us, but couldn’t find any explanation for the events. Curious as we were we checked our cocks – they were still huge! Looking at our cocks made us horny again and I gave John a hot fuck, right there on deck. After that he returned the favour.

We enjoyed each other very often after that. We still can’t explain what had happened to us, but we both agreed it was the best thing that ever did happen to us. After the journey we had a life on ships – filled with sex with men and on shore having sex with both men and women. We didn’t care, as long we could feed our lusts into the other person.

-- end --


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Henryi

Man Lust Island

Man Lust Island Henry I -- We were on sea for two months straight now. We were on our English merchant ship on our way to India to transport herbs to our beloved home country. We cleared Cape of Good Hope a week ago and we all felt relieved that we had cleared it in good order. At that time I was 18 years old and I was the cook’s help. Apart from helping the cook I

Pumping Muscles, Part 1

Part I – story by Henry I “So you want to be muscular?” the guy asked. He was a 250 lb bodybuilder, 26 years old and rough looking. The young boy in front of him knodded. “You know – it’s gonna hurt. Bad time. And I don’t mean mentally, but physically. Sure you still want to?” Again the boy nodded. The boy was called Mick. He was an 18-year-old kid, dying to become muscled. And when I say


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