Gay Erotic Stories


by Cthotguy77


Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. Sex should take place between consenting adults only. Please do not read if you are underage, offended by sex acts between men, etc… Comments/criticisms welcome to:

"What the..."

I was sound asleep and felt something strange rubbing across my lips that tasted awful and woke right up. My roommate, Kevin was standing next to my bed laughing.

I sat up rubbing my hand across my lips. A slimy, salty thick liquid had been smeared across my mouth and was dripping down my chin. Some had gotten in my mouth and the taste was gross.

"What the fuck was that, Kevin?"

"Oysters," he grinned, holding one up from a plate, "Thought you'd like one, mate!"

"How 'bout waiting till I'm awake next time?" I growled. I climbed out of bed and went to the suite bathroom in our dorm and washed out my mouth. I looked in the mirror, my brown hair all over the place, eyes bleary from hours studying earlier in the night. What a jerk.

"Sorry," Kev smirked, obviously not at all apologetic.

I ignored him, rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. It was my freshman year at college and Kev was my roommate. We'd only been living together a couple of weeks. We didn't have much in common. Kevin was some kind of goth monster, always wore black, had a walkman on all the time, kind of just grunted. He had a few similar friends - you know the type - hair dyed black, wore black, pierced, spoke their own little language, not interested in anyone not into their clique. That was fine with me. I was on a sports scholarship and determined not to fuck it up. I hadn't been much of a student in high school and didn't want to lose my scholarship from partying too much, so I was starting off the semester with good intentions.

Kev and I didn't hang around together, but that was okay. He didn't bother me and I didn't bother him. He had posters of goth bands, gargoyles, dragons, fairies and shit like that. He wasn't a bad looking guy. He happened to have naturally black hair and even though we roomed together, he kept odd hours so I never saw him in anything except what he had on now, black t-shirt and baggy jeans.

He also had a lot of books. I hadn't notice them at first, thinking he was a bookworm. But they weren't schoolbooks. They were books on gaming, vampires, dungeons and dragons and occult books too. Voo doo, witchcraft, casting spells, bizarre stuff. I didn't say anything figuring he might put a spell on me if I said, get that shit out of here. As long as he kept it on his side of the room I didn't really care.

It was really odd that he'd put an oyster on my lips when I was asleep, I thought as I let sleep overcome me. He'd better not do any more weird shit.

A few days later I came back to the room around midnight. It had been a long day. I'd had two tests, worked on a group project, had lacrosse practice and then had a couple beers with my teammates at the local bar. I was eager to crash.

Instead, Kev had some trash goth music blaring, the room was hot and moist from the weed he and his friend Sara (who looked like a witch) had been smoking. I'd hoped I could just hit the hay.

"Hey Chris, we're just kicking back," Kev said. He did reach for the CD player and turned the volume knob down. Sara just giggled, completely trashed as usual. They apparently had had a case of the munchies because there were cartons of takeout all over the place.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"No, not really," I said, as I put my bookbag and gym bag on my bed, starting to sort through my stuff. He and Lisa chatted for a few minutes, I wasn't paying any attention, busy trying to put my things away. I took my towel and toiletry kit and headed to the bathroom.

When I returned the music was off and Lisa and Kev were both looking at me expectantly. "I can see you're ready to crash, dude," Kev said, "So I'll make a deal with you."


"Yeah, Lisa and I will go to her place if you eat an oyster."


"Well, I feel bad about playing that joke on you the other night, but you had said you'd try 'em when you were awake. So try one now and we'll give you peace and quiet even though Lisa says she's too wasted to walk back to her room."

I had a busy day tomorrow. Eating an oyster was a small, albeit weird, price to pay. "OK, I am tired and would like to sleep."

He handed me a small plate with an oyster shell on it. I'm not too keen on seafood and it looked so disgusting and slimy, but I'd just pretend I was a contestant on Fear Factor. I took the plate from him, picked up the shell and felt it slide into my mouth. It was salty and gross, so I swallowed quickly. I made a face and Lisa burst into giggles. Kev put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Now that didn't kill you, did it?"

