Gay Erotic Stories

Hot Night

by Mrobby

The heat wave lay like a fur-lined black-leather glove over the city, covering it with blackness as it smothered everything with heat. A dampness had risen all day, the sweat of several hundred thousand people pouring out the toxins of their body in salty, rash-making itchy sweat, the water evaporating from the pools and the water of the opened fire hydrants, moisture from everywhere and nowhere, raising the humidity to over 80%, but it wasn’t in clouds, at least not in clouds big enough to matter. It was more something you felt, felt in the way that your body couldn’t sweat right, and your clothes stuck to your body, and now, even after midnight, there was no relief, for the heat was everywhere and it trampled on the city and laughed, an invisible, invincible giant squeezing the life and strength from everyone at once with a million hairy, hot hands that wrapped around you and clenched and you couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t sweat and you couldn’t move and you couldn’t think.... . Locked in its clutches, Galen tossed upon his mattress. Damn, only July and already the city was hotter than hell. It had gotten into the high 90's during the day and this apartment had sucked up heat it was still not letting go of. He writhed upon his bed, felt them crumple and stick to his body, sweat drenching the sheets and clinging like clammy hands upon his body. . Well, anyone who had lived in cheap apartments during citywide heat waves had an answer to this. And it lay just outside his window; one reason he’d chosen this particular room. The fire escape bordered upon his room. . He stood up, his long, strong, nude black body shining in the lights from the city that streamed through the open window. His quilts would make a pallet, he would lie upon them and let the night wind play over his uncovered body open to the sky and stars. Let the dawn awaken him and climb back inside before others could see. . He was groggy and it was past midnight. He made his way out his window and onto the fire escape. This wasn’t the main fire escape that opened onto the windows of the hallway, this one was meant to service only his apartment and the one next door in the rather unlikely event that he had been trapped from getting into the hallway--Ocase where government interference worked in his favor, his own semi-private balcony. . The quilts, two of them, were folded each lengthwise into thirds to make a narrow pallet, both to fit on the fire escape and for padding. When a child his mother would rig out a pallet like this on the fire escape and he and his brothers had slept in coolness of the night wind. . Except tonight. Not even the faintest movement of air. The city sweltered, the pavement radiated heat, the bricks of the building broadcast heat, and the air held heat, and it was all heat and sticky, humid air. Well, this was the best he could do. He stretched his still-nude body out on the pallet and lay down on his back. Like this, even the city lights couldn’t douse all the stars, here and there one or two winked at him while others made a brave flash now and then. Sleep was as far away as ever. . Well, when a man can’t sleep, there’s one other occupation that can occupy him and maybe bring that vital relaxation a step or so closer. He reached for his cock, lifted it all sweaty and damp out of the next of his balls and hair, and stroked it, coaxed it, awakened it. Not fantasizing, not thinking, just letting the feelings flow. Pleasure would come soon, the fantasies would follow no doubt, but now there was the torpid pleasure of stimulating himself with idle, languid fingers, feeling his cock fill and expand like a lazy leopard stretching from its rock and rising slowly to its feet. The hunt was near at hand, but there was time, time.... . A cough intruded on him, from nearby and he looked up, raising his head from his salt-sticky pillow, and over at the other end of the long, narrow landing. . A man was sitting in the window of the other apartment. A white boy, lounging there in the window-frame, a cigarette dangling from his fingers, looking at him, a slight smile on his face. . “Hello.” he said easily. He wore only a pair of white pajama bottoms, his upper body bare and gleaming in the night with the twinkling that should have been the stars. His body was delineated by the lights of the city, every muscle on that white form shown in sharp relief, like an accentuated figure, like a man out of a dream. . “Hello.” Galen’s voice wasn’t as friendly. . “Sorry, man, I just came out for a cigarette and to try to cool off.” the man said. “Didn’t mean to intrude.” But he wasn’t looking away, either. . Galen knew that look, knew this white boy was doing some thinking about his foot-long man-dog. So while he didn’t keep on pumping his dick, he didn’t try to cover it up either. His covers were all beneath him for one thing, for another, you never knew when lying there with your flagpole at full attention might just get you some midnight delivery special service. “I’m planning to sleep out here tonight.” he said. . “Good idea.” the man agreed. “Hotter’n hell inside, isn’t it?” . “Sure is.” Galen said. Spread his legs a little wider. Come and get it, white boy, he was thinking to himself. You know you want it, so come and get it. He lay back and closed his eyes, waited for those soft lips to come over and wrap around his. Or maybe some more words. . Nothing. White boy wasn’t budging. No talk, no creeping towards him. Just sitting there. Galen stealthily opened one eye and saw the man was still right where he’d been before. His cigarette exhausted to a stub with a golden-glowing end, and with lazy motions it was chucked out toward the street some eight floors below. Well, if white boy wouldn’t come chow down; he was done smoking; he ought to crawl back inside again and given Galen some privacy. . Not a sound. He peered again. White boy was still there. Still looking. . Okay, the boy needed some more encouragement. As if he had forgotten about the pair of white eyes feasting on him, he caught his cock, beginning to sag down and soften, and pumped it back up to rigid strength. Put on a show, get the white boy hot, then say something, something like, “You want a better look?” . He had a good hard-on going now, his cock was a proud black pillar of fire in the night. Bet that white boy was drooling. He opened one eye again and looked over. . White boy was still on the window ledge, still sitting there and watching him. But now he had his own tool out and was pumping on it. . An impressive piece of white meat there. Maybe even a match for Old Foot-ong Dog! The white boy was giving it loving