Gay Erotic Stories

Fireman, Part 1

by Inmyjockstrap

He sat on the dirty old chair while I sat on the stained remains of a couch. The afternoon sun made the thick curtains glow orange and gave the room a warm, stuff feel. An old colour TV sat in the corner of the room. A patch of purple had invaded the side of the screen, warping the player’s uniforms.

Apart from that the room was empty save for a small table between the chair and the couch. Beneath it sat a pile of creased porno magazines on the faded carpet.

The fireman wore an old pair of board shorts and a newly bought plain blue shirt. The creases from the package still ran vertically along the shirt. He had shaved since I last saw him; a defined mustache had been left. His hair was slicked to the side of his head with water, the part pitifully crooked. His feet were bare and calloused.

We both opened our beers at the same time. The familiar hissing sound drowned out the TV. No one had really spoken yet. I began to feel awkward. So did the Fireman by the looks of him, he practically sculled the first beer and looked around his feet for the second. Not wanting to be left behind I quickly finished my can and went to the kitchen for another.

After a few hours the lounge room floor was littered with empty cans. The room had begun to smell even more like sweet. During the commercials we had made some small talk. He was divorced with one kid who he never saw. His whole life, by the sounds of it, revolved around his job and his dog, which I had heard a few times scurrying around the backyard.

“So how did the fire start?” he asked curiously. Ah yes, the whole reason why I was in this older stranger’s house.

“I don’t really know. I was cooking a BBQ out the back. I went inside to look for some tongs and when I got back the BBQ was tipped over and the lawn was on fire. Then thank god, My Fireman came running over with his big hose.” I grabbed my crotch jokingly as I said ‘hose’ I looked over to him and he seemed to be laughing.

“Who told you it was big. They got that wrong.” I laughed at what I thought was humbleness. “Cause its fucking huge.” That comment left me dumbstruck. I couldn’t speak. I turned back to the TV, the awkwardness suffocating me as much as the warm, musky, manly air.

No one spoke during the next add break. I started to become curios. How big is he? Was he just joking? I couldn’t remember seeing an obvious bulge on him but I had never had a good chance to look.

“You want one?” I asked as I made my way to the fridge.

“You bet.” came the reply. “Thanks by the way, it’s not every day I get shouted a slab.”

“It’s not every day that my house nearly gets burnt down. I’m lucky that you happened to be close by.” I yelled from the kitchen.

“I know. If I wasn’t giving my dog a run around on that oval (behind my house.) your whole house could have burnt down. Lucky I had one of my hoses in my ute as well.”

The incident we were talking about happened the previous Saturday. I was so relieved when he brought the fire under control that I offered to buy him a slab of beer. He said that there was no point if he had no one to drink it with so we arrange for me to meet him at his house and we would watch the cricket together. On the day the Fireman had looked rather attractive, in a rough, rugged kind of way. He was a fairly big man, filling out his white t-shirt and cut off track pants, but at the same time he seemed fit. He looked about 45 and showing the first signs of his age. Seeing him in his house the next week he looked as if he had aged. I noticed a round stomach as he sat in his dirty chair.

When I walked back into the room he was sitting with one hand resting down his shorts. The other reached up and grabbed for the can.

I was still standing in front of him when I spoke. “So…” I started, anxious to see how he would react. “How big is it?” I nodded towards his hidden hand.

“God, took you a while, most guys would have asked straight away, ya girl.” He didn’t seem phased by the question, in fact he found if almost funny.

“Well?” I asked.

“Well let’s put it this was – we’re about the same height, yeah?”

He stood up and our eyes were level.

“And bout the same shoe size by the looks of it.” He continued.

“Yeah” I agreed.

“Well without any doubt I would say that I was bigger than you by at least two inches.”

“What so you’re about nine inches, that’s not huge.” I felt disappointed.

He laughed when I said this, I didn’t get what he found so funny.

“Hell boy, I was talking about when I’m soft. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was twice as big as you hard.”

With this he loosened the button on his shorts and they fell quickly to the floor. Underneath he wore a pair of loose, red jocks. They had cum and piss stains all over, hadn’t he heard of washing? The elastic around the waist had been warped and hung loosely over his hips. The bulge in his jocks was massive.

Without hesitation and with me standing facing him about two feet away, the fireman dropped his jocks until the hung about his knees.

The piece of meat between his legs was incredible. The size of it made me step back with awe. Protruding from a wild, black bush of hair came a thick length of cock. Fat veins ran the size of it, down towards the bulge of the head and the rubbery tip of the foreskin. With no fear of exaggeration I would say that it was about 6, nearly 7 inches long. The shear weight of it made it hang low, pointing towards the worn carpet and the fireman’s discarded shorts. Supporting it were two large, hairy balls, they were dwarfed by the massive shaft.