"Almost," I half joked. They were laughing like it was a tremendous joke, so I was glad to see them leave. I went back down the hall and brushed my teeth again and was sound asleep before I knew it.

The next couple of nights I had a rough time sleeping. I was sweating; I woke up grinding my teeth and had these intense dreams. The problem was I could never remember what exactly was going on in my dreams. My usual busy semester kept rolling right along. I was making friends with the guys on the lacrosse team and we were hanging out. I hadn't met any girls that I wanted to date yet and I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I was struggling with my classes and didn't need another distraction.

Kev was hardly around. I had assumed that Lisa was his girlfriend since they spent all their time together and he seemed to be spending more of his time over her place. I took advantage of his being gone to do more of my studying in my room. None of the other lacrosse players were on my floor, so I was able to close the door and concentrate. I could also have a couple of beers, something I could not do if I were in the library.

I'd had more than a couple of beers when the key turned in the lock and Kevin came in, this time without Lisa.



He had a bag in his hand and I could smell it was seafood. "I was starving and wanted some oysters. You want some?"

"No, thanks," I said as I turned back to my books and cracked open another beer. We were quiet, me sipping my beer, him getting his food set up.

"Man, it's hot in here," he said. I half turned and saw him pulling his shirt over his head. Even though we'd roomed together this was the first time I'd ever seen him without his shirt on. When he showered was a mystery. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see his body was surprisingly developed. Although not as heavy as me, he had nice tone, solid muscles and a smooth chest with two high-set pointed nipples, pink and firm.

I could hear him eating and I went back to my studies.

"Oh, shit," I heard him say. I turned around and one of the oysters had fallen on the floor, but not before smearing his chin and chest with gooey liquid. He picked up the oyster and threw it in the trash.

"You said you didn't want an oyster. How 'bout some oyster juice, dude?" he said glancing down at his chest.


He walked over to me turned the chair around and thrust his chest into my face. "Clean it up, boy."

I wanted to laugh. This scrawny guy was going to order me around? He surprised me with his quickness. Before I knew it he had my face pressed up against his chest and the slimy juice was on my face and lips. If this was a joke it had gone too far. I opened my mouth to protest and reached my hands up and placed them on his shoulders to push him off.

As soon as I opened my mouth he shoved his nipple in. What the fuck?! I was preparing to bite it as hard as I could when I tasted the salty, gooey juice that had covered his nipple. It caught me off guard. I had thought of oysters as a revolting food, but when some of that goo dribbled onto my tongue I don't know what happened. It actually tasted good. Without my being aware of it my tongue had already started lapping at the liquid. Instead of pushing Kevin away I found myself drawing him into me so I could taste more of it.

"That's it. Help me out, dude."

My lips were locked on his chest licking it, running around and over his nipple. I felt it respond to my tongue. I looked up at Kevin and he had that familiar smirk on his face while I licked his chest clean.

I could not get enough of that taste and I didn't stop until I'd cleaned him off. Then brusquely he broke contact, grabbed a towel and without a word strolled down the hall.

What had just happened? I couldn't believe I let him do that to me. Must be the beers and he caught me by surprise. Best not to think about it. Knowing I wasn't going to get any more studying done that night I closed my books, shut off my PC and crawled into bed. I was sound asleep before Kevin returned.

The next day I jumped out of bed and ran for my classes. Kev was asleep and I didn't want to wake him or have anything to do with him. Throughout the day I tried to ignore what had happened, but it kept replaying in my mind over and over. I wondered what had made me act that way. I kept myself as busy as I could, focusing on class, practice, studying. I went out and had a few more beers than I should have, trying to avoid going back to the room.