attention, making broad, open strokes. Putting on a show. . A show! Hell, just as he realized that, white boy spoke up. “You want a better look?” white boy said in silken tones downright seductive. . Caught in his own game. Galen had to laugh. Inside, anyway. “Sure, bring it on over.” he said. “Let me have a real good look.” . “Too hot to move.” White boy said. “You want it, you’re going to have to come here.” . “Too hot for me, too.” Galen said. “You want it, you’re going to have to come over here.” . But white boy just smiled and didn’t answer that. Just jerked his cock and kept on looking right at Galen. Galen sat up and leaned against the brick wall, pumping his prick and looking right back at white boy. That boy wanted his black dong, he’d break sooner or later. . Nothing. Unable to stand the silence, Galen said, “If we’re going to do anything but watch each other jerk, one of us is going to have to move.” he challenged. . “You’re the one already moving.” the white boy said to him, with that knowing smirk. “So move on over here.” . “No. You move on over here.” . “No.” . Shit, this was frustrating! “I come over there, I’m going to ram this down your throat.” Galen said. “Feel you choking on this big, black dick of mine, and you struggling, your head in my hands and I wouldn’t pull it out, no, sir, make you take it and keep on taking it!” He closed his eyes in incipient rapture. Damn, this hot talk was getting him so fucking horny! He nearly missed what the white boy said. . “You come over here, you’ll be choking on mine.” . When Galen got that sorted out, he chuckled, a rich sound. “You think you’re hot shit, do you? Me choking on a white boy’s tiny little dick! That’ll be the day!” . “Bet you couldn’t take it all.” . “Like hell I couldn’t.” Galen said. . “So come over here and prove it.” the white boy said. “Prove you can suck me off without choking.” . “You think I can’t do it?” . “I know you can’t.” . “Like hell, white boy.” . “Like hell, black boy. Get over here and prove it.” . “I will.” Galen got to his feet. “I damned sure will!” Lost in the effrontery of the challenge, he was over there at white boy’s side of the fire escape and on his knees before he realized he’d been had. “Shit!” he said. Then, he thought, what the hell? Long as I get a blow out of it.... “Okay, white boy, but when it’s your turn you’re going to take it just the way I want you to, and that’s hard and fast right down your pretty little throat.” . “That’ll be the day.” . The white boy’s cock was hard, hard and hot and damp and when he lowered his face to the bush of pubic hair, it clawed at his nostrils with talons of rank sweat. Shit, if he wasn’t careful, he would choke on it! White boy had a big package here, something a black man would be proud to own. . The glans was a drumhead of hot male sweat and it was like the heat of the day which had surrounded him now entered him, the heat owned him and it pounded in his veins and it throbbed in his soul and it commanded him, be one with me! . His lips encircled the mushroom-shaped head like the arms of a lover encircle the body of his beloved, the heat, the pounding heat, it pulsed in his brain and it commanded him, be one with me! . “Yeah, come on, eat it.” white boy said. “Really chow down on it.” . Such a white-boy thing to say, eat him, yeah, right! White boy was about to learn something about eating cock! His lips had been trained since his youth, he hadn’t remembered a time he hadn’t been sucking cock, his brothers and cousins and friends, growing up in the projects, you grew up fast and you took your pleasure in such ways as you had. Too young for beer and cigarettes, too broke for drugs, your body craved joy in some form and it was to be had in the lips of your brothers. . White boy moaned as Galen took him down to the very base, pulling up on that cock while depositing a preliminary coat of saliva as he went, the thick raunch of this crotch was all being milked out of the skin and onto his tongue, it curled like a Persian cat upon his tongue, a thick, hairy, hot cat on a hot day and the heat it was too much, the heat surrounded him and it commanded him, be one with me! . He was one with it, the heat was in control, he let it run his body, and the white boy groaned as Galen pulled and sucked on his prick, as he wrung and squeezed and danced on the long, hot shaft, the white boy gasped as Galen’s tongue darted here and there, touching the too-tender flesh, a touch which had it belonged to finger or hand could not have been borne, but the satiny tongue, it was just-bearable, and the white boy moaned. . “Oh, yeah, suck it, suck it good! Yeah, oh, yeah, shit, yeah! Damn, you’re good, you’re so damned good! Come on, eat it, eat it down!” . Galen’s hand came up and white boy gasped in shock as his hand clenched on the white boy’s ballsac and it was a damp, hairy bag in his palm and he caught it tight and he pulled down on it as he sucked, and the white boy was quivering now, wincing and yelping in pleasure and in pain. And Galen hadn’t choked yet! When it was his turn, that white boy was going to choke, he was sure of it, Galen’s long dong sliding into him, white boy would choke! He could hear it, he could feel the jerking, spasming flesh of the throat as it choked on his pud, and he was eager for that, eager for the feel and he milked white boy harder, harder. Come on, white boy, shoot it! He thought to himself. Shoot it and then I’m going to stand up and grab you still panting and I’m going to shove my dick right down your pretty little face! . White boy’s hands caught his head but he didn’t let those hands rule him, he kept his own tempo even as they pressed on him, urging him to move faster, faster! He had his own rhythm and he kept to it, he kept it going smoothly, steadily, moving faster because it suited him, because when he was done, white boy was going to get a surprise! . “Ah, ah, ah, ah-hah!” White boy moaned and Galen knew he was about to come. Yeah, come on you little prick, come on and shoot it, and I’ll swallow you down and then I’ll ram mine into you! . “Ah, ah-hah, ah-huh, uh, uh, guh, huh-huh-huh, UGH-GUHHHH!” White boy whimpered and there it was, he was coming. .


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Mrobby

Hot Night

The heat wave lay like a fur-lined black-leather glove over the city, covering it with blackness as it smothered everything with heat. A dampness had risen all day, the sweat of several hundred thousand people pouring out the toxins of their body in salty, rash-making itchy sweat, the water evaporating from the pools and the water of the opened fire hydrants, moisture from everywhere and nowhere,


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