Gay Erotic Stories

After Practice Special

by Tnnsfreak

It all started when Adam went off to college on his baseball scholarship. He had worked up quite a toned body and was excited about the locker-room scene after practice. He had met the coach before while on a campus visit. His chiseled face and masculine good looks did not go unnoticed to the horny 18 year old. Whenever he thought the coach, Coach Ryan Clark, wasn't looking he took quick glances at all the coach had to offer.

Adam stood 6'2" with 190 lbs. of pure muscle. His high school coach had whipped him into shape getting him ready for his college tryouts. He stayed after practice to work on both technique and weight training.

When Adam showed up for the first day of off-season training he drooled looking at all of his teammates. As practice went on Adam had a hard time keeping his mind on the drills. His eyes kept wondering over to Hunter a hunky senior. Hunter was a guy you would see adorning the pages of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue. You could see the beautiful bubble butt and tight body right through the baseball uniform.

Coach Clark saw Adam checking out the guys around him and noticed his unfocused work ethic. After a few similar practices Coach Clark pulled Adam aside and confronted him telling him to run 10 extra laps with a buddy to remind himself to focus a little more during practice. Coach Clark's choice for a buddy just happened to be Hunter who didn't mind a little extra workout. By the time Adam and Hunter were done with their laps everyone else had showered and left. As they entered the locker-room coach told them to shower up and then report to his office. Adam was a little nervous to shower with just Hunter because of his lust toward him. He was afraid of getting a hard-on and Hunter finding out about his feelings. As he walked to the shower he noticed the shower was already going, but he heard voices. To his surprise there stood coach and Hunter embraced in a very passionate kiss. Adam was instantly hard.

Coach noticed him and slowly walked over to him and said, "So I wasn't wrong when I saw you drooling over Hunter here. You think he's a good baseball player, just wait till you feel his sucking skills." With that Hunter got to his knees and slowly took in Adams 7" cock deep down his throat licking every inch with his tongue. Coach Clark, or Ryan as he told the boys to call him, just leaned against the wall watching the wonderful scene. When Adam was near his breaking point Hunter pulled off. They all wanted this experience to last longer. Ryan told Adam to get on his knees and suck his fat 9" cock. He couldn't wait and was on the floor lapping and sucking it before Ryan could blink. As Adam was pleasuring his coach Hunter started to eat his hole. Getting Adam ready for the ride of his life.

Ryan slowly pulled Adam up his body allowing him to lick his smooth six-pack and hairless chest including his over sensitive nipples. Ryan turned him around and bent him in half ordering him to suck Hunter's 8" cut cock while he plowed into him. Ryan slowly guided his cock into Adam's virgin hole being as gentle as he could. Then ramming his cock in out like there was not tomorrow. Adam was in heaven being penetrated at both ends. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. His wildest dreams were coming through. He was being fucked by his hot coach and sucking the star senior. Adam shot his load all over Hunter's legs as both men unloaded their spunk into his holes. He swallowed all of Hunter's load and could feel Ryan's load dripping out of his crack. The three of them feeling spent, showered up and left only to repeat this ritual every practice for the rest of the year. As Hunter graduated a new class came up with fresh meat to eat.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Tnnsfreak

After Practice Special

It all started when Adam went off to college on his baseball scholarship. He had worked up quite a toned body and was excited about the locker-room scene after practice. He had met the coach before while on a campus visit. His chiseled face and masculine good looks did not go unnoticed to the horny 18 year old. Whenever he thought the coach, Coach Ryan Clark, wasn't looking he took quick


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