Once the bar closed all my buds went back to their rooms to crash, so I had no choice but to head back. Kevin was in bed asleep, the lights out. I was glad for that, not having to face him, his taunts or wonder how I'd look him in the eye. I got undressed and jumped into bed and immediately passed out.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up when I felt someone holding my head and something pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes. The desk on Kevin's light was on, but it was still really dark in the room. I looked up and Kevin was towering over me. He was naked and one hand was holding my head off the pillow, the other was holding his dick, which was pressed against my lips. It was hard and leaking. I opened my mouth at the same time that I tried to jerk my head away. I was mostly asleep, still drunk and he had the upper hand. He angled my head and moved his body at the same time so that as my mouth opened the head of his dick slid in. I immediately woke up. I was straight and had no intention of this faggot thinking I was going to give him a fucking blowjob. It was repulsive having his huge dickhead in my mouth. He must have been jerking off because it was covered in precum and it was in my mouth and over my tongue before I knew it. He was uncut and part of his foreskin had slid back and the piss slit was dripping its precum all over my mouth. Gross!

"Suck it," he whispered in a husky voice.

To my surprise I found my tongue circling around the head of his dick sliding under his foreskin lapping the precum under it, tasting it, enjoying the silky softness of the skin covering the rigid muscle. The taste was incredible. I felt myself turning towards him taking more of him inside me.

Suddenly he pulled out, releasing me. My head fell back against the pillow, his dick wet with my spit hanging over my face.

"You'll service me more later, faggot. Now go to sleep."

He turned off the light, I heard him jump into bed and before I knew it my alarm was ringing. I went through the day in a daze. What was happening to me? I was straight, I had no interest in guys at all, yet I'd been licking Kevin's chest and last night I had his dick in my mouth and didn't stop him! I went through the motions in all my classes and had a lousy practice, unable to concentrate on anything. While I was eating dinner I decided I had to get away from Kevin, that was the problem. I'd get a normal roommate. Anyone would do - another jock, a computer geek, even. But Kevin was freaking me out. After dinner I jogged over to the administration building, but of course it was too late. The Housing Office was closed; I'd have to wait till tomorrow.

I did not want to go back to the room, but didn't know anywhere I could crash or explain to anyone why I'd be crashing. I went to the pub we all went to and decided to drown my sorrows. A few hours later, my pockets empty and my head spinning, I decided there was no way around it, I had to go back to the room. Besides, I was feeling pretty cocky. That little shit was not going to pull anything tonight--that was for sure!

I turned the key in the lock. Kevin was sitting on his bed, eyes closed, in a position of meditation. He seemed oblivious to my presence. I threw my keys on my desk and my knapsack on my bed. I turned around and his eyes opened, locking onto me.

"Take off your clothes," he said, his voice calm, but stern.

"What?" I said, feeling my anger rise.

"Your master has commanded you to take off your clothes. Do it now. I won't say it again."

I stripped my shirt over my head. Why was I doing that? I could feel my face start to burn with anger.

"Master? Who are you talking to?"

"You, slave. Good boy, you took off your shirt. Now take off your pants."

I felt myself reaching for my belt and watched amazed as I undid the buckle and slid it through the loops, letting it fall to the floor beside me. I kicked off my shoes, a little unsteadily from the alcohol. I shucked off my pants and stood before him in my boxers. I put my hands in front of my package. No way this fag was going to see what I was packing.

He hadn't moved off the bed, but his eyes were roving all over my body, drinking in my muscles, lingering over my pecs, jumping down to my legs and finally resting on my hands in front of my crotch.

"Do you want to see me naked, slave?"

"What? No! Why do you keep calling me slave? I'm straight, not gay, you little faggot. I'm going to kick your ass if you don't stop this game."

"Oh really, then why did you take off your clothes when I commanded?"

I was stumped. It was a mystery to me. If anyone else had said that I would have punched him into next week. There was a pause and I finally had to admit, "I don't know."

He uncrossed his legs and moved to the edge of the bed, putting his feet on the floor. He pulled off his shirt. I couldn't believe this scrawny dude had the balls to be trying to boss me around like this.

"I can tell you, Chris. I've put a spell on you. All these little things that you've found so strange over the past few weeks have been my way of luring you into my little world, and when I'm done with you tonight you'll be forever in my power."

"Fuck you. I knew you were some sick, twisted idiot with all that Goth shit, but I didn't think you were insane. Tomorrow your ass is outta this school, asshole."