The fireman lifted up his shirt so that I could get a clear view. His stomach showed signs of an expanding beer gut but underneath was the work of a once chiseled six-pack. The fireman was not fat, just starting to fill out his big frame.

After a long time, or a short time I have no idea, which, he lowered his shirt, pulled up his jocks and sat down on his comfortable chair. I couldn’t help but to continue staring at the bulge. Suddenly I snapped out of it, I realized that I was standing in the middle of a presumably straight strangers room staring obviously at his crotch.

“Sorry.” I said as I pried my eyes away, blushing. I quickly sat back on the couch before he noticed the beginnings of a bonier in my shorts.

“Don’t worry your only human.” He laughed.

I soon reached the bottom of another can. Commercials were on but we both sat silently.

“Fuck.” I said to break the tension. “You must have to bat the women away with that.”

“Are ya joking?” he said seriously “one look at that and most of them scurry away scared. Hell I haven’t had a real fuck for nearly four years! And that was with some faggot down at the department who couldn’t get enough cock!” He started to get a bit pissed off, and stopped himself short after his little admission.

We fell back into silence. The afternoon sun shone strong through the curtains. The room was unbearably muggy. I looked around the room for some AC but found none.

“I’d open the windows but then the flies and mozzies would get in, plus it doesn’t look like there’s much of a breeze. Just whack your shirt off if you’re hot. I promise I wont peek.” He said with his best imitation of a girl.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed another beer – only two left each. No wonder I felt a bit tipsy. While in the kitchen I removed my sweaty shirt and draped it over one of the plastic chairs around the table. Returning to the lounge I tried my best to show off my muscles. He didn’t notice.

Another two beers later and we were both drowsy. Outside the sun began to set. The fireman’s shirt sat in a wet pile near his chair. Sweet made his skin glisten in the dull light. His stained red jocks became stretched around the bulge as he slid further down in his chair. The back of them slid slowly between his cheeks. His bulge lay dormant between the two white legs it rested on.

The dinner break at the cricket had started and the news was on. It didn’t seem to interest the fireman, his head slowly nodded forward until his chin rested on his chest. “Wake me up when it comes back on.” He muttered before being lost within the soft snores.

I sat on the couch for a while watching the news. As I became surer he was in a deep sleep I began to look at him.

His arms were fairly large and while not defined they looked somehow more powerful for it. His chest had a mild covering of dark hair that grew to a thick forest between his round pecks. His stomach had a light trail leading past his belly button and down into his stretched jocks. Through the jocks I could make out the outline of his huge cock. The head nestled sown on his thigh. Spurts of hair pushed out from the sides of the underwear. I could smell the build up of sweet and cum and piss on his jocks.

I carefully crept from my chair and closer to him. I whispered his name, no response. I said it plainly – he didn’t even flinch. By now his snoring had grown loud, it filled the otherwise quiet room.

I placed my mouth to his ear and spoke his name. He was definitely asleep. I was now leaning over his body. I looked down over it to his sweaty bulge. The smell lured me to it. With my nose just an inch from his slimy skin I made my way down to his package. The musky smell made me lightheaded. I made my way to one of his armpits and breathed in deeply.

When it happened it scared the shit out of me. I hadn’t even noticed until it was too late. As I leaned across his body my ragging tool pressed into his belly. He quickly swiped at the pressure. His hand brushed my covered member and came to a rest on his stomach.

I stood watching him; waiting to see if he would move again, too scared to move myself. When I realized that he was still sound asleep I was relieved. I began to look over his body again.

On the nipple closest to me a large bead of sweet had formed. I was drawn to it. I brought my head closer to his breast opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. I stopped breathing as I reached my tongue out to the bead. The two touched lightly and the sweet jumped onto my tongue. The taste was strong and manly, just what I wanted from him.

His snoring stopped and his hand brushed the side of my face. I was too excited to feel scared.

“Go into the bedroom, take your clothes off and lay on the bed. I’ll be there in a minute.” His voice was quiet but direct.

Without looking back at him I found my way into the hallway and into the bedroom. It was in the front of the house, the first room in from the front door. I shut the door behind me.

The room was very bare and uncared for. Its walls had peeling wallpaper in some places and were naked in others. Thick brown curtains filtered much of the light but none of the heat from outside. The double bed took up most of the room. A big thick blanket sat on top of it, the pattern faded and stained. Next to the bed was a small table with a clock and a lamp sitting on it. A battered closet sat in the corner, one of its doors sat broken against a wall.

I unbuckled my shorts and threw them in the corner, next came my jocks. My hard cock was glad to be rid of the confinement. Its foreskin already peeled back to reveal the purple head.