He stood up in front of me sliding off his sweats; eyes locked on mine just a couple of feet away from me. "I know this is hard for you to accept Chris, but believe me, it will all feel very natural soon."

His tone was so calm, so normal and his stare was unnerving me. I started to get nervous. What if there was something to what he was saying? After all, how come I couldn't move? Why wasn't I punching his lights out or at the very least storming out of the room. Anywhere was better than here with this psycho fag.

"The spell is almost complete. The final step of taking possession of you is drawing near." With that, he opened a drawer in his desk. For the next few minutes he placed candles all around the room and lit them. Their strong scent (was it patchouli?) was overpowering me. He turned off all the lights. He took out a strange looking funnel shape from the drawer and immediately it released sand as he drew a circle around me.

I was really sweating and nervous now. What the hell had I gotten myself into? This kid was nuts. I had to get out of there. But try as I might I couldn't move. It was like I was frozen in place.

He took out a book and opened it and started chanting in some strange language, walking around me, a smirk playing about his lips, his eyes still roving up and down my body.

He put the book down on the desk, and then sat on the edge of his bed. He started to spread his legs obscenely. I looked down his taut body, past his pecs, over his washboard abs and couldn't help but look at his black briefs. As I watched I saw them start to tent up. I couldn't believe he was getting an erection right in front of me! My eyes were glued as I watched his briefs expand more and more. It seemed like it wouldn't stop growing! He was huge. I could see his dick was twisted around; the huge head of it uncomfortably near to his thigh.

He looked up at me. "Yes, Chris, right now it is uncomfortable. But soon it won't be. Right now it's time to begin in earnest. I want you to take off your boxers."

I tried mightily to resist, but felt my body just give in to him and my boxers were lying on the floor in a few seconds.

"Let your hands rest at your side."

I did as I was told. I wanted to die. Here I was naked in front of this fag, him with a hard on and me doing nothing but following his orders. What was going on?

"Hey, Kev, c'mon this has been a fun joke, but enough's enough, okay?" I decided to try the non-threatening, pleading route. Maybe if I was nice to him that would make him back off.

His eyes were on my dick. "Man, Chris, ever since I saw you come into this room I knew I had to have you at all costs. And when I saw your dick and ass I knew I had to own them. Thank God for Lisa. She helped me with this spell. You have an amazing dick, slave."

I felt myself blush. I wasn't used to another guy commenting on my dick.

"Now let's see how big it gets when it's hard. Don't touch it slave, but I want you to make it hard."

I was shaking inside with rage. I couldn't believe he would talk to me like this. But immediately while he was looking at my dick I could feel the blood rushing into it. I tried to fight it, but it was no good. Whenever I start to get hard it has to go all the way, there's no denying it. His jaw dropped as he watched my dick drop lower and widen as the blood flowed in. Then it started to lift, still widening. It pulsed as it reached its full glory, towering up till the head extended past my navel. Despite myself, I felt pride in how huge my dick was and it was the first time that Kev seemed to be at a loss, as he stared in awe at my dick.

Finally he looked up from my dick and whispered," That's awesome, dude. I had no idea. I knew you were big, but this is unbelievable."

I felt a little rush of pleasure shoot over my body from his compliment in spite of myself.

Then he stood up and with one swift gesture stripped off his briefs. His cock flew up and smacked his abs with an audible pop noise. I couldn't help but look down. His cock was huge, almost as big as mine was. He was uncut; the shaft had pulled back halfway down the head revealing it pink and angry slick with precum. It tilted to the left whereas mine stood straight and rigid as a soldier.

"Now slave, get down on your knees."

I couldn't help myself. I did as I was told. My mind was racing. What could I do to get out of this? I wasn't a cocksucker! He stepped forward and said, "Don't think of anything now, except pleasuring your master. Open your mouth and give me the best head I've ever had."