Excitedly I jumped on the bed, puffs of dust shot up into the stagnant air and began to settle back to earth. I lay on my back anxiously waiting for my fireman. My cock was still hard, begging for attention.

As I waited I felt the last few cans kick in and my senses begin to dull. The warm, stale air was getting me tired so I closed my eyes briefly.

I didn’t need to look at the clock to know that at least ten minutes had passed. My cock lay sagging to one side on top of my balls. I was about to sit up when the door creaked open. In came the fireman, his underwear still hung loosely from his wide hips. In his arms he carried a cardboard box. He set it on the ground, out of my view.

He stood silently staring at me, inspecting my body. I lay, arms along my sides, staring at him. Neither of us spoke as he began to circle the bed. We continued to stare, the tension deafening in the quiet room. I though he was coming up to kiss me as he began to stoop as he neared the top of the bed.

To my disappointment he was reaching for the draw of the little table. He opened it and drew out a pair of footy socks. He undid the bundle and stretched the two socks out. They were long and tough.

He gripped my closest wrist in his hand and raised it above my head. Expertly he tied one sock around my wrist and then to the bedpost. My arm was fully stretched and I knew the bonds were too strong to break.

Silently he circled back around the bed to the other side. I gave in to him by reaching out to the bedpost, waiting for him to tie me up. I was his until he was through with me. My gesture was an agreement between the both of us; we didn’t need to say it in words.

Standing at the side of the bed he hooked his thumbs around the elastic of his underwear. With a casual flick the red material dropped to the worn carpet. Absentmindedly he bent over and picked them up. He clutched them in his large hand as he walked to the foot of the bed. Once there he bent over again this time rummaging through the cardboard box he brought into the room. He hummed quietly to himself until he found what he was looking for.

As he stood back up I saw a small tube in his hand, I knew what it was and was glad he had remembered it. The fireman climbed onto the end of the bed. On his knees he placed his jocks on my stomach and then proceeded to lift my legs up, bending them at the knees. I noticed that he was still humming. It was funny to see the relaxed way he went about his business. There was no friendly banter between us, no recognition on his behalf that I was even there. He just cautiously went through his planned out routine.

The little tube was stuck into my hole. As he squeezed I felt the cool gel squirting into my body. Still squeezing he removed the tube from my ass and lubed up my crack. His strong fingers rubbed along the length of my ass until suddenly, without warning one of his thick fingers slid into my hole.

My body jarred at the unexpected intrusion. I forced myself to relax my body.

“You ain’t a virgin are ya?” he low voice said. This was the first someone had spoken in nearly twenty minutes. I shook my head; I had liked the moody silence and didn’t want to break it.

“Well it’s gonna hurt anyway. Here…” he said, leaning over my body and grabbing the underwear. He climbed over me until he could firmly put the stained jocks in my mouth. The bittersweet taste filled my mouth, overpowering all my senses. I felt the tip of his hard cock press into my stomach. He was definitely ready for action. As he pulled off me, I got my first glimpse of his hard pole.

The foreskin was stretched tightly around the large bulbous knob. Pre-cum formed at the piss slit. Wild veins pulsated along the length of meat. There was at least twelve inches of it. Thankfully although extremely long it was no thicker than mine. This thought put me at ease as he lifted up my feet and placed them on his shoulders. His other hand was busy positioning the end of his large tool on my pink hole.

I tried to think of something to take my mind away from the foot of cock about to enter my ass. The smells and tastes of the fireman’s used underwear fueled me with memories. I remembered the first time I’d been fucked. Years ago now but I could still see Alex’s face as he entered me. I pictured it know – this image of the beautiful youth soothed me.

I was jolted back to reality as my hole involuntarily clamped down around his cock. Pain filled my body. I screamed but the underwear muffled my voice. My arms thrashed about in their bonds, my body tried to fling itself away from the pain but he held onto me tightly. After about a minute I realized that I was causing myself even more pain. I needed to calm down, relax my body. I wanted to do this.

The fireman waited patiently until I settled down. When I stopped moving violently let me out of his grip. Without wasting time he pushed his pelvis forward, inserting the last few inches. I knew that I had all of him in me when I felt his rough pubic hair press against my cheeks.

By this time my breathing was erratic: party through the amazement that I had taken all of him but mostly because of the shear pain. I needed to concentrate on something until I got used to his size. I found myself staring up at his face. It was filled with concentration; he stared blindly at the wall behind my head. As if he sensed that I was watching him, he soon brought his gaze to my face.

Testing me he flexed his cock, filling it with blood. My ass stretch out accordingly, the pain was not as sharp as I thought it would be. Unexpectedly it brushed my prostate. I load of endorphins shot threw my body, numbing the pain. I could finally fully relax my body and breath normally again.

The fireman must have noticed my calm. He leant forward and grabbed the underwear from my mouth. As he did this his pelvis pushed against my rear, lifting it up but also causing his cock to push further into me.

A grunt escaped my mouth as it was liberated from the stench of the underwear. The taste lingered in the back of my throat, a reminder of his brute manliness. Another reminder of this began to slowly slip from my ass. I looked up into his eyes waiting for the inevitable trust of his body.

He looked down at me; as soon as our eyes met he slammed his cock back into my hole. With more force this time he came into contact with my prostate. I thrashed about again but this time with unbridled lust and excitement. His balls slapped my ass as my hard cock let a jet of pre-cum fly from its hole.

I closed my eyes, screwed up my face and turned my head as he continued to fuck me. The sensation of him striking my prostate was becoming too much – my whole body was covered with goose bumps and was trembling with ecstasy.

Our combined grunting filled the house as I neared orgasm. His cock continued to thrust deep inside me, its momentum building. Sweat dripped from his face and splashed onto my hot body.

Time seemed to stop as my balls became so tight they moved into my body. With one final thrust I was tipped over the edge. My body shook and I screamed with delight. Silently the spools of cum flew from my cock, striking my face, chest and stomach. It dribbled down my nose and over my mouth, gathering at my chin.

My body went limp but the fireman continued to fuck. He was about to cum. He was so close, that was until the doorbell rang.

Immediately I tried to become silent, ‘what if we are caught’ was the first thing to race into my head. ‘Surely this guy doesn’t want to be found out.’

“Shit.” Was what the fireman said as he stopped himself mid thrust. Half of him was still inside me. “How’s the fucking timing.” He didn’t seemed pissed off--he almost found it ironic.

He pulled himself out and climbed off the foot of the bed. His cock was quickly deflating but was still huge and covered with lube. He bent down and pick up a small towel from his box. He wiped away the slimy lube from his dick and threw the towel into the corner, covering my clothes. The doorbell went again.

“There’s a key under the mat!” he yelled toward the front of the house.

Once again he bent over, grabbing his underwear I thought. As he came back into view I was confused. In his manly hand was a large, black, rubber dildo. It was just as big as his own cock but nearly twice as thick. Why did he have that?

I didn’t have to wait long to find my answer. Once again he climbed onto his bed and grabbed my legs. Lifting them up, my stretched ass was revealed to him. The lips didn’t touch; the gapping hole stared at him.

I couldn’t look as I felt the knob enter me. With no care he quickly rammed it inside. My vision blurred and my hearing softened as he finished inserting the whole thing. I heard dimly the front door open and foot steps down the hall.

The door to the bedroom swung open revealing a small gathering of men.

“Just a few sec’s. I’m stretching him out for later.” The fireman told them as he wrapped a strap around my legs and waist. These straps were connected to the end of the dildo. Designed, I guessed to hold it in place. When he was done he jumped off the bed a greeted the guys. Pulling on his red jocks he showed the guys into the lounge. Just as he exited the door he turned around to face me. “Better get some rest.” Was the last thing he said before grabbing the doorknob. His large hanging cock was the last thing I saw before I passed out. To be continued...

(Hope you guys liked it, send any questions or comments to


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Inmyjockstrap

Aussie Rules Football: Adam, Part 6

The summer soon turned to autumn, autumn to winter and winter to spring. It was mid- November when we heard the knock. It sounded urgent. Whispers came from behind the front door. We were lying on the coach, Stubbs’ large body covering mine. His tongue probed my mouth as we embraced passionately. The knock startled us. Our lips separated, I let out a gasp. Stubbs lifted his heavy body off

Aussie Rules Football: Adam, Part 5

No one had really spoken to me since that night with all the guys. Several times I tried to grab a word with Stubbs, but he was always busy. I eventually gave up on Stubbs and turned my attention to Nick. Nick acted strangely around me, when the other guys were around he would ignore me like they were doing, but on the odd occasion when we were alone he would asks me questions about my life and

Fireman, Part 1

He sat on the dirty old chair while I sat on the stained remains of a couch. The afternoon sun made the thick curtains glow orange and gave the room a warm, stuff feel. An old colour TV sat in the corner of the room. A patch of purple had invaded the side of the screen, warping the player’s uniforms. Apart from that the room was empty save for a small table between the chair and the couch.

Fireman, Part 2

I woke some time later. The room was almost pitch black but still contained the muggy heat of the day. It must have been hours since I had passed out. Remembering the clock on the bedside table I went to sit up to look at it. The socks held my wrists in place; it hurt to struggle against them. From beyond the closed door I could hear the men talking. The TV was still on, it moaned quietly


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