His dickhead was rubbing across my lips. Against my will I felt my mouth open and before I could think twice he shoved the entire head of his dick into my mouth. I felt a charge go through me like an electric current again. I hadn't even realized it, but as soon as his dick touched my mouth I was eagerly sucking it in. It tasted great; I'd never realized how good it felt. I put my tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around. I looked up at him and saw his eyes roll back and a low moan of pleasure escaped from his throat.

I found myself reaching up and placing my hands behind him on his ass and pushing him forward. Several inches of his dick slid down my throat. My own throbbed even harder, excited beyond belief. I felt like I was made to suck his cock. It felt so amazing, so right, and so natural. What had I been missing all this time.

For several minutes he thrust in and out of my mouth in a steady rhythm while I watched his dick get covered in my spit. I held onto his ass and pushed him harder and harder against me till his pubes were brushing against me, then in one quick move, his dick was almost completely back in again. Over and over this went on, both of us enjoying it.

Finally he reached down and put his hand on my head. I immediately stopped.

"Very good, slave. I told you you'd love to suck my cock. Now you're going to love being fucked even more. Get up on the bed on your hands and knees. I'm going to take you from behind."

I stepped out of the circle and did as he said. My mind was blank at this point. From far away I thought I heard a voice that sounded like mine crying out that this wasn't right, that I was straight. But for now all I wanted to do was do what Kev told me. He obviously knew what he was doing, look how fantastic it felt to suck his dick.

I felt him behind me. He'd got some kind of lube and smeared it all around my asshole and crack. My dick was throbbing in nervous anticipation. He took his cock and placed it along my crack, grabbing my hips. He started thrusting his dick, slimy with precum and lube, sliding back and forth up and down my crack. I started moaning. It felt so good, especially when the head of it tickled against my hole.

This seemed to go on forever, just brushing the head against my hole, making me gasp, thinking of it entering me. I couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Master, please, please fuck me. I need your cock inside me!"

With that he reached down, grabbed his cock, took aim and pressed it against my hole. I could feel it opening to him, as the head slowly started entering. I gasped and moaned, afraid of the pain. There was no pain. He bent over and started whispering in my ear, "That's it, slave. Take it. You know you want it. You've wanted it for a long time. Open up to me. My cock needs to shoot its load inside you. You want to be fucked more than anything."

It was like a mantra that kept repeating in my brain over and over. It was true. I did want him inside me more than anything. I pushed back against him and more of his dick slid inside me. He moaned from the moist pleasure my ass was enveloping him with and with one hard thrust pushed all his inches deep into me. I expected to cry out with pain. Instead it was the most wonderful feeling I'd ever had. Still holding my hips, he started fucking me hard, his breath ragged, and sweat dripping onto my back.

I thought of only riding his dick. I pressed back against him over and over, knowing he was going to lose control soon. All of a sudden I felt his hand reach around, covered in lube, and he grabbed hold of my dick and started stroking. Between his lubed hands stroking me, his heavy breathing in my ear and his huge dick pistoning in and out of my ass I knew I wouldn't last long.

"Beg for it, Chris," he said.

"Please shoot your load inside me, sir!" I said in between moans of pleasure.

He grunted as he picked up the pace. "When I say now, shoot your load!" He pounded my ass so hard I thought the bed would shake apart. I didn't know if I could last until he said now. I was so close. I was dripping precum all over feeling it fall on the sheet underneath me.

"NOW!" Kev shouted as he thrust one final time and I could feel his cock spasm inside me, releasing its load. As soon as I felt that I threw my head back and yelled. My dick erupted and ropes of cum flew across my stomach, chest and onto the bed. Our orgasm seemed to last hours. Finally after we'd both stopped cumming, I collapsed on the bed, feeling my cum sticking to my entire body, Kev's dick still inside me.

When our breathing returned to normal, Kev turned my head to look at me and said, "The spell is now complete. You're mine forever."

I smiled. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted more.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Cthotguy77


Spellbound Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. Sex should take place between consenting adults only. Please do not read if you are underage, offended by sex acts between men, etc… Comments/criticisms welcome to: "What the..." I was sound asleep and felt something strange rubbing across my lips that tasted awful and woke right up. My roommate, Kevin was